The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, November 16, 1922, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 9. NO. 6
TH2 YEAR $1.50
Smock News
Ethel Ledford is again on the
sick list.
Mulvaney mill is now planing
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mayfield
made a business trip to Maupin
Edward Disbrow is building a
garage. J. C. Bradway is helping
Miss Mabel Scansen left Tues
day for her home in N. Dakota,
after a two months stay on Smock
Mrs. Berry accompanied her to
Mrs. Cora Foster with Elwood
and Elnora went to The Dalles,
to join her mother who is work
ing in the cannery. The child
ren will attend school there.
Miss V. I. Felch returned from
Dufur on Sunday, where she had
been the Di 'a care for'nearly a
month. She teems much im
proved in health.
Glen Large returned from Can
ada last week where he had em
ployment during the summer.
After a few days spent with the
home folks, he left on Friday ac
companying his friend, Mr. Cook
to Trout Creek where there are
employed by Robt. Cram.
The Smock schcol board has
secured D. M. Stancliff to "Teach
the young ideas how to shoot.
The gentleman has had a wide
experience as an educator and
will undonbtedly prove a success
E. E. Wall and family spent
the week end visiting relatives
on the Flat, returning home Mon
day evening.
German Gillette Safety Razors
65 'cts. Maupin Drug Store.
Estimated Receipts
From county school fund during the coming school year
From state school fund during the coming school year
From elementary school fund during the coming school year. . . .
Estimate of probable unexpended balance at end of current year
Estimated am't. to be received from all other sources during comin
Total estimated receipts, not induing proposed tax
Total estimated expenses for the year
Total estimated receipts not including proposed tax
Balance, amount to be raised by district tax
Dated this 27th day of October, 1922.
Attest: Lawrence S. Stovall, District Clerk.
This original estimate is made in compliance with section 231-A of the school laws of 1921
and shows in parallel columns the unit costs of the several services, material and supplies for the
three fiscal years next preceeding the current year, the detail expenditures for the last one of said
three preceeding fiscal years and the budget allowances and expenditures for six months of the
current year. ("Six months of the current year" means six months of the last school year.)
; Expenditures , .
Other services
Total Personal Services?
Furniture (desks, etc.)
Supplies (chalk, etc ) i
Library books
Janitor's supplies
Postage and stationery
Total Material. Supplies!
Buildings and Grounds
Bonded, interest thereon
100 00,$
2720 00
1500 00
160 ooT
150 00,$
Warrant, interest therori
Total Indebtedness
Grand Total
$ 11901
I. LawrenceS. Stovall, do hereby certify that the above estimate of expenditures for the
year 1921-1922 was prepared by me and that the expenditures and budget allowance for six months
of the current year and the expenditures for the three fiiscal years next preceeding the current
year as shown above have been compiled from the records in my charge and are true and correct
copies thereof.
Lawrence S. Stovall, District Clerk.
School Notes
The boys have' organized a
first and second Basket Ball team
and are placing against each
other. . .
The, Armistice Day program
held in the primary room last
Frjday afternoon was very good
and enjoyed by all. A number
especially pleasing was a numbtr
of old war time songs sung by
the pupils of the grammer grade
room. The high school was in
vited in to hear the program and
the Glee Club contributed a
number to the program. A
large number of daunts ant' pat
rons were present
Most of the concrete work is
finished in the new school lui d
ing.. . -
Notice of School Election to In
crease Tax More Than Six Per
Cent Over That of the Previous
Year ,
Notice is hereby given to the
legal voters of School District
No. 84, of Wasco County, Slate
of Oregon, that an election will
be held in said District at Maupin
School House on the 18th day of
November, 1922, at 3 o'clock in
the afternoon, to vote on the
question of i n c r e a s ing the
amount of the ' tax levy in said
District for the year 1922 by
more than six per cent over the
amount of such levy for the year
immediately preceeding.
It is necessary to raise this
additional amount by special
levy for the following reasons:
To pay bonded indebtedness
and interest thereon and District
warrants and interest thereon.
Dated this 27th day of Oct
ober, 1922.
' L. D. Kelly,
Chairman Board of Directors.
Attest: Lawrence S. Stovall,
District Clerk.
lExpenditures and budget Expenditures for three fiscal years
'allowance for six months! next preceeding the last
of last school year j school year
I. i- II. III. I IV. V. - VI.
Estimated Expend i-Budget Detailed exjSecond year First year
expend i- tures in de-lalowance in p end ituresGive yearly give year-
fortail 41921-22; detail for
!the ensuing; 4 1920-21 year
year ;3 year period;
1867 50$ 1800 00$
90 00j
. 12 501
22 50!
