The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 21, 1922, Image 4

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    The Maumn Times
Published Every Thursday at Maupin,' Oregon,
JessiunK E. Mukr ison, Publisher
Subscription: One Year $1.50, Six Months 75cts, Three Months 50c
Entered as second class mail matter September 2, 1914, at the
post office at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
The Times for Printing
aiiiii rnni
1 1" aasiA "
rWhen the Seals Come,
Buy Them
A LITTLE before Christmas, you will
A be offered some Christmas Seals.
Keep them and use them on envelopes and
packages. Send a check or money order
to cover the small sum they cost.
When you do this, you help in the
fight against tuberculosis. You help save
human lives. Your help goes where help
is most needed to the
house that is clouded with
the threat of death. When
the seals come, buy them.
Stamp Out Tuberculosis
with Christmas Seals
Stop in,Tune in, Listen in
Calgary Canada, San Francisco, Los Angeles,
Salt Lake, Kansas City, Denver, Portland and
Seattle, besides many nearer stations (many can be
heerd all over the room)
We will install set complete that will get the
above stations for 250.00.
We installed J. M. Abbott's station and received
all the above stations the first night.
Let us figure with you on a station costing from
$50.00 to $250.00. Results or costs you nothing.
Hill & Rice Radio Installers
Wapinitia, Ore,
Every Thing- for the Table
May we Have the Pleasure' of serving you?
QUALITY and SERVICE are our Watchwords
Eyes Tested
Saturdays and Sundays
Old Bank Building Maupin, Oregon
O. R. Dinwiddie
Registered Optician
I have opened a blacksmith shop for all
around blacksinithing at my old stand
opposite Woodcock's mill and am prepared
to do work at reasonable rates.
Roman Holiday
Recently we reread "Tom Jones"
that interdicted classic of Henry
Fieldin's. We cannot but feel
that the worst passages in that
book are better than the first
pages of the present-day popular
literature as expressed by oar
metropolitan dailies and carried
for them by the famous news
associations who "point with
pride" to their achievements.
Of course all this is prudish.
Newspapers will continue to hunt
the salacious and publish it with
out a thought of the reactions of
the multitude. Many of those
now going about the ordinary
business of life are doing so with
the feeling they may be the next
victims. But we do not think a
solitary piece of good will come
of all this publicity. It merely
means that more victims are
being demanded by that Moloch
of modernism, the metropolitan
The conntry editor can assoil
his soul with the thought that
his paper goes out into the world
clean and sane and that he . is
not required to earn his living by
tossing another victim into the
arena to be butchered to make
a Roman holiday. Auxiliary.
As I have no education I cannot
Write a book, but will give a
Slight description of how I look.
I once was quite attractive,
But have faded pretty much,
I look just like a porcupine or
Coyote, skunk and such
Some people when they look at me
Think I am getting gray
But its mildew on my whiskers
That make them look that way
My hair is kinder shaggy
Just like a brindle cow but you
See that makes no diffenence,
I am married now.
I one time had the measles
My eyes are very weak but,
I can still see the color of a
Coyotes eyes at the top of any
Peak, when you come to Maupin
If its me you want to see, please
Don't forget my number
It is mewhouse number 3.
All day alone in the canyons
I ride, not even a dog to run by
My side, the life it is lonely,
Some people would say, but I
Have kinder got used to it I am
At it every day, I will wake up
In the morning feeling pretty
Blue, go out on my trap line and
Get a coyote or two, sometimes
I get them and sometimes I fail
As fish is a brain food
Please send me a whale.
R. C Fulkerson, Govt- Trapper,
O. L. Pacquet received a letter
this week from his son Francis
who is stationed on the Isle of
Mr. Judkins died Saturday at
the home of his daughter Mrs,
Frank Batty. The body was
shipped to The Dalles. Funeral
to be arranged for later. Inter
ment to be at Mt. Scott cemetery
in Portland.
Mr. Moore, an old trapper,
came in from Clear Lake Sunday
He had run out of provisions so
had to make the trip, which took
him 3 days. His feet were bad
ly frozen. He is now with Mr.
and Mrs. Jesse Cox who are
caring for him. His dogs could
not come out with him so J. L.
Maddron and son Lawson have
gone fn on horses for them.
C. W. Flinn and family came
over from Simnasho Sunday and
spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs
Sam Wall.
All the boys and girls of Wap.
gathered at the Magill home
Monday evening for a party and
general good time.
Mrs. J. I. Parker has received
2 boxes of lovely oranges from
relatives in California recently.
Richmonds are hauling baled
hay from Maupin to Wap. this
week for J. P. Abbott.
Ray Kaylor and Mr. Green
were here Sunday and Monday.
Grandma Hartman is quite
poorly this winter.
J. I. Parker and Robt. Ellin-
wood are putting up ice this
The pupils at the Powell school
had their Xmas program Monday
as their teacher has to be in The
Dalles this week for teachers
Dee Woodside and Anna West
expect to spend the vacation
days in Portland.
