The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 25, 1923, Image 4

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    The Maumn Times
Published Every Thursday at Maupin, Oregon,
JessiunK E. Mokkison, Publisher
Subscription: One Year $1.50, Six
entered as second class mail
post office at Maupin, Oregon,
I have opened a blacksmith shop for all
around blacksmithirg at my old stand
opposite Woodcock's mill and am prepared
to do work at reasonable rates.
Wamic News
Mr. and Mrs. Hyram Corum
went from The Dalles to Port
land Thursday to attend the fun
eral of Alfred Sanford. Mr.
Sanford leaves besides his wife
four daughters and one son and
six grandchildren, two sisteis,
Mrs Mary Pratt of this place
and Mrs. Annie Gilmore of Cres
well. Mr. Sanford spent his boy
hood days here and had many
friends here who are saddened
by his death.
Very heavy rains fell heie
Tuesday night and rain and snow
fell Wednesday.
Percy Driver and his men
have been replacing and repair
ing bridges the past week. The
one on second street was put
back in place having been turntd
around by the flood. The one
on the cross street has been re
built and Rock creek has been
bridged so that auto travel is re
sumed. Frank Magill was not able to
cross Rock creek with his hack
while the bridge was out and
had to trrnsfer it over on horses
Lenore Woodcock took the mail
from there and distributed it.
Little Lyle Driver is improved
some from the pneumonia.
Zetta Watkins.was a guest of
Verda Wing the former part of
last week.
Many here are suffering from
colds and sore throats-. Mrs.
Mary Gibson and Hazel Johnson
are among those with the epi
demic. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Driver went
to the Bill Johnson home Satur
day for a few days stay. Mr.
Driver is suffering now with
stomach trouble.
Lucile Kennedy offered a prize
to her music pupils here to stimu
late their interest while she is
detained from coming out from
The Dalles on Saturdays when
she teaches her class. Alberta
Wing and Lenore Woodcock tied
and each received a prize which
consisted of instrumental music
Frank Driver came Saturday
from The Dalles where herepres
ented the water ditches here
that are in litagation.
Jim Kennedy came out from
The Dalles Saturday after spend
ing the greater part of the week
transacting business.
Tom and Mit Wing returned
from The Dalles Saturday.
Mr3. T. Woodcock gave a card
party Saturday night, serving
cjffee, sandwitches and cake.
Darrel Elwood has been elect
ed president of the student body
in The Dalles.
A dance was given at the
Shively home Saturday night.
Several inches of snow fell
here last night and today.
Agent E. W. Griffin, whose
chickens suffered the loss of
their residence in the recent high
water and had to resort to a box
car, has replaced the wrecked
cottage with a more substantial
building, and their hens now
break the monotony with healthy
sounding cackles.
Percy Martin was in town this
Months 75cts, Three Months 50c
matter September 2, 1914. at the
under the Act of March 3, 1879.'
School Notes
The Literary Society elected
officers Monday. They are Erma
Morris, President; Jean Wilson,
Vice President; Helen Philmlee,
Secretary Treasurer; Sergeant at
Arms, 0. R Dinwiddie.
The Student Body election was
canducted Monday evening.
The officers are President, Mabel
Cyr; Vice-President, Lorraine
Stovall; Secretary Jean Wilson;
Treasurer, Stanley Houghton;
Assistant Editor, Erma Morris;
and Sergeant at Arms, Profess
or 0. R. Dinwiddie. It was
moved and adopted that the offi
cers elect should give an improm
ptu talk. Most of them did real
Several of the students were
absentees Tuesday on account of
the weather.
The program Friday afternoon
was quite well attended and en
joyed by all.
Don't forget the Debate Febru
ary 2. 1923. -Jesse Walter Editor
Smock News
Winter is again with us,
after one month and more of
April weather.
John Davis is spending a week
with his sister Mrs. E. Wall and
Farlow Bros, are sawing wood
for Geo. Bargenholt.
