The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 22, 1923, Image 1

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lA siL &&sssJ
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 9, NO. 24
Times, one year, $1.50.
James Chalmers
Horse Shoeing and
General Blacksmithing
Plow Share Grinding
Maupin, Ore.
r t
jjouge ino. zuy, Maupin, urngon.
meets every Saturday night in
I. O. O. F. hail. Visiting mom,
berB always welcome.
F. D. Stuarr, Secretary
B. D. Fraley, N. G.
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby's Drug store,
The Dalles, Ore
Phone Black 1111
Ora N. Brown was born in
Hillsboro, Oregon, November 16
1892 and died March 19 1923 at
Maupin Oregon. Quinzie being
the cause of his death.
Mr. Brown leaves a wife,
mother, Mrs. L. J. Brown of
Portland Oregon, father J. H.
Brown of San Francisco Califor
nia, sister Mrs. Mattie Vail, and
brother F. W. Brown, both of
Portland. Mrs. Brown took the
body to Hillsboro Monday" night
for burial. She was also ac
companied by her mother Mrs.
Kuggles, Mrs. Bates Shaliuck
and Mrs. W. 0. Miller.
Four' head of cattle, ear marl;
crop off right ear not being able
to see brand plain cant tell what
it is. Cattle are on my home
stead must be taken up at once.
Robert Garland.
Matches G boxes for 35 cents
-Maupin Drug Store.
School Entertainment
Given by the pupils of
Tygh Valley Public School
I. O. 0. F. Kail Tygh Valley
Saturday Evening-, March 31st
Beginning at 8 Admission 50c
Dance after the Program
We would appreciate your trade. We sell the
best goods. We give the best service for the
least money in Maupin. Your dollar does double
duty at the
Harris Cash Store
Eyes Tested "
Saturdays and Sundays
Old Bank Building Maupin, Oregon
1 0. R. Dinwiddie
Registered Optician
XTOU may pay
higher prices, but
you can't buy better
quality or greater
satisfaction than you
will find in clothes
"Tailored to Measure
by Born."
The handsome all
wool fabrics will
delight your eye; you
will see evidence of
expert tailoring in the
finished garments; in
the fit, the style, and
in the long wear."
Large sales at a small
profit per s.uit, and the
remarkable resources ot
the Born organization,
keen production costs low
and quality standardsJiigh,
Let us take your measure
Wc can "Suit" you
Because of so much sickness in
the community the program
which was dated for last Satur
day night was postponed.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lewis
returned from Cape Horn Wn.
Saturday night.',
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown visit
ed at Ben Formans' on Sunday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Stuart and Mr.
and Mrs. Agidius of Mauoin
motored to Pine Grove Sunday.
I- Jim McCoy of Wamic was visit
ing his sons in Wapinitia on Sun
John Sinclair who was sick is
able to be out again.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson
were in town today. Mrs. Peter
son had not been to Wapinitia
tiince November.
Rev. W. A.' Matthews of Sim
nasho has been on the sick list,
lie expects to go to Portland
soun ior medical treatment.
M and Mrs. Walter Woodside
and ion Wallace are having the
flu. '
Lsstv McCorkle is nursing
a cold and a broken rib.
Joe Gr t'iam is building a large
machine shop on his place near
the bridge.
Mrs. iihipfii'n visited Mrs.
Sharpe on Wednesday'while Mr.
hipflin was hauling hay. ,,
Mr. and Mis. Arch Gutzler
visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Driver Sunday.
David Sharpe and daughter
Melba were sick the first part of
the weqk with colds.
Calvin Burnside was down
from Pine Grove Monday. v
N. G. Hedin went to The Dal
les Monday.
Ben Forman went to Tygh
Valley last Thursday.
Grandma Woodside spent last
Thursday visiting Mrs. Foiman.
Carl Pratt is able to again
bring the mail.
Mrs. Mary Pechette, who has
been visiting at Sandy returned
home on Thursday. Her daugh
ter Mrs. Blanche Pierce and
small child accompanied her,
One of the Maupin dentists
was in Wapinitia Saturday and
Perle Evick made a trip to
Maupin Monday for medicine for
Mrs. Evick who is ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Gutzler are en
tertaining some of their folks
from Portland this week.
' Mr. and Mrs. R. E EJIinwood.
were in Maupin Sunday.
Mrs. Julia Endersby and child
ren spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Cox.
A large crowd gathered at the
home- of Mr. and Mrs. Perle
Evick last Friday for a good
social time. The occasion wa9
a party honoring the birthday of
Sam Wall, Dee Woodside and
Fred Ilornquist.
Mr3. Tomlinson of Friend is,
now staying with her grand
daughter, Mrs. Fred Ilornquist.
Jeanette Burnside was a week
end guest at the home of Anna
Cards have .been received an
nouncing the birth of another
son to Kev. and Mrs. G. E. Wood
of North Bend. The young
man will answer to the name of
Joseph Wilson.
John Ward is now visiting at
the home of his sister, Mrs.
Smith at Dufur.
David Franklin Judkins, who
died last December at the home
of his daughter. Mrs. Frank
j Batty will be buried on March
!31 at Portland Oregon,
j F. G. Magill and son Robert
I spent Sunday visiting relatives
in Wamic.
S. N. liiii attended the Mc
Corkle sale at Wamic Saturday.
Emil Hacklcr who has been
Around Maupin
4 15 cent packages Octogen
soap flakes 25 cents Maupin
Drug Store.
L. D. Woodside was a business
visitor in Maupin last Friday.
Jackson Rice and A. L. Daniels
were in Maupin Monday.
' 2 quart hot water bottles and
Fountain Syringes guaranteed
for one year. While thoy last
$1.00 each Maupin Drug Store.'
Miss Vina Ayres arrived on
last nights train, enroute home
from Monmouth where she has
been attending normal school. I
Oranges! Fine large sweet J
ones at Shattucks. Special this!
week at 60 cents per dozen.
"Eat Oranges for Health".
Mrs. F. D. Stuart is employed
at the Bank during Geo. Mc
Donald's absence,
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Flinn have
purchased the Obar hotel in The
School Notes
All the pupils of the Grammar
Grade room are back except
Helen Weberg, Doris Talcott,
and Stanley Wood. The flu
seems to have stayed with them.
The students of the high school
are all back to their studies.
At eight o'clock Friday 23 the
program of the Literary society
begins. Put on your hat and
coat and come out and enjoy the
evening. Every one invited.
Bring your friends.
Which Kind?
Why not try the rapid growth
Rhode Island Reds? See the
flock and get hatching eggs from
Owen McCorkle.
Smock News
The farmers are rejoicing as
spring weather is here.
A number of us are suffering
with severe colds.
Edd Wall Earl and Eleanor
are recovering from an attack
of the flu.
Mr. and Mrs. Callie Duncan
moved on the Morgan place last
F. T. Feltchwent to The Dal
les on business Wednesday re
turning on Thursday evening.
Uur telephone directors are
having work done on the lines
to Wamic which has been need
ed badly for some time.
5f.Miss Feltch attended Sunday
School for the first time it months
Oranges! Fine large sweet
ones at Shattucks. Special this
week at GO cents per dozen.
"Eat Oranges for Health"
R. W. Richnioed and sons are
installing a, Radio.
Wanted, a few brood sows -A.
A. Bonney. .
During the process of plowing
and removing rock on his prop
erty here, H. F. Both well made
the discovery recently of several
bottles burricd in rows, which
evidently had contained some
kind of "moonshine" but had
either frozen or exploded.
i Criterion News
Mrs. Appling entertained her
; Sunday school class Saturday at
her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Kirsch took din
ner at Dave Wilsons Sunday.
Bernice Cook spent Sunday
with Mrs. Albright.
Ethel Kidder spent Saturday
night with Margaret Albright.
Margaret and Christine Al
bright spent Friday night with
Mr. Skinner and son are leav
ing for The Dalles Wednesday
to spend the summer.
Mr, Thomas left for Portland
last week.
Ernest Kramer went down to
his brother Joes this week.
Wamic News
Charley Crofoot transacted
business in The Dalles Wednes
day. Mrs. Rose Dahl, of Tygh, was
in The Dalles Thursday.
Many here are still in the grip
of the flu though no serious cases j
Marion Duncan went to hist
homestead across the Deschutes I
river last week to look after his'
cattle. i
Ed Wall hauled a load of feed
from Maupin last week for Jim
my Branway.
A big crowd was at the C. S.
McCorkle sale here Saturday.
Jim Kennedy came out from
The Dalles Monday and went
back again Thursday. II'' says
the roads are pretty gid in
most places,
Charley Duncan was a Dallei
visitor of last week a guest over
night at the Evans Parrish home
Bill Woodcock and Mrs. Neva
Driver were Dailes visitors Mon
day returning Tuesday,
Mrs. Matie Patison received a
letter from Mrs. Eflle McCorkle
saying she was much improved
in health since she went to Portland.
Everything for the Table
Spring a almost here. Remember we Carry
both Western and Eastern Grown Garden Seeds.
After cutting your potatoes to plant roll them.
in Land Plaster. Sprinkle a little in the trench when
you. plant your garden. When your seed comes up
sprinkle along the row. We have it for you.
Seed Potatoes, Netted Gem, Certified Seed
grown by P. J. Kirsch.
Earliest of all.
Your Ground and Time is valuable. Plant
good seed.
A most complete grocery stock, and a good
line of Fresh and Cured Meats.
Will buy your veal. To get the top price kill
between 7 and 9 weeks old, be sure they are fat. A
little calf meal will do the triek.
Wc have it in 25 pound sacks.
We are trying to keep Southern Wasco Counly
money at home.
Warning Notice
Do you know that at this time
of year the burning or hurrying
of decaying vegetable or animal
matter will do much to keep
down the flies; also the removal
of manure piles. The city ordin
ance in regard 1o filth, rubbish
and manure which requires its
removal and a penalty for fail
ure to comply with it will be
rigidly enforced. '
laid up for several months w ith
rheumatism is getting belter.
Grandma Hartman is also get
ting better.
Jack Wall visited his brother
Sam last Sunday.
John Charles is plowing for
Mr3. Julia Endersby.
J. I. Parker and family were!
visiting at Pine Grove Sunday, j
The Crandall Undertaking Co.
The Dalles, Oregon
Licensed Enbalniers Motor Equipment
Start That Account
and when you think of a. Bank, Ihink of our
Bank then come in and, jret atquainted.
The man with five dollar is treated with as
much courtesy as the man with thousnnds.
You Need Us
We Neecj You
As business friends we arc. both made stronger
Maupin State Bank
Wc Strive to Merit Approval
W- .. J