The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 12, 1923, Image 3

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Excellent Cafe Hpeulul
11th and
I f III! ill
Writ for Price, and Shipping Tain
Page & Son
Portland, Oregon
Jack King Curei (t. Ladies and Genta Exam
ination free. 207 Dekum bldg., Portland, Ore
Right Down Town
Park and Morrison Sta., Portland, Or
Ch earful Large Lobby. Well furnlihed room,
with all modern convenciencea. Pricea fl.00 up.
You will cartalnly foal at homa here.
W. J. Solield, Manager.
Cleaning;, carding and mattresses. Crystal
Springs Woolen Mill., 760 Umatilla, Portland.
Protect that Idea with a United
Statu Patent. Others have made fortunes
out of Patents. Why not you? Thomas
Hyeu, 202 Steven Bldg., Portland, Ors.
for farm produce brings producer bet
ter returns. We like to tell you of
our plan.
21B Front St. Portland, Or.
BE po.itivelr and perma
nently cured of your Pile,
by a highly specialized phyai
cian. My method i. non-.we-ic.l,
palnlaw and GUARAN
TEED to cure you. Sead fa
FREE illustrated book.
Whan Milk Cows Are Watered Infra
quently It Is Poor Policy to
Supply Ice Water.
When a cow drinks water, her body
at once sets to work raising It, If
necessary, to the same temperature as
exists normally In the body. In order
to warm the water taken In, heat Is
just as necessary as it Is to warm a
kettle of water on the stove.
To provide the heat necessary, the
blood and Internal organs give up a
portion of their supply until more Is
supplied from food "previously con
sumed. As the milk cow is a heavy
consumer of water, much heat Is re
quired to warm it. Consequently when
cows are allowed "to drink water that
Is very cold, a high percentage of the
feed eaten Is required to heat It. If
It 1 true that some heat 18 being
given off from the body all the time
and when the amount of water taken
in at one time Is small the loss is un
important. But when the cows are
watered only once or twice dally, and
then get near ice water, they are like
ly to suffer Injury and more feed Is
necessary. Stated briefly, it Is a ques
tion of balancing good feed and the
cow's time digesting it, against the
cost of a good tank heater and a few
palls of cobs or coal. The man Inter
ested in getting the most out of his
cows and In their comfort will not
expect them to be their own tank
Mistaken Idea to Think That Certain
Time Must Elapse Before
Feeding to Stock.
What Is the best time to begin feed
ing silage, Is a question which Is In
teresting many dairy farmers.
The specialists on live stock feeding
say that the time to begin using si
lage Is when the dairyman needs It;
they feel there hi no Justification for
j Department Announces Move to Cut
Down the Burglarlee of Small
er Offices.
! Washington. To check the preva
lence of burglaries of the smaller and
iless protected post offices, the Post
;Offlce department announced It had de
cided to reduce the stocks of stamps In
those offices to a minimum.
' This has been made possible through
Yon Will Pl
Rl art-it mi Horn Hart.
Weekly Hatee Unr. Meete All Trains
Stark, Portland, Ore.
Portland, Oregon
Complate Cheng Saturday. Adults, Matinee. 20c:
Evanlngt, Htfe. Continuum 1 to 11 p. m. Children
lOwntiall tlmei,
A nod plae to Eat and Live Well
Remarkable 40c luncheon at noon.
Opan 7 a. m. to 2 a. m.. 1X14 Yamhill St
CO. IffM
Address Department B
Now la tha time to market
caponi. We ara ploneere and
lament handler, of tliaaa in tha
Northwest. Writaua.
Cut, aeam. bam and maehin. fiC .nt.
pleat akirta ready (or band. OJ ull
Hemstitching, picotingand tucking.
B6Vi Fifth St. Portland. Ore
Sanitary Beauty Parlors We fix you up,
we make ail kinds of Hair Uooda of your
combings. Join our Bchool or Beauty
Culture. 400 to 414 Dekum Bldg., Phone
Broadway 6902, Portland, Oregon.
Northwest Welding & Supply Co. 88 1st 81
For reliable Cleaning and
Dyeing Bervice send parcels to
us. We puy return postage.
CJjfl Information and prices given
MfftrtV upon request.
Established 1890 Portland
Clark Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison Bt
Commercial Iron Works, 7th & Madison.
errtm- rnDDBrTinMl.T
t Featherweight Arch Supports made to
order. J. fc. I ryzeiaar, sis kiuock biock,
Teachee trade in 8 weeks. Some pay while learn
ing. Poaitiona secured. Write for catalogue.
