The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, November 09, 1922, Image 3

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    PQRTL A Nil
r WliB LMIll
Buttonbonn. r - Button. -
IDS UM10M IVfMllt UftaTU BnSTI.Sn Minna
TT i itv xvu ffina uu oniypiiic lags
Po fYO XV CkY1 Wrlt 'w PricM and market conditions on
r 4&C iX OUIl Veal Hogs, Poultry, Fruits, Potatoes, Onions, etc
Portland, Oregon
, ...
We are in the market for Hides., Write for Prices and Shipping- Tags,
Established 1889.
Jack King Cures it. Ladies and Gents Exam
ination free. 207 Dekum bid?., Portland, Ore
Kiln $1.00 ai us, 128 N. 64 Si. PotlUnd. On
Very Centrally Located. Convenient to alt
Depots, and one block from main Postomce
1 to 5 ton GMC, Republics, Whites, etc
Send for our List.
Oregon Distributors for GMC Trucks
S00 Second St., Cor. Taylor Portland, Oi
Guaranteed dental work. Crowns $5.00.
Plates $15.00, Brldgework $6.00 a tooth.
Teeth extracted by gas. Latest modern
methods. Dr. Henry Semler, Dentist, 3rd
ind Morrison, 2nd floor Alisky Bldg., Port
land, Or. Write or phone for appointment.
Expert advice on any
Income tax problems.
Several years7 actual
exneripnen in finvern-
DROHI CIIC ment Bureaus Is offered
rnUOLCinOthose unable to visit our
oflice. Btttte your troubles briefly and
end In with $1 and we will give you hon
est to goodness advice. It will pay you to
get In touch with us now. E. J. Curtln,
Room 606 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Hotel Hoyt
Located Sixth and Hoyt
Strictly Fireproof and Modern. Near
both depots and convenient car service
to all parts of city.
THOUSANDS of prominent Northwest people
can testify that 1 permanently cure Piles with
out operation, pain or confinement Yourmoncr
back if 1 fail in YOUR case.
Writs or call (or FREE booklet.
Creep for Pigs.
Pigs ought to be supplied with a
creep as soon as they will cut, wtilch
they will after tlio tilled week, and by
placing cracked corn, tankage and salt
In the trough they soon will And their
own feed.
Fruit and Vegetable Count.
This Is the time of year that the
fruit nnd vegetable garden counts.
Poor Indued Is the farm that docs not
have a good fruit and vegetable gar
den to supply the table.
Home Garden Essential!.
A spado or spading fork, a hoc, s
1 rake, a dibblo or trowel, nnd a piece
of stout cord are tho tools essential
for homo gardeulng.
, Safe and Sound Plan.
A snfo nnd sound agricultural pro
gram Includes lots wheat and more
good live stock.
Qi,ann pk
Records Show That Death Valley, In
California, Easily Bears That
Questionable Distinction.
Ten years of record obtained at the
TJnlted States weather bureau's sub
station at Greenland ranch, In Death
valley, Calif., Indicate that this Is the
hottest region In the United States,
snd, so far as extreme maximum tem
peratures are concerned, the hottest
known region on earth. The tempera
ture of 134 degrees Fahrenheit, record
ed on July 10, 1913, Is believed by
meteorologists to be the highest nat
ural air temperature ever recorded
with a tested standard thermometer
exposed In the shade under approved
conditions. High temperatures are
common throughout the yeur, but the
highest occur during midsummer:
Precipitation Is extremely light, the
normal ainal precipitation being less
than two Inches. Kvaporatlon Is ex
cessive, as the relative humidity Is ex
tremely low most if Uie time, and es
pecially during the" Hot spells of sum-
Portland, Oretron
Complete Change Saturday. Adolta. Matinee, 20c
fcyenings, 33c Continuous 1 to U p. m. Childrea
10 eents all times.
. granaries. Basements, etc. Water
proof, Rotproof, Ratproof and Fireproof.
Medusa Waterproofed White Portland Cement la
Z2$ for 6tucco Plaater oa outside for Bun VI'
lows-Does not stain and dirt can be hosed off.
S5?rIrLi??",ur Fold b)r McMUXAN CO,
-,. """'u oireoi, corner second, Portland.
IlUl t VTr, r.. i,...,,.
Plaiting Tucking and Chainstltchtn,
i lentn near Washington.
RMnitrlrahU in lim.k. ...
Own 7 a. in. to 2 a. m., 826 Stark St
fin. te.?-r
W " "
Address Department B
The Pi.jnograph Known for Tone
Agents wanted. Order direct from factory, 330 East
Morrison St, Portland, Oregon.
rorcy lears in the Same Location.
and Phonographs sold on Installment
Mccormick music co.
. ,0"ffon Distributors
Washington Street, Portland, Oregon
wiuuiuis ua - names! Leather.
portt.antv iwcnu
Cut, seam, hem and machine CC -i.
pleat skirts ready for band. OO CeiltS
Hemstitching, 5 cents per yard.
85(4Fif th St Portland. Or.
BRAZING. WFI niMi; m piitt.u
tlrwesrWeiding & Supply Co. 88 1st St
(Sgwjft. For reliable Cleaning and
lOlty Dyeing service send parcels to
Itmif H us' pay "turn Postage.
uiui i.iaiiuu aim prices given
upon request.
Established 1890 Portland
Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St;
Commercial Iron Works, 7th & Madison.
Featherweight Arch Supports made to
order. J. E. Tryzelaar, 618 Plttock Block,
r-uruanu, vro.