1992 50$
37 50
62 50$
100 00
5 00
25 00
92 50:
12 501
2 50
333 50$
50 00i$"
90 00
12 50S
1992 50$
127 21
81 50;
100 00
6 75
314 71$
45 00$
40 00;
40 003
50 oo!
200 00
00$ 2380 00$ 2668 12 $
Notice is hereby given to the
legal voters of School District
No, 84 of Wasco County.'Oregon,
that a school meeting of said
district will be held at Maupin
School House on the 18th day of
November, 1922, at 3 o'clock in
the afternoon for the purpose of
discussing the budget herein
after set out with the levying
board, and to vote on the propo
sition of levying a speeial dis
trict tax.
The total amount of money
needed by the said school dis
triqt during the fiscal year be
ginning on June 30,' 1922. and
ending June 30, 1923, is estima
ted in the following budget and
includes the amounts to be re
ceived from the county school
fund, state school fund, elemen
tary school fund, special district
tax, and all other moneys of the
Estimated Expenditures ,
Principals'l $1575 $1575
1 1200 1200
Teachers 2 1125 ,2250
Janitors 2 180 360
Clerk 1 25 25
Other services 100 100
Total """"""15510
Furniture (desks,
stoves, cirtains, etc$1000 f .',
Supplies (chalk, ,
erasers, eic.) 125
Library books 100 ,
Flags 20
Janitor's supplies 50
Fuel 225 .
Water 36
Postage stationery 5
Total $1561
Maintenance and
repairs . ' $100
Bonded and inter
est thereon 12720
Warrant and in-
erest thereon 1500 .
Total " $4220
Insurance J $ 160
Miscellaneous: $ 150
Emergency $ 200
$- 524 00
108 50
604 00
....... 200 00
g school yr. 3500 00
4936 bO
. 4936 50
$6964 50
L. D. Kelly, Board of Directors.
the last totals ly totals
of the 4 1919-20 1 1918-19
1919 budget,
! allowance I
1440 00;
90 00
12 50;
1542 50$
3145 00$ 3505 00
50 oo;
175 oo;
50 00
5 001
60 00;
98 25
6 75
2 50!
447 50$
590 00 $ 968 50
25 00$ 360 00;$ 325 00
775 00$
2790 00$
361 77 1550 00
4596 271$ 6348 50
Around Maupin
Fountain i Pens $1.00
Maupin Drug Store.
The forms are being removed
from the walls of the new high
school building and wrlks for
the school grounds are being
laid. The work will be nearly
completed in two more weeks.
I Crabtree Bros., Rai Kay lor
I and H. M. Greetf have been
'grading and hauling gravel fr
the new cement walks and curls
along Deschutes avenue. Most
of the walks have now been re
duced to grade and piles of gra'.
el extend the length of the street
The Standard Oil Company's
buildings have this week been
painted. The tall cylinder tanks
make a sightly ..addition to the
east side.
Rural Carrier Carl Pratt, and
four other applicants for the job
took civil service examination
last Friday. Mr. Pratt may be
assured of the job for the cold
weather anyway, if goverment
returns are as sreedy is tl ey
usually are.
A crew of cement workers
laid the floor of Butler's store
basement Monday. More shelf
room and stock have been added
to the store and an attractive
sign was completed yesterday on
the front of the building.
Portland Painless Dentist,
seven years in The Dalles
painless extraction $1.00 305
Second St. The Dalles Oregon,
W. T. Slatten D, D- S. Prop
rietorPhone Main 4821.
The Foley residence, recently
occupied by Atty. and Mis.
Dufur is being-prerared for Mr.
and Mrs;; Albert Agidioua, local
agents for the Standard Oil Co.
Mr. andilrs. L. B. Kelly are
having built for them on their
lots above the O. T. depot a new
house, Mr. Kelly recently com
pleted a barn also on one of ti e
lots, which number several. If
not otherwise detained, Mr. Kelly
may plant the rest of the grcund
to wheat next
The Town Council met in regu
lar session at the Bank last r.iht
with a crow of vinicors. A long,
interesting session was experi
enced, adjourning at a late hour.
All the local stores are materi
ally Etocki ig up for tl e o.ning
holiday season and win cw dis
plays are most attractive.
Hand painted dish assortments
40 to 65 cents each MuUiin
Drug Store.
