PORTLAND A Reliable Creamery MUTUAL CREAMERY CO., Portland. NORTONIA HOTEL I 8 I SAFE AND CENTRAL REASONABLE RATES Excellent Cafe Special Weekly Rates Bus Meets All Trains 11th and Stark, Portland, Ore. BAB'S RESTAURANT PORTLAND HIDE & WOOL IN UNION IVINUt NMTH, MOTUM, ORIQOH. Write tor Prices and Shipping Taga Page & Son Portland, Oregon KIMBALL Pianos 429-431 Direct from Factory to Car Owner MULTNOMAH BATTERIES Guaranteed for one year. Send no money. We ship by Express 0. 0. D. $18.00 Ford, Chevrolet 490, etc. $22.50 Hudson, Oldsmobile, ete, 125.00 Dodge, Franklin, etc. GOULD BATTERY & SERVICE CO. State Distributors of Gould Batteries Comer 10th and Flanders Sts. Portland, Oregon. RHEUMATISM Jack King Cures it. Ladies and Gents Exam ination free. 207 Dekum bids., Portland, Ore RAINIER HOTEL Rite $1.00 iwV 128 N. 64 Sl. PwtfuJ, On Very Centrally Located. Convenient to all Depots, and one block from main Poitoffice Hotel Hoyt Located Sixth and Hoyt Strictly Fireproof and Modern. Near both depots and convenient car service to all parts of city. MONUMENTS E. 3d and Pins Sts. Otto Schumann Granite & Marble Works. If your RADIATOR heats or I 1 leaks, send it to us, ( J Armstrong Auto Radiator Co., 17 Bornade street. Portland. Oregon ananas INVESTIGATE my remarkable work u a highly ipeclalixed phyitcian before aubcribingtoioalled"hoine or "quack" treatment. This FREE book tell about my guaranteed non-iurglcal, pain leu cure. Send for it today. DR; CHAS. J. DEAN 2ND AND MORRISON PORTIAND, OREGON MENTION' THIS PAPER WHEN WHITING The Caterpillar Pest. France, In the middle ages, had a remarkable method of dealing with plagues of caterpillars, In 1120 the Bishop of Laon pronounced a solemn sentence of excommunication against caterpillars and grasshoppers. So Different From Hers. Edith "Jack wants me to set the date for our wedding." Miss Flyrt "Goodness! Do your fiances take their engagements as seriously as that?" Boston Evening Transcript GOT EVEN WITH Irreverent Scion of Distinguished Southern Family AVenned Himself for Period of Humiliation. Family tradition, honor and that sort of thing still retain a prominent posi tion In ethical codes of the South. . Thus there was much ado when the prodigal son of a certain Southern aristocracy one night distinguished him self far beyond the bounds of propriety and was subsequently committed to the town JalL The father, hastily sum moned from out of town, sent word to detain bis offspring until his arrival, which would be by the first train. Early morning found a resentful, but not repentnnt son. He was outraged this being held until the pater ar rived. Disgusting! hnce bore I Imme diately following the father's arrival f consultation was witnessed by the fam ily portraits. A speedy trial terminat ed with the sentence "guilty." Forth with the miscreant should be Intrusted to a sea captain destined during the WILL REMARRY Botton Woman and Los Angeles Man Decide Their Divorce Was a Mistake. Los Angeles. Divorced 33 years ago, Charles Hilton and Mrs. Emily A. Hilton of Boston, Mass, will be re married soon. They recently decided their divorce many years ago was s mistake. Both are sixty-nine years old. For many years following their di sT OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE Yon WiU Feel Richt at Horn Her. Portland. Oregon VAUDEVILLE PHOTO-PLAY Cotnplet Change Saturday. Adults, Matinee. Me: Evenintrs, 3.tc. Continuous 1 to 11 p. m. Children 10 centa all times. Brood place to Eat and Live Wall Remarkable 40e luncheon at noon. Open 7 a. m. to 2 a. in.. 3m Yamhill St CO. We Pay Highest Prices for HIDES. PELTS, WOOL, MOHAIR. CASCARA BARK. Address Department B Now la the time to market capons. We are pioneers and largest handlers of these in the Northwest. Write us. Capons and Phonographs sold on Installment plan. Mccormick music co. Oregon Distributors Washington Street, Portland, Oregon INFORMATION DEPARTMENT, PLEATING SPECIAL Cut. seam, hem and mrahin 85 cents pleat skirts ready for hand. Hemstitching, picoting and tucking. EASTERN NOVELTY MFU CO. 85V4 Fifth St. Portland. Ore ATTENTION LADIES Sanitary Beauty Parlors We fix you up, we make all kinds of Hair Goods of your combings. Join our School of Beauty Culture. 400 to 414 Dekum Bldg., Phone Broadway 6902, Portland, Oregon. BRAZING, WELDING" CUTTING thwestWeldlng ei Supply Co. 88 1st St CLEANING AND DYEING For reliable Cleanlne and l0Tu Dyeing service send parcels to lYDSIr us' We pay re(urn postage. imui maiiuii MHI (llltxa g)lVWH upon request. ENKB'S C1TT DTE WORKS ratabllshed 1890 Portland CUT FLOWERS A FLORAL DESIGNS Clarke Bros., FloriBts, 887 Morrison St FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS Commercial Iron Works, 7th & Madison. FOOT CORRECTIONIST Featherweight Arch Supports made to order, J. E. Tryzelaar, 618 Pittock Block, Portland, Ore. MOLEK BARBER COLLEGE Teaches trade in 8 weeks. Some pay while learn ing. Positions secured. Write for catalogue. 2M Burnside street, PortlandUOre. SHIP US YOUR WOOL Cleaning, carding and mattresses, crystal Springs Woolen Mills. 