The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 17, 1923, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 9. NO. 32
THE YEAR $1.60
Entertainment Success
The play given last Saturday
eveping by local high school
pupils wast a greot success. It
was witnessed by the largest
of people who have at any time
assembled here for asocial event
Proceeds totaled $76.21, which
is for the Student Body general
treasury. Nearl $90 is now in
their reserve fund, ready for the
next school year. The school
has raised about $155 this year,
H. A. Walter to Falls City
Rev. H. A. Walter announces
that he with his family will
leave for Falls City soon after
school closes to take charge of
the Free Methodist church at
that place. Mr. and Mrs. Walter
and three sons and daughter
have been in Maupin the past
three years, and have won the
respect of all who know them.
They have always been found of
the, most honorable type of citi
zens and it is with regret on the
Union Pacific to Talk to
Patrons Through
The Union Pacific realizes that the good-will of
its patrons is its greatest asset. It also believes
that a successful railway is the greatest asset of
any region or community which it serves.
The Union Pacific wants its patrons to feel that
the-railway is intimately interested in their wel
fare, and that the road is built, equipped and
operated especially to serve their transportation
The railway, like any other business has its
problems, some of which are not always thorough
ly understood by the public. For that rtason, the
Union Pacific will present certain of these prob
lems from time to time, and endeavor to explain
them, using only such statistics as are readily
Some of the topics suggested are:
The Misunderstood Railroad Earning Guaranty.
New Eqipment and Capital Improvements for
the Union Pacific.
What the Union Pacific Pays in Taxes.
The Railroad and the Farm.
Preventing Accidents at Grade Crossingsv
Who Owns the Union Pacific?
Expediting the Movement of Freight CaiV
The Facts About Freight Rates.
Where the Union Pacific Dollar Goes..
Railroads Safe to Ride On, Unsafe to Walk On
It is planned to publish one of these short talks
in the form of an advertisement about the first of
each month in Newspapers along the Union
Pacific lines. It is hoped that this method will
tend to clarify Borne of the misconceptions about
railway operation, and that it will serve to inform
the public of the costructive things the Union
is doing.
Constructive suggestions will be welcomed.
Elder Province of The Dalles
expects to return the first of the
week to continue meetings here.
Examinations are now in pro
gress and school closes next week
Mrs. Chas. Miller of The Dalles
visited the fore part of the week
with relatives here. Mrs. G. L,
Harpham i3 returning to The
Dalles today to visit her daug'ht
er, Mrs. Miller.
Mrs. Lotta Miller of Portland
is visiting her son and daughter
Two marriage licenses Vere is
sued from the office of the county
clerk Saturday afternoon. The
contracting couples were: George
I... Miller, 20, and Leona C. Matt
hews 19, both of Tyerh Valley.
and Andrew Jackson Baiies, 40,
and May Irene Chubb 36 both qf
Found One Indian Robe in I,
0. 0. r . Hall after High school
play. Owner can obtain same
by iden ifying and paying for
this advertisement-Call at the
Times Uflire.
A comp my of gamewardens
are report; d to have created !
much comoth n at the Sherar f alls '
last Friday evening and evidwit-j
ly terminated, the big salmon'
catches there for this season.
F. D. Stuart and Geo. McDon
ald went t) Dnfur yesterday
afternoon to attend the bankers'
We would appreciate your trade. We sell the
best goods. We give the best service for the
least money in Maupin. Your dollar does double
duty at the
Harris Cash Store
part of all that they cannot
be persuaded to remain longer
in our midst. However. Mrs).
Walter's health is such that a
change is imperative.
Several local citizens were in
court attendance in The Dalles
the last of the week.
R. B. Bell is home again after
a few weeks vacation..
Mr. and Mr?. John William;
visited relatives here this week.
For Sale Nice Netted Gem
potatoes for table or seed 40 cts.
Pcr .sack at Maupin Whse. Co.
Dad Coale reports that V. J.
IlanTa ran off the bridge the
other day. No bones broken.
John Muir Sr. of The Dalles
who has been very is on the road
to recovery.
