The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 05, 1923, Image 1

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i IMLb
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 9, NO. 20
THE YEAR $1.50
Warning Notice
Do you know that at this time
of year the burning or burying
of decaying vegetable' or animal
matter will do much to keep
down the flies; also the removal
of manure piles. The city ordin
ance in regard to filth, rubbish
and manure which requires its
removal and a penalty for fail
ure to comply with it will be
rigidly enforced.
Netted Gem Potatoes
$1.00 per sack. ' $1,50 per sack
selected for seed. North of
White River school house Lee
F. Jackson.
Four head of cattle, ear mark
crop off right ear not being able
to see brand plain cant tell what
it is. Cattle are on my home
stead must be taken up at once.
Robert Carland.
Legion Doings
Maupin Post 73 meets every
first and third Mondays of each
month. BE THERE. Ex-service
man ure you a member, if
not why? All visiting mem
bers are cordially invited.
J. Chalmers Com.
A- E. Mayhew Adj.
Oak Grove Cattle Associa
tion Take Notice.
The'undersigned is going to
cultivate and plant crops on the
N of the SWi and the Ei of the
NW1 section 3 T. 6 S. R. 11 E.
W. M. Poison spray will be
used to eradicate pests You
are hereby notified to herd your
stock off the above described
property, or restore the fence
you willfully, maliciously, and
feloniously destroyed while said
property was held by you under
lease and in your possesion.
A. M. Daniels
I.O. O F.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon,
meets every Saturday night ir
. I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting men)
Oers always welcome.
F. D. Stuarr, Secretary
B. D. Fraley, N. G.
Dr. T. DeLarke
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
tiimiis 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby's Drug etrre,
The Dalles, Ore
Phone BUck 1111
Wapinitia ,
Members of Orlander Walter's
family have been quite sick
recently with flu.
Leonard Webergwas a Sunday
guest at Wapinitia hotel.
Roy Batty was sick Sunday.
Kov Woodside made a trip to
Maupin Sunday to mce,t his
father, Walter Woodside who
was returning from The Dalles
where lie went with his wife
and small son, Wallace. The
latter haviny been taken to the
hospital where an operation was
preformed on his throat. 1,'e is
doing nicely at this writing.
The egg hunt after Sunday
School was a source of much
pleasure to grown ups as well as
the children. Lauretta Delco
received the girls prize for find
ing the most eggs and Ralph
Hammer was the lucky boy A
number of the eggs were marked
and special prizes were given to
the finders. Lunch was sewed
at the church and everybody had
a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Driver
of Tygh .visited at the L. M.
Woodside heme on Sunday.
Percy Drn'er of Wamic was in
our midst Thursday.
George Beebe and family and
Herb Hammer's children spent
Easter at Pine Grove as guests
of Mr. and'Mrs. Ed Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sharpe
are working for F. G. Magill
during plowing,
Sam Wall, wife and children
were Easter guests of Mr. and
Mrs! Perle Evick.
L. D. Woodsibe made a trip to
Maupin Sunday morning taking
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rice, of
Portland who had been here
since Wednesday visiting his
parents Mr. and Mrs. Jackson
Mrs. Lois Gray went to The
Dalles on Saturday and returned
Sunday accompanied by her sis
ter Evelyn Kill. ' , ,
Ben Richardson came from
Prineville Monday, Mis. Bob
Cantwell and two children came
with him and visited at the John
, Delco home. They all returned
to Prineville on Wednesday and
were accompanied by Mrs. Virgil
Mayfield and children.
Mrs. Joe Graham is spending
some time in Portland having
dental work done. '
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrand relatives
were callers at the E. A. Hart
man home Sunday,
M. and Mrs. D. W. Sharpe
fpent Sunday in Wamic visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Biitlain.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Batty,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Retherford
Lillian Lusk and Helen DeMcnt
returned Sbnday evening from
Rev. Matthews of Simnasho,
(to last page)
Wilbur Mulvaney was a busi
ness visitor here Friday. Mr.