760 Umatilla. Portland. "IF IT HURTS DON'T PAY." Guaranteed dental work. Crowns $5.00, Plates 115.00, Brldgework 15 00 a tooth. Teeth extracted by gas. Latest modern methods. Dr. Harry Semler, Dentist, 3rd ind Morrison, 2nd floor Allsky Bldg., Port land, Or. Write or phone for appointment Strawberry and RasDberrv Plants Write Platers Gardens, 3912 W. Queen Ave.. Spokane. Wash., for prlcellst ever bearing strawberry and raspberry plants ana save money. WRITERS, "ATTENTION Stories, poems, scenarios, articles, edit- ed and typed by professional writer, mem ber of Oregon writers' League, sena ior rates. Western Writers Workshop, 514 Fliedner Bldg., PorUand. niTCUT TTflDUCV MECHANICAL -Hltni HIIUIiriLI ENGINEER Protect that Idea with a United States Patent Others have made fortunes out of Patents. Why not you? Thomas Bilyeu, 202 Stevens Bldg., Portland, Ore. PERSONAL Marry if Lonely; most successful "Home Maker": hundreds rich: confidential reliable; years experience; descriptions free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Nash, Box 556, Oakland, California. Wedding: Bouquets and Funeral Pieces Lubllner Florists, 348 Morrison Bt Hint for Amateur Painter. When painting or varnishing soft wood, always first paint the wood with shellac and let it dry before paint ing or varnishing. This saves about half the paint and gives a much harder and smoother surface to the wood. Something in That. "Why do you always buy your clothes on the Installment plan?" "They try to give me stuff that will last until the installments are all paid." B Evening Transcript THE "OLD MAN" ensuing months to see various isolated sections of the world. Shortly thereafter, while the vessel was yet In harbor, a scandal was aired. It swept the country from shore to shore and caused sensational newspa per headings to flare across front pages, for the colonel, father of the shanghled miscreant,, was or no mere average prominence. Relatives again assembled to take steps toward bolstering the clan honor. There was talk of this and that In the midst of discussions a telegram from Uie erstwhile member arrived, ad dressed to an older brother and unique ly terse. It read : "Set sail today. Hold the old man until I arrive." Kansas City Star. Right Action. Rightsess expresses of actions what stralgbtness does of lines, and there can no more be two kinds of right ac tions than of straight lines. Herbert Spencer. AFTER 35 YEARS vorce; the man and woman wrote let ters to each other. Recently Mr. Hil ton proposed marriage, declaring their divorce was a mistake. Mrs. Hilton sent for her former husband, asserting that tbey could live happily until death. Wyuta Is the name of a (own oa the brondary of Wyoming and Utah. Wyocals Is on the Colorado river. SSSO Solved by Woman' Curiosity By FRANK H. WILLIAMS (d, 1111. by atcClur. Newspaper Syndicate.) Susie Cunningham bad been sick more sick at heart than anything else but so sick that she hadn't been able to work for days. Now she was slowly recovering, though there was a sad, wistful look In her eyes that hadn't been there before her Illness and a dull ache at her heart that seemed as though It would never leave her. The trouble was that young John Hammond, the cashier In the office where she had been employed and to whom she had been engaged, had disappeared, his accounts had been short and there had been but a brief word of explanation to Susie for his conduct It was this brief word which had brought on Susie's Illness. The only message from John since I his disappearance had come to her on a postal card on the day after he failed to come to work. It had been mailed from a nearby town and It bore these words In John's unmistak able handwriting: "Dear Susie : I've treated you pretty roughly. Please forgive me. I was married here today. Forget me. John." Of course Susie hadn't believed that John was a thief she didn't yet even these many weeks after his disappear ance when the shortage still stood un explained against his record. It was not because of the charge of theft against John that her illness came, It was because of those words on the postcard. "I was married here today." She had loved him so deeply, de votedly, whole-heartedly. There bad never been any man In her life save John. Everything bad looked so rosy for them too. The little bungalow In which they were to have lived was nearing completion and they were just In the midst of happily buying furni ture for It when the blow fell No wonder there was a wistful look In Susie's eyes, and a droop to her young lips, and an unfading ache in her heart Small wonder, too, that now, two weeks after John's disappearance, as Susie was getting her normal strength back, there-should he a deep and abid ing curiosity in her soul. Who was It that John had married? It was because this curiosity de manded an immediate answer1 that Susie, as soon as she was able, went to the neighboring town of Brampton, where the fatal postal card had been mailed, and bravely mounted the steps In the