The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 29, 1923, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 9, NO. 25
THE YEAR $1.50
watch mr
Oak Grove Cattle Associa
tion Take Notice.
The undersigned is going to
cultivate and plant crops on the
Ni of the SWJ and the EJ of the
NWi section 3 T. 6 S. R. 11 E.
W. M. Poison- spray will be
UBed to eradicate pests You
are hereby notified to herd your
stock off the above described
property, or restore the fence
you willfully, maliciously, and
feloniously destroyed while paid
property was held by you under
lease and in your possesion.
A. M. Daniels
Matches 6 boxes for 35 cents
Maupin Drug Store.
I.O. O.F.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon.
meets every baturday night u
I. O. O. F. hail. ViBiting mem
bers always welcome.
F. D. Stuarr, Secretary
B. D. Fraley, N. G.
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby'B Drug store,
The Dalles, Ore
' Phone Black 1111
School Entertainment
Given by the pupils of
Tygh Valley Public School
I. O. O. F. Hall Tygh Valley
Saturday Evening, March 31st
Beginning at 8 Admission 50c
Dance after the Program
We would appreciate your trade. We sell the
best goods. We give the best service for the
least money in Maupin. Your dollar does double
duty at the
- Harris Cash Store
Eyes Tested
Saturdays and Sundays
Old Bank Building Maupin, Oregon
O. R. Dinwiddie
Registered Optician
Maupin Theatre
Sunday, April I
Why Girls Leave Home
With an All Star Cast including Anna Q. Nilscn
It is as Pure as Ivory Soap. One of the
best moral pictures on the market.
Lora kSemon Comedy
A Guaranteed Show
Admisison 20 and 40
School Notes
The Literary Society gave its
program Friday night the 23rd.
Almost all of those present en
joyed the program, at least it
appeared that way from the ap
plause given. The affirmative
side of the question, "Resolved:
That women are smarter than
men," won by a two to one deci
sion. The students are busy practic
ing for" the track meet which
will be held at Tygh Valley April
14. A teachers institute w i'l be
held at the schoolhouse April 7.
A ball game will take place in
the afternoon.
Four head" of cattle, ear mark
crop off right ear not being able
to see brand plain cant tell what
it is. , Cattle are on my home
stead must be taken up at once.
Robert Carland.
Legion Doings
Maupin Post 73 meets every
first and third Mondays of each
month. ' BE THERE. Ex-service
man ure you a member, if
not why? All visiting mem
bers are cordially invited.
J. Chalmers Com.
A. E. Mayhew Adj.
Times, one year, $1.50.
Around Maupin
Mrs. R. B. Bell of Vancouver,
is visiting her husband the local
0. W. R. and N. agent.
M. H. Isenberg, Chief Inspect
or of Hood River Apple Growers
Association, and F. W. Arnold
cashier of Butler's Banking Co.
of Hood River, with their respect
ive families motored from Hood
River Sunday and were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Woodcock
Mr. Isenberg is a brother and
Mr- Arnold a nephew of Mrs.
4 15 cent
packages Octofccn
25 cents Maupin
soap Hakes
Drug Store.
Ray Kaylor has improved his
garage with a new coat of paint.
J. A. Folgerof Folgers product
was a visitor in Maupin Monday.
Garden Hose! Soon be time.
We carry the famous Wingfoot
Non-kinkable. Shattuck Brcs.
Mrs. J. C. Haegey of Portland
arn cd today lor a short visit.
Mik J. W. Farlow of Smock
was a visitor in Maupin today..
2 quart hot water bottles and
Fountain Syringes guaranteed
for one' year. While they last
$1.00 each Maupin Drug Store.
H. N. Crandallof The, Dalles
was in Maupin Tuesday for the
purpose of making estimates "on
the proposed electric develop
ment. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Staats
who spent the winter in Portland
returned to Maupin Tuesday.
Johnie Farre, J. A. Toothman
and George Wenn were Maupin
visitors Tuesday from Kaskela.
Mrs. M. P. Isenberg returned
to her home in Hood River Wed
nesday, having spent several
weeks with her daughters Mrs.
A. G. Harvey of Wamicand Mrs.
J. H. Woodcock of Maupir.
Mrs. R. E. Wilson is able to
be out again after a three wee Is
siege of the flu.
Mrs. Clark Richardson who
has been very ill is some better.
Her daughter Mrs. T" A. St
Dennis, of Snohomish Wn. is
with her now.
Carl Pratt found a gray almost
new sleeveless sweater between
Roy Crabtrees and Ira Grishams
farms, may have same by
calling at the local post office.
Mrs.'Ollie Bothwell and Mrs.
Ben Gabel were Maupin visitors
E. A. Cyr has purchased a
new Chevrolet car.
Harphams hotel and Shattucks
store were decorated with big
new signs last week.
G. W. Mallattand family were
in Maupin Sunday, this being
their first trip this year.
Mrs- Alice Chaple and Mrs.
PerleEvick were Maupin visitors
Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Forman
were in Maupin Monday from
Harvey Morris has blocked
his real estate office up to the
level of the side walk.
Cecil Woodcock made a trip to
The Dalles Wednesday with a
truck load of flour, being a part
of a large order for flour in The
Latest tailored hats at R. E.
Wilson Co's.
Warning Notice
Do you know that at this time
of year the burning or burying
of decaying vegetable or animal
matter will do much to keep
down the flies; also the removal
of manure piles. The city ordin
ance in regard to filth, rubbish
and manure which requires its
removal and a penalty for fail
ure to comply' with it will be
rigidly enforced.