Mulvaney stated' intentions of
opening a lumber yard in Maupin
Mr. and Mrs. George Claymier
were in from Wapinitia Monday.
Mrs. Claymier had just received
a telegram of the death of her
eldest sister who lived in Indiana
Hail is said to have fallen near
Wapinitia three or four inches
in depth Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Nelson,
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Nelson, and
two children, and Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Nelson of Bend, spent
Easter Sunday with E, A. Cyr's.
Air. and Mrs. M. O. Nelson are
ALp. Cyrs parents and A. C. and
C. VV. are brothers.
Mrs. James Chalmers mother,
Mr.-. A, L. Pugli, sister Miss
ChrioiT.e Pugh, and brother,
Stewe r, McLeod visited at the
Chalrm.' a home over Easter.
Percj Driver was in Maupin
Friday hi tor a new road grader
that was at the depot.
C. D. Jones and W. L. Morris
on were ovei from Tygh Monday,
J. M. Conk I n arrived Monday
from his horn ; in California.
Registered at the Harpham
Botel this week were G. M. Ply
ler, J. O. a:id I. N. Winifree, P.
J. Frye, M. Kelso. i io. G. Irvine
E. E. Bigge.-J, C 1. Tufkie,
Jack Collamerand L. Al. Marriott
A large crowd att..:iv!ed the
entertainment and dance given
by the Tygh high sclv ol last
Saturday night.
The county library took: lave
been returned to The Dalles.
A new lot is expected soon.
Herman Gesh was. in Maui. in
Wednesday delivering a veal to
the local meat market. 1
Mrs. Morrow and Mrs. Wheat
on were over from Tygh Wed
nesday. '
Last Thursday F. C. Butler
took the largest consignment of
eggs to Portland ever sent frcm
Maupin, twenty four crates in
his Oldsmobile roadster.
Mrs. II. R- Kaiser went to
The Dalles Monday returning
II. Wood and family have
moved to their farm near Tygh.
W. L. Fischer wired B. F.
Turner's residence yesterday
morning, This is the step in
readiness frh the Woodcock
electricity which is promised to
us by the expiration of a couple
of months.
Criterion News
, The Easter program and din
ner at Lakeview Sundav wau
well attended after the morning
program and Sunday School
were over,. the children were all
invited out to an egg hunt which
all enjoyed, then dinner was an
nounced after the program by
the intermediate class was given
Rev. Walter of Maupin gave a
beautiful talk on the Resurrection
of Jesus.
Quite a crowd drove cut from
Maupin W. Aldrich and family,
Zella Buzan and children, Claude
Hall, Mrs. Pratt," P. J. Frye,
Myrtle Hall and Helen Philmlee
were among those who came.
Phyllis Fischer and Alfred
Herrling attended Easter dinner
at Lake View Sunday.
Mrs. D, L Rutherford is quite
sick at this writing with the flu.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were
Shaniko visitors Sunday evening
Dewey Moss came up from
Two Springs Saturday to help
his father on the ranch a few
tays of tins week.
B. F. Herrling is sick with the
flu at the home of Mr. and Mr3.
P. J. Kirsch.
We would appreciate your trade. We sell the
best goods. We give the best service for the
least money in Maupin. Your dollar does double
duty at the
Harris Cash Store
Eyes Tested 0N
Saturdays and Sundays
Old Bank Building Maupin, Oregon
O. R. Dinwiddic
Registered Optician
High and uniform quality results frcm
hie rigid tests and orders
Every eight second, mechanical de
vices dip into the materials that are trav
eling through cement mill and put n
lainple under lok uniike or the chemitt
to test. Chemiats
in "the czars" of
a cement plank
and chemistry M
their law.
The foment mid
chimlit uaea ultra
aeniitive balance
In determining the
proportion of raw
Few f a c t o f-y
processes reqtilpi
more care than the
making of cement
thousands of
test samples being
taken in a day 'a
run at a Mtpent
plant because ce
ment must ba test
ed in a variety o
(or numerous qualities. It
la under the chemist's instructions that
workmen proportion the raw materials.