234 Burnaide street, Portland. Ore.
Guaranteed dental work. Crowns 15.00,
Plates J IB. 00, Brldgework (5.00 a tooth.
Teeth extracted by gas. Latest modern
methods. Dr. Harry Semler, Dentist, 3rd
ind Morrison, 2nd floor Alluky Bldg., Port
land, OnWrltej)r phone for appointment
Strawberry and Raspberry Plants
Write Platers Gardens, 3913 W. Queen
Ave.. Spokane, Wash., for pricelist ever
bearing strawberry and raspberry plants
and sava money.
MONUMENTS E. 3d and Pin St.
Otto Hchumann Granite & Marble Work
Marry If Lonely; most successful "Horn
Maker"; hundreds rich; confidential;
reliable; years experience; descriptions
free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Naah,
BoxBH, Oakland, California.
Wedding Bouqueta and Funeral Plca
Lubllner Floriats, 348 Morrison St
the Idea that a certain time must
elapse between the filling of the silo
and opening it for use.
Experiments made-at the state col
leges of the country Indicate that fer
mentation starts almost as soon as the,
corn Is placed In the silo, and that the
greatest change takes place during the
first five days after filling. After 1?.
days, fermentation is practically com
plete, and the silage undergoes very
little modification after two weeks.
Some farmers do not know that sil
age will keep for a long time. Ex
periments indicate that silage Is as
palatable after several years as (hat
which has been kept only a few
months. .
Although moldy silage apparently
does not injure mature cows, It has
been found to affect the health of
calves and horses. To be on the safe
side, careful farmers discard the
moldy silage from the top of the silo.
Moit Reliable Method Is to Figure
Her Actual Butterfat Produc
tion by Weight.
The most reliable way of getting at
the real value of a dairy cow Is to fig
ure her actual butterfat production.
This can be done by weighing the milk
produced by each cow and by deter
mining the per cent of butterfat
through occasional tests of the milk
with a Babcock tester.
the adoption of a policy by which large
stocks of stamps are kept at central
accounting offices In each state by
which they can reach any office within
the state within 24 hours. Hereto
fore the stamp supplies have bad to
be sent from Washington.
Ancient Egyptians, at the death of
cats, embalmed them and put them
In expensive tombs.
" i
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Popcorn and Pink
lii, mil, by aUClur N.
"Well," said Uncle Jack at the
breakfast table, as be unfolded bis
uapkln with one flick, "1 suppose next
week I have to make a sacrifice of
myself, neglect my business, aud waste
the whole of a rare June afternoon.
How about it, Billy?"
Ills young nephew, at the sound of
bis name, lifted . uncomprehending
eyes from his matutinal egg-toast-cocoa
combination. "What you say, Uncle
Jack?" be asked.
"Ob, nothing. Nothing at all. At
least, nothing of Importance. I mere
ly remarked" here this exasperating
young man paused, then added Im
pressively "that the circus, the really,
truly circus, stupendous, uupara
lelled "
"Circus, Uncle Jack? Circus? Ob,
gosh, Uncle Jack, going to take me?"
Now the reader must be Immediate
ly disabused regarding Uncle Jack's
apparent reluctance to go to the cir
cus. Uncle Jack would rather go to
the circus than do almost anything
else, unless It were to spend the equiv
alent hours In the company of Miss
Caroline Prescott an alternative,
however, which was out of the ques
tion. For only yesterday Jack with con
siderable vehemence for him, bad told
that tantalizing young woman that he
was beastly sick of being fifth vice
president In the firm of devoted Fetch
& Carriers l'or her ladyship and was
ready to sell out all shares at once to
the latest comer. Caroline had re
turned a retort discourteous, and, an
other one of the vice presidents arriv
ing Inopportunely, Jack had taken tui
abrupt departure.
Now the question reasonably arises
as to Just why Jack should have ex
pected any special consideration. He
did so on the grounds of having
squired Caroline ever since he bad
first held her miniature umbrella over
ber bead on the way to kindergarten
and of having asked her to marry him
semi-annually ever since she was sev
enteen and he nineteen some five or
six years ago. But with each passing
year she had added new charms and
piquancies which attracted new admir
ers until It looked as if her old-time
companion would be crowded out of
the running.
