WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Events of Noted People, Governments and Pacific Northwest, and Other Things Worth Knowing. The Cairo correspondent says that Mohammed VI, the ex-Turkish sultan, Is reported to have accepted the Invi tation of King Russeln, sovereign of the Hedjas, to live in Mecca. The soviet government of Russia ex pects to recruit 5000 steel workers from the Youngstown, Ohio, district this month, according to P. S. Calvert, president of the Kuzbas industrial colony. General Papoulas, ex-commander-in-chief of the Creek army and one of those arrested by the revolutionary committee ia connection with the Greek military disaster in Asia Minor, has been liberated. , The Bank of Starbuck, at Starbuck, Wash., 170 miles south of Spokane on the Oregon-Washington railroad, was held up Monday afternoon by a rob ber, who escaped with approximately $500, which he took from the counter. Regional Interstate commerce com missions operating under jurisdiction of the interstate commerce commis sion in Washington would be provid ed under a bill introduced by Repre sentative Hawes, democratic, of Mis souri. A campaign to enlist 50,000 min isters and through them 40,000,000 church members to take an active part in the 1924 presidential election was announced in Chicago Tuesday by Rev. J. Clover Monsma, editor of the Min isters' Monthly. Three outlaws in West New York, N. J., Tuesday attacked the cashier of the Public Service Gas company and a policeman who guarded him as they left the company's offices, felled them with pistol butts and fled with a bag. -containing $8770. Criminals will be clubbed and sent to hospitals Instead of being imprison ed, in the administration of justice un der the fasclBtl regime In the province of AllesBandria, Italy, Dr. Sala, the secretary, said in an address to male factors summoned before him. The centuries-old struggle between England and Ireland ended Monday night when the legislation giving the sanction of law to the new settlement with Ireland passed its final stages in the house of lords, which for gen erations has bitterly opposed any ac commodation with Ireland. Seven men, including two former prohibition enforcement agents, con victed last week of substituting 160 barrels of ginger ale for Canadian whisky while the shipment was being moved from a New York railroad sta tion last April, were sentenced by Federal Judge Mack to two years each In Atlanta penitentiary. Declining birth rate and an Increas ing death rate for 1922 as compared with 1921 were forecast Wednesday by the census bureau, which basd its calculation on records for the last sis months of the year for the regis tration area of the country, compris ing about 82 per cent of the total popu lation of the United States. The Interstate commerce commis sion at Its hearing on the Southern Pacific railroad's application to re tain control of the Central Pacific Tuesday practically concluded the tak ing of testimony from witnesses call ed to demonstrate the attitude of west ern puhllo opinion toward the contin uation of unified operation of the two systems, which have been ordered by the supreme court to operate separate ly. Return by President Harding Tues day to the senate of the nomination of Pierce Butler, St. Paul attorney and a democrat, to be an associate justice of the supreme court of the United States was followed by Immediate pre parations of senate forces to fight for and against his confirmation. The intention of the administration to press the appointment of Mr. Butler was seen in the renomlnatlon, despite failure of confirmation at the end of the special session through opposition of Senator La Follette, republican, Wisconsin, and Norrls, republican, Nebraska. VIOLATORS FACE DUEL TRIAL Both State and Federal Punishment for BootleggersLegal. Washington, D. C. Two cases con sidered by the government of major Importance in the enforcement of na tional prohibition were decided by the supreme court Monday. In one of them, coming from the state of Wash ington, the government scored .a sweeping victory, the supreme court holding that both the federal and a state government can prosecute and punish the same unlawful act In the manufacture, possession, transporta tion or sale of Intoxicating liquors. . The other caBe, coming from Cali fornia, the government lost in its con tention that In the enforcement of na tional prohibition an executive officer can Impose and collect as taxes the assessments and penalties imposed by those sections of the revised statutes which remain unrepealed by the Vol stead act and which