The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 18, 1923, Image 3

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Excellent Cufa
11th and
Write for Pncee and shipping Tmrs Addreae Department B
nr Q I -, The Phonograph Known for Tone
WS J I RA D I VA BA AgenU wanted. Order direct from factory, 330 Gut
1 afc a a Ttff Morrison St., Portland, Oregon.
T)ri Wf At WaAV Write us for prices and market conditions on
fdgt Oc OUU Veal Hogs, Poultry, Fruits, Potatoes, Oni.ns, etc.
Portland, Oregon Forty Years in the Same Location.
T7"TT Ti ATT planos and Phonographs sold on Installment
l I VI I A i mccormick"music co.
X Lll lLi XJLaf JLaf Oregon Distributors
129-431 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon
Direct from Factory to Car Owner
Guaranteed for one year,
fiend no money. We Bhip by Express 0. 0. D.
$18.00 Ford, Chevrolet 490, etc.
$22.50 Hudson, Oldsmobile, etc.
$25.00 Dodge, Franklin, etc.
State Distributors of Gould Batteries
Corner 10th and Flanders Sts.
Portland, Oregon.
luunediute Return b No Commission
Jan. 4 Prices for Top Quality:
Heavy Veal 10c to 12c
Yearlings and 2-year-olds (leave hides on and
heart, liver and lungs attached) 8c to 10c
Beef; cows, heifers and steers 8c to 10c
We can use all sorts of livestock, carloti or
less. Have winter feed for horses, cattle and
Live Geese 1 8c
Dressed Geese 22c
Live Ducks 20c
Dressed Ducks 22c
Mutton ..IOc to 15c
Pelts $1.50
Lambs ...... 15c to 18c
Eggs ...Market Price
Light Block
Hogs I3jc
Heavy Live Hens 23c
Heavy Dressed
Hens , ......26c
Medium weight
Hentt, Live 18c
Dressed Turkeys 35c
"Fighting the Beef Trust" ,
New Location
107 Front Street Portland, Oregon
Jack King Cures it. Ladies and Gents Exam
ination free. 2U7 Dekum bldg-., Portland, Ore
Riw SI 00 mn. 128 N. 64 St. PortM On
Very Centrally Located. Convenient to all
Depots, and one block from main Poltomce
Protect that Idea with a United
States Patent. Others have made fortunes
out of Patents. Why not you? Thomas
Bilyeu, 202 Stevens Bldg., Portland, Ore.
(Cfti If your RADIATOR heats or
I j leaks, send it to us.
j Armstrong Auto Radiator Co,
s7Bornride street. Portland, Oregon
VETERINARIAN Cattle a Specialty
Dr. Chas. M. Anderson, Kenton. Portland.
SEND today for this
FREE book telling
about my guaranteed
nonsurgica! treat
ment for riles.
It tells how I haye cured
ca.e. of forty years
W IS. . ll
Phenomenon Which Occurred In the
Autumn of 1883 Has Never Been
Satisfactorily Explained.
Red sunsets made the autumn of
1883 meinr .ble. They occurred In
every pnrt of the globe, but especially
In the Indian ocenn and the Southern
Pacific ocean. Shortly nfter suuset a
vivid red glow suffusei! the entire west
ern sky, remaining for upward of an
hour, when It would slowly fnile away.
This strange sight was first noticed In
India, where it Is said that the sun as
sumed a greenish tinge on neurlng the
horizon. In the latitudes of North
America these red sunsets were of el
mom nightly occurrence for several
months. In striving to account for
these manifestations, a number of so
lutions were offered, but the theory
that met with the greatest acceptance
was that the red sunsets were caused
by volcanic dust and gaseous matter
vomited by Krnkotoa, in Sunda straits,
between Java and Sumatra Islands.
Calculations demonstrated the fact
8ix-Year-Old Boy Travels Distance of
28 Miles In About 9 Hours and
34 Minutes.
Blsbee, Ariz. John Andrews, six, son
of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Andrews of this
city, claims the world tricycle record.
One morning recently the boy started
for s ride. Late in the afternoon a
police officer In Douglas halted him
for riding his tricycle on a sidewalk
You Will Fel
Richt at Homa Har
nrrnij nums tJUS JUeeiS AU 1 TftinS
Stark. Portland, Ore.