Aaron Davis is fencing his
residence property here. '
W. E. Hurst is building some
more rooms on the Frank Dyer
The new modern bungalow of
Bales Shutuck is practically com
pleted. Dufur avenue, with the
completion of the R. Juhnson
bungalow is graced. by about
tight new modern homes built
in the past eighteen months.
The Tygh Valley schools fire
giving their closing exercises
this Week. Three seniors have
completed the four year course.
Misses Lena Wing and Thehna
Bonney, and Winston Lake.
Little Ruth Batty is visiting
her aunt Mrs. L. C. Ilenneghan,
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ghas. Frank and
! Clare Davidson of The Dalles,
visited at the VanLaancn Ik me
over Sunday, leaving on the
afternoon train Monday for
North Junction where they
a couple days fishin.
Mother Awarded Child
Possession of Bernice Ilollis,
six-vear-old daughter of 11. D.
Hollis and Mrs. Bates Shattuck
of Maupin, was given to Mrs.
Shattuck by Circuit Court Judge
Fred W. Wilson Saturday after
noon. Custody of the child re
nains in the hands of the court
until further orders. Hollis and
his wife were divorced in Decern
oer, 1917, when the child was
jiven into the custody of a broth
er of the mother. Since that
time Mrs. Hollis was remarried
to Bates Shattuck, a Maupin
merchant. The suit was brought
by Hollis, who attempted to
have the divorce decree modified
so that he would'obtain possess
ion of the child--Chronicle
This case alti acted much inter
est with local people and Judge
Wilson's decision is considered
most satisfactory.
limn ieai
Irvine McCorkle who has been
is again able to attend school.
Mary 0"'Brien his returned to
school for the examinations,
Mr. and Mr3. Louie McCoy
spent several days in The Dalles
last week. Mrs. JVIcCoy return
ed Sunday.
Perle Eviek and fnnily return
ed from The Dalles 'lhursday
Clyde Flinn and Harold Stan
ton of Simnasho were Maupin
(to last page)
George L Miller and Mis3.
Leone E. Matthews were united
in marriage May 14th at the
Congregational parsonage in The
Dalles. RevrErnest Gouge offi
ciating. The immediate relatives
of the contracting parties were
witnesses of the rite. Both the
young people are residents of
the lower Tygh section. The
bride is the eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Matthews
and has just completed a very
successful term of school in the
White River district
The groom is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Miller and an em
ploye at the White River Electri
cal plant.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller have the
best, wishes of a host of friends
for a life of happiness.
Stock Shirrcents
Three cars of cat-le and one
of hogs were shipped from here
Saturday night, leaving at 1 a.
m. and arriving in Portland
slock yards at 7:45 a. m. The
cattle .were shipped by F. M.
Confer, Ben Gabel, Ollie Both
well and Frank Feltch. Chas.
and Marion Fallow shipped the
hogs. Next Saturday night 0.
S. Wa'ters will send two cars
of cattle and G. W. Mallalt and
F. M. Confer each one car of
cattle to Portland. A week later
eight cars of stock will te Fent
from here. " " . '
Antelope Team
Eyes Tested
Saturdays and Sundays
Old Bank Building Maupin, Oregon
0. R. Dinwiddic
Registered Optician
All Right
Let's get out and see the boys perform
What say we get it started?
It doesn't cost much
Last Sunday
Eighteen Maupin rooters were out to
see the game
Let's add a cipher to 18 and make it
180 at least. Next Sunday
What Say
Maupin vs Antelope
Sunday, May 20th
Admission 25 and 35
Grocery and Meat Market
Everything for the Table
Have purchase a large quantity of Fancy Rome
llrauly applet ( lood solid stuff. Grown in the
fatuous apple diulricl of Smock.
If you do not know what Smock apples are buy a
box. We will guarantee that they arc th'J nicest
apples on Ihe market.
The Crandall Undertaking Co.
The Dalles, Oregon
Licensed Enbalniers Motor Equipment
Stall That Account
and when you 1 Link ef w 1'ank, think of our
Hank then come in and ect a ouuitited.
The man v.iih live dollar:- m lrf;(l with as
Ii courtny iy, (lie man with Ihi'usaiids.
You Need Us
We Need You
As busiiio ; friinda we are both made .stronger
Maupin State Bank
We Strive t Merit Approval