The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 12, 1923, Image 4

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    The MauDiin i imes
Published Every Thursday at Maupin, Oregon,
JltSSIUNK K. MoKKISON, Publisher
Subscription: One Year $1.50, Six Months 75cts, Three Months 50c
Entered as second class mail matter September 2, 1914. at the
post office at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879,
That Turkey ia Undergoing a
rapid change of customs and
national ideals under the new
leadership, is perhaps indicated
in no more striking way than by
the changed attitude toward its
women. The Turkey with which
we have been familiar is one of
veiled faces, inaccessible femine
living quarters, and generally con
cealed women, lor men and
women to eat together, mingle
at ocial affairs, or pass adout
the streets openly in each other's
company, was considered im
modest. But these ideas have
been undergoing revision, and so
fur is the process now advanced
that the highest lady of the land,
Mrs.Mustapha Cemal, poured tea
the other day for foreign news
raper men at her country home
near Angora. This might be taken
as official recognition of the now
order for women in Turkey.
Youths' Instructor.
Charter No. 221 Ileserve District No. 12
At Maupin, in the state of Oregon, at the close of business,
April 3 1923.
Tsinna nnd rlisnnnnts. in fliidin t? rediscounts Bhown in
ilnm 5Q nnrl 30. if anv $138,708 42
Ovprrlrnt'ta. Rpetired and unsecured 332 76
IT H. rmvprmpnt. securities owned, includine those shown in
items 30 and 35, if any 346.50
Other bonds, warrants and securities, including tor
oicrn o-nvprnmpnr.. stale. municinal. corooration.
etc.. including those shown in items 30, 35, if any 2,773.17
Pnnkine- house $5893.42 furniture and fixtures
$3056 61 8,940.93
(ab) Cash on hand in vault and due Irom DanKS,
hunlfpis. and trust companies, designated, and
approved reserve agents of this bank 16,710 GO;
Checks on banks outside city or town oi re
porting bank and other cash items u '
Total cash and due from banks, items 8, 9, 10,11,
Total 167,887 3
16. Capital stock paid in 25, una
17. Sumlus fund
18. (a) Undivided profits .$2,730.12
(b) Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid
$1,950 56
19. Reserved for taxes, interest, or depreciation
20. Dividends unpaid ,
Demand Deposits, other than banks, subject to reserve:
24. Deposits due the State of Oregon, and deposits due
county or cities and other public funds .
23. Individual deposits subject to check 116,245.0.,
25. Cashier checks of this bank outstanding, payable
on demand 1,853 6C
Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, sub
ject to reserve, items 23, 24, 25, 23, $118,099.35
Time and Savings Deposits, subject to reserve and paya-
ble on demand and subject to notice: .
27. Time certificates of deposits outstanding 18.618.8e
Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand
and subject to notice, items 27. $18,618.85
30. . Notes, and bills rediscounted including
bonds or other securities sold under repurchase
agreements with contingent liabilities 3,30000
32. 1 Bills payable with federal reserve bank or with
other banks or trust companies
". Total $167,887.34
State of Oregon, County of Wasco, ss.
I, F. D- Stuart, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemn
ly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl
edge and belief. .
F. D. Stuart, Cashier.
Correct Attest: J. M. Conklin, L. C. Henneghan, Directors.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 10th day of April, 1923.
James C. Pratt, Notary Public
My commission cxires October 29, 1923,
.. 2.OO0.0C
M - - Goisig to
r'J H '' . i JL
The Parents and Teachers,
Association of Minneapolis made
a detailed investigation of juve
nile delinquency in that city and
recommended corrective steps.
"Suggestions" produced by what
the child sees, hears, or reads,
are given as the chief source of
crime. We would characterize
them all as occasions of sin.
Indulgence and laxity of par
ents are responsible for much of
evil according to this association.
That is very true. Lack of
parental control is responsible
for children meeting the occasion
of sin. Modern parents to a
great extent have disregarded
supervision of their children and
the result is juvenile crime in
abundance. The most sensation
al scandals have- recently been
brought to light in public high
schools of our large cities. 'Dope
Kings' have been discovered,
liquor parties are much . in
evidence not to say anything
about the varieties of petting and
parking parties, the San Antonio
school board very recently placed
the blame for parking parties at
local high schools on the parents
themselves. Too much liberty
is given the young people today
and as a resule of this lack of
parental control young boys and
girls find themselves in the occa
sions of sin and not strong enough
to resist. With no moral train
ing, no developement of will
power, the product of our public
school is not able to overcome
these "suggestions." Sou. Mes
senger, uaiiy American iriDune.