courthouse to the office of the county clerk. T want to look at the marriage license book, please," she said to the clerk. The clerk, looking at her curiously, shoved a big book across the counter to her. Susie covertly referred again to the postal card to make sure she had the right date when it was mailed In mind. Then quickly she thumbed through the pages until the proper date was found and then went over the licenses Issued on that day, one by one. When, some moments later, Susie left the courthouse there was a new light In her eyes and new resolution in her step. Her curiosity was satisfied. but In satisfying her curiosity she had found something that she must do a task which she must put through as quickly as possible. In furtherance of this task she did seme telephoning to several different people at a public booth. Then, late In the afternoon, she boarded the train for home. In the train she examined her postal card from John with new Interest She held It to the light ; she viewed It from different angles, all with a new pur pose In mind. At last as she caught the light on the card from a new angle, she gave a little gasp. She had discovered some thing something very much worth while. Susie returned to work the next day, Of course there were many expres sions of sympathy from fellow em ployees and from the executives, for her story had become known In the office on the day when she bad re ceived the postal. (Susie had promptly fainted upon receiving It and the card had then been read by the others In the office.) But now Susie showed little of the effects of her Illness. At the noon hour she ate lunch with one of her firm friends, Anna Habecker. "What's new at the office, Anna?" Susie asked. "What are they doing about John? Who's doing bis work?" "They've been trying to trace John everywhere, but haven't got a slngl hint where he Is," said Anna. "Otto Duemllng Is doing bis work." Duemllng had been John's assistant before John's disappearance, and upon returning to the office Susie viewed Otto with great Interest Never before had she paid much attention to him, but now she looked at him carefully and thoughtfully. She saw In Deumllng a sleek young man of not very prepossessing appear ance and no outstanding character istics. There was nothing about him that marked his personality. He was self-effacing, very evidently efficient and not very much Inclined to bob- Bob or chat with the other employees. All the afternoon Susie was busily thinking of the task she bad set for herself. There was a certain definite something she most do that night something which rather made her shiver as she contemplated it And it was to enable her to do this definite something that Susie, before leaving the office that afternoon, slyly unfastened one of the ground floor' windows. It was 1 o'clock that night before Susie felt the time was propitious for doing this thing she had decided must be done. At that hour the night was pitch dark there was no moon and the town was almost wholly silent Through the night Susie stole to the window she had unfastened. Softly she raised this window and crept Into the dark office, her heart beating furi ously and only ber determination to go through with the task she had set herself enabling her to push onward. In the office she made ber way past the furniture to the desk which bad been John's. There was a certain locked drawer in this desk she wanted to investigate. A bandy, heavy envelope opener enabled ber to pry the drawer open. Greedily she caught up the papers In the drawer and took them to an inner room, where she cautiously turned on light A tremulous sigh of satisfaction came from her as she examined the papers. I thought so," she exclaimed to herself. "I thought sol" But hark, what was that? Some one was stealthily opening the side door Into the office. Susie switched oft the light Fear clutched at her soul. What If she should be discovered? She heard the sound of voices and finally made out that the Intruders were a man and a woman. She heard them move to the far end of the room, where the vault was lo cated. Peering through the door she saw tie flash of a light then heard the sound of a clicking. The door of the safe was being opened. Susie, taking all her determination and courage In hand, crept from her hiding place into the larger room find down the darkened aisles toward the little partitioned space where the huge vault was located. j As she came nearer she saw that the door of the vault was open. She crept to one side and looked into the vault By a candlelight held In the hand of man she saw that with his com panion, a woman, he was opening the drawers at the back or tne vault where the firm's money was kept. She beard the two talking distinctly. The woman spoke first "It sure was lucky for you that Hammond had to leave so suddenly," said the woman. "Sure was," said the man. "It was a great chance chance of a lifetime. Trust me to grab it I've been afraid his old mother out West would croak before this and he'd come back