Rebekahs initiate
A special meeting of the
Wapinitia Rebekah Lodge was
called Saturday night to receive
the official visit of the president
of the Rebekah assembly. Mrs.
Mildred McMahon, and to initiate
the following candidates, J. C.
Pratt, Mrs. Julia Pratt, Wiley J.
Harris, and Lillian Lu6k. After
the initiation an interesting add
ress was given by Mrs. McMahon
A. A. Bonney, George Lofton,
and Martin Wing attended from
Tygh Valley. Refreshments were
served to about thirty fivepeople.
Lawerence and Rilla Powell
who have been sick are better.
Rev. and Mrs. Matthews of
Simnasho left last Thursday for
Portland where he will receive
medical treatment. "
The wild flowers are beautiful
now, Truly spring is here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Cox were
at the Henry Peterson home
Saturday afternoon.
Rev. Parker and family visited
with the U'Briens Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Batty.
Rev, Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Jletherford go to Portland
Friday to attend the funeral of
Mr. Judkjns.
N. G. Hedin went to The Dal
les Wednesday.
Rev. Parker made a trip to
Maupin Tuesday taking Gladys
Teschner to the Dr. to get her
finger dressed. He had to re
move most of the first joint.
Walter Woodside made a trip
to the sheep camp Sunday . for
orphan lambs.
The Harpham sale was poorly
attended because of cold wind.
George Heitz is running his
Pine Grove mill.
The Linns were down from
their mill Tuesday.
Mrs. Jacob Teschner made a
trip to Maupin Monday.
Mrs. Frank McCoy visited in
Wapinitia on Friday.
Velma Teschner spent the
week end visiting Verla Lewis.
Earle Locke is plowing for
Wra. Sturgiss. Mrs Locke and
the children have moved from
their homestead to Maupin.
Nathan Hill hauled a load of
freight -on Monday for R. E.
F. G. Magill was a dinner
guest at Jake Teschner's Sunday
0. P. Weberg hauled a load i.l
wood Thursday to his family at
Robert Magill spent Sunday
afternoon visiting the Hackler
Alice Olsen of Shaniko but
well known here is now at the
St. Vincent Hospital where she
is recovering from an operation
Wallace Woodside has a bad
abscess on his neck.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Booth
are receiving congratulations of
their many friends upon the ar
rival of a baby daughter in their
home. The baby who is known
a3 Delia Nellie was born Tues
day March 20 and weighed 5
pounds. Mrs. Booth was Miss
Lulu Powell before her marriage
Mrs L. M. Woodside entertain
ed the following company Sunday
Mrs. Louis Woodside and son
Verne, Mrs. Sturgiss .and Alice
May, Mrs- Bruce Driver, Mrs.
Walter Woodside and Lee and
Bob Cantwell and family ar
rived Tuesday for a visit at the
John Delco home.
E. A. Hartman sold a new
drill to Frank McCoy this week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Richmond
came up from Maupin Monday
to Frank Battys where Mr. Rich
mond i3 repairing Mr. Pattys c?.r
Netted Gem Potatoes
$1.00 per sack. $1.50 per sack
selected for seed. North of
White River school house Lee
F. Jackson.
Lester Teschner accompanied j
his father on the mail route to i
Simnasho Tuesday.
There will be no preaching at
the church Sunday as the pastor
will be away.
A large attendanc e is desired
at the Sunday School after which
will be an egg hunt for all the
children of the immunity.
Eggs will lie hidden by Dee
Woodside, E. A. Hartman, or.d
P. W. Lloyd. Everybody come
and bring lunch. If convenient
bring colored eggs or send the
same to the parsonage Saturday
to be colored,
Garden Hose! Soon be time
We carry the famous Wingfoot
Non-kinkable. Shattuck Bros,
Everything for the Table
Spring is almost here. Remember we carry
both Western and Eastern Grown Garden Seeds.
After cutting your potatoes to plant roll them
in Land Plaster. Sprinkle a little in the trench when
you plant your garden. When your seed comes up
sprinkle along the row. We have it for you.
Seed Potatoes, Netted Gem, Gertified Seed
grown by P. J. Kirsch.
Earliest of all.
Your Ground and Time is valuable. Plant
good seed. . '
A most complete grocery stock, and a good
line of Fresh and Cured Meats.
Will buy your veal. To get the top price kill
between 7 and 9 weeks old, be sure they are fat. A
little calf meal will do the trick.
We have it in 25 pound sacks.
We are trying to keep Southern Wasco Counly
money at hoine.
The Crandall Undertaking Co.
,The Dalles, Oregon
Licensed Enbalmers Motor Equipment
Start That Account
and when you think of 'a Bank, think of our
Bank then come in and pet acquainted.
The man with five dollars is treated with as
niuih courtesy a;; the mail with tlioutvuifk
You Need Us
We Need You
; t
As business friends wc are, both made stronger
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to Merit Approval
Which Kind?
Why not try the rapid growth
Rhode Island Reds? See the
flock and get hatching eggs from
Owen McCorkle.
Warning Notice
i As garden olantine time is at
j hand all those having chickens
running at large within the
(town limits will save themselves
trouble and their neighbors
much anoyance by keeping them
up. -The city marshal has in
structions to enforce the "chick
en ordinance" which requires
chickens to be cooped np.
Came to my place one steer
calf (short yearling) no marks
or brands. One can hnvo. samn
by proving property and settling
for this adv.-R. W. McCorkle.