became law while the manufacture and sale of intoxi cating liquor was not prohibited. The United States district court for western Washington dismissed a fed eral Indictment charging Vlto Ianza, Dick Bartb and others with manu facturing, transporting and possessing intoxicating liquors' on the ground that they had been tried and convicted In the state courts for the same offense. a reversing this decision the supreme court held that "In the absence of special provision by congress, convic tion and punishment in a state court under a state law for making, trans, porting and selling intoxicating liquors Is not a bar to a prosecution in a court ot the United States under the federal law for the same acts." The effect of the prohibition amend ment, the court stated in an opinion by Chief Justice Taft, was to establish prohibition In every part of the United States and affect transactions which are essentially local or intrastate, as well as those pertaining to interstate or foreign commerce. The power to take legislative meas ures to make the policy effective exist ed In congress, the court continued, "in respect of the territorial limits of the United States and at the same time the like power of the several states within thoir territorial limits shall not cease to exist." "Each state, as also congress," it added, "may exercise an independent judgment In selecting and shaping measures to enforce prohibition. Such as are adopted by congress become laws of the United States and such as are adopted by a state become laws of that state. They may vary In many particulars, Including the penalties prescribed, but this is an Inseparable Incident of Independent legislative ac tion in distinct jurisdictions." Blue Sky Law Wanted. Vancouver, Wash. j Washington's lack ot a blue sky law is taking more than $30,000,000 a year out ot the state, J. Grant Hinkle, secretary of state, who was here on a visit Tues day, declared. Mr. Illnkle recently at tended the national convention of sec retaries of state and learned that the popular cry against the burden of direct taxation is heard in practically every state. Legislation providing for a blue sky law In this Btate will be passed on in the near future, Mr. Hinkle Indicated. The "wildcat" corporations, which In corporate under the lenient Washing ton laws and except for selling stock do business elsewhere, will have to seek some other state to get a charter, if the proposed law is passed, the of ficial declared. Bandits Few In England. Chicago. England has not exper ienced a highway robbery for bo long that Sir Basil Thomson, former chief of Scotland Yard, here for a lecture, has forgotten the last Instance, he said Monday. Sir Basil gave as the reason the strict enforcement of the English law against possession of fire arms, saying that even law enforce ment officers do not carry weapons unless detailed to capturo a desperate bandit. New Apples Developed. Geneva, N. Y. Two new apples, the Crotland and Tioga, the former a cross between the Ben Davis and Mcintosh, and the latter from the Northern Spy and Sutton, have been developed by horticulturallsts at the state agricul tural experiment station here. The new fruit now is being distributed to members of the New York fruit test ing co-operative association, Inc., for seeding. 5,000,000 to Need Aid. New York. More than 5,000,000 Rus slons must get relief this winter, Col onel William L. Haskell, chief repre sentative in Russia of the American relief administration, declared Satur day on his arrival on the steamship Berengarla. Ot this number, he said, the American relief workers will care for 4,000,000; the others will receive GUI SURTAX RATES, SAYS I. MELLON Secretary Asks Lawmakers to Face Facts. INCOME TAX WANES Treasury Chief Would Make Escape From Payments More Dif ficult for Wealthy. Washington, D. C Reduction of the maximum income surtax rate from the present 50 per cent to not more than 25 per cent, and the closing up so far as possible of existing avenues of es cape from federal taxes are urged by Secretary Mellon In his annual re port, transmitted recently to congress. No general revision of the revenue laws is proposed nor are additional taxes suggested, Mr. Mellon express ing the hope of meeting any indicated government deficit through collection of back taxes and income from other sources. The treasury secretary informed congress that to attempt alone to stop the gaps through which there Is an avoidance of tax payments to the government would not be enough because the existing rates of surtax "put such heavy pressure on the larger taxpayers