The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 11, 1923, Image 2

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    The MauDui Times
Published Every Thursday at Maupin, Oregon,
Jessilink E. Morrison, Publisher
Subscription: One Year $1.50, Six Months 75cts, Three Months 50c
entered as second class mail matter September 2, 1914. at the
post office at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
I have opened a blacksmith shop for all
around blacksmithirg at my old stand
opposite Woodcock's mill and am prepared
to do work at reasonable rates.
With a Little Work
"That's Fun"
You can do wonders in brightening up your home
HERE and there about your
homo there may be places
which you would like to have
beautified and refiniahed. Why not
do the work yourself?
Painting ia really fun. You can
do the work at well as anyone elae
if you follow the simple directions
which we will send you.
Our "Home Service Paint Depart
ment" was organized just to help
women reGninh little things about
the home. Writs us what you want
to do and how you want it to look
when refmished.
Our experts will gnide you through
the work step by step, making every
phase of it cleur and simple. They
will recommend materials, brushes,
There are Fuller Paints, Varnishes,
Enamels, Wall Finishes and Stains
made especially for your use. They
are the best materials of their kind
that we know after 73 years of ex
perience in making paints.
Start working these little wonders
in your home and take advantage of
Fuller's Free Advice and Fuller's
Products to make the work easy and
Washable Wall Finuh
Wnbible Will Finish it a
flat oil pilot which produce!
oft panel effect, It la eaijr
lo apply and eair to keep
clean, dampened cloth re
movei all untight- marks.
it s watnable. js
We all make Silkanwhli
Enamel, Doorat V
Stiini. All-DUiDoia Var.
ulihfi, Bubbet-Cemenl Floor
Paint, Fifleea-for-Floora Var-
nun. lulierwear Varnish,
Floor Was, Auto Enamel, Fuller's Hoi Water
wan . rintso (kilaominer. Porch and Sln
ddk... ran nwisia
sax fez4
Faint, mil ftoNfcSK WUITS HAD.
"Homt Service Paints
varnlMMs - Iramsls Stain
Manufactured by W, P. Fuller & Co., Dept. 44, San Francisco
Branches In 19 Cities In th Wsst
I til j j:l j'lU'iM IM'I M ' i1IiTTmi
Fuller's "Home Scrvlcs" Paints are sold by the followtD! In your city.
Maupin Drug Store
Pure Prepared Paint Agt.
"Dad" Heard From
"Dad" Coale is particularly
noted for his practical and im
practical jokes and "Bella" with
w hich it ia his real delight to
annoy local people or any who
will "bite" for his apparently
drole comments. He also suc
ceeds in evading any form of
punishment which an ordinary
individual would be sure to re
ceive for offenses of the nature
of "Dads". His latest game
was the first of the week when
Supervisor Harrington pf Bend
was accompanying a patient to
Pendleton and was detained here
by the slides on the railroads.
Mr. Harrington also wished to
return so Bend by certain time.
Dad made it a point to make the
guard's acquaintance, confiding
to him that Representative V.
C Bolton va3 due to start for
Salem on the first northbound
train and would more than likely
be willing to take the- patient
to that hospital, with tlie re
sult that a search was made for
Mr. Bolton
modestly declined to perform
the favor. Mr. Bolton managed
to make his get away on the
same train unawares to his
many friends.
Mr. and Mrs Delbert McCoy
and Holister McCoy returner'
Thursday from Carlan's where
they have been for several
Fam Brown went, to Maupin
Thursday to meet Mrs. Brown
who was returning from Portland
Ed Bernard has gone to woi k
building fence for Alva Wilccx
and Mrs. Bernard is assist iig
with the house work at the home
of Prof, and Mrs. Loyd.
Mrs. Alice Chapel has mov.'d
into the rooms on the south( tire
of the Lewis building.
Another radio for this section.
Mr. Brown has just received ai d
installed one at his FineGroe
Mr Linn and wife of Astu-ia
and all Maupin are. arrived last week and will hp
having a sound laugh at his ex
panse. Ncedlesa to fay W. C.
in the work at Linn mill.
Bccauso of sickness
Charter No. 224 Reserve District No. 12
At Maupin, in the state of Oregon, at the close of business,
Dec. 29th 1922.
