The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 04, 1923, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 9. NO. 13
dM ' ri
Mrs. Dee Talcott who is suffer
ing with rheumatism left Mon
day morning for Vancouver Wn.
where she will take medical
Miss Celia Bump one of the
teachers missed her train and
did not return to Manpin until
Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Grace
Chalmers taught in her place.
Eyes Tested 0N
Saturdays and Sundays
Old Bank Building Maupin, Oregon
0. It. Dinwiddie
Registered Optician
BACK TO 1917
illinium i hi ii iHBSKa wBXjsstim
Made and Guaranteed
Delco-Light Ct.
Union, Ohio.
Delco-Light Price Reductions
Now In Effect
You can now buy the most popular
electric plant ever built, Delco-Light
Model 866, for
Less than
two years ago
Similar reductions in other styles and
sizes of Delco-Light. At these low 1917
prices, you can now install Deleo-Light for
loss than at any time in the laat five years.
Easy payments if desired. For full parti
culars write, Modem Appliance Co,, 408
. Firat Ave. South, Seattle, distributors, or
see your local dealer,
Maupin, Ore.
Rebekah's Install
Wapinitia Rebekah Lodge no.
194 held their semi annual install
ation of officers Wednesday night
with the following officers install
ed; Vena Kaiser N. G., Lois Van
Laanen V. G., Margie Stuart
Sec. Eva Harpham Fin. Sec
Grace Cealmers Treas., Lena
Turner Conductor, Elsie Beck
Land Slide at 77
The down train on the 0. T.
line was delayed by a landslide
Tuesday night. The up train
was held at the depot until the
track was cleared at about eight
o'clock last night. The passen
gers patronized the local hotels
and restaurant for meals yester
day, Mr. Griffin making several
with Warden. Margaret Wilson i trips with his car for the con
R. S. N. G.. Jessie McCorkle L. venience of them. The slide was
At this season it gives us great pleasure to express
our appreciation of the cordial business relations of
the past and wish for you, Health, Happiness, and
Prosperity During the coming year.
Every Thing for the Table
S. N. G, F. D. Stuart R. S. V.
G., R. E. Wilson L. S. V. G., H.
R. Kaiser I. S. G., B. F. Turner
0. G., Lora Doty Chaplin.
Lottie Donaldson was elected
Captain of the team. After the
lodge was closed a short program
followed, after which luncheon
was served.
Stop in Jimc in, Listen in
Calgary Canada, San Francisco, Los Angeles,
Salt Lake, Kansas City, Denver, Portland and
Seattle, besides many nearer stations (many can be
heerd all over the room)
We will install set complete that will get the
above stations for 250.00.
We installed J. M. Abbott's station and received
all the above stations the first night.
Let us figure with you on a station costing from
$50.00 to $250.00. Results or costs you nothing.
Hill & Rice Radio Installers
Wapinitia, Ore.
George Heitz went to The
Dalks Monday returning Friday
bringing Mrs. Heitz and Johnny
home with him.
Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair returned
home last week from a trip in
the valley. While away they
Visited friends and relatives in
Portland, Cherryville and Rose-
John Lewis has been quite sick
the last few days.
A letter from Mr. Moore state
he is doing as well as can be ex
pectec in The Dalles hospital,
and every body i3 treating him
Mr. Dane left on Monday for
The Dalles.'
Dr. Griffith came out from
Dufur Monday night to attend
Nicholson O'Brien who is ill-
Mrs. Lois Gray returned Mon
day from The Dalles whe e she
spent her Xmas vacation.
Maumn visitors Monday were
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Parker, Roy
Batty, John Ward and Juliu
Shipflin. "
R E. Ellinwood was a business
visitor at the county seat last
John Teschner and family re
turned to Linton Sunday after
spending a pleasant vacation
here visiting eis brother Gotleib
Jackson Rice made a trip to
Maupin Wednesday.
Local Legionaires are now hav
ing a membership contest. Bill
Miller and Jim Chalmers are the
' rival captains and are out to see
that the other one puts up the
at Milepost 77 and covered two
rails a depth of about 15 feet.
The O. T. engine detatched from
the train and took the section
crews of both roads to assist the
wrecking crew who were on the
0. W. track above here, the
slide being on the section of the
track used by both roads. The
0. W. trains did not attempt to
come through yesterday, while
the 0. T. trains transferred pas
sengers yesterday afternoon.
Schedule time is resumed on
both lines today.