Interior finishing is being com
pleted as fast as possible in ti e
new brick hotel. Mr. Ha ph m
announces that it is planned to
"move in" the 1st of December.
Mrs. G. L. Harpman who is
ill, in I he Dalles, is reported to
be somewhat improved. '
Mrs. M. M. Morris was caljed
from The Dalles yesterday, by
the serious illness of her brother
Ira Grisharri;
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beck with
have gone to Portland where Mrs.
Beckwith will receive medical
treatment. Mrs. Gln Morris
and Vblet Gosser are tending the
switchboard while they are away
The election of officers for the
local Farmers Union for the fol
lowing year will be held at the
next regular meeting November
25. Every member urged to
attend. Try to be on hand and
put in the men you "want.
A. G. Martin and John Donald
son are busily engaged working
on their new sidewalks.
For Sale
Maytag washer and engine,
almost new. Shattuck Brothers
Wamic News ;
Dr. Griffith was called here
Wednesday to attend Mrs. Effie
McCorkle who is very ill with
heart trouble. A nurse is with
her. '
Charley Crofoot and little
Emery were in Maupin Wednes
day. . , .
Miss Bettie Powell is able to
be at her school again after 'an
attack of erysipelas
Mis. Emma Cl astain returned
from Portland Thursday where
she was called by the serious ill
ness of her grandson Bob New.
The boy is improving lut vti-y
sick yet. '
Two men were here Tuesday
resetting telephone poles for the
long distance line. . S
Turn Woodcock took the elec
tion returns to The Dalits Wt d
nesd ty, J. R. Woodcock and A.
E Lake accompanied him.
Alton Munger tf The Dnlles
and his brother Willard of Yaki
ma Wn., stopped on their way
for a bear hunt in the mountair s
Diok Williams of Tyt;h Valley
hauled a load of wood Thursday
for George Burlingamc.
J. M. White was here the for
mer part of the week from the
rangers station in the mountains
John Illingsworth moved to
the Wilbur Wing farm Thursday.
Floyd Johnson moved Friday
into the house vacated by John
Illingsworth. . .
Albert Agidioua b ought a tank
of oil from Maupin Friday from
the Standard Oil static n ther
Mrs. Agidious accompanied him.
John Magill visited his dsugh
ted Mrs. Chas. Crofoot Friday,
This is his first visit to town for
more than a j ear.
Herman Gesh spent last week
sawing wo jd for Wilbur Mulvany.
Lute Shadley'and Lee Leonard
were running a wood saw last
Better Service
Realizing (hat the southern part of Wasco Connty
is entitled to up to date service in our line, we have
placed a complete stock of goods with
The Crandall Undertaking Co.
The Dalles, Oregon
Licensed Enbalmers Motor Equipment
. Is the Best Policy
Keeping your capital in your
community; thereby benefiting
each individual and the com
munity at large.
We are here to render any ser
vice consistent, with lawful, busi
ness like banking.
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to Merit Approval
American Legion Fall In!
Attention! American Legion
members. -Maupin Post No. 73
will hold a regular meeting De
ember 4th in I. O. O. F. hall at
8 p. m. Purpose, election of
officers, Big feed.
I. E- Crabtree, Commander.
The Tygl school gave a pro
gram Friday afternoon at the
school House,
A dance was given at the T.
B. Berry home on Smock Satur
day night,
Jim McCoy and ion Wilton
were in the Dalles several days
last Week having dental w rk
done. They returned Friday.
, Frank Magill and family went
to Theodore Surrurier's place in
Grass Valley Saturdiy ttaying
over night.
Mr. a:'d Mrs. Vermn Norval
came out from The-Dalles Satur
day 'remaining over night at the
Willie IN vval home.
Many persons here are having
a severe cold, some are attacked
in the form of something border
ing on pneumonia.
Doran Funeral
The funeral of James Doran
took place from St. Peters Church
at The Dalles with a Requiem
Mass. Interment was made in
the Catholic Cemetry. The pall .
beirers were, Jas. Van Htomis
sen, John Odell, T. A. Connolly,
Tom Faherty, Arthur Hilgen and
Toney Conrov.
James Doran was born in
CountrIkHfSrd-etanrfrE! 188
In IJJOTIie came to the United
States and for the past 20 years
has made his home near Maupin.
He is survived by a brother in
Ireland and a cousin, Mrs. Thcs.
Flanagan, 870 Court Avenue
Portland Oregon,