The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 12, 1923, Image 1

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J Pi Ll .
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOLi), NO. 27
THE YEAR $1.50
Netted Gem Potatoes
$1.00 per Back. $1.00 per sack
selected for seed. North of
White River school house -Lee
F. Jackson.
Four head of cattle, ear mark
crop off right ear not being able
to see brand plain cant tell what
it is. Cattle are on my home
stead must be taken up at once.
Robert Carland.
Fishing and hunting licenses
may be obtained at Ii. E. Wilson
James Chalmers
Horse Shoeing and
General Blacksmithing
Plow Share Grinding
Maupin, Ore.
I.O. O F.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon,
meets every Saturday night ie
I. O. O. F. hail.' Vitiling lmni
tWR ftlvvHVfl welcome.
F. D. Stuarr, Secretary
B. D. Fraley, N. G.
Dr. T. DeLarhae
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby's Prug uti le,
The Dalies, Ore
Phone Black 1111
We would appreciate your trade. We sell the
best goods. We give the best service for the
least money in Maupin. Your dollar does double
duty at the
Harris Cash Store
73 M
Douglas MacLean and
Madge Bellamy
in the
The comedy drama special cf the year had second run
at Liberty theatre, Portland. The story of a man
who conquered fear, of a maid w ho loved horses, of a
horse that won the greatest race ever filmed. You
will laugh until you cry and want to cheer w hen the
Hottentot wins.
Admission 25 and 50
Eyes Testec
Saturdays and Sundays
Old Bank Building; Maupin, Oregon
O. R. Dinwiddle
Registered Optician
School Notes
Mho roll of honor for the
month of Mutch in the primary
is Philip Stockton, Naomi Walter
Charles Bothwell, Reuel Walter.
Doris Doss, Wendell Lindley,
Melvin Lindley, Donald Locke,
and Arden Locke.
Rain and bad road3 kept many
from the institute last Satcrdry.
In the afternoon the seventh
grade from The Dalles demon
strated Socialized class work.
This was enjoyed by all. Ruin
stopped the ball game at the end
of the third inning. The high
school boys won from a mixed
We are putting more effort on
practice-for the track meet this
week. Don't forget the track
meet Saturday, April 14, at l:Gu
o'clock. There will be a ball
game in the morning. All the
parents and patrons of the school
are cordially invited to attend
the meet.
Bids For Wood
The Board of Directors of Mad
ras Union High School, Madras
Oregon will receive sealed bids
for 70 cords of wood to delivered
and corded on the school grounds
not later than July 15th. 1923.
Wood to be measured on the
grounds. Bids will be accepted
for fir, pine, or juniper in four
foot lengths and not ' more than
10 inches at the large end. Bids
will be opened May 5th. 1023.
The Board reserves the right to
reject any or all bids. A. Louis
Lambert, Clerk Madras, Oregon,
i neaire
A Guaranteed Show g
Around Maupin
W. 11. Staats is shipping water
cress from their spring here to
Portland markets.
Dr. J. L. Elwood and John
Confer motored to The Dalles on
Tuesday returning Wednesday.
Hay Kaylor and George Morris
returned from Eugene today.
Lester McCorkle was a Maupin
visitor yesterday.
Owen McCorkle, Miss Lillian
Luak and Miss Vina Ayers weri
Sunday visitors in Maupin.
Baldwin and Swope removed
their cement mixer from Maupin
last Sunday.
, Atty. E. B. Dufur arrived from
Season opens April 15th, ARE
YOU PREPARED. If not set
Shattuck Bros, for the finest lint
n. tackle carried in tow n. Reels
K .ls, Lines, Flies, Basket Hov
ab, tit it?
A bciiifit dance will be giver
at I. .ch Friday night, proceeds
to j.;o toward building an Ock
Felloi. o home for children, it
Portlui J. '
Spanning Base Ball goods at
Maupin 1 i ug Store. '
Mr, ami Mrs L. C. Henneghar
returned l;m Dufur Sundaj
after taking Mrs. Alice Batty ti
that place where she will receivi
medical treatment.
Mr. and Mi IraCrisham wen
Maupin Tuesday.
Mrs. I. S. Hull and daughtet
Edith of Spokane, fee visiting at
the home of the lo,.ners sister,
Mrs. E. A. C.yr.
Get Ready for fishing, We'vt
got the tackle that tele the fish.
Maupin Drug Store. - '
Gilbert Garland of Ca . i s Wn,
who had been a guest nf his
cousin Geo. Cunningham "or e
week returned home Sin
G. L. Ilarpham and two si. !'
grand sons, Henry and Lin toll
returned from The Dalles Mi i -day.
Mr. and J. G. Straight and
daughters of Oregon City were
Sunday visitors at the J. Shipflin
down TVsday from their Wapi-
nitia for a load of seed grain,
Season opens April 15th, ARIi
YOU PREPARED. It not set
Shattuck Bros, for the finest line
of tackle carried in town. Reels
Rod3, Lines, Fiies Baskets How
New telephone directories are
being printed in the Times office
this week for the Maupin Switch
board Co.
The TumALum Lumber
Company's effice building recei
ved a new coat of yellow this
week. II. A. Walter is weilding
the brush.
Bates Shattuck is having ex
cavation woik done oh his lot
south of the store for the base
ment of the modern home lit
will erect on it. An unusual
quantity of rock is having to be
displaced by blasts.
Legion Doings
Maupin Post 73 meets every
first and third Mondays of each
month. BE THERE. Ex-service
man are you a member, if
not why? All visiting mem
bers are cordially invited.
J. Chalmers Com.
A E. Mayhew Adj.