So much for the preliminaries which
helped to bring about Billy's circus
trip. Sailor-suited and exuberant, he
trotted along by his uncle's side and
explored the dusty environs of the
grounds, poked peanuts at the trunk
waving elephants, gazed - rapturously
at South American anteaters and Aus
tralian marsupials suddenly and un
scientifically become neighbors, and
finally in the awed silence of expec
tancy, entered the big tent and headed
for grandstand seats.
"Walt, uncle. There's Jean. Walt,
Uncle Jack I"
"Now BUI, if we expect to get our
seats before someone else does never
sat In my own seat at a circus yet,
For Billy was tugging backward at
his uncle's hand. "Walt for Jean.
She's hurrying like everything. Her
Aunt Caroline " .
At the name, Jack halted abruptly,
and somewhere In the back of his
mind an association of Ideas began to
form. Jean Caroline's niece 1 Yes,
there they were, sure enough, although
from Caroline's unconcern he felt sure
she had not seen him. Fresh and cool
In green linen and wide hat. Lord I
how attractive she was and what a
darn shame he couldn't follow his im
pulse to rush wildly over. . Yet dignity
demanded that he stick by his guns.
Through the performance which fol
lowed, Jack was quite as conscious
that Caroline was sitting directly In
back of him, three rows up, as if he
had had eyes In the back of his bead,
or as If Billy hadn't told him. He
held himself stiffly and refused to re
lax even at the utmost efforts of sear
human monkeys or bouncing clowns.
Why had Caroline come to the circus
without bringing along at least one of
her escorts?
The afternoon seemed as long to
Jack as It was brief for Billy, but the
moment finally arrived when the last
chariot race had been won, the span
gled beauty bad defied death and the
laws of gravity for the last time, and
the greatest show on earth, In a blare
of trumpets, was over until evening.
Jack rose, determined not to glance
around, yet somehow or other in the
slowly-moving crowd Jamming- the
aisles he managed to keep always In
sight a bit of green linen. Half-way
to the entrance one of those Inexpli
cable occurrences took place which
arise from very small beginnings. A
muffled explosion from an automobile
outside, the roar of a hungry Hon In
Its cage something alarmed the mob
at one of the exits. Immediately the
spirit of panic permeated the atmos
phere. People who bad been patient
ly waiting space to move, pressed for
ward. Common sense Indicated that
in a moment the place couldn't help
but empty Itself. Yet In that moment
how much could happen I
Somehow, Jack got Billy on bis
shoulder, elbowed a bit shead, and
slipped his arm about a figure In green
linen. "Keep tight bold of the young
ster," he urged, and managed to draw
the two of them out on to a row of
seats. .
"There! That's better!" he said.
"Although the trouble's over, I Im
agine." Then be began to feel em
barrassed and avoided looking directly
at Caroline, whose own cheeks were
Billy unintentionally Increased the
tension. "I guess," be began Impor
tantly, "you're glad, Miss Caroline, I
told you my Uncle Jack was going to
take me to the circus. I guess"
"Caroline I Did you did you
"It was a satisfactory circus," said
Caroline. "Wasn't It?"
"Oh, Caroline," said Jack humbly,
so low that the children couldn't hear,
even If they bad not been comparing
notes, "I'm sorry for all I said that
afternoon. Take me back and I'll
I'll be office boy!"
But Caroline, who still retained a
thrilling memory of the feel of Jack's
arm about her waist, shook her head
gently. "Let's go Into partnership,"
she murmured, "and freeze out the
others I"
"Don't forget, Uncle Jack," remind
ed Billy, whose upbringing was dletetl
cally perfect "I can have some pop
corn and pink lemonade. It's a spe
cial occasion, you know I"
"A special occasion? I'll say It Is,
old man!" exclaimed his uncle fervently.
8cene Presented at University of Cali
fornia Has Been Likened to
Musleal Comedy.
On the University of California
campus-the sun blazes on a white cam
panile, on the white faces of huge new
buildings, on the mountainous, smooth
brown hills that climb up behind the
campus, and far out through the haze,,
on the blue of San Frnnclsco bay. In
stead of sober New England elms, are
altltudlnous, half tropical eucalyptus,
with rustling, gray green leaves and
aromatic scent that somehow reminds
one of Australia or Kipling's lndja and
saddle horses and slightly arrogant
"coVn'nls" In rlillPT clothes.