Meet you Friends at
Harpham Hotel or Confectionery
Something good to eat HOTEL
Something geed to drink Confectionery
Best of Candies
I have, opened a blacksmith shop for all
around blacksmithing at my old stand
opposite Woodcock's mill and am prepared
to do work at reasonable rates.
your car shabby and dull-appearing?
Would you have it take on the beauty
and gleam of a new one?
Motor Car Finish
will help you transform its looks and save
its surface. It will prevent rust spots
from becoming patches, and patches from
becoming perforations. Easily applied
the car is ready to drive in a day or two.
Popular colors.
Other products that help the motorist keep his car
trim and up-to-date: Acme Quality Auto Hood
and Fender Enamel; Acme Quality Auto Polish;
Acme Quality Auto Top Dressing; Acme Quality
Auto Engine Enamel
R. E. Wilson Co., Maupin
Bessie Moser, Plaintiff, vs.
Roy Moser, defendant.
To HoyMoser defendant:
In the name of the State of
Oregon, you are hereby required
to appear and answer the com
plaint filed' agaimst you in the
above entitled cause on or before
six weekB from the date of the
first publication of this summons
and if you fail for want there of
the plaintiff will take decree and
judgment against you for a
divorce; for the care, custody
and control of Gilbert Ulric
Moser; and for such other relief
as to the court shall seem
This summons is served upon
you pursuant to-an order made
bv the Judgerof the above entit
led court on the 27th day of
March. 1923. which order re
quires you to appear and answer
the complaint within six weeks
from the date or the first publi
cation of this summons.
The first publibation of this
summons is the zvtn day or
March, 1923.
Frank G. Uick
Attorney for Plaintiff
Post-office Address The Dalles,
Mrs. Agidiu,s' mother, Mrs.
Morast returned home to The
Dalles yesterday after a few
days caring for her daughter who
has been ill. ,
of the ownership, management, circula
tion, etc., required by the act of Con
gress of August 24, 1912, of Tne Mau
pin Times published weekly at Maupin
Oregon for April 1, 1923. state of
Oreeon Wasco county. Before
Department of the Interior
U . S. Land Oflice at The Dalles. Or
egon, April 9. 1923.
Notice is hereby given that
Troy A. Wallace
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on November
nth. 1919. made Homestead Entry
No. 021U99, and on Nov. 6, 1920 made
Additional homestead entry No. 02UC0
fnr f.1-2nw1-4. s1-2ne -4. sec. 22. Nl-
2me1-4, seI-4neI-4, Section 21, Township
6 south. Range 15 East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Register and Keceiver, Uniteo
Notary Public in and for the state and j States Land Office at The Dalles Ore
county aforesaid, personally appeared g0n, on the 19th flay ot May, isa.
.Tosuiline E. Morrison, who having been Claimant names as witnesses: P. T
dulv sworn according to law, deposes-Jones, P. E. Conroy, Harry Skinner,
Season opens April 15th, ARE
YOU PREPARED. If not see
Shaituck Bros, for the finest line
of tackle carried in town! Reels
Rods, Lines, Flies Baskets How
about it?
nnH anva that she is the owner, pub
lisher, editor, business manager of the
Maupin Times, and that tne ionowing
is, to tne nest 01 net iwwwicuc mm
bolief, a true statement of the owner
ship, management, etc., of the afore
said publication, for the date shown in
the above caption. That there are no
known bondholders, mortgagees, and
other security holders.
Jessiline Morrison.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 5th day of April, 1923.
t. u. Stuart.
My commission expires Feb. 29, 1924
In the "Hottentot," coming to
the Maupin theater on April 15,
Douglas MacLean plays the part
of Sam Harrington, a yachtsman
who is mortally afraid of horses
In real life MacLean isn't much
fonder of horses than is Sam
whom he impersonates. The
horse which he rides in the play
went "loco" in one of the scenes
and nearly broke his neck.
"Give me a dog anyday," says
MacLean. And I'm especially
fond of hot dogs, juicy ones em
bellished with a pickle and drip
ping with mustard."
-New Today-
For SalePure Bred White
Pekin Duck eggs $2.25 setting
of 9-Phone 17F4 Mrs A. L.
Three rooms to let B. F. Cook.
Wanted, a few brood sows.
