The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 19, 1923, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 9, NO. 28
THE YEAR $1.50
watch nr
Netted Gem Potatoes
$1.00 per sack. $1.50 per sack
selected for seed. North of
White River school house Lee
F. Jackson.
Four head of cattle, ear mark
crop off right ear not being able
to see brand plain cant tell what
it is. Cattle are on ray home
stead must be taken up at once.
Robert Carland.
Fishing and hunting licenses
may be obtained at R. E. Wilton
James Chalmers
Horse Shoeing and
General Blacksmithing
Plow Share Grinding
Maupin, Ore.
I.O. O F.
' Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon,
meets every Saturday night in
I. O. O. F. hail. Visiting mem
bers always welcome.
F. D. Stuark, Secretary
B. D. Fraley, N. G.
Dr. T. DeLarhue
' Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby's Drug atcre,
The Dalles, Ore
Phone Black 1111
We would appreciate your trade. We sell the
best goods. We give the best service for the
least money in Maupin. Your dollar does double
duty at the
Harris Cash Store
Douglas MacLean
The comedy drama special cf the year had second run
at Liberty theatre, Portland. The story of a man
who conquered fear, of a maid who loved horses, of a
horse that won the greatest race ever filmed, You.
will laugh until you cry and want to cheer when the
Hottentot wins.
Admission 25 and 50
- A Guaranteed Show
Eyes Tested
Saturdays and Sundays
Old Bank Building Maupin, Oregon
O. R. Dinwiddie
Registered Optician
Criterion News
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Gray
of Bend spent the weekend with
Mrs. Gray's sister, Mrs. Albright
Miss Beryl Robison is spending
the week at Bend Oregon.
Mrs.. Ed. Wilson of Shaniko
spent the week end visiting at
the home of Mrs. Dave Wilson.
Miss Alma Hall spent Sunday
visiting her mother Mrs. J. Hall.
The trapper is makit g his
rounds again this week.
Miss Fischer spent the week1
end at Maupin. !
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kianer
are the proud parents of a baby
boy born Sunday April 8th.
Edgar Hall and Tom Braskttt
left Thursday for Prineville.
Men Wanted
at Linn & Sons' mill; three men
in the mill; two men in . woods
falling and bucking. Will con
tract. Phone 16F2.
Bids For Wood
The Board of Directors of Mad
ras Union High School, Madras
Oregon will teceive sealed bids
for 70 cords of wood to delivered
and corded on the school grounds
not later than July 15th. 1923.
Wood measured on the
grounds. Bids will be accepted
for fir, pine, or juniper in four
foot lengths and not more ..than
10 inches at the large end. Bids
will be opened May 5th. 1923.
The Board reserves the right to
reject any or all bids. A. Louis
Lambert, Clerk Madras, Oregon.
April 15
Madge Bellamy
Around Mail pin
R. W. Richmond brought a
truck home from Portland the
other day. Having applied for
the necessary plates from the
secretary of state, Mr. Rich
mond thought he would be per
mitted to drive the machine home
wearing a dealers license, but
states he was held up for the
$77.00 at The Dalles.
A fine 7 pound daughter ar
rived last Friday April 13, at
the A. Locke homo here, and
seems to be the most welcome
baby sisterever belonging to two
proud little brothers; her name
is Margie Irene.
Wapinitia Rebckah Lodge gave
a benefit social at the hall last
night for the childrens home in
Portland. A short program was
well rendered and games were
pVyed after which supper was
s-rved at 30 cents per plate.
$10.00 was realized.
S fiulding Base Ball goods at
Maui, in Drug Store.
Aaron Davis and Belle Hough
ton, kcal young people were
married in Portland Saturday,
and re. timed home this A. M.
They will reside in the grooms
bungalow on 6th street which he
recently pun hased from George
Cunningham. The Times join
their many fiiondsin best wishes
Roy Batty and family visited
at the Henntghan and Van
Laanen homes in Maupin Sunday
Get Ready for fishing. We've
got the tackU thai t f ts the fish.
Maupin Drug Store.
Following is an extract from a
letter written to Mrs. . Locke
by her sister in Minneapu'is Minn
Dear Sis, "We nearly fainted
when we read in yourlelUi , bout
its being apple blossom ii.:u' in
your clime, for the day L lre
your letter came we had 10 in h n
of snow, heaviest we had ti. s
winter, no schools open, 'no ci.a
running, everything tied up, so
you can see where our apple
blossoms are. " Dated April 7th
While strolling down Deschutes
avenue last Monday evening a
couple members of The Times
force saw whom we supposed
was a young man practising some
steps on stilts, but upon arriving
closer we recognized Mayor Wil
son, who on finding himself ob
served dismounted from said
walking sticks.
Elder and Mrs. P. W. Province
pf The Dalles were guests at the
Times home last night, and were
accompanied home by Frank
Morrison. They, will return in
a few days and plan to hold a
series of meetings in the local hall
Legion Doings
Maupin Post73 meets every
first and third Mondays of each
month. BE THERE. Ex-ser
vice man fire you a member, if
not why? All visiting mem
bers are cordially invited.
J. Chalmers Com.
s A E. Mayhew Adj.
Music Students of Mrs. H. F. Bothwell
Two Pianos will be used
Maupin Schoolhou&e, April 29, 1923 9:30 P.M.