The lawns are spotted with curious,
low spreading, Japanese-looking trees,
and under these trees students squat
on the grass with their books boys
and girls from California orchard and
vineyard country, Filipinos, Russians,
Japs and Chinese. The campanile bells
chime, and out of the white buildings
they pour In droves there have been
as many as 13,000 undergraduates at
Berkeley boys In corduroy trousers
and class caps, girls 4n pink and sky
blue silk sweaters, In all sorts of cos
tumes, from severe black and white
collars to French heels and picture
In the pause between recitations yon
will see a great covey of these airy,
fairy coeds laughing at one end of a
broad marble entrance, while a crowd
of boys, with an earnestness and aban
don Impossible at 11 o'clock In the
morning In the more self-conscious
East, are roaring "close" harmony at
the other. ' To anyone accustomed to
the stern monastlclsm of Cambridge
or Princeton, It Is like a scene from a
musical comedy. Arthur Kuhl In
Giant Butterflies.
It Is said that in the northern part
of New Guinea there are butterflies
so large that the natives hunt them
with the bow and arrow. They belong
to the species Troides chlmaera and
they are not only among the largest,
but among the rarest butterflies- In
tha world. Some specimens measure
eleven and one-half Inches across the
The males, which are very shy, are
found only at certain hours of the day
and at the tops of lofty blossom-bearing
trees. The natives sometimes
shoot the butterflies with four-pronged
arrows, and sometimes capture them
In nets made of spiders' webs. The
first specimens were taken to London
not so long ago by Meek, who had
spent more than twenty years In New
Guinea hunting rare varieties of birds
and Insects for American and Euro
pean collections. Washington Star.
Monosyllable Language.
In the monosyllabic languages the
words are composed of simple mono
syllabic roots Isolated, and, as a rule,
Independent of one another. In this
elementary form of language, the root
words correspond In their essence
with general conceptions only, and
are unrestricted by any notions of
person, gender, number, time, mood,
or relationship.
The principal monosyllabic lan
guages are the Chinese, Annamese,
Siamese, Burman and Tibetan. To
these may be added the Pegu In Brit
ish Burma, and the Kassla, confined
to a small district In the south of As
sam. "
True Way to Make Discoveries.
"Never refuse to see what you do
not want to see or which might go
against your own cherished hypoth
esis or against the views of authori
ties. .These are Just the clues to fol
low up, as is also and emphatically so
the thing you have never seen or heard
of before. The thing you cannot get
a pigeonhole for is the finger point
showing the way to discovery."
This advice to scientists and others
was given In a lecture by Sir Patrick
Manson, the celebrated British physi
cian who discovered that malaria is
caused by mosquitoes.
A Property Car.
"Youll never make a motor sale
"Why not, sir?"
"You tried to sell that movie actor a
flivver, Instead of showing him the
most expensive cars we carry."
"Don't misjudge me, boss. Ha Just
wanted something on four wheels to
drive over a cliff."
Jane Thomas
9 ..
4'1 .
Although she started out to master
the artist's brush, pretty Jane Thom
as, the "movie" star, received a flat
tering offer to go Into pictures and
proved so successful that she Is likely
to entertain the publlo for some time
to come. Miss Thomas weighs about
12$ pounds, has dark eyes and Is
equally successful In emotional and
comedy parts.
It Is a bad plan that admits of no modi
fications. Fublius Syrus.
TT HAS been said that decorative
flowers are; even more Important In
the arrangement of the dinner table
than the knives and forks; and true
it Is that the wise hostess takes as
much thought in arranging her center
piece as In seeing that the silver Is
freshly polished and properly ar
ranged. A fat pocketbook is not the only
tiling needed to make a tusfeful ilurul
arrangement on the dinner table. In
fact, one need have very little money
to spend in order to make an attrac
tive and tasteful arrangement. An
over-elaborate arrangement is no
longer In good taste. Towering floral
structures that really look like noth
ing so much as the "set pieces" that
the florists prepare for far less Joyous
occasions are really quite bad, and
the careful hostess does not leave the
matter to the florist, but makes sure
that something very simple In ar
rangement is selected. Except for a
children's party or a dinner that is
to be given In a spirit of extreme in
formality, paper decorations are not
In good taste either. A cluster of
roses or any other hothouse or garden
flowers attractively arranged In a
glass or silver vase Is a charming se
lection. The addition of ferns or snil
lax adds to the effectiveness. The
vase may be placed either on a bit
of embroidered or luce-trlnmied linen
or on a mirror that reflects the flowers
and candles so as to add to the gen
eral effectiveness of the arrangement.