. Portland, Onwon
Complete Chan- Saturday. Adults, Matinee, 20k
Evemnica, 3tc. Continuous 1 to 11 p. m. Children
U cents all times.
will make Silos, Granaries, Basements, etc.. Water
proof, Kotproof, Katproof and Fireproof.
Medusa Waterproofed White Portland Cement la
the beat for Btuico Plaster on outside for Bunga
lowsDoes not stain and dirt can ba hosed off.
Writ for Literature. Sold by A. McMILLAN e CO
hast Ankeny Street. Corner Second, Portland.
A good place to Bat and Lira Wall.
Remarkable 40e luncheon -at noon.
Cut, seam, hem and machina
pleat skirts ready for band.
85 cents
Hemstitching, 6 cents per yard.
86V4 Fifth St. Portland. Or
Learn beauty culture, Join class; eve
ning school; we know how. School 16
years old. Full course 140. Phone Bdwy.
moi. 400 Dekum bldg.
NorthwestWelding 4 Supply Co. 88 1st St
For reliable Cleaning and
Dyeing service send parcels to
us. We pay return postage.
Information and prices given
upon request.
Established Portland
Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison 8L
Commercial Iron Works, 7th & Madison.
Featherweight Arch Supports made to
order. J. E. Trytelaar, 618 Plttock Block,
Portland, Ore.
Teaches trade in 8 weeks. Some pay while learn
ing. Positions secured. Write for catalogue.
234 Burnside street, Portland, Ore,
MONUMENTS E. 3d and Pine Sts.
Otto Schumann Granite & Marble Works.
Marry if Lonely; most successful "Home)
Maker"; hundreds rich; confidential;
reliable; years experience; descriptions
free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Nash,
Box 656, Oakland, California.
Cleaning, carding and mattresses. Crystal
Springs JoolenMillfc 760 Umatilla, Portland.
Wedding Bouquets and Funeral Pieces
Lubliner Florists, 348 Morrison St
Guaranteed dental work. Crowns $6.00,
Plates (15.00, Biidgework 16.00 a tooth.
Teeth extracted by gas. Latest modern
methods. Dr. Harry Semler, Dentist, 3rd
md Morrison, 2nd floor Alisky Bldg., Port
land, Or. Write or phone for appointment
means higher returns for farm produce.
Quit old hit or miss plan and try our new
methods before sending any produce to
market. Write, find out when and how to
ship. Results will surprise you. Our 17
years' experience Is at your service.
advice on any
tax problems.
Several years actual
experience In Govern
nnriBI rifOment Bureaus is offered
rnUDLtlTIO those unable to visit our
otuce. &uue your troubles briefly and
send In with $1 and we will give you hon
est to goodness advice. It will pay you to
get in touch with us now. E. J, Curtln,
Room 806 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Hotel Hoyt
Located Sixth and Hoyt
Strictly Fireproof and Modern. Near
both depots and convenient car service
to all parts of city.
that manifestations of the red glow co
incided with the course which such
vapors would take on being wafted
away by the prevailing winds. But
this theory found many opponents.
Pug Dog Not Wanted.
A correspondent wonders where all
the pug dogs have gone. A few
years back they were found in many
households, but now not a one Is to
be seen In a month's journey. Most
folk, however, have ceased worrying
about where the pug has gone and
only hope he will never come back.
He was a selfish and conceited pup at
best, and the Lord knows he was a
homely brute. It did seem nilghty
ridiculous to wuBte love on a pug when
one could get a St. Bernard for the
sume money. Los Angeles Times.
Satisfying Explanation.
The main reason why our chauffeur
outdresses us is that be doesn't have
to own an automobile. Galveston
Douglas is 28 miles from Blsbee. Lit
tle John, according to his story, ped-
aled the 28 miles in about 0 hours, 34
minutes and 40 seconds. He returned
to Blsbee in an automobile and found
that his parents were greatly wor
ried but not at all. Interested In ills
claim to the tricycle championship.
The best way to lie when sleeping Is
on the right side.
I WISH a happy prosp'rous year
TVt oil mv trnnA frtonria fa anil
From California 'cross to Maine.
From lakes to gulf, and back again ;
From north to south, from east to
I wish for each of yon the best
The New Year has within Its store
All this I wish for you and more.
I wish a year of Joy and peace ;
From sorrow and from pain release;
For friends about on every aide.
And Love's door ever opened wide ;
Hope's full fruition day by day.
And sunshine all along your way.
And harbor safe when tempests roar
All this I wish for you and more.
For you I wish. Instead of gold,
That you may gracefully grow old;
That each day's slowly setting sun
Will see some duty nobly done.
I wish that home ties stronger grow.
That for you flowers bloom and blow,
That God's rich blessings on you
All this I wish for you and more.
The best that's old. the best that's
All, all of these, I wish for yon,
( by Will M. Maupln.)
Something to
Think About
THE old year is drifting out, to the
unseen sea, where in a little while
It will be lost, no more a part of our
Joys and sorrows, nor a portion of our
Let us take a retrospective view of
the days that have gone, consider how
we have spent them, whether we have
played our part wisely or foolishly, or
whether we have moved ahead or
lagged behind.
As we stand upon the hill-top, or In
the vale, what are the thoughts that
crowd In upon us? Do they bring us
pleasure or regret; do they cheer the
heart or depress It?
We are disposed at the end of every
twelfth-month to pause a while and
reflect, to make new promises for our
betterment, to seek a new star for our
future guidance and to flatter our
selves that whatever fallings we made
in our little Journey were due to no
laxity of ours, but to a stroke of Fate I
We refuse to rub our velvety skin
with coarse sand-paper for the very
good reason that It hurts. Nor do we
In looking backward like to rub our
conscience, for that pains, too, and
causes us to wince, when we would
sit in our easy chair and administer
to our moral self a stupefying dose of
chloroform that we may for the tlma
being become Insensible to the smarts
and aches, which otherwise might
drive us to repentance.-
We lack the courage to stand np and
face the music, or to look truth In the
face, a prevailing form of cowardice
frequently preferred by most of us to
Event follows event agreeably or
annoylngly when we awake to the
realization that we have run through
the vicissitudes, mutations and inno
vations of another year, breaking as
we proceeded on our way the laws of
the Meries and Persians, to say notb
lng of the laws of our own.
Whatever opinion we may have re
garding our conduct, we hide It. with
utmost care beside the skeleton In the
family closet.
Then with a sublime devotion to
duty, which sometimes lasts two whole
days, we take a peep backward, swear
solemnly beneath our breath that we'll
be good, true and faithful, which we
usually are until the next cog slips.
and then away we go again, tripping
along the primrose path, oblivious to
everything but our selfish content
I, tilt, by afoClnre N.wspaper Syadloata.)
Has .Anyone Laughed
At You
You are so easy to see through t
If you are, you have been up
against it a lot, because when
you are easy to see through
your very honesty and kindness
are often taken the wrong way
and your frankness is often as
"acting" and people think you
are queer) You need comfort
Keep on being easy to under
stand; It means pretty much
your mind is -lear, that you
think straight that your heart
la In the right place. Tou will
waste lens time, too, at it la
hard to be soulethlng you aren't
Your Get-away hart is:
Let them "sea through you"
and don't worry, and If they
laugh ba glad you can be amua-
by afcClaro Newspaper Syndicate.)
: state news II1
Silverton. Ray Tibbil of Sllverton
was killed Saturday morning while
working in the roundhouse of the
Silver Falls Timber company. It is
said that he was working on a donkey
engine when the accident occurred.
Salem. Dr. C. O. Sabin, prominent
Portland physician, has been appoint
ed president of the state board of
health to succeed Dr. J. C. Smith, who
has resigned. Dr. Smith has been
connected with the board since its cre
ation. Salem. W. W. Bransetter of Eu
gene has been appointed a member
of the state board of embaimers to
succeed E. B. Hughes of Astoria. Mr.
Hughes' term expired' two months
ago. Announcement or the appoint
ment was made by Governor Olcott.
Fossil. Authorities have closed the
Union high, school and. the public
schools ot Spray, Or., on account of
a mild epidemic of scarlet fever. While
the new cases reported were said to
be mild in form the schools were
closed to prevent spreading of the
Pendleton. Indictments of 11 men
were returned by the grand jury in the
local circuit court Saturday, and still
the secret body is working on other
cases, including one murder charge.
Following the return of the indict
ments the men were arraigned before
Circuit Judge Phelps to plead.
Philomath. The farm ot J. D. Duck
worth consisting of 324 acres was sold
last week to G. P. Edwards from Al
berta, Canada. This farm is located
about five miles southwest ot Phil
omath on the Alsea road. There is
some fine bottom land in cultivation
and fir timber. The price paid was
La Grande. La Grande received the
second heavy blow within her business
establishments in one month when the
La Grande Iron works, owned by Dave
Fitzgerald, caught fire last night and
burned to the ground, causing a total
loss which is estimated at about $35,-
000, of which $9000 was covered by
Salem. Appropriations recommend
ed by the state board of control for
the support ot the various state In
stitutions during the present biennlum,
ending December 31, 1924, aggregate
$3,013,576.87, according to the bien
nial report, completed here. The
recommendations will go before the
legislature this week.
Salem. The public service commls
sion in an order issued has revised
local class rates on lines of the South
em Pacific company between the so
called east side, west side and Yam
hill division. Effective January 15
there will be a reduction of approxi
mately 25 per cent In all class rates
on the lines involved in the order.
Bend. While building in Bend Is
going on apace, two men have the big
task of plastering all new structures,
which probably will reach an even
greater total than the 250,000 expend'
iture of last year. Axel Olson and
David Armstrong, In the dullest part
of the building season, already have.
two months' work stacked up ahead
of them.
Salem. Any attempt on the part of
the various motor vehicle organiza
tions of the state to tamper with the
present laws relating to the licens
ing of automobiles and other motor-
driven vehicles will meet with stren
uous opposition on the part ot
large number of legislators, accord
ing to information received In Salem
Roseburg. The secret service fund
in Douglas county has a surplus ot
$3000, according to a report made Sat
urday. The revolving fund Is used
for the apprehension and prosecution
of violators of the prohibition laws
and all money derived from fines In
such cases are turned into the fund
It was started several years ago with
an original appropriation of $3000.
Salem. Reports reaching Salem
during the past few days Indicate that
fruit buds are developing in all sec
tions of the Willamette valley, and
are in danger of being frost-bitten be
fore winter is over. The weather has
been warm for the past 20 days, and
the fruit buds have responded to the
moderate temperatures. A freeze
later in the season would result In
much damage, fruitgrowers said.
Corvallia. F. A, McDaniel, game
warden, was fined $50 Friday in Jus
tice M Irish all's court at Philomath on
a charge of having intoxicating liquor
in his possession. He pleaded not
guilty but declined to offer any testi
mony. The case was appealed to cir
cuit court and McDaniel was released
on $200 bonds. McDaniel was arrest-1
Deputy Sheriffs Robinson and Plunk-Itt
n secret oi
How I Learned It
yoa heard the newt about Prank
Th Question ouicklT brouzht
to too little group which had fathered in j
tho rater of the office. Jordan and I had
started with the Great Eastern Machinerr
Com pan y, within a month of each other, four
eara ago. A year ago, Jordan waa taken
into the accounting diriaion and I was sent
out aa salNman. Neither of u was bieaaed
with an unusual amount of brilliancy, but we
eot by in our new Jobs well eaousa to
hold them.
Imagine my amaiement, then, when I heard:
"Jordan's just been mad Treasurer oi the
Company 1 "
1 could hardly beuere my ears. Bnt there
was the Notice to Employees'' on the bul
letin board, telling about Jordan's food for
tune. Now I knew that Jordan m capable
fellow, quiet, and unassuming, but I nerer
would have picked him for any such sudden
rite. I knew, too, that the Treasurer of the
Great Eastern had to be a big man, and I
wondered how in the world Jordan landed
the place.
Ihe first chance I tot I walked into Jordan
new office and after congratulating him warm
ly, I asked him to let me "in" on the details
of how he jumped ahead so quickly. His story
is so intensely interesting that I am going
to repeat it as closely as I remember.
"l u tell too ust how it hsDDeued. Ueorce.
because you may pick np a pointer or two
tost will help you.
"Tou remember how scared I used to be
whenever I had to talk to the chief! Yon
remember how you used to tell me that erery
time I opened my mouth I put my foot into it,
meaning of course that every time I spoke I got
into trouble f You remember when Ralph
Sinton left to take charge of the Western of
fice and I was asked to present him nit lite
loving cup the boys gave him, how flustered
I was and how I couldn't say a word because
there were people around! Yon remember how
confused I used to be erery time I met new
people! I couldn't say what I wanted to say
when I wanted to say it; and I determined
that if there was any possible chance to learn
bow to talk I was going to do It.
"The; first thing I did was to buy a num
ber of books on publio speaking, but they
seemed to be meant for those who wanted
to become orators, whereas what I wanted
to learn was not only how to sneak in publio
but how to speak to individuals under Tarious
oonditions in business and social life.
"A few weeks later, just as I was about
to give up hope of ever learning how to
talk interestingly, I read an announcement
stating that Dr. Frederick Houk Law had just
completed a new course In business talking
and public speaking entitled 'Mastery of
Speech.' I sent for them and In a few days
they arrived. I glanced through the entire
eight lessons, reading the headings and a few
nHrnerHDhs here and there, and in abont an
Hour the whole secret of effective speaking
was opened to me.
"t or example, i learned why I had always
lacked confidence, why talking had always
seemed something to be dreaded, whereas it
really the simplest thing in the world to ret
op and talk. X learned how to secure complete
attention to what I was saying and how to
make everything I said interesting, forceful smd
convincing. I learned the art of listening, the
value of silence, and the power of brevity. In
stead of being funny at the wrong time, I
learned bow and when to use humor with tell
ing effect.
"nut peruana tne most wonaerrai irung
about the lessons were the actual examples of
what things to say and when to say them to
meet every condition. I found that there was
tnarK tn making oral reports to my superiors.
Still Has Much to Accomplish.
During the half-million or more
years that man has inhabited the
earth he has learned to cultivate only
about three hundred species ot plants
out of more than a hundred thousand
that are known to exist.
Between Friends.
I bad a lot o' friends once," said
Charcoal Eph, ruminatively, "but one
o' dem lent me a dollah, an' he tol' all
de res', an', Lawdy, yo'all ain' got no
Idea how lonesome I is now!" Rich
mond Times-Dispatch.
Cutlcura for Pimply Faces.
fo remove pimples and blackheads
smear them with Cutlcura Ointment.
Wasn off In five minutes with Cutl
cura Soap and hot water. Once clear
keep your skin clear by using them for
daily toilet purposes. Don't fall to itt
elude Cutlcura Talcum. Adv.
Cat an Important Personage.
In Holland a wet wedding day means
that the bride has forgotten to feed
the cat. In Germany, we are told, the
peasants who desire fine wenther for
their washing day, must pay special
attention to the needs of the cat.
Figured Wood for Furniture.
From the very earliest days of fur
niture, through the Middle ages, to
the present time figured wood for fur
niture has found favor.
Fairy Story.
Conclusion of a story on the chil
dren's page in magazine says, "And
they were married and lived happily
even after." Kansas City Star.
Flowering Plants In Britain.
Flowering plants known In the Brit
ish isles Include over a quarter of a
million varieties.
Emotions Act on the Stomach.
Emotions, such as sudden fright, act
on the human stomach, causing it to
alter in shape.
Stretch Spine to Retain Youth.
Stretching the spine for a few min
utes each day is the latest recipe for
prolonged youth.
Aeronaut's Mascots.
Mascots are popular among airmen
one famous pilot pinning his faith to
the tall of a fox.
Well Expressed.
Some one has said of a fine and hon
orable old age, that It Is the childhood
of Immortality. Pindar.
Is needed la wvsry department of house
keeping'. Equally good for towels, table
linen, .beets and pillow cos. Creon
11 - P 1 1
a Convincing Talker
in One Evening.
I found that there was a right way and a
wronr way to present complaint, to give esti
mate, and to issue orders.
1 picked up some wonderful pointers about
bow to give my opinions, about how to answer
complaints, about how to ask the bank for a
loan, aoout how to as for extensions. Attain!
thing that struck mm forcibly was that in
stead of antagonising people when 1 didn't
agree with them, I learned how to bring then
around to my way of thinking in the most
pleasant sort of way. Then, of course, along
with those lessons there were chapters on
speaking before large audiences, how to find
material for talking and apeaking, how to talk
to friends, how to talk to servants, and how
to talk to children.