to reduce their taxable in comes" that new ones would surely be found. He added that the high rates "sound productive," but that the fact remains that they are becoming Increasingly Ineffective and are yield ing less and less revenue each year. Then bluntly he told congress the time had come to "face the facts squarely" and correct the artificial conditions which now prevail and which, he asserted, are not whole some from the point fo view of busi ness or industrial development and, at the same time, are impairing the revenues of the government. ' The more important of the meth ods used by taxpayers to reduce the amount of Income subject to taxa tion were listed by Mr. Mellon as fol lows: Deduction of losses on sales of capi tal assets, with the failure to realize on capital gains. Exchanges of property and securi ties so as to avoid taxable gains. Investment In tax-exempt securities. Division of property, creation of trusts and the like. "Not all of these things can be controlled by law or by regulation," he continued, "and most of them lead to unnatural and frequently harmful economic results. To reach the evil the thing most necessary is the re duction of the surtax rates themselves, in order to reduce the pressure for avoidance and maintain the revenues derived from the surtax. "Until some such readjustment is made the yield of the higher sur taxes will tend, in the ordinary course of events, to drop toward the vanish ing point. The wise course is to re form the surtaxes now while the system still functions and at the same time to close, so far as passible, the gap which now exists. On this basis the revision can be made without loss of revenue and, in the long run, with material benefit to the revenues." Rates to Be Repeated. Chicago. The Transcontinental Pas senger association has announced that summer excursion round-trip ' fares from California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia to eastern destinations will be the same for 1923 as were in effect this year. Similarly, excursion fares from Chi cago, St. Louis, Memphis, New Or leans and territory west to California and the north Pacific coast in effect in 1922 will be maintained. Marshall Is Outsider. Washington, D. C. Former Vice President Marshall visited the capltol Saturday but was barred from the sen ate chamber by a diminutive page boy. "That's all right; I used to work here," Mr. Marshall said, but the page, the youngest and newest of the flock, refused to admit the former vice-president until he was well introduced. Klansmen to Lose Jobs. New York. New York city employes holding membership In the Ku Klux Klan will be discharged when their Identities are learned, Commissioner ot Accounts Htrschfteld declared Sat urday. An Investigation of reports that the klan was making a member ship campaign among the municipal workers will be made. Copyright by "MIDNIGHT MASQUERI" SYNOPSIS-Durlng the height of the New Orleans carnival treason Jachin Fell, wealthy though some what mysterious citizen, and Dr. Ansley, are discussing a aeries of robberies by an Individual known as the Midnight Masquer, who, In variably attired us an aviator, has long defied the police. Joseph Mali lard, wealthy banker, Is giving a ball that night, at which the Mas quer has threatened to appear and rob the guests. Fell and Ansley, on their way to the affair, meet a girl dressed as Columbine, seeming ly known to Fell, but masked, who accompanies them to the ball. Lucie Ledanols, recently the ward of her uncle, Joseph Malllard, Is the Columbine. At the ball, Bob Malllard, son of the banker, again proposes to her and Is refused. He offers to buy some of her property. A Franciscan monk interests her. CHAPTER II Continued. 3 "So," the girl smiled a little, "you would betray your business friends In order to make a bit of money for me?" Malllard stared at her. "Well, If you put It that wny, yes I I'd do more than that for " "Thank you," she Interrupted, her voice cold. "I don't think I'd trust your sagacity very fur, Robert. Good night." She turned from him and was gone, dancing through the great rooms like t true Columbine. Midnight neared, and brought a con cern to many; the Midnight Masquer had gained his name by Invariably appearing a moment or two before the stroke of twelve. Jachin Fell, who divided his time between enjoying the smoking room and wandering about among the masquers, perceived that Joseph Malllard was watching the time with anxiety. A lnrge man, stern and a bit scorn ful of look, Malllard was imposing rather than handsome. He appeared the typical banker, efficient, devoid