Frank McCoy and family were
guests of Mrs. Lou. McCoy on
James Abbott is enjoying his
radio very much. He has been
able to pick up messages from
Oakland, Los Angeles, Denver
and Salt Lake.
Don't forget the program and
Christmas tree at the church
Saturday night 7:30.
Still Likes Times
Editor Maupin Times
Enclosed please find my check
for $3.00 to pay my subscription
for 1922 and 1923. We are glad
to get the paper as we are always
anxious to get the local news
from the Flat.
The weather has been very dis
agreeable for the last 3 weeks is
now breaking up and to day it is
much warmer.
Yours with best wishes for
Merry Christmas and A Happy
New Year.
W. B. Keen
Mr. Keen is the first on our
list to be paid up until 1924.
Around Maupin
H. Wood has an attractive
window display in the Maupin
Leave your watch repairing at
The Maupin Drug Store.
A bright new Harpham Hotel
"hickey" strayed to the Times
office desk Tuesday. Now, we
are certain we did not get it in
making change, and did not
steal it, and have not procured
it in any other manner, but how
came it here?.
All kinds of watches and jewel
ry Maupin Drug Store.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hartman
were Maupin visitors Wednes
day. Jack. Donaldson went to The
Dalles Wednesday.
O. P. Weberg and Harry were
visitors at the Weberg home in
town Wednesday. '
Matches 6 boxes for 35 cents
Maupin Drug Store.
Butter Nut Bread
The bread, that made mothc
stop baking. Received fresh
every day at
-New Toda)T
"SNAPPY" Four piece or
chestra for dances and entertain
ments. Call Chas. Brown or
Leon Frasier. Dufur, Oregon
For Sale One large work horse
J. M. Glass, Wapinitia, Oregon
For Sale Four milk cows, gen
tie good milkers, soon to be
fresh $45 to $55 each,-C. G.
Skogsberg Criterion.
For Sale 20 tons choice wheat
and 8 tons rye hay. House and
feeding grounds furnished if
desired Otto Herrling.
In stock at the Times office
Wedding cabinets, plain and
fancy stationery, cards, stork
cabinets, carbon paper, tags,
butter parchment and cartons,
school report cards, cardboard
and paper in large pieces.
Wanted Men to board, $5.00 a
week. Mrs Rosa Stockston Mau
For Rent Cozy, newly papeied
housekeeping rooms, Inquire
Mrs. H. Bothwell.
Three rooms to let B. F. Cook.
Christmas goods are now ready
Maupin Drug Store.
Portland Painless Dentist,
seven years in ihe Danes
painless extraction $1.00 d05
Second St. The Dalles Oregon,
W. T. Slatten D. D. S. Prop
rietorPhone Main 4821.
Attention Legionnaires
Maupin Post number 73, will
hold regular meetings the first
and third Monday nights of each
month during the winter months.
Don't forget the ' date. BE
Remember Armenia
There will be an Unseen Guest
this year at Everyman's Christ
mas table. He may be unseen,
unheard, unfelt, even- but he
will be there just the same.
One of the, vast army of refugees-
a haggard woman, a pale
emaciated child, a bent, decrepit
old man, shivering, starving,
dying, in the Isles of Greece to
day, is your guest, my guest
claiming his righteous share of
Christmas abundance and cheer,
even though we close our eyes
to him, or shut our hearts to his
piteous appeal.
In the midst of this unspeak
able sorrow, 110,000 children will
be fed this Christmas day, and
every day, by America, through
Near East Relief, hundreds of
them being at orphanages in the
cities of Jerusalem, Bethlehem
and Nazareth.
The Oregon office of the Near
East Relief is 613 Stock Ex
change Bldg.
James Chalmers
Horse Shoeing 'arid : ''
General Blacksmithing..
Plow Share Grinding'
Maupin, Ore.
I.O. O. F.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon,
meets every' Saturday night ir
I. O. O. F. hail. Visiting mem
oers always welcome.
B. F. Turner, Secretary
H. K. Kaiseb, N. G.
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby's Drug store,
The Dalles, Ore
Phone Black 1111
J. o. Thompson,
vs ) Summons
Amanda E. Hatley and L.
Hatley, wife and husband, i
' Defendant J
To Amanda E. Hatley an! L. P. Hat
ley, Defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
You and each of you are hereby re,
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled action within six weeks from
the date of the first publication of this
summons, as hereinafter stated, and if
you fail so to appear and answer said
complaint or otherwise plead thereto.
plaintiff will take judgment against
you for the sum of $100.00 with inter
est thereon trom the 2nd day of Sept
ember, 1920, at the rate of six per
cent per annum and tor planum s
costs and disbursements.
This summons is served upon you by
publication thereof for six consecutive
weeks in the Maupin Times in con
formity with an order made on the 25th
day of November. 1922, by J. T. Ad
kisson, Jude of the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Wasco County
The date of the first publication of
this summons is November 30, 1922,
C. L. Pepper,
Attorney for Plaintiff.'