Marion Duncan took his cattle
to his Sherman Co. ranch the
first of the week. Blaine Dis
brow went with him. His sister
Addie is staying with his wife
during his absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hill and
children spent Sunday with Mr.
Bargenholts family.
F. T. Feltch has about recover
ed from an attack of lagrippe.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ledford
and son Sidney of White Salmon
Wn came on Monday evening to
visit his parents Mr. and Mrs.
S. G. Ledford for the week.
Needless to say there is great
rejoicing over the reunion.
Mary Mayfield is visiting her
brother Virgil and family at
Pine Grove since Tuesday.'
Around Maupin
Portland Painless Dentist.
seven years in The Dalles
painless extraction 1.00 80;i
Second St. The Dalles Oregon,
W. T. Slatten D. D. S. Prop
rietorPhone Main 4821.
Dean Raymond, a young man
of 9 pounds weight arrived at
the Raymond Crabtree home
Tuesday night to make his per
manent home.
Drs. Corvin and Johns dentists
arrived Sunday from Brit sh
Columbia and are located at
Harpham Hotel.
The re-occurrence of the foun
tain pen adv was an error. Mrs.
0. P. Weberg found the pen and
brought it to us after read ng
the adv.
Matches 6 boxes for 35 cents
Maupin Drug Store.
H. G. Humphries electrician
and lineman of the Bend light
and Power Co. with Woodock
Bros, located their pole line be
tween Maupin and the pow cr-
site at Oak Springs last Satur
The Misses Ella Smith and
Violet Gosser, local waitresses
left Tuesday for a weeks vaca
tion. Snow of the first of the week
remains on top of a layer of
Howard Hill and County Agent
Daigh were Maupin visitors Sun
day arranging for a meeting
with the farmers next week.
Mrs. and Mrs. E. W. Griffin
entertained 62 friends last Thurs
day evening at their home. Mr.
Griffin opened up the freight
room where the young people
enjoyed dancing. Cards were
also a diversion. Mrs. Griffin
served delicious refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. Job Crabtree
and W. H. Aldrich f rom Bake
Oven section Monday were in
James Chalmers
Horse Shoeing and
General Blacksmithing
Plow , Share Grinding
Maupin, Ore.
I.O. O.F.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon,
meets every Saturday night ip
I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting mem
bere always welcome.
F. D. Stuarr, Secretary
B. D. Fraley, N. G.
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby's Drug store,
The Dalles, Ore
, Phone Black 1111
New Toda)r-
"SNAPPY"-' Four piece er
chestra for dances and entertain
ments. Call Chas. Brown or
Leon Frasier. Dufur, Oregon.
Wanted to ship four head cattle
with someone soon. A. B. Matt
hews, Phone 1F4 Maupin.
Cucumbers in salt brine for
pickles, for sale Times office.
For Sale-280 feet of R f picket
fence, made in neatpannels with
base, also same quantity of wire
fencing and posts for either.
Ideal for chicken park. Inquire
Times office.
In stock at the Times office
Wedding cabinets, plain and
fancy stationery, cards, stork
cabinets, carbon paper, tags,
butter parchment and cartons,
school report cards, cardboard
and paper in large pieces.
For Sale 1 Fanning mill with
sacker, 1 Jersey cow age 4 years
Write H. Wood, Maupin Ore.
For Sale Eleven nice f eede pigs
will weigh about 125 lbs. One
coming five year old Registered
Aberdeen Angus Bull Bruce
Three rooms to let B. F. Cook.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Ore
gon. October, 27, 1922.
Notice is hereby Riven that
Irl Davis
of Dufur, Oregon, who on September
lztn, lyiv, made Homestead Entry
No. 019249. for 8E1-4se1-4. Sec. 23.
sl-2 swl-4, Sec. 24, Nl-4Nwl-4. sec.
