The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 25, 1923, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 9, NO. 16
THE YEAR $1.50
Council Meeting
Maupin City Council conven
ed last night in regular session
with all officers present except
L. C, Henneghan and B. F.
The committee on drafting a
barn ordinance asked for more
information and time to make a
The recorder was ordered to
draw warrants for the payment
of H. M. Green, J. Chalmers
and the Tum-A-Lum Co. on
the Baldwin & Swope sidewalk
A letter from the county as
sessor was read, stating that
Sunday 3 P. M.
Elder P. W. Province of The
Dalles will be in Maupin and
speak in the high school room
of the school house. He has not
announced the subject, but we
may be assured of something
interesting. All invited. Free.
Three o'clock. No collections.
$520.00 was the amount of road
taxes derived from the town of
Maupin last year.
, Shattuck Bros, and the Drug
Store bills were ordered pa ri.'
Jack Donaldson returned from
his homestead Tuesday.
Eyes Tested
Saturdays and Sundays
Old Bank Building Maupin, Oregon
0. R. Dinwiddie
Registered Optician
Maupin Theatre
Sunday, January 23th
Irene Castle
vSlim vShoulders
The most brilliant fashion view eyer staged on
the screen showed at the Blue Mouse theatre
in Portland last' week.
Pollard Comedy
Starting 8 p. ra. Admission 20 and 40
Tl Tn
We are still installing and
selling Radio appartus
We have agency for best
Radio appartus on the
Farmer's Meeting
On Friday February 2, there
will be an all day meeting at the
Universal Farmer's Union Hall
for all farmers of Juniper Flat
and Wapinitia Plains. This- will
be a general meeting not only
forFarmer's Union members but
for all farmers interested in. the
economics of farming.
Two extention specialist from
the college will be there to hand
le the subject matter and we
hope that the weather will per
mit a full house- These gentle
men are spending three days in
the county and will speak at vari
ous meetings around Dufur,
Friend and Juniper Flat.
Mr. R. V. Gunn, extension
specialist in Farm Management,
who has been well received in
the county before will deliver an
address on questions pertaining
to farm management and he also
has some authentic figures on
the cost of wheat production
which are very interesting. K
S. Be se, the other speaker is
extenlkn specialist in marketing
and organization, and he gives
a verv icr.structivt! talk on the
farmers marketing problems.
An all d iy meeting is being
arranged to give the speakers as
much time is they need and it
is desired to start as early in the
morning as possible in order that
the meeting v ill not extecd late
into the afternjon.
E. R. Jackman and County
Agent C. W. Dauh will meet
the farmers of this section Janu
ary 29 at the Hotel Kelly at i:30
Bin inspection and potatoJarm-J
ing will be discussed.
Wapinitia ,
Between 1 and 2 o'clock Wed
nesday morning S. N. Hills t.ore
burned. The cause is unknov n
unless spontaneous combustion
The building was new having
been completed only last fall.
The family occupied rooms in the
rear and awakened only in time
to save their lives. The building
stock and household goods were
a complete loss with only small
Mr. and Mrs. Hill have the
sympathy of the entire commun
ity. Now is a good time to pay
your grocery bills.
D. W. Sharpeand family were
Sunday guests of Mr.' and Mrs.
Chester Brittain in Wamic,
Gladys Smith spent Sunday in
Maupin visiting her cousins, the
Weberg girls.
Rev. Parker and son Oren were
in Maupin a short time Sunday
Farmers are busy fixing tele
phone lines.
Fred Hornquist and family
went to The Dalles Thursday 'to
visit a few days.
Ed. Bernard and family are
visiting at Sam Walls this week.
Dr. Griffith was called again
Sunday night to attend Nichol
son O'Brien. ,
Ralph Woodside wes a Maupin
visitor Monday.
U. S. Endersby and Jess Cox
have gone over to Prineville to
hunt jack rabbits. They expect
to be gone about two weeks.
Mr. Gutzler of Portland is visi
ting his son Arch.
Ben Foreman accompanied
James Abbott to Maupin last
Florence Woodside who has
been absent from school over a
week on account of sickness was
much worse Monday night. Dr.
Griffith was called and pronounc
ed it acute appendicitis.