Residing at The Dalles, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that Thomas
Flanagan was on the 13th day of Nov
ember. 1922, appointed administrator
of the estate of James Doran, deceased
under and by virtue of an order of the
above entitled Court, and all persons
having claims against the said estate
are hereby notified to present the same
to present the same to the office of
raul w. Childers, 4U9 Kirst National
Bank Builriintr. The Dalles. Oreeon. on
or before six months from the date of
thiB notice.
Done and dated at The Dalles, Ore
gon, this 13th day of November, 1922.
Thomas Managan
For Sale
Maytag washer and engine,
almost new.-Shattuck Brothers
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Ore
gon, November 17th, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
Anna Flanagan, one of the heirs and
for the heirs of James Doran
of Maupin, Uregon, who on April 29,
1921, made Homestead Kntry no.
017038, for El-2swl-4, Lot 4, NE1-4SE1-4,
section 31, T 4 S, R 15 E, Lots , 2,
3, 4, section 6, Township 5 South,
Range 15 Last, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
final proof, to establish claim to the
land above described before Register
and Receiver United States Land Office
at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 5th day
of January, 1923.
Claimant names as witnesses: Thomas
Flanagan, Tom Fahertv. A. J. Conrov.
A. J. Connolly, all ot Maupin, Oregon.
J. w. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Ore-
gon, Nov. 18th, 1922.
Notice is hereby eiven that
Daniel" J. Conroy
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on Oct. 9th,
1920, made Homestead Entry No. 017026
for SEl-4 section 10, wl-2swl-4 section
11, nw1-4nw1-4, section 14, NEl 4ne1-4,
section 15, Township 6 south, Range
15 east. Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make three vear
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before F. D. Stuart,
United States Comnis'sioner at Maupin,
Oregon, on the 9th day of January,
Claimant names as witnesses: Ralph
Buzan of Criterion, Oregon, Arthur W.
Fargher, of Maupin, Oregon, I 'avid
Donaldson of Maupin, Oregon, Arthur
Wallace of Shaniko, Oregon, Patrick
Ii. Conroy, of Shaniko, Oregon.
J. W. Donnolly, Register.
George E. Penny
and Martha E. Pen- f
ny, Plaintiffs, )
John Wittliff and I
Anna Wittliff, Hen- f
ry Wittliff, a minor j
Walter Wittliff, a f
minor, Florence I
Wittliff.a minor, and
Wilbur Wittliff, a
minor, Defendants; )
'To John Wittliff, defendant
above named;
In the name of the State of
You are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
of the plaintiff, within six weeks
from the date af the first publi
cation of this summons, and if
you fail so to appear and answer
Plaintiff's complaint then the
Plaintiffs will apply to the Court ,
herein for the relief demanded
in Plaintiff's complaint, to-wit:
A judgment against John
Wittliff and Anna Wittliff for
the sum of $000 with interest
thereon at the rate of 7 per cent
per annum from April 16th, 1920
for the sum of $120.00 taxes
paid on mortgaged premises,
and for $100.00 attorney fees,
and Plaintiff's costs and disburs
ments. That the mortgage executed
by yourself and Anna Wittliff to
the Plaintiffs herein be fore
closed, and that the premises
mentioned therein, to-wit: Nl-2
of sEl-4 of Nwl-4 of Sec. 21, Td.
1 N. R. 13, E. W. M. and lots D,
E. and F in Block 69 of Fort
Dalles Millitary Reservation to
Dalles City and swl-4 of se1-4 of
Sec. 1, Tp. 1 N. R. 12 E. W. M.,
be sold and the proceeds thereof
,be applied in Satisfaction of
Plaintiff's judgment and that
any surplus after the payment
of Plaintiff's claim be paid to
Anna Wittliff, Henry Wittliff,
Florence Wittliff and Wilbur
Wittliff, and for such other and
further relief as to the Court
shall seem meet and proper.
This summons is served upon
you by publication for a term of
six consecutive weeks, by order
of the Hon. Fred W. Wilson,
Circuit Judge.
Date of first publication No
vember 30, 1922.
Date of last publication Janu
ary 11, 1923.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Residence and P. O. Address,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Department of the Interior
II. S. Land (lffi.f at TV,- noll
- - - t.u UllLD,
Oreeon, November 25, 1922.
Notice is nereby given that
Hpnrv f Sinlo,',.
of Criterion, Oregon, who on October 22,
1920, made Additional Homestead entry
No. 018212 for wl-2sEl-4. sw1-4ne1-4.
Lot 2. section 6. T 6 s. R IS R
4seJ-4, section 81, Township 5 south,
Range 15 east, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to
make three vear nroof. tn estaMloh
claim to the land above described.
hpfnm F H Ktiinrfr TTnito Ct.f.. P
missioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the
loin aay or January, lyza.
Claimant names as witnesses: Floyd
McLeod of Maumn. Oreeon. C. A.
Duus of Criterion, Oregon, R. R.
Crabtree of Maupin, Oregon. C. E.
HornquiBt of Maupin, Oregon.
J. W. Donnelly, Register. '