Loans and discounts, including rediscounts shown in
item 29 and 30, if any $132,288 64
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 96.20
Other bonds, warrants and securities, including for
eign government, state, municipal, corporation,
etc., including those shown in items 30, 35, if any 2,418 92
Banking house $6851.92; furniture and fixtures
'$3056 51....' 9,908.43
(ab) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks,
bankers, and trust companies, designated and
approved reserve agents of this bank 24,160 40
Checks on banks outside city or town of re
porting bank and other cash items 492 66
Total cash and due from banks, items 8, 9, 10,11,
Total.......... 169,365 25
Capital stock paid in $ 25, 000. 00
Surplus fund 2,000.00
(a) Undivided profits $13,131.10
(b) Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid
Reserved for taxes, interest, or depreciation
Dividends unpaid
Demand Deposits, other than banks, subject to reserve:
24. Deposits due the State of Oregon, and deposits due
county or cities and.other public funds
23. Individual deposits subject to check 118,698.39
25. Cashier checks of this bank outstanding, payable
on demand 2,726 83
Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, sub
ject to reserve, items 23, 24, 25, 2 $121,425.22
Time and Savings Deposits, subject to reserve and paya
ble on demand and subject to notice;
27. Time certificates of deposits outstanding 18,155.24
Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand
and subject to notice, items 27. . $16,155.24
Notes, and bills rediscounted including
bonds or other securities sold under repurchase
agreements with contingent liabilities
Bills payable with federal reserve bank or with
other banks or trust companies.
89 58
Total..... $169,365 25
State of Oregon. County of Wasco, ss.
I, F. D- Stuart, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemn
ly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl
edge and belief.
F. D. Stuart, Cashier.
Correct Attest: J, 8, Brown, L. C. Henneghan, Directors.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 5th day of Jan., 1923.
E. J. Fischer, Justjpe of the Peace.
Hildenbrand has resigned her
school work at Oak Grove.
Mrs. Joe Graham and Miss
Toole were on the train Satur
day that had to return to The
Dalles because of wash out.
They came by auto Tuesday to
Tpgh where Mr. Graham met
them and brought them home.
I'ine Grove also suffered from
the high water, George Smith
and family moved from their
place up to Mr, Applings Friday
Heroic work waa done by Mr.
Smith and neighbors Saturday to
save Mr. brnitn s nouse. me
water rushed down the hill in a
mad torrent. Most of the people
up that way will have to build
new fences.
Never in the history of this
part of the world has there been
such rains.
Rev. Parker was called to
Wamic Tuesday to conduct the
funeral services of Albert Sav
Albert Savage was born In
Clackamas Co. 66 years ago and
came to Wamic in 1874 where he
resided until three years ago
when he moved to Oregon City
where he was living at the time
of his death. The remains were
intered at the Wamic cemetry.
He is survived by a wife and
four children who have the sym
pathy of the entine community,
Kegardless ot wind and rain
quite a number of folks wept to
Emil Hackler's to a dance Fri
day night.
Only parsonage folks at Sun
day School Sunday. Too much
rain and wind.
Grandma Hartman who has
been confined to her bed for
some time is able to sit up some
each day.
Venice has nothing on Wapini
tia. as result ot heavy rains
and melting of snow in the
mountains Wapinitia was flooded
Saturday. Hip boots were
neccessary and most anything
that would serve as a raft was
pressed into service, water stood
5 inches deep in Perle Evick's
pool hall. Fences of all descript
ions were washed away. Both
stores lost much wood. Empty
gas barrels floated about like
bouys. Some of E- A. Hartman
out buildings floated down the
creek. Side walks left their nc
customed places. Water, water
everywhere and none fit to drink
All the old wells filled up 8nd
are still roily.
School Notes
School work is now back jn the
old channels where progress iti
rapidly being made. For a few
days after the holiday vacation
it seemed hard to settle down to
bra and Social Problems; Jean
Wilson exempt in English, Alge
bra and Ancient History; Wini
fred Kaiser exempt in Algebra,
Genet al Science and Ancient
History; Helen Philmlee exempt
in Algebra and General Science.