New Year's Ball
The Dance at the Hotel Kelly
given by proprietors rar. ana
Mrs. M. Flynn on New Years
Eve was voted the best of the
season by those who were for
tune enough to attend. ' The tab
les were cleared away in the
spacious dining room and to the
music of the Edison the hours
sped swiftly by. At twelve o
clock a gong ushered in the New
Year amid appropriate revelry.
Shortly afterwsrds a dainty and
satisfying luncheon was served,
after which the dancing con
tinued until quite late.
Gov't. Garden Seeds
Smock News
Maupin Theatre
Sunday, December 31st
Priscilla Dean
Under Two Flags
Ouida's immortal romance, teeming with color,
drama, romance, as been brought to you by
Universal in "Under Two Flags." The book has
ruled for generations. The play will live long upon
the screen. See Tric'ilU Dean in this greath love
story. It will burn in your memory forever.
Don't miss the Greatest Picture of the year
Starting 8 p. m. Admission 25 and 50
WHERE the 6un shines most of
vv the time. Out-of-door life all
the time.
Thousands of miles of paved high
ways through picturesque semi
tropic settings make motoring won
derfully exhilarating.
Most attractive ocean beaches on
the Pacific Coast
Most complete system of hotels,
apartment houses, cottages, bung
inua nnrt email suites for tourists of
any country in the world, and all
cost3 reasonable. Room for everybody.
ReDreaentativea of tie
will Rladly furnish Instructive ind beautitu ly llhutratrt bookie
eivinn complete information bout the glorioui playground
flie West. Let them tell all about hotel ratea. raib-oad fare
throuwh car Berries, the famoua Circle Tour through San Frap
euro and Salt l ake City, or a part of the way by ocean tr. M
ftiurney of equal interest In America. ,
Congressman N. J. Sinnotthas
notified the Times that he will
make distribution of goverment
seeds alloted to him this year
through the papers in his district
a3 this method has proved soj
successful for several years in
getting same into the hands of
those who most desire them.
Congressman Sinnott will also
send seeds to any constituent
writing directly to him at Wash
ington, after they are ready for
distribution after the first of the
year. There will also be a few
hundred flower seeds available
for distribution.
R. 13. BELL, Agent, Maupin, Oregon
WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger
Agent, Portland, Oregon
How about those New Year
resolutions? Are they like pie
crust made to be broken?
The warm rains have taken off
all the snow. If the first three
days of the new year rules the
weather for the rest of the win
ter we need not worry.
Mrs. Etta Large went to The
Dalles on Thursday.
Laura Davis and her brother?
George and Charley spent the
week end with their sister Mrs.
E. E. Wall, and were entertained
on New Years by the W. II. May
fields, returning to their home
in the afternoon.
Mrs. Cora Foster entertained
Mrs. Lillian Farlow and daughter
LaDelpha on New Years.
Wamic Oregon January 2. 1923.
All members that have recei
ved their loans are notified that
on January 11, 1. P. M. at W. II
May-fields resident will hold the
annual meeting of the slock hold
ers of the White River F. L. A.
to elect 5 Directors and any other
business that may come before
the meeting.
W. H. Marfield, Secty.
etter Service
Realizing that the southern part of Wasco Connty
is entitled to up to date service in our line, we have
placed a complete stock of goods with
The Crandall Undertaking: Co.
The Dalles, Oregon
Licensed Knbalmers Motor Equipment
Legion Doings
Maunin Post 73 mcet3 every
first and third Mondays of each
month. Ex-Service man do you
belong to the American Legion?
Join and help our local post grow
All visiting Legionaires are cordi
ally invited,
Around Maupin
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Emmons
of Snohomish Wn. were guests
at the Jory home last week, re
turning home Thursday night
Last Thursday night's down
train was delayed a few hours
by a slide below Sherars station
Portland Painless Dentist,
seven years in The Dalles
painless extraction tl.00 305
Second St. The Dalles Oregon,
W. T. Slatten D. D. S. Prop
rietor Phone Main 4821.
Matches 6 boxe3 for 35 cents
Maupin Drug Store. .
Carl Pratt has been making
the round trip over the route
again since the spring like
Three rooms to let B. F. Cook
War Saving Certificates
The Secretary of the Treasury has called for
redemption on December 15th of Victory Notes
bearing the distinguishing letters
A, B, C, D, E, or F
War Saving Certificates Series of 1918 will be
due January 1, 1923.
We will be glad to help you in disposing of
cither or both of the above issues.
Maupin State Bank
Y c Strive to Merit Approval