of all sentiment. Amused by the man's evident uneasiness, Jnchln Fell kept him In view while the moments dragged. One might have thought that the little gray man was studying the financier as an entomologist studies a butterfly on a pin. Shortly before twelve Columbine pirouetted up to Fell and accepted the arm he offered her. They were for the moment alone, in a corner of the ballroom. "I must see you tomorrow, please," she breathed. "Gladly," he assented. "May I call? It's Sunday, you know "i . "If you will; at three. Something has huppened, but I cannot speak of it "So," the Girl Smiled a Little, "You Would Betray Your Business Friends In Order to Make a Bit of Money for Me?" here. Does any 'one else know that you that you are Interested in my affairs?" The pale gray eyes of the little gray man looked very Innocent and wonder ing. "Certainly not, my dear! Why?" "I'll tell you tomorrow." Then she broke Into a laugh. "Well, It Is mid night and the Masquer has not ap peared. I'm almost sorry." The lights flickered off for a mo ment, theD "is 'again. The signal for unmasking I The dancing ceased. From the whole room arose a babel of voices cries of surprise, exclamations, merry laughter. Columbine removed her mask. An Instant later Joseph Mall ' MARDI GRAS MYSTERY EBedford-Jones Illujirations btj Irwin Myers Doubleday,Iag and Company lard approached them, chuckling to himself and looking hugely relieved. "Ha, Lucie I I guessed you beneath the Columbine daintiness! Have you examined your favor yet?" Remembering, the girl caught at her corsage. Cries of delight were arising on all sides as the favors were re vealed most handsome favors, even for Mardi Grasl From the heart of the rosebuds in her hand Lucie re moved a brooch of old filigree work set with a group of pearls. She glanced about for Jachin Fell, but he had vanished with Malllard. A voice rose at her elbow : "Mademoiselle, you are not less lucky than beautiful! Pearls to the pearl !" She turned to see the Franciscan no longer masked, but now gazing at her from a frank, luughing counte nance, still partially veiled by the brown cowl that was drawn up close about his head. "Henry Gramontl" she exclaimed. "Oh, I half suspected that It was you "But you were not sure?" he chuckled. "You're not offended with me, Lucie?" "I should be." She tossed her bead. "You were Impertinent, M. le prince !" He made a distasteful gesture. "None of that, Lucie I You know I don't like it " "Oh, la, la !" she mocked him. "M. le prince Is seeing America, n'est ce pas? He has come to America to find a rich wife, is it not?" Gramont's face lost Its smile, and suddenly became almost harsh. "I shall call upon you at four , to morrow, Lucie," he said, abruptly, and turned. Nor did he pause to get her reply. An Instant afterward Lucie was surrounded by a merry group of friends, and she saw no more of Hen ry Gramont About five minutes later those In the ballroom distinctly heard, through the open windows, the heavy pulsations of an airplane motor. CHAPTER III. The Bandit. Joseph Malllard's library was on the ground flogr of the house; It was a sedate and stately room, and was in variably shut off to itself. Not even tonight, of all nights, was It thrown open with the remainder of the house. Here Malllard summoned half a dozen of his particular cronies and friends, after the stroke of midnight bad assured him that there was no danger to be expected from the ban dit. His son was not among the num ber. The half dozen were nearly all elderly men, and, with the exception of Jachin Fell, all were men of promi nent affairs. About the table grouped Malllard and his guests. Malllard, standing be fore a small wall safe that flanked the open hearth, lifted his sliver goblet, asteam with beads. The moment for which he had been waiting was here; he launched his little thunderbolt with an air of satisfied importance. "My friends, I have a confession to make I" he announced. "Today I re ceived a note from the Midnight Mas quer stating that he would be with us this evening, presumably at the hour of midnight, his usual time." These words brought an Instant si lence. The half-dozen men were tense, watchful, astonished. But Mall lard swung up his silver cup and laughed gaily. "I took full precautions, gentlemen. The hour of danger Is past, and the notorious bandit has not arrived or, If he has arrived, he is now in the hands of the law. So up with your cups,- my friends a lifelong health to Mardi Gras, and damnation to prohibi tion and the Midnight Masquer!" From everyone broke a swift assent to the toast, a murmur of