25, N1-2N1-2, sec. 26 and Feby. 21, 1921
made stockraising Additional home
stead entry No. 021789 for s1-2se1-4,
sec. 27. N1-2N1-2. bw1-4neW. nw1-4se1-
4, Section 34, all in Township 3
south. Range 13 East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Register and Receiver, United
States Land Office at The Dalles Ore
gon, on the 15th day of December 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: Claude
C. Foster, of The Dalles, Oregon. Ed
Faulk, of The Dalles, Oregon, John M.
Conroy, of Tygh Valley, Oregon, Cy
rus Lofton, of Tygh Valley, Oregon.
J. w, Donnelly. Register.
In the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Wasco
Alice Vas Binder,
, Plaintiff
Percy Vas Binder,
To Percy Vas Binder, defend
ant above named:
In the name of the State of
You are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above
entitled suit within six (6) weeks
from the date of first publication
of this Summons and if you fail
so to appear and answer, then
the plaintiff herein will apply to
the Court for the relief demand
ed in plaintiff's complaint, to-wit:
For a decree foreverdissolving
the marriage reiation existing
between yourself and the plain
tiff and that plaintiff be awarded
the control, custody and care of
the minor child of yourself - and
plaintiff and for such other and
further relief as to the Court
may seem meet and reasonable
This Summons is served upon
you tor a period ot six (6) weeks
by order of the Hon. Fred W.
Wilson, Circuit Judge of above
entitled Court.
Date of first publication Janu
ary 25, 1923.
Date of last pnblication March
8, 1923.
J. W. Allen
Attorney for Plaintiff
Residence and Postoffice Address
The Dalles, Oregon
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, January 9, 1923.
Notice is hereby given that
Harry W. Skinner
of Criterion, Oregon, who on October 17,
1919, made Homestead entry No. 021047
tor SE1-4SW1-4, sl-i!sEl-4, section lis,
NEl-4 NWl-4, Nl-2 NEl-4, Section 33,
n1-2nw1-4, section 34, Township 6 south
Kange 15 east, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to
make three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described
before F. D, Stuart, United States Com
missioned at Maupin, Oregon, on the
20th day of February, 1923.
Claimant names as witnesses: D. B.
Appling of Criterion, Oregon, Thos.
Moss, of Criterion, Oregon, Laughlin
Morrison of Shaniko, Oregon, Malcolm
McDonald, of bha.uko, Oregon.
J. W. Donnelly, Register,
Department of the Interior ,
II. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, November 17th, 1922.
Notice is herebv given that
Anna Flanagan, one of the heirs and
for the heirs of James Doran
of Maupin, Oregon, who on April 29,
1921, made Homestead Kntry No.
017038, for El-2swl-4, Lot 4, ne1-4se1-4,
section 31, T 4 S, R 15 E, Lots ,
3, 4, section 6, Township 5 Soutn.
Range 15 East, Willamette Meridian.
has filed notice of intention to make
final proof, to establish claim to the
land above described betore Kegister
and Receiver United States Land Office
at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 5th day
of January, 1923.
Claimant names as witnesses: Thomas
Flanagan, Tom Faherty. A. J. Conroy,
A. J. Connolly.all ot Maupin, Oregon.
J. W. Donnelly. Register.
Coming to
The Dalles
Dr. Mellenthin
in Internal Medicine for the
past eleven years
Will be at
The Dalles Hotel
Friday, February 9th
Office Hours 10A.M. to 4 P.M.
No Charge for Consultation
Dr. Mellenthin is a regular graduate
in medicine snd surgery and is licensed
by the state of Oregon. He visits pro
fessionally the more important towns
and cities and offers to ail who call on
this trip free consultation, except the
expense of treatment when desired.
According to his method of treatment
he does not operate for chronic appen
dicitisj gall stones, ulcers of stomach,
tongils or adenoids.
He has to his credit wonderful results
in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels
blood, akin, nerves, heart, kidney, blad
der, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs,
rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and
rectal ailments.
If you have been ailing for any length
of time and do not get any better, do
not fail to call, as improper measures
rather than disease are very often the
cause ef your long standing trouble.