A short time ago some of the shops
offered for sale rather splendid-looking
centerpiece devices that combined a
vase placed at the center of a silver
standard and little bonbon or salted
nut baskets that were hung up on the
sliver brackets that cume out from the
standard on all sides. This was rather
a clever arrangement, but It was not
In the best taste, for nowadays we
do not use food as part of the center
decoration, as was the case when won
derful centerpieces wera made of spun
sugar and pastry. The only exception
to tills rule Is In fuvor of choice fruits
occasionally combined with the flowers.
( by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.)
Earliest Known Machine.
The earliest known machine Is an
Egyptian crank drill, Invented before
8000 B. C.
Has a man like this ever pro
posed to you?
Symptoms: He doesn't smoke,
he doesn't drink, he doesn't
touch coffee, he doesn't like
cards. He always has milk
toast for breakfast and hot
milk to drink. He walks with
a girlish glide, and has a con
descending smile. He Is really
awfully thoughtful and you like
It, and he has been a very ador
able son to his widowed mother.
He has a medium good Job and
he Is quite satisfied with It, but
talks about all the big folk In
other bigger Jobs as If he were
sorry for them. . .
He Is a superior young man who
feels superior.
Prescription to bride to be;
n Be patient with bis great
goodness and calm.
Absorb this:
( by McClur. Newspaper Syndicate.)
'& ' ' v'
After Every Meal
In work or
Play, It gives
the noise and
! steadiness that
mean success.
It helps digestion,
allays thirst, keep
Ing the mouth cool
and moist, the throat
muscies rciaiea
and pliant and the
nerves at ease.
Man and the Flowers.
The fragrance of plants is not for
man's pleasure; it iu u means of at
tracting Insects to fortlllze them. The
object of many present-day florists Is
to Improve a flower in its coloring,
size and substance In short to "paint
the lily." They cannot Improve the
fragrance, which Is perhaps the reason
they seem to care so little for Its dis
appearance under their handling. Ex
change. Birds and Animals Exterminated.
Louis Agassiz Fuortes, the well-
known naturalist, says that about fifty
species of birds and animals have been
exterminated in the United States,
while several others are on -the verge
of extermination. ' The buffalo (or
bison) is not extinct, there being near
ly 70,000 living buffaloes In the United
States today.
Watch Cuticura Improve Your Skin,
On rising and retlrkig gently smear
the face with Cuticura Ointment.
Wash off Ointment In five minutes
with Cuticura Soap and hot water. It
Is wonderful sometimes whnt CutlcuM
will do for poor complexions, dandruff,
itching and red rough hands. Adv.
Original Use of Word "Dope."
The word "dope"' as applied to
drugs comes from the Dutch "doop,"
which in English originally meant a
thick liquid or semi-liquid. It was first
applied as a term for the treaclelike
preparation of the opium smoker.
Jazz Records.
Fond Mother "Jack writes home
and says that he has broken seven of
the college records one of them the
discus record." Poor Dad "More ex
pense! I suppose I'll have to send
him a check to cover the damage."
Tea Grown In Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania has a tea crop in the
vicinity o the Blue Mountains region
which largely supplants Oriental tea
In that district.
Postal Employees' Holidays.
January 1, February 22, May 30, and
Christmas are the holidays that are
given to employees of the postofflce
Birds' Attitude In Sleep.
Birds, with few exceptions, sleep
with their heads turned tallwar'd over
the back and their beaks thrust be
neath the wing.
That Word "Saffron."
The word "saffron" comes Into the
English dictionary from the Arabic.
The Arabs use the word "zafaran" to
designate a species of crocus with
light purple flowers which develop in
autumn. The plant grows in parts of
Asia and in the south of Europe.
Milwaukee Sentinel.
That's the Trouble.
A road hog can't decide which half
of the road he wants to use. Nash
ville Tennesseean.
"Some Baby."
At the time of its birth the giraffe
measures six foot from its hoofs to
the top of Its head.
1 the (lneat product of Ita kind in the
world. Every woman who haa uaed
It know till statement to be true.
Skin Tortured Babies Sleep
Mothers Rest
After, Cuticura
fVD,OinTri.TnVTtrwim,'M- rrywhr. rortamplae
uijrM: 0tteLbtr4tft,l)tpt X.HaJa,HaM,
Art You Satisfied? SSKSn
Is the blcrest, most perfectly equipped
Business Training School in th. North
west Fit yourself (or a hither posltloa
witb more money. Permanent poaluona
assured our Graduate.
Writ (or eataJof Fourth and Taaahlll,
P. N. U.
No. 15, 1923
Me- iilH