A. A. Bonney. -
For Sale Fine white ducks eggs
$2.50 per setting of eleven Phone
16F3-Mrs. J. Shipflin.
L -L -
N. W. Flinn, Prop.
The Dalles
Rooms 50c to $J.OO
Meals, family style 40c
For Sale 6 or 8 tons nice clean
hay 1922 crop $15 per ton in
stack can deliver to . Maupin
reasonable-Otto Herrling.
For Sale Two Bantam roosters
at 11.00 each Inquire of Mrs
For Sale Eggs from Mam
moth White Pekin Ducks. Bi eed
ing stock took 1st prize at Wasco
County Fair. $2.50 setting of
eleven eggs. Place orders early
Robert Ellinwood Maupin Ore
gon Route A.
Arthur C. Wallace, all of Shaniko, Ore
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles.
Oregon, April 5, 1923.
Notice is hereby given tnnt
Bertha R. Kirsch, formerly Herrling,
of Criterion, Oregon, who on June"b,
1922, made Additional Homestead entry
No. 022048, for F,t-2swl-4, wl-2sEl-4,
section 27, nwI-4 ne1-4, n1-2nv1-4,
section 34, T. 5 south, R 15 east, Nwl-
4Nwl-4, Section 25, Township b souih
Range 14 east, Willamette menuian,
has filed notice of intention to
make three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described.
before F. D. Stuart, United states mm
missioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the
18th day of May 1923. -
Claimant names as witnesses: B. F.
Herrling, C. A. Iuus, D. li. Appling
H. F. Sinclair, all of Criterion, Oiegon
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
TT S. I.snd Office at The Dalles. Ore
gon, April 5, 1923.
Notice 18 nereov given inai
of Criterion, Oregon, who on February
021387, and on Nov. 19, 1020 road 'ad
ditional homestead entry No. 021388
ne!-4ne1-4, section 12, T 7 south, R. 14
east, Lota a, a, 4, o, o, sti-inni-,
El-23wl-4, section 6, NEl-4Nwl-4, Sec
tion 7, T. 7 south, R. 15 east, Lot 4,
sEl-4swl-4, swl-4SEl-4, Township 6
south, Kange lo east, vvniHineue me
ridian, has filed notice of intention
,1,,-. f trt rt(nb!kb
claim to the land above described, be
fore t. U. Stuart, u. s. omniissiontT
at Maupin. Oregon, on the 18th day of
May, 1923.
Claimant names as witnesses: P.J.
Kirsch, C. A. Duus. D. B. Appiinp,
Malcolm McDonald.-alt of Criterion,
J. w. uonneuy, rtegister.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, April 5, 1023,
Notice is hereby given that
John Robert McKen
of Maupin, Oregon, who on November
15. 192i made Additional Homestead
Entry No. 0225 for e!-2se1-4. Section
12. NEl-4, SE1-4NW1-4, Nwt-4sEl-4,
Department of I he Interior
U. s. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, April 5, 1923.
Notice is hereby given that
John Foley
of Maupin, Oregon, who on October
31st, 1919, made Homestead Entry No.
017323 for sl-2swl-4, Section 12, wl-2,
wl-2sEl-4, se1-4se1-4. Sec 13. e1-2nw1-
4. sw1-4ne1-4. Sec 24 Township 5 south
Range 14 east, Willamette Meridian
has filed notice of intention to make
three year proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, betore r. i.
Stuart. United states Commissioner,
at Maupin, Oregon, on the 15th day
ot May, 1923.
Claimant namen as witnesses: J. H
McMillan, A. T. Lindley, G. C. Alien
Geo. Moss, Frank Dyer, all Maupin,
J. W. Donnolly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U, S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, March b, 1923.
Notice is hereby given that
Waldo L. Fischer
of Maupin, Oregon, who on Nov. 20,
1920. made Homestead Entry, No.
022089, for Lots 3, 4. El-2wl-2, section
61, T 0 S, R 14 E, LOtS i, Z, 3, 4, SEI-4
neI-4, section 6, and Lots 3, 4, section
5. of Township 6, south, Range 14
East Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make three year
proof, -to establish claim to the land
above described, Delore i. L). btuart,
United states Commissioner, at Maupin
Oregon, on the 24th day of April, 1923.
Claimant names as witnesses: B. F.
Turner, Geo. Moss, H. D. Hollis, Hen
ry Richardson, all of 'Maupin, Oregon.