Everybody Welcome
Those students taking part in the program are:
Mabel Cyr, Leonard Driver, Mrs. Fern Jory, Charles
Bothwell, Winifred Kaiser, Doris Kelly, Mrs. L. D. Kelly,
Winston Lake, Nanmi Magill, Errna Morris, Akla Norval,
Hilda Norval, Merle Snodgrure, Doris Talcott, Lela Weberg,
Mabel Weberg, Helen Weberg and Jean Wilson.
At Tygh Valley
The Tygh Valley track meet,
in which grade and high schools
representing towns in southern
Wasco county participated Satur
day, was w'on by Dufur.
The meet was hard fought and
the last event, the relay was the
point maker that decided the
winner. Dufur made 88 points
and Tygh Valiey was second,
with 79.
The Dufur giade school woi
the grade division meet and the
Tygh Valley high school team
made the most points of any gigh
school team. The score3 of con -tending
teams are as following;
Dufur 8; Tygh Valley, 79; Mail
pin, 41 and Wapinitia, 23.
A heavy track was rather a
handicap, as it was almost im
possible for any real fast time to
bemads, according t A. K. Grcne
wald, who attended the meet.
The individual high point win
ners of the Tygh Valley meet,
will compete against The Dalles
high school on April 28. The to
be held here was originally sched
uled for Tygh Valley, but the
condition of the track there made
the change necessary The Dal
les Chronicle.
The high school baseball squad
annexed its second victory by
winning from the Tygh Valley
aggregation 11 to 4 Saturday at
Tygh Valley. The Dalles nine
tdisplayed a better brand of ball
than in the Centerville contest.
The Dalles team stowed the
game away in' the sixth inning
when six runs were mfde. Davis
for The Dalle3 pitched consistent
ball, allowing only two walks and
strikingoutsix men, while Brown
Tygh Valley, walked 10 men and
fanned eight.
W.isco high school is slated to
appear here Wednesday against
the Locals on Amotan field at 3:45
Another hard contest for The
Dalles nine will be the game
against Dufur there Friday after
nojn. The Dalles Chronicle
Sherara Bridge ,
Spring weather prevails.
Fishing season opened here
with quite p large number pres
ent for breakfast.
The new steel bridge which is
t o replace I he old wooden struc-
ture which h'a3 spann"! the
Deschutes river at this i lecp for j
many years ii rapidly rearing
eomption. Ths concrete work
is in progress now. The bridge,
however, will rot be open for j
traffic until the county makes.
the fill, therefore th? length of
time is uncertain.
Mrs. Delia Billing! of this
place is visiting friends in Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lucore ai.d
sons Friend and Milton motored
to Tygh Valley Tuesday evtring
Lot Rust wa3 a visitor atSher-
ars Bridge this morning.
Mibs Mary Martin of Maupin
(to last page)
Smock News
D. M. Stancliff has been ill
with flu but is again at his post
as teacher.
J. W. Farlow took his wife's
father Mr. Root, to The Dalles
on Sunday returning Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Beebe of
Wapinitia were over Sunday visit
ors at the Ed Wall home.
Farmers are busy plowing but
a number of them went up on
the ditch with F. T. Feltch as
Orin Farlow came up from his
ranch on the ' Deschuies to see
home folks on Saturday return
ingon Sunday evening.
The young folks gave a sur
prise on Sunday evening to Ethel
Led ford who had been away fin
some time at Hood River caring
for an invalid am.t She return
ed Tnursiay. A pleasant hour
was spent, and lime paasul all
to swiftly.
Carl Pratt's two children have
been suffering from bronchitis
the pist week. i
Everything for the Table
Spring is almost here. Rrtnombcr we carry
both Western and Eastern Grown Garden Seeds.
Seed Potatoes, Netted Gem, Gertificd Seed
grown by P. J.. Kirsch, $1.50 per sack.
Earliest of all.
Your Ground and Time is valuable. Plant
good seed.
A most complete grocery stock, and a good
line of Fresh and Cured Meats.
Watch our windows, for specials.
Will biy your veal. To get t lie top price kill
between 7 and 9 weeks old, be sure they are fat. A
little calf meal will do the trick. ,
We have it in 25 pound sacks.
We are trying to keep Southern Wasco County
money at home.
The Crandall
The Dalles, Oregon
Licensed Enbalmers Motor Equipment
Start That Account
and when you think of a Bark, think of our
Bank th n come in and pet a".'i,ninted.
The man villi five dollars is ir.:'d with as
, ink eourksy aa'lho man with tlovrauds.
You Need Us
Wc Need You
As IjusiiKfs friends' we are both made stronger
Maupin State Dank
We Strive to Merit Approval
Pioneer Reunion
The Old Wasco Pioneer Associa
tion will hold the Second Annual
Reunion on Wednesday, May 2nd
at the Civic Auditorium, an all
day session beginning at 10 o'
clock. An old-fashioned basket
dinner at noon. Pngram at 2.
Residence in Old Wasco County
prior to 1883 entitles you to mem
bership. Those who send their
names before May 1st, will be
placed on the charter
F. W. Wilson, Piesident
Lulu D. Crandall, Historian.
School Notes
The track meet was held last
Saturday. The schools and the
positions are Dufur, first; Tygh
Valley, second; Maupin, third;
and Wapinitia, f urih.
We' are no m preparing for the
play which we will present some
time in May. 1hi date will be
arranged later.
Ready prepared paints Maupin
Drug Store.
Undertaking Co.