N. G. Hedin and R. E. Ellen
wood went to The Dalles Sunday
if the weather permits Mr. Hed-
Ditch Appeals
The first of the White river
water right adjudication appeals
will be heard in the circuit court
tomorrow, in the case of Frank
M. Driver, who is petitioning
for right to intervene. .
This will be the start of water
cases which will occupy the circuit
court at more or less regular in
tervals during all of 1923. There
are eight exceptions in the White
river adjudication, and following
the settlement of these, will
come cases growing out of the
Mill creek, Fifteen Mile creek
and Eight Mile creek adjudica
tion. These exceptions are directly
the outgrowth of the decisions of
the state water board in its ad
judication of water rights along
the creeks in question. Persons
dissatisfied with the amount of
water allotted to them by the
state board, have the right to
appeal to the circuit court, and
trom then on the procedure is
identical with that of any othpr
civii cese, with the exception of
the taking of testimony, which
already has been done by water
board representatives.
The following is the circuit
court docket of cases in the
White river adjudication:
January 19, petition of Frank
M. Driver for right to intervene;
January 23, exceptions of W. J.
Knox; January 25, exceptions 'of
the Rock Creek and Gate Creek
Ditch companies, and also the
exceptions of the Three Mile
Ditch enmpany; January 29, ex
ceptions of the Wamic Water
Ditch company; February 6, ex
ceptions of the Round Prairie
Water Ditch company; February
27, exceptions of the Lost and
Boulder Ditch company; March
29, exceptions of the Tygh Valley
High Line ditch company.
Due to the importance of the
questions involved, the court
has stipulated that written briefs
will be required at the time of
the oral arguments in the respec
tive hearings. Chronicle 18.
in expects to go c n to Portland
and bring his car home.
Mrs. Evick and Orval have
been sick this week. Mr. Evick
has also been laid up with a cold
and sore throat.
Fred Magill went to Wamic
where he remained over night
visiting his parents and oilier
Arthur Pechette and family
spent the week end at the home
of his mother Mrs. Mary Pechette.
Glen Hammer was quite sick
Mrs. Louie McCoy is suffering
with a bad case of sciat;ca rheu
D. W. Sharpe and family are
in The Dalles at present.
Art Eubeck is now working
for J. P. Abbott.
Herb Lewis celebrated his
birthday Thursday.' He is not
telling how many candles there
were on his cake.
W. A. Dane has bought 120 A.
of the Webber place. Mr. Hed-
ih made the deal.
Legion Doings
American Legion meets every
first and third Mondays of each
month. Buddy are you a mem
ber? If not ask for an applica
tion blank. All visiting mem
bers are cordially invited.
J. Chalmers Com.
A E. Mayhew Adj.
While you are resting, why cot oil up the
old harness, with Eureka Harness Oil,
does not cost much and adds- many days
to the life of the harness. We have it.
WHERE the sun shines most of
' ' the time. Out-of-door life all
the time.
Thousands of miles of paved high
ways through picturesque semi
tropic settings make motoring woa
derfully exhilarating.
Most attractive ocean beaches on
the Pacific Coast.
Most complete system of hotel,
apartment houses, cottages, bunga
lows ana smaii suites ror tourists oc
any country in the world, and all
costs reasonable. Room for everybody.
ttpreaentativee si the
will gladly furnish Instructive ami heiutiraltr Shiatrated booklet
living complete information about the (tarkxa pUrtroona m
(lie West. Let them tell all about hotel retea, railroad (areas
through car terrire. the famou Circle Tewrtkroufh Sa Frft
C'u'n anti Salt I.kClty, or a part of th. way Wj ocean trip. M .
Unrney of equal interest in America '
R. B. BELL, Agent, Maupin, Oregon '
M. McMURRAY, General Passenger
Agent, Portland, Oregon
Better Service
Realizing that the southern part of Wasco Connty
is entitled to up to date service in our line, we have
placed a complete stock of goods with
The Crandall Undertaking Co.
The Dalles, Oregon
Licensed hnbalmers Motor Eouin'ment
i i
Elmer Munier of Bend is visi
ting at the-F. C. Butler home
for a dav or two,
Stop to Think
That your interests are our intercuts, That
when you prosper we prosper.
Come in at any time and talk you financial
affairs over with us. f
We will do all that we consistently can
to help you.
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to Merit Approval
r &