These tests in which the proportions
of the elements of cement ore deter
mined call, for glass-enclosed balances
r acales that must be aeeurate to the
I li
ten-thousandth of a gram. Tli"ve are
454 grams to a pound. Such balances will
quickly detect 'the difference in iveiplit
of a piece of paper, before and after
you nave written your name
on it.
The "rule" of the
chemist is seen and
, felt at every point
I. .1.- -a
Bt"&L eement manufacture
in the quarry or
pit 'where rnw ma
terials are obtained
in the dopiirtmentt
where faw materials are
proportioned, mixed and
ground in the burning de
partment where under in
tense heat the chemical change
takes place in the department
where the raw material which hae now
become clinker is ground to the fine
powder called . Portland cement.
This cmintrT nut over thirtv million font
of cement making material through thes
processes last year.
This dvice tk a ti-rt tample for he rhemi-t every I teeonda. -B - n the rement
on a moving b-)t. l--ving the grinding mlHs. - C' la a revolving hollow ihaft. Aa tHi
dipp-r plcka up a bit of the fli-jr me material it ta tanitd ihrough uit thait b"
nj depoaite J in tiia hdtzd bos "A".
School Notes
Saturday, April 7 will I e the
day of the local institute. Every
one is invited to attend the Dro.
gram in the morning and the
ball game in the afternoon. The
program will begin at 9:30 A. M.
Remember! The track meet
will be held on April 14 at Tvtrh
Valley. Make arrangement to
go and encouragn the Maupin
track teams. You won't miss
the time and j on will enjoy it.
The rain that fell the first of
the week temporarily su,rned
practice for the tiack meet
Clifford McCorkle spraintd his
ankle Monday while playing ball
We hope that he will soon recover
Which Kind?
Why not try the rapid growth
Rhode Island Reds? See the
flock and get hatching eggs from
Owen McCorkle.
Warn in? Notice
Mr. and Mrs! E. W. Giiffin,
accomopanied ly Mr. ar.d Mrs.
Patrick King n,otored to The
Dalles Eactcr Saturc'ay evening,
calling on friend, tnd attending
Easter services Sunday, return
ing to Maupin Sunday evening.
I As garden planting time is at
hand all those having chickens
running at large within the
town limits will save themselves
trouble and their neighbors
much anoyance by keeping them
up. The city marshal has in
structions to enforce the "chick
en ordinance" which requires
chickens to be cooped up.
2 quart hot water bottles and
Fountain Syringes guaranteed
for one year. While they last
$1.00 each Maupin Drug Store.
""" i
Times, one year, $1.D0.
Everything for the Table
Spring its almost here. Renuimbea' we curry
L'olh Western and Eastern Grown Garden Seeds.
After cutting your potatoes to plant roll them
in Land Plaster. Sprinkle a little in the trench when
you plant your garden. When your seed comes up
sprinkle along the row. Wre have it for you.
Seed Potatoes, Netted Gem, Gertified Seed
grown by P. J. Kirsch.
" Earliest of all.
Your Ground and Time is valuable,
good seed.
A most complete grocery stock, and a good
line of Fresh and Cured Meats.
Will buy your veal. To get the top price kill
between 7 and 9 weeks old, be sure they are fat. A
little, calf meal will do the trick.
Wc have it in 25 pound sacks.
We are trying to keep Southern Wasco County
money at home.
!The Crandall Undertakimr Co.
The Dalles, Oregon
Licensed Enbalmers Motor Equipment
Start That Account
and when you think of a Bank, think of our
Bank t lit n conic in arid get uapvintcd.
The man with five dollars is tmred with as
nuiih -courtesy as the man with thousands.
You Need Us
We Need You
As husincTs friends wc are both made stronger
Maupin State Bank
Wc Strive to Merit Approval