"Why I got the secret the very first even
ing and it was only a short time before I was
able to apply all of the principles and found
that my words were beginning to have an
almost magical affect upon everybody to whom
I spoke. It seemed that X got things done
instantly, where formerly, as you know, what 1
said 'went in one ear and out the other.' I
began to acquire an executive ability that sur
prised me. I smoothed out difficulties like
a true diplomat. In my talks with the chief
I spoke clearly, simply, convincingly. Then
came my first promotion since X entered the
accounting department. I was given the job
of answering complaints, and I made good.
From that I was given the job of making .:
collections. W hen Mr. Buckley joined the
Officers' Training Camp, I was made Treasurer.
Between you and me, George, my salary ia
now 17,500 a year and I expect U will be ;
more from the first of the year.
"And I want to tell yon sincerely, that I
attribute my success solely to the fact that 1
learned how to talk to i.tvnlc."
W uun Jordan finished, I asked him for the
address of the publishers of Dr. Law's course
and he gave it to me. I sent for it snd found
it to be exactly as he had stated. After study
ing the eight simple lessons I began to sell to
people who had previously refused to listen to
me at all. After four months of record-breaking
sales during the dullest season of the
year, I received a wire from the chief asking
me to return to the home office. We had quite
a long talk In which X explained how I was
able to break sales records and I waa ap
pointed Bales Manager at almost twice my
former salary. I know that there wss noth
ing in me that had changed except that I had
acquired the ability to talk where formerly
I simply used "words without reason." 1 can
never thank Jordan enough for telling me about
ur. Law s Uourse in business Talking and
Publio Speaking. Jordan and I are both
spending all our apare time making publio
speeches and Jordan is being talked about now
as Mayor of our little town.
of Portland, Ore.
41818 20 U. S. National Bank Bid
Please mail me Dr. Lew's course, "Mastery
of Speech." I will pay the po.tuiao $3.50 on
delivery, which eompletel the transection aud
pays tor the course ia fulL Thereafter Uif
course is mine absolutely, '
Write Plainly.
Mothers in a Like Situation
Should Read This Letter
from Mrs. Enrico
Chicaeo. Illinois. "I took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for a
serious trouDie. l
had tried doctors and
all said the same an
operatioa At first I
only felt the pain on
my lett side, but later
I seemed to feel it on
both sides. I am a
power sewing-ma
chine operator and
have a little girl to
support I work in a
tailor shop and that
line of work has been
very slack this year and I am home part
of the time. I do not like to take any
chances, so I consulted mjr friends, and
one lady said, 'Take Lydia Pinkham's
medicine,' so I did. I have felt better
rightalong and am in goodenouKhhealth
to go to work. 1 recommend your veg
etable Compound and Sanative Wash to
all." Mrs. Mary Enrico, 459 N. Car
penter St., Chicago, Illinois.
Often the mother is obliged to support
her children and good health is neces
sary. Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable
Compound is just the medicine you can
depend upon. It is a medicine for wo
men's ailments and the relief it brought
Mrs. Enrico it may brim to you. Keep
well by taking Rydia E. PWiH-n's Veg
etable Comnoi""1
Hickory in Great Demand.
The weight of a piece of hickory la
the best Indication of Its strength. It
Is said that 100,000,000 board feet a
year are consumed In the making ot
tool handles, including golf tools.
He's Right, but
That doctor who advocutes washing
dishes as a cure for neurasthenia may
be right scientifically, but he la In
danger ot dying a poor man. Chicago
Dally News.
Audible Through the Glass.
An up-town haberdasher has a win
dow display of autumn tics that lu
variety of color excels a Turner land
scape. A card In the window boars
the legend, "Listen!" Boston Evening
Without Mug
Out Irata Soap Is ttw f iToriU f ar Mf tty ruur trha ritif .
Are Yon Satisfied?
Is th bUrfest, most perfectly equipped
Business Training School In the North
west Fit yourself for a hlajhar position
with mors money. Permanent position
assured our Oraduatea
Writ for catalog Fourth and Tamhlll
P. N. U.
No. 2, 1923
w 1
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