Around Maupin
Raymond Crabtree was in
town from the ranch Wednesday
James Abbott returned Satur
day from a few days stay in The
Dalles, making the trip home
from Maupin in his car.
Mr. Dane was in. town from
Wapinitia Thursday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Chastain
were in Maupin Wednesday.
New subscribers and renewals
this week are; A. A. Brittain,
Ira Kistner and Clare Green.
J. R. McKeeisnow employed
in Bend. Being unable to find a
house his family will remain here
for the present.
Mrs. H. R. Kaisers sister, hus
band and children who visited
her during the week left for
their home on the Friday night
Friday's O. W. up train did
not arrive until 8 o'clock and no
trains arriypd gaturday.
Three rooms to let B," Cook,
Matches 6 boxes for 8J5 cents
Maupin Drug Store,
For Sale
Maytag washer and engine,
almost new. Shattuck Brothers
Gov't. Garden Seeds
New Todays
"SNAPPY" Four piece or.
chestra .for dances and entertain
ments. Call Chas. Brown or
Leon Frasier. Dufur, Oregon.
Lost last Thursday between
the Maupin State Bank and The
Times office a fountain pen
Finder please return to this office
For Saje-260 feet of 6. ft picket
fence, made in neat pannels with
base, also same quantity of wire
fencing 8f4 pQsfs fpr ejther.
Ideal for chicken park. Inquire
Times office.
In stock 8t the Times office-
Wedding cabinets, plain and
fancy stationery, cards, stork
Pflhinpts. pnrhnn none toora
good solid work, but ppw thejbutter parchment and cartons'
Congressman N. J. Sinnotthas
notified the Times that he will
make distribution of goverment
seeds alloted to him this year
through the papers in his district
as this method has proved so
successful for several years in
getting same into the hands of
those who most desire them.
Congressman Sinnott will also
send seeds to any constituent
writing directly to him at Wash
ington, after they are ready for
distribution after the first of the
year. There will also be a few
hundred flower seeds available
for distribution.
J, o. Thompson, )
Plaintiff !
va ) Summom
Amanda E. Hatley and L.
Hatley, wife and husband, j
Defendant )
To Amanda E. Hatley an! L. P. Hat
Jey, Defendants.
Jn the name of the State of Oregon,
ou and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled action within six weeks from
the date of the first publication of this
eutnrnqns, as hereinafter gtated, and if
you fail so to appear apd answer said
gomplaint or otherwise plead thereto,
plaintiff will take judgment against
you for the sum of JlOy.QO with inter
est thereon from the 2nd day pf Sept
ember, 1920, at the rate pf sijc per
cent per annum end for plaintiff's
coats and disbursements.
This summons is served upon you by
publication thereof for six consecutive
weeks in the Maupin Times in con
formity with an order made on the 25th
day of November, 1922, by J. T. Ad
kisson, Judt-e of the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Waeco County
"'The date of the first publication of
this summons is NoVemher 30, 1922,
C i. Pepper; " '
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Residing at The Oajles, Qregpn,
real work is being done with th
same pd spirit.
An impromptu debate was held
in the High School last Friday
afternoon, on the district ques
tion, Resolved That the princi
pal of the open shop should be
adopted in American Industries
At this debate the affirmatives
won 6Ut although in the public
debate held Friday, Decprnbtr
22, the negatives won the favor,
Those chosen for the main de
bating teams are-Affirmative
Orland Walter ojd Mabel Cyr.
Negative Lorraine Stovall arjrj
Floyd Richmond. Alternatives
Clifford McCorkle and Erma
On February 2 the affirmative
team from Metolius High School
will debate against Maupin's
negative team, Maupin High
School's affirmative team wilt dp
bate with the negative at Metoli
us on the same date,
The Oregon High School Stu-
dent Body Convention will be
held in Eugene at the Universary
of Oregon on February 2. Mau
pin s delegates this year will be
Jesse Walter and Floyd RphmonfJ
So much benefit was obtained
from the informotion brought by
the delegates from the Conven
tion last year, that the Maupin
High School feels that it can ill
afford to miss sending delegates
again this year.
Those exempt from all final
examinations are as follows:
Olive Turner Freshman, Mabel
Cyr Senior.
Those exempt in one or more
subjects are Stanly Houghton-
exempt in American History.
lovd Richmond exempt in
Algebra, social Problems and U.