Remember above date, that consul
tation on this trip will be free and that
his treatment is different.
Married women must be accompa
nied by their husbands.
Address 336 Boston Block, Minne
apolis, Him.
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of an execution and order
of sale issued out of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County, in an action there
in pending wherein J. O. Thomp
son was plaintiff, and Amanda
E. Hatley and L. P; Hatlev, wife
and husband, were . defendants
and wherein the said plaintiff
recovered judgement against
said defendants in the sum of
$100.00 with interest thereon
from the 2nd day of September,
1920, at the rate of six per cent
per annum; and for plaintiff's
costs and disbursements taxed m
the sum of $18.10, and in which
said judgment it was ordered
that the property attached in
said action be sold for the pur
pose of satisfying said judgement
and accruing costs, and which
said execution is dated January
17th, 1923.
I will, on Saturday, the 24th
day of February, 1923. at the
hour of ten o'clock A. M. at the
front door of the Courthouse in
The Dalles in Wasco County,
Oregon, for the purpose of
satisfying the amount due on
said judgement, and all costs
and accruing costs thereon, sell
to the highest bidder for cash in
hand, all of the following
described real property, and
being the same property attach
ed in the action aforesaid, to-wit
The Northeast Quarter of
Southwest Quarter (NEiSWi)
Section Twenty (20) Township
Seven (7) South of Range (17)
E. W. M. in Wasco County, Ore.
Dated this 17th day of January
Levi Chrisman
Sheriff of Wasco County Oregon
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, Nov. 18th, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
Daniel J. Conroy
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on Oct. 9th,
1920, made Homestead Entry No. 017026
tor SEl-4 section 10, wl-2swl-4 section
11, Nwl-4Nwl-4, section 14, NEl 4NE1-4.
section 15, Township 6 south, Range
15 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make three vear
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before F. D. Stuart,
United states Commissioner at Maupin,
Oregon, on the 9th day of January,
Claimant names as witnesses: Ralph
Buzan of Criterion, Oregon, Arthur W.
Fargher, of Maupin. Oreeon. David
Donaldson of Maupin, Oregon, Arthur
Wallace ot bhamko, Oregon, Patrick
H. Conroy, of Shaniko, Oregon.
J. W. Donnolly,' Register.
Notice is hereby given, that
pursuant to an order of the
County Court of WascoCounty,
State of Oregon, made and en
tered on the 8th day of January,
1923, the undersigned adminis
trator of the estate- of James
Doran, deceased, will sell at
private auction, to the highest
bidder, for cash, on the 20th
day of January, 1923, at 2 o'clock
in the afternoon of said day, at
the James Doran place, the fol
lowing described personal prop
erty, to-wit:
One bull, 18 head cows and
three-year-old heifers, 4 head
steers, four-year old; 4 head
steersj three-year old; 2 head
two-year old, 5 calves less than
one year old; 4 mares, 2 geldings
1 wrecked Ford runabout; house
hold furniture, including small
tools; 1 set double harness; 1
saddle and bridle; 2 sacks rye, 3
50 lb. sacks of flour; 1 grain
drill; 1 plow; 1 harrow; 1 farm
wagon; 1 gun.
Sealed bids will be received by
the administrator at 870 Court
Avenue, Portland, Oregon, up
to and inclusive of the 20th day
of January, 1923, at the hour of
two o clock r. M. of said day.
Said sale will be made subject
to confirmation by the 'Court,
and the administrator hereby
reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
Dated January 8th, 1923.
Thomas Flanagan.
Administrator of the estate of
James Doran, deceased.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Ore
gon, December 23, 1922.
.Notice is hereby given that
Joel C. Abbott
of Wapinitia Oregon, who on February
20, 1922, made Homestead Entrv No.
017333, for Nl-2sEl-4. section 21, Nl-
2SW1-4,, NW1-4SEI-4, 8El-4sEl-4. SEl-
4Nwl-4, s1-2ne1-4, Lot 3, section 22,
swl-4swl-4, Sec. 23, NEl-4Nwl-4, Lot 1
Section 26, Township 6 south, Range 13
east, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make final three
year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, Delore t. U.