J. W. Uonnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, March 15th, 1923.
Notice is herebv iriven that
William H. Shelly
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on Nov. 10
1919, made Homestead Entry No. 019866
for swl-4sEl-4, section 22. SE1-4NW1-4,
wl-2NEl 4, section 27, Township 5 south.
Range 15 east. Willamette Meridian, has
tiled notice of intention to make final
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Register and
Keceiver, unrted states Land umce
The Palles, Oregon, on the 25th day of
Claimant names as witnesses: P. E.
Conroy, A. J. Conroy, Mary Conroy
all of Shaniko, Oregon, John Manion,
Maupin, Oregon.
J. W. Donnolly, Register.
All persons are hereby notified to
file their objections, if any, to the final
section 13. Township 6 south, Range 12 j account of the administrator of th
east, Willamette Meridian, has lded
notice of intention to make time year
proof to establish claim to the land
above described, before F. I1. Stuart.
United states Commissioner at Maupin,
Oregon, on the l'Jth day of May, 1923.
Claimant names a witnesses: O. L.
Paipiet, John Pen liette. Tom Kienztl,
J. M. Abott, all of Wapinitia, Oregon.
J. W. Donnv!!y( EejjiiUr.
Lstate Of William li. rarlow, on or
before April 7. 1923. at 10:00 A. M
which is the time fixed by the County
Court of Wasco County, Oregon fcr
the settlement of said final account,
and the County Court chambers in
Dalles City, Oregon is the place fixed
for hearing said account.
Charles N. Farlow, Administrator.
Frank G. l'ick, Atty.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, Marcii, o, t'jj.
Notice is nereuy given mat,
Albert E. Troutman,
of Maupin, Oregon, who on October
20, 1920, made Additional Homestead
entry No. 010912 for El-2swl-4, section
7, wl-2NEl-4, E1-2NW1-4, Lot 2, NEl-
lsWl-4, section 18 township b soutn,
Range 14 East, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
three year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
F. D. Stuart. U. S. Commissioner, at
Maupin, Oregon, on the 17th day of
April, 1923.
Claimant names as witnesses: t,. J.
Fischer, VV. L. Fischer, Henry Rich
ardson, B, F. Turner, all of Maupin,
j. w. ronneuy, itcgister.
In the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Wasco
B..A. Kliks, )
Plaintiff, V Notice
vs. ) of
Joseph Traxtle, Ed )
Traxtle, Everett A. V Sheriff's
Nelson and Nellie Nel ) Sale
son, his wile, urace I
Nelson, a minor and )
Elmer Nelson, a minor i
Defendants. f
Bv virtue of an execution is
sued out of the above entitled
cause and Court, dated March
13th, 1923, to the undersigned
Sheriff of Wasco County, direct
ed, based upon that certain
judgment order, decree and or
der ot sale, made in the above
entit'ed cause and Court, dated
March 9, 1923, wherein it was
adjudged and decreed that the
plaintiff, B. A- Kilks, recover
from the defendant, Joseph
Traxtle, the sum of $548.57,
with interest at 10 per cent per
annum; plus the following sums
with interest at 6 per cent per
annum, to-wit: The sum of
$111.03, taxes advanced, plus
the sum of $75.00 as plaintiff's
reasonable attorney fees, and
the costs and disbursements
taxed at $30.80, all of. which
sums bear interest from the
date of said decree, March 9,
1923; and further, said Writ
commanded me to make sale of
the - following described real
property, to-wit:
The Southwest quarter of the
Northwest Quarter and the
Northwest Quarter of the South
west Quarter of Section 26, and
the South Half of the Northeast
Quarter and the North Half of
the Southeast Quarter of Section
27, all in Township 3 South of
Range 12 East of the Willamette
Meridian in Wasco County, Ore
gon, containing 240 acres.
Now, therefore, by virtue of
said execution, said Judgment
Order, Decree and Order of Sale
and in compliance with the com
mands of said Writ, I will, on
Friday, April iO, 1923, at 10:00
o'clock A. M., at the east front
door of the Wasco County Court
House, at The Dalles, Oregon,
sell at public auction, subject to
redemption, to the highest bidder
for cash in hand, all the right,
title and interest 'which any of
the within named defendants,
and each of them, had.on Febru
ary 15, 1913, the dat- of the
mortgage herein iuree sed, or
since that date, had in or to the
above described real property,
or any fart thereof, in order to
satisfy said execution, judgment
order, and decree, interest, costs
and accruing costs.
Dated March 13, 1923. .
Levi Chrisman,
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon