The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 01, 1923, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 9, NO. 17
THE YEAR $1.50
Trio of Robbers
Sunday night three men went
into Dee Talcott's house' killing
chickens and enjoying a chicken
supper. After remaining over
night they took covers from two
beds, and ramsacked a trunk,
taking some pictures, vanity
case, kodak razor etc, and came
to Maupin each with a pack on
his back. A. Crabtree, Earl
Crabtree' and W. 0. Miller ac
companied by Mildred and Doris
Talcatt, captured the men below
the 0. T. depot Monday evening
identifying the goods. The rob
bers who had been under obser
vance of the local marshal for
for several days were held at
the hotel Kelly until morning
when W. H. Williams, Wiley J.
rlarris and Earl Crabtree deliver
ed them to the county officers at
The Dalles, where they pled
guilty and were put . behind the
Legion Doings
To Sell Music
Maupin Post 73 meets every
first and third Mondays of each
month. BE THERE. Ex-service
man re you a member, if
not why? All visiting it em
bers are cordially invited.
J. Chalmers Com.
A- E. Mayhew Adj.
Eyes Tested
Saturdays and Sundays
Old Bank Building Maupin, Oregon
0. R. Dinwiddie
Registered Optician
Water Permits
Maupin Theatre
Sunday, February 4th
Tom Moore
From the Ground Up
Rupert -Hughes provides a delightful
youth who really rises from the dirt.
but plenty of action.
Star Comedy
Admission 20 and 40
of a
The eleven thousand American
Legion Posts are being mobilized
to distribute over two million
copies of the Official National
March of the organization, "Ar
mistice Day Forever". It is
composed by Berry J. Sisk, a
crippled young man of Sioux City
Iowa, and won its high distinct
ion when it was adopted by the
National Executive Committee
of the American Legion.
This composition was first in
troduced by Sousa's Band and
has received praise from other
great musical leaders. "Armis
tice Day Forever" was written
by Mr. Sick in the hour when he
was in thought trying to be of
help to soldiers that are disabled
and otherwise handicapped. He
was unable to eo to the front
lines with them during the world
war, but as he puts it, "Physical
handicaps should not keep any
one from performing patriotic
services. I will feel more like
calling myself an American after
I have paid my debt to the boys
that foLcht for our nation in its
greatest clanger."
Knowing that Armistice Day
was the day that ended the war
and that the duties of Americans
were transfered on that day to
the men who won the fight, he
gave the 'March the historical
title, "Armistice Day Forever."
With this maich, he intends
to raise one million dollars for
the Legion, to be Le used in the
benefit of the neeuv veterans,
and the sale and distribution will
be handled by the Pwa& thjough
out the country,
Mr. Sisk, though badly handi
capped since childhood h s been
self-reliant, is married, conducts
a successful publishing busirrss
and shows a keen interest n
Americanization work. He ii
against cripples begging and ab-
School Notes
Starting 8 p.
We are still installing and
selling Radio appartus
We have agency for best
Radio appartus
During the months of October
November and December, 92 per
mits were issued by State Engin
eer Percy A. Cupper, for the ap
propriation of water from the
various streams throughout the
J. H. and E. C. Woodcock were
granted a permit for the appro
priation of water lrom Uak
Springs in Wasco county, for
the delovement of 421 horse
M. L. Kinney, W. E. Lucas
and Jessie Lucas, covering the
appropriation of water from Mid
die Fork and Gate creek for irri
gation and supplemental supply.
H. Wood of Tvgh Valley cover
ing the appropriation of water
from Tvgh creek for irrigation cf
11 acres.
F. M. Fowler of Wamic, cover
ing the appropriation of water
from Kock and Gate creeks for
irrigation of 55 acres.
Exceptions of the Wamic Ditch
company in the White river wat
er right adjudication will come
up for hearing in the circuit
court Monday. The exception
constitutes an appeal to the cir
cuit court from the findings of
the state water board. Chronicle
February 16 is the date set for
the basket supper. Every body
is invited to attend. Ladies,
please bring baskets. Gentle
men are invited to bring their
The debate between Metolius
and Maupin will be held in the
school house February 2, at 8:00
The Oregon high school confer
ence will be held February 2 and
3 at Eugene. The Maupin dele
gates will be in attendance.
Card of Thanks
We wish to extend our thanls
for help our many friends have
given us through our misfortune
It makes the world seem bright
er to know you have friends that
are true.
" S. N. Hill and Family.
Around Maupin
Take notice. Maupin's carni
val Troupe of B. D. Fraley, Chas
Kramer, E A. Cyr, Ray Kaylor
and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mc
I .nHnitinnfltin HTiniT
iiuib i- "l! Donaid were seen on the streets
anyone. uei cnppiea ao i ,
an education and they will get it
then let them use that education
in the right way and be good cit1
zens. The mind if properly
utilizeed will make the handi
capped individual happy and
successful," is Sisk's philosophy
He not only is successful himself
but instead of asking help, he
has always aimed to help others
and with his March he is deter
mined to pay the ex-service
men lor UKing ms yiace m m
Smock News
Weather colder, 12 inches of
snow here.
Mr. and Mrs. Callie Duncan
returned from Portland on Fri
day evening.
Mr. L. H. Root of The Dalles
visited his daughter Mrs. J. W.
Farlow and family and is now
with Mrs. Myra Ayres another
daughter for a short visit.
E. E. Wall and family are visit
ing relatives on Juniper Flat.
Mr. F. T. Feltch and sister
lona with Elnore and Walter
and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bradway
spent a social evening with the
Ledfords on Friday.
Mrs. Mac Mayfied has been on
the sick list but is better at this
Cover your Hotcakes with
Crimson Rambler
White or Golden
Cost No More Than Any Good Corn Syrup
WHERE the sun shines most of
''the time. Out-of-door life all
the time.
Thousands of miles of paved high
ways thrpugh picturesque semi
tropic settings make motoring won
derfully exhilarating.
Most attractive ocean beaches on
the Pacific Coast. t
Most complete system of hotel
apartment houses, cottages, bungs
lows and small suites for tourists of
any country in the world, and all
costs reasonable. Room for everybody.
Odd Fellow Ledge No. 209 en
tertained the Rebekahs and
their families Saturday night,
with a program and supper,
about 70 people were present.
The program was well rendered
and enjoyed by all. A delicious
supper was served, after which
dancing was enjoyed.
of Corvallis by Lewis Derthick,
who immediately notified his
father 0. B. Derthick that they
had informed him there would
be no shows until they reached
Roseburg, thinking that they
could su3C03sfully cr ss the bor
der after working that town
W. E. Hunt attended the wool
growers meeting at i
last week, returning hone Monday.
Mrs. F. D. Stuart is assiMirp
in the bank during Geo. McDon
ald's absence.
W. A. Dane was in from Waii
nitia Saturday evening attending
the I. 0. 0. F. lodge.
Carl Pratt has received his
appointment for rural mail car
rier and started in today as a
full fledged mail man w ith uni
form and everything.
Several Maupin people attend
ed the dance given at the Farm
ers Union hall, Friday night, a
good time was enjoyed by all.
Representative W. C. Bolton
made a flying trip from Salem
Wednesday, returning to Port
land tonight to meet a delega
tion of men from the national
legislature, and will goto Seattle
Saturday to interview the inter
state fish hatchery commission.
B. D. Fraley left Sunday for
The Dalles where he left his ma
chine and will drive through to
Patterson California, accompani
ed by E. A. Cyr, Chas. Kramer,
G E. and Mrs. McDonald and
Kay Kaylor.
A. B. Linn came in town from
his Bawmill Monday, leaving
Tuesday on a business trip to
U. S. Endersby was in town
to attend the Odd Fellows enter
tainment Saturday night
Pepresentatives of the
will ftladlv furnish Instructive and beautifully Illustrated booklet!
mrm complete information about the glorious playgrouna m
the West. Let them tell all about hotel ratra, railroad fare
throunh car service, the famous Circle Tour throuirh San Fre
eweo and Salt Lake City, or a part of the waj b ocean trap, rm
ftfiirney of equal interest In America.
R. B. BELL, Agent, Maupin, Oregon
WM. McMURItAY, General Passenger
Agent, Portland, Oregon
The Crandall Undertaking Co.
The Dalles, Oregon
Licensed Enbalmers
Motor Equipment
Stop to Think
That your interests are our
when you prosper we prosper.
interests, That
Come in at any time and talk you financial
affairs over with us.
We will do
to help you
all that we consistently can
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to Merit Approval