Stuart. United States Commissioner
at MauDin. Oregon, on the 21st day of
February 19S3.
Claimant names as witnesses: Ches
ter Pechette, A. R. Wilcox. Lewis
McCoy. John Porchette. all of Wapi
nitia. uregon.
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
For Sale
Maytag washer and engine,
almost new.-Shattuck Brothers
Gov't. Garden Seeds
Congressman N. J. Sinnotthas
notified the Times that he will
make distribution of goverment
seeds alloted to him this year
through the papers in his district
as this method has proved so
successful for several years in
getting same into the hands of
those who most desire them.
Congressman Sinnott will also
send seeds to any constituent
writing directly to him at Wash
ington, after they are ready for
distribution after the first of the
year. There will also be a few
hundred flower seeds available
for distribution.
J. O. Thompson, )
vs ) Summons
Amanda E. Hatley and L. I
Hatley, wife and husband, i
Defendant J
To Amanda E. Hatley and L. P. Hat
ley, Defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
You and each of you are hereby re-'
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled action within six weeks from
the date of the first publication of this
Bummons, as hereinafter stated, and if
you fail so to appear and answer said
complaint or otherwise plead thereto,
plaintiff will take judgment against
you for tne sum of J100.00 with inter
est thereon from the 2nd day of Sept
ember, 1920, at the rate of six per
cent per annum and for plaintiff's
costs and disbursements.
This summons is served upon you by
publication thereof for six consecutive
weeks in the Maupin Times in con
formity with an order made on the 25th
day of November, 1922, by J. T. Ad
kisson, Jud;e of the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Wa.-ro County
The date of the first publication of
this summons is November 30, 1922,
C. L. Pepper,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Residing at The Dalies, Oregon.
George E. Penny )
and Martha E. Pen-
ny, Plaintiffs, )
John Wittliff and (
Anna Wittliff, Hen- j
ry Wittliff, a minor i
Walter Wittliff, a f
minor, Florence I
Wittliff, a minor, and j
Wilbur Wittliff, a i
minor, Defendants; )
To John Wittliff, defendant
above named;
In the name of the State of
You are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
of the plaintiff, within six weeks
from the date af the first publi
cation of this summons, and if
you fail so to appear and answer
Plaintiff's complaint then the
Plaintiffs will apply to the Court
herein for the relief demanded
in Plaintiff's complaint, to-wit:
.A judgment against John
Wittliff and Anna Wittliff for
the sum of $600 with interest
thereon at the rate of 7 per cent
per annum from April 16th, 1920
for the sum of $120.00 taxes
paid on mortgaged premises,
and for $100.00 attorney fees,
and Plaintiff's costs and disburs
ments. That the mortgage executed ,
by yourself and Anna Wittliff to
the Plaintiffs herein be fore
closed, and that the premises
mentioned therein, to-wit: Nl-2
of se1-4 of Nwl-4 of Sec. 21, To.
1 N. R. 13, E. W. M. and lots D,
E. and F in Block 69 of Fort
Dalles Millitary Reservation to
Dalles City and swl-4 of se1-4 of
Sec. 1, Tp. I N. R. 12 E. W. M.,
be sold and the proceeds thereof
be applied in Satisfaction of
Plaintiff's judgment and that
any surplus after the payment
of Plaintiff's claim be paid to
Anna Wittliff, Henry Wittliff,
Florence Wittliff and Wilbur
Wittliff, and for such other and
further relief as to the Court
shall seem meet and proper.
This summons is served upon
you by publication for a term of
six consecutive weeks, by order
of the Hon. Fred W. Wilson,
Circuit Judge.
Date of first pub hcation No
vember 30, 1922.
Date of last publication Janu
ary 11, 1923.
- J.W.Allen,
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Residence and P. O AHdroaa
The Dalles, Oregon.