before I could get enough money In this vault to make It worth while to take It" Well," said the woman, with a short laugh, "the stuff you've already taken and charged op to Hammond Isn't so bad, yon know." "Not so bad," said the man. "That .... . , . i . was a nappy tnougni iorging mi postal and sending It to Hammond's girl that put the final touch of truth to the thing." A wild rage surged in Susie.' She leaped at the vault door, banged It shut and whirled the combination) Some days later Susie was safe In John's arms. "That was an outrageously clever forgery." John cried, looking at tne nostal which had caused Susie so much pata. "Otto Intercepted the let ter I sent to you telling about my mother's sickness and traced words from that letter onto the postal. Later he Inked them la It waa Just his lurk that there were words In the letter which enabled him to make the message the postal carried." "Tea and then he got all the other letters you Sent me and held tnera out. I found them In his desk the night we rrMted him and that girl be was with." "But what I cant understand," said John, "is how yon got started on find ing out the truth." "Easy enough," Susie smiled. "My woman's curiosity took me to Bramp ton to see whom you'd married. looked at the marriage licenses and I palled no the ministers. And I found yon hadn't been married at all." And, oh, dearest" she cried, hold- lne him tlebt In ber arms, "I was so glad I" LIVES IN AMERICAN HISTORY Rebecca Gratz, American Jewess, One of the Most Notable of Early. Day Characters. The most famous of American Jew esses was Rebecca Gratz, dlstln gulsbed for ber beauty and piety, and for ber friendships with eminent Americans. There Is a tradition that Henry Clay was an unsuccessful suitor, and one of her most distinguished friends was Washington Irving. This later association bad Important literary consequences. Irving was likewise close friend of Sir Walter Scott whom be used frequently to visit at Abbots- ford; it Is said that bis description of Miss Gratz. of ber loveliness of person, the oneness of ber character, her devotion to her religion and ber race a devotion that had prevented her from marrying, most of the men with whom she associated having been Christians so fired the romantic imagination of Scott that be put ber In the not el that he was then writing. In this way it happened that Scott most famous woman character, his Re becca of "Ivanhoe," was drawn from Rebecca Grata of Philadelphia, writes Burton J. Hendrick la World's Work. laAAaaaaassaaaAAAAAaAal STATE NEWS t IN BRIEF. I Junction City. It has been estimat ed that 100 cases of eggs are shipped from Junction City daily, counting shipments going out over both rail roads. This figures 3000 dozen, or 36,000 eggs, as the daily average for the vicinity. Astoria. A contract was awarded Friday to Edward Nyman of this city for erection of a new schoolhouse In the Elsie district The structure and its equipment will cost about $5000. Albany. A building boom Is to be experienced In Albany this summer if conclusions can be drawn from pres ent Indications. Three buildings will be built In the business district with a possibility of this number being in creased as several others are project ed. Salem. The state highway depart ment announced Friday that an agree ment had been reached with relation to the construction of an undergrade crossing under the tracks of the South ern Pacific company on the route of the new Pacific highway in Oregon City. Reedsport. Construction on a mod ern hotel for Reedsport will be under way within six months. Jack Con nolly, proprietor of the Umpqua hotel, has secured subscriptions from local men amounting to $15,000. It is estim ated the structure will cost about 25,000. Hood River. The Apple Growers' association now has in local storage only 62,166 boxes of apples. Deliveries from growers for the 1922 crop season reached 1,308,571 boxes. The fruit held here is of high quality Newtowns, apples that will keep in good condi tion until the summer months. Reedsport The Reedsport payroll will increase $8000 within the next ten days, according to C. McC. Johnson, who has installed two 700-horsepower, 160-pound pressure steam -boilers in the Johnson Lumber company's mill and a dry kiln at the cost of $10,000 In the Reedsport Sash & Door factory. Woodburn. The Woodburn Fruit Growers' Co-operative association ber ry pool was sold Saturday night. There were six bidders, the Willamette Can ning company of Woodburn getting the bulk of the strawberries and Ray- Mailing of Hlllsboro some of the straw berries and all of the other berries. Salem. Members of the state board of forestry hejd a meeting here Satur day and outlined the work of the de partment for the present year. The proposed Improvements include the in stallation of new telephone lines, con struction of additional trails and erec tion of a number of lookouts In the forests. Reedsport. Plans to Insure speedy completion of the Umpqua highway were drawn Friday night when the Reedsport chamber