As garden planting time is at
hand all those having chickens
running at large within the
town limits will save themselves
trouble and their neighbors
much anoyance by keeping them
up. The city marshal has in
slructions to enforce the "thick
en ordinance" which require;;
chickens to be cooped up.
Council Notes
The Maupin council met in re
pillar session last evening in the
Bink directors room, with all
officers present and several visitors-.
Two bills were ordered paid.
The recorder was instructed tt
write Baldwin and Swope, asking
A'hen they will complete the sidi
walks. ,
An ordinance ammending the
building ordinance udd affixi.ig i
penalty was passed,
The water question was discuss
ed again.
' Herb Hammer, wife and son
Everett returned from Portland
Prof, and Mrs. Loyd went from
nere to attend the institute ai
Maupin last Saturdy.
Mrs. Mary Pechttie enteriaii.-
ed her brother Mr. Grenier one
night last week.
Arthur Pechette moved ' his
family from the Chappie house
ti the cottage owned by Mrs.
Eva Ilarpham, on Sunday.
Mrs. Alice Caapple has moved
into her house on north main
Mrs. Louia McCoy and Mir.
Gray visited Mr. McCoy at AI -bjtts
last Sunday. '
Dr. Elwood came up from
Maupin Sunday to see Grandma
De'coe w ho is sick.
Robert Magill visited his sister
Margaret at Wamic on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. S .N. Hill went
up to the. saw mill Sunday
The Linns were down from
Pine Grove Tuesday.
Mrs. Jacob Teschner carried
the mail to Slmnasho Tuesday.
Mr. Teschner ii sick.
Herb Hammer and wife motor
ed to The Dalles Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hartmau
left Tuesday for Portland to buy
new goods for their store. Mrs.
Gin.-, is staying with Crystal Hart
man, while hei parents are away.
Liille Ruth Hill was a year old
April, 10.
Freu Laughlin is plowing for
Henry l'eierson.
N. G. Hedin is h Portland.
R. E. Wilson of Man;. in, Was
a caller at Elliuwoods " J'uesday.
Bill Mapnard is dr.hi..g tor
Ben Forman.
Mrs. Walter Woodside and sen
Wallace returned from Duiui
Monday evening.
Criterion News
The April showers have stop
ped all field work ss we; I as ear
trafic since last Friday.
The board meeting at Lake
View was held last Saturday and
they report a new wood died
will soon be under way and some
other small Improvements to I e
made at the Lakeview school.
Mrs. Blanche Albright spent
Wednesday evening at the home
of Mrs. Bert Appling.-
Several were absent from Sun
day School Sunday on account
of the roads.
Marie Appling spent Thursday
night with Miss Robinson and
Mis. Albright.
Henry Kramer is working at
the Kramer and Grossman mill
near Tygh.
Margaret Albright was absent
from school last week on account
of sore throat.
Mrs. Grossman of Tygh Valley
is visiting at the home of her
daughter Mrs. Henry. Kramer
Ready prepared paints Maupin
Drug Store.
M. McDonald Hurt
Malcolm McDonald, a ranch
mrn of the Shaniko section met
with a very painful and serious
accident about five o'clock Tues
iay morning when his horse
bucked with him unexpectedly
vlr. McLennan who was nresent
.ud to go seveoal miles for help
o cany him cut. Charles Kra
mer and D. D. WiUm responded
vith a car and with much diffi
culty brought the injured man to
Maupin that afternoon. Dr. El
wood being away.sevcral of the
local Lvgion hoys remained with
Mr. McDonald at the Kelly hotel
and put him on the night train
for Portland where he is at the
Good Samaritan hospital.
Quarterly Meeting Notice
The last quarterly meeting of
tho conference year will com
me ice Friday at 7;tf0 P. M. and
w.ll last over Sunday. Un Satur
day 14 there will be an lticil
board met ting, and als-i a tircuit
and society nuttings-II A.
Everything for the Table
Spring is almost here. Remember wo carry
both Western find Eastern Grown Garden Seeds.
Gccd Potatoes Netted Gem, Certified Seed
grown by P. J. Kitsch, 11.50 per Back.
Earliest of all.
Your Ground arid Time is valuable. .Plant
good wed. '
A most complete gioccry stock, and a pood
line oi Fresh and Cured Meats.
Watch our windows for special?,.
Will biy your veal. To get the top price kill
between 7 and 9 weeks old, be sure they arc fat. A
little calf meal will do the trick.
We have it in 25 pound sacks. '
We are trying to keep Southern Wasco County
money at home.
The Crandall Undertaking Co.
The Dalles, Oregon
Licensed Enbalmcis Motor Equipment
Start That Account
and when you think of a Baidc. think of our
Bank then come in and fot act," tinted.
The man v.ilh five dollars is trcu d with as
n.ti'.li courtesy as the man with tL-owncV.
You Need Us
We Need You
As busiccFs friends we arc both made stronger
M CU-i.. !)..!.
.uaupui aiaie buhk
We Strive to Merit Approval
. Which Kind?
Why not try the rapid growth
Rhode Island Reds? See the
flock "and get hatching eggs from
Owen McCorkle.
To Badger Lake
Although the the trail to Bad
ger lade is not generally open un
til May, W. O. Fadley, district
game warden, and a force from
the Oak Springs hatchery, are
going to attempt so bret.k a way
t trough during the next seveial
days and establish a camp near
the outlet of the lake. It is ex
pected to trap rainbow trout in
Balger cre;k, ah ng the three
quarter mi e stretch which has
been closed to fishing. The trout
go down into the creek from the
lake to spawn. Aflcr they are
traced me eggs will he taktn
to the Oak Springs hattheiy and
the trout wiil be placed buck in
tho like. In this way Hadley
hopes to developean independent
egg supply lor the hatchery.
--The Dalles Chronicle.