S. History; Jesse Walter-exempt
in Algebra, English, and U. S.
History; Elza Derthick exempt
in Algebra and U. S. History.
Lorraine Stovall exempt in Alge
bra and U. S. History; Orland
Walter exempt in English, A'p
school report farads, cardboard
ana paper in large pieces. ,
Bom Sunday to Mr. and Mrs,
E. M. Con for e son.
F. E. Griffiin who. has bee
vimting his daughter Mrs. H. R
Kaiser lest for lone Sunday nigh
James Chalmers
Horse Shoeing and .
General Blacksmithing
Plow Share Grinding
Maupin, Ore.
I.O. D. F.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon
meets every Saturday night jp
I. O. 0. F. hall. Visiting mem
oerg always welcome.
B. F. Turner, Secretary
ft. K. Kaiser, N. G.
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Rooms 1745 Yf Block, oyer
Crosby's Drug stor(
The Dalles, Ore
Phone Black 1111
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore-
nun. uecemoer 6, rjzz.
Notice is hereby given that
Joel C Ahhott
of Wapinitia Oregon, who on February
911 1Q ' rarlA w . J r . ,
., ..M, iiiwio liuiuvBLEUu r.n Lrv io.
017333, for Nl-2sEl-4. Section 21,
-2SW1-4, NW1-48EI-4, SEl-4sEl-4, sEl
4mw14, sI-2neI-4. Lot 3. section 22.
Swl-4swl-4, Sec. 23, NEl-4Nwl-4. Lot I
Section 26, Townshio 6 south. Ranee 13
east, Willamette Meridian, has tiled
notice of intention to make final three
year proof, to establish chum to the
land above described, before F. D.
Stuart. United States Commissioner
at Muupin. Oregon, on the 21st day of
February 19i3.
Claimant names as witnesses; Ches
ter Pechette, A. R. Wilcox, Lls
McCoy. John Porchette. all of Wapl
titia, Oregon.
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
George E. Penny ,
and Martha E. Pen-1
ny, Plaintiffs,
John Wittliff and
pna Wittliff, Hen
y Wittliff, & minor j
Walter Wittliff, a
minor, Florence
Wittliff, a minor, and
Wilbur Wittliff, a
minor,' Defendants'; ;
To John Wittliff, defendant
above named;
In the name of the State of
You are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
of tfte Plaintiff, within six weeks
from foe jfatpgf the 'first nhbli
cation of this summons, and if
you fail so to appear and answer
Plaintiff's complaint then the
Plaintiffs will apply to the Court
herein for the relief demanded
jn Plaintiff's complaint, to-wit:
,'fV 'ludgrnfinr - ggainsj; John
Wittliff and Anna Wittliif fni
the sum of 1600 with interest
thereon at the rate of 7 per cent
per annum from April 16th, 1920
for the sum of $120.00 taxes
paid on mortgaged premises,
and for $100.00 attornev fees.
aha Plaintiff 's costs and disburs-
That the mortcace exe&ntoA
by yourself and Anna Wittliff tn
the Plaintiffs herein be for.
closed, and that the premises
mentioned therein, to-wit: Nl-2
of seI-4 of Nwl-4 of Sec. 21, Tp.
1 N. R. 13, E. W. M. and lots D,
F,. and F in Block 69 of Fort
Dalles Millitary Reservation "16
Dalles City and swl-4 of seI-4 of
Sec. 1, Tp. 1 N. R. 12 E. W. M.,
be sold and the proceeds thereof
be applied in Satisfaction of
Plaintiff's judgment and that
any surplus after the navment
of Plaintiffs claim be rjaid to
Anna Wittliff, Henry Wittliff.
Florence Wittliff and Wilbur
Wittliff, and for such uthtr anr!
further relief as to the Court
shall seem meet and DroDer.
This summons is served udoii
you by publication for a term of
six consecutive weeks, by order
of the Hon. Fred W. Wilson,
Circuit Judge.
Date of first nub ication No
vember 30, 1922.
Date of last publication Janu.
arv 11, 1023.
Attorney for plaintiffs.
Residence and P. 0. Address,
he Dalles, Oregon.1 ' -