relieved ten sion. The silver goblets were lifted, touched In a musical clinking of edges, and the aromatic breath of juleps filled the library as the drinkers. In true southern fashion, burled noses In the fragrant mint. Then, as the cups were lowered, from the recess of the curtained windows at one end of the room came a quiet voice: "I thank you, gentlemen! But I must remind you, Malllard, that there was not a time limit set in the note." With a simultaneous gasp everyone turned. Malllard stnggered ; his face went livid. Every eye was fastened upon that amazing figure now advanc ing from the shadows of the recess. It was the figure of an aviator, clad In leather from top to toe, the goggles and helmet shield completely masking his head and features from recogni tion. In his hand he held an auto matic pistol, which covered the group of men before him with Its threaten ing mouth. "Not a sound, If you plenso," he warned, his voice thin and nasal oh vlously disguised. "I trust that none of you gentlemen is armed, because I am very quick on the trigger, A very pleasant surprise, Mulllurd? You'd given me up, eh?" For an instant no one spoke. Then Malllard moved slightly, moved his hand toward a button set in the wall near the safe. The voice of the ban dit leaped out at blm like thin steel; "Quiet, you fool I If you touch that button " Malllard stiffened, and gripped the table edge with his shaking hand. The bandit bowed slightly, and ad dressed the gathering In a tone of dry raillery : "The rights of property are to me far more sacred than human life; there I agree with the law. So, gen tlemen kindly empty your pockets on the table." His voice became crisp. "The jeweled scarfplns which you re ceived as favors this evening may be added to the collection; otherwise, I shall not touch your private posses sions. No watches, thank you. Mall lard, kindly begin I I believe that you carry a wallet? If you please." The banker could not but obey. His hands trembling with feur and rage, he took from his pocket a wallet, and emptied a sheaf of bills upon the table. One after another, the other men followed his example. When It came his turn, Jachin Fell drew a single bill from his pocket, and laid It down. "You put some faith In that warn ing, Mr. Fell?" The bandit laughed. "If You Don't," Was the Cool Threat, "I'll Shoot You Through the Ab domen." "Do you think that you will know me again?" "I hardly believe so, sir," answered Fell In his apologetic fashion, "Your disguise Is really excellent." "Thank you." The bandit's voice held a thin mockery. "Coming from you, sir, that compliment Is most wel come." "What the devil does the fellow mean?" exploded Judge Forester. "Then you are not aware that Mr. Fell Is a man of large affairs?" The bandit's white teeth flashed In a smile. "He Is a modest man, this at torney I And a dangerous man also, I assure you. But come, Mr. Fell, I'll not betray you." Jachin Fell obviously did not appre ciate the pleasantry. His shy and won dering features assumed a set and hardened look. "Whoever you are," he responded, a subtle click of anger In his tone, "you shall be punished for this !" "For what, Mr. Fell? For knowing too much of your private affairs?" The bandit laughed. "Fear not I am only an amateur at this game, for tunately! So do your worst, and my blessing upon you! Now, gentlemen, kindly withdraw a few paces. All but you, Malllard; I'm not through with you yet." The automatic pistol gestured; un der its menace everyone Obeyed the command, for the calm assurance of the bandit made It seem extremely likely that he would use the weapon without compunction. The men with drew toward the far end of the room, where a word from the aviator halted them. Malllard remained standing where he was. The Masquer advanced to the table and gathered the heap of money and scarfplns Into the leathern pocket of his coat During the process his gaze did not waver from the group of men, nor did the .threat ot his weapon lift from the banker before him. "Now, Malllard," he quietly ordered, "you will have the kindness to turn around and open the wall safe behind you. And don't touch the button." Malllard started. "That safe I Why why d n yon, I'll do nothing of the sort I" "If you don't," was the cool threat, "I'll shoot you through the abdomen. A man fears a bullet there worse than death. It may kill you, and It may not; really, I care very little. You you financier!" 1 Scorn leaped into the quiet voice, scorn that lashed and bit deep. "It was natural then that Lu cie should take Jachin Fell Into her eonfldencs." I TO BS CONTIA'UED.)