of commerce met in special session. A motion was car ried providing that delegates be ap pointed to meet the Roseburg chamber of commerce and the county court to line up the already favorable public sentiment toward quick action on the construction of the highway. Salem. The state Irrigation and drainage securities commission held a meeting here Monday to consider the certification of bonds in the amount of 1800,000 voted by the Powell Butte Irrigation district and the approval of a contract entered Into with the North Canal company for the develop ment of the project. Seaside. With between 35 and 40 men working on the project, contract ors building the $300,000 hotel at Gear hart are making rapid progress. Super structures for the first. floor of the three-story hostelry are rising rapidly and with sufficient facilities available to Insure Immediate transportation of lumber and supplies as fast as cars arrive at Gearhart, no delays are ex pected in the building programme. Salem. The state board of control has sent out advertisements soliciting information regarding tracts of land not more than 12 miles from Salem for use as a site for the proposed new state training school for boys. The tracts must contain between 400 and 500 acres and must be adapted to agri cultural pursuits. From 60 to 100 acres of the land must be timbered. Prices for the tracts also are solicited in the advertisements. Dallas. A. V. R. Snyder, treasurer of Polk county for the past six years, has resigned. He will be succeeded Monday morning by H. B. Cosper, who up to a year ago was deputy under Mr. Snyder. Mr. Cosper was elected treasurer to fill the vacancy by the county court Saturday. He was coun ty treasurer by election for two terms, from 1892 to 1896, and has been a deputy In practically every county of fice at one time or another during the past 40 years. IWLEV! and give your stomach a lilt Provides "the bit ol weet" la btntfieial form. Helps to cleanse the teeth and keep w - Grasshoppers' Favorite Diet. When various spring grains are available the grasshoppers prefer ca's to any of the others, reports a United States Department of Agriculture In vestigator in Montana. However, when food is scarce the hoppers will not go far out of the way to search for the plants that please their palates roost Agricultural Department Bulle tin. The "Lantern Cooler's" Profession. Among the theatrical agencies where talent Is to be employed for all occas ions a new calling is that of "lantern cooler." What Is meant is that at some small movie shows a variety turn is put on between the reels whilst the projector recovers from a passionate six-reel film. First Steam Transatlantic Trips. The American' vessel Savannah crossed the Atlantic from Savannah, Ga., to Liverpool in 1819 in 29 days 11 hours. The trip was made partly under steam but mainly by sail. In 1833 the Royal William, of 830 tons, built In Canada, made the first trans atlantic voyage entirely under steam. Freshen a Heavy Skin With the antiseptic, fascinating Cuti cura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely scented convenient, economical face, skin, baby nd dusting powder and perfume. Renders other perfumes su perfluous. One of the Cuticura Toilet Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum). Adv. The Den Man. "Do women admire a cave man?" I don't think so," replied Miss Cay enne. "What most wives seem to want is a man who will submit to being dressed up in a velvet smoking jacket and confined in an ornate ballroom called a 'den.' " Stimulating Values of Colors. A French experimenter tested the strength of the handgrip under colored lights, and found red was distinctly the most stimulating color, the re maining colors falling in the order: Orange, yellow, green and blue. Hand-Painted. Estelle "What sort of blouse do you think would match my complexion best, dear?" Mabel "A hand-painted one." For Steaming Eyeglasses. When going Into a crowded room in cold or damp weather, eyeglasses steam so that it is almost impossible to see. If rubbed with vaseline and cleaned well, the glasses will not gather this moisture. From the De signer. Awful. A woman at Willesden, called to speak regarding the character of an other, declared: "She is most awfully respectable awfully so." London Tit-Bits. Easy to Banish Ail Trouble. Half yur troubles vanish the mo ment you face them, and the other half disappear if you continue to face them. Boston Transcript. 31 at Beaded In every department of house keeping. Equally good for towels, table linen, sheets and pillow caeee. Cncm No Soap Better ' For Your Skin Than Cuticura fhTev4) Wow. OlrTtwwt TiJetymT fra at '"'ti me LiAerUrt , Dapf X. MalsWa, at a ft. D Are Yoa Satisfied? BF.HNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLECf Is the blgrest, most perfectly equipped Business Training School In the North- west Fit yourself for a higher posiaoa with more money. Permanent positron assured our Oraduatee. Writs for eataJot Foorta and TensklU, Portland P. N. U. No. 12, 1923 45 J