We tan deerskins properly tagged, also
pay highest prices for horsehldes.
West Coast Tanning Co., 692 Tenlno St.,
Portland, Ore.
Teaches trade in 8 weeks. Some pay while learn
ing. Positions secured. Write for catalogue,
234 Burnside street, Portland, Ore.
MONUMENTS E. 3d and Pins Sts.
Otto Schumann Granite & Marble Work.
Marry If Lonely; mast successful "Horn
Maker"; hundreds rich; confidential;
reliable; years experience; descriptions
free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Nash,
Box 556, Oakland, California.
Cleaning, carding and mattresses. Crystal
Springs oolenMills, 760Umatilla, Portland.
We help the appearance of women.
Twenty-two Inch switch or transforma
tion, value $7.60, price $2.45.
too to 412 uekum iJIflg,
VETERINARIAN Cattle a Specialty
Dr. Ohas. M. Anderson, Kenton, Portland.
Wedding Bouquets and Funeral Pieces
monger r-iorists, ais Morrison ol
You will get higher returns for your
produce if you will use our new methods
before shipping any product to market.
Write Us at Once.
We Will Be Pleased to Tell You How
"" If your RADIATOR heats or
I ' I leaks, send it to us,
L j Armstrong Auto Radiator Co,
67 Burn tide street Portland, Oregon
Value of Beet Tops.
The economic utilization of beet
tops and oilier by-products not only
yields a direct profit by feeding to
stock, but greatly assists In maintain
Ing soil fertility and nlso in establish
ing a better crop rotation.
Keeps Weeds Out of Alfalfa.
Bluo gross and weeds cf.n bo kept
out of alfalfa and the stand greatly
Improved by summer renovation. The
alfalfa should be disked ufter each
cutting. .
Guard Against Weevil.
Weevil damage Is very common with
stored grain ; It pays to watch It care
fully, and to fumigate It with carbon
bisulphide at the first sign of the pest
. Wheat and Straw.
For every bushel of wheat are pro
duced 'about one hundred pounds of
mer. White people find the midsum
mer heat most trying; even the Indi
ans go up to the Panatnlnt range dur
ing July and August, The weather
station maintained at Greenland
ranch In co-operation with the borax
company Is unique In many ways.
Scientific American.
Not Original With layes.
The aphorism, "He serves his part
best who serves his country best" Is
from the Inaugural address of Ruther
ford P. Hayes (1 822-1803). as Presi
dent of the TJnlted States, delivered
March 5, 1877. In the famous trans
lation of Homer's Iliad, made by Alex
ander Pope (1688-1744), the English
poet, there Is this line: "He serves me
most who serves his country best,"
Italy's Lignite Deposits.
Italy has 30 known deposits of llg
nlte, estimated to contain 281,000,000
tons of fuel available for Industrial requirements.
Sterling L. Brooks
Dlnuba, Cal. "Two years ago the
flu left my kidneys In a very bad
shape. I went to my physician but
he didn't do me any good. I got
thin, my back hurt all the time, and
I was not able to work. I got
very despondent and finally, after
almost giving up hope of getting
well, I heard of Dr. Pierce's Anuric
Tablets and began using them to
gether with Dr. , Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery, and after a few
months' treatment I found myself
practically well. I can recommend
these 'Anuric Tablets' for weak
kidneys; and for torpid liver, im
pure blood and poor digestion, there
is nothing that equals the Golden
Medical Discovery." Sterling L.
Brooks, 246 Academy Way.
You can quickly put yourself in
A-l condition by going to your drug
gist and obtaining Dr. Pierce's
Family Remedies, tablets or liquid,
or write Dr. Pierce, President In
valids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for
free medical advice. Send 10c If your
desire a trial pkg. of tablets.
Making a Doormat.
Sweet corn husks braided Into a
long strip and bound make an ex
cellent doormat that can be easily
washed and dried, will be durable and
will not kick up like a rag rug. The
mat can either be used in natural
color or dyed.
Thought for the Day:
The man who writes a book without
a message wastes his time and our
Baby Hanged In Apron Strings.
Augusta, Ga, Playing in the yard
while its mother was hanging out the
clothes, tho fifteen-month-old daughter
of Cecil Thomas became entangled In
apron strings dangling from the line
and strangled to death before she
could be released.
Money Is almost unknown on Nor
folk island, In the Pacific ocean, about
$25 being all that Is handled by the
entire population In the course of a
Scouts distributed several thousand
cards along the line of parade at Fort
Orange, N. Y on Memorial day, re
minding people to remove their bats
when the flag passed. Scout Execu
tive Claude L. Metz of the Fort
Orange council, Boy Scouts of Amer
ica, is In receipt of a letter of ap
preciation of the scouts' work from
the secretary of committee on Amer
icanization of Fort Orange post
American Legion.
Because of his scout training, Lester
Burbank of Alta Loma, California,
knew how to act promptly and wisely
when a large rattlesnake bit him while
he was out alone fishing In Day
canyon. Promptly the boy made two
Incisions over the wound the rattle,
snake had made In the lower left leg,
and tied a tourniquet Just below thr
knee. Then the scout walked to thw
nearest camp, about a mile away.
It was the prompt action that saved
this boy's life.
Mothers Read This Letter
and Statement Which
Portland, Indiana. "I was troubled
with irregularity and constipation and
would oi ten nave to
lie down because of
pains. One Sunday
my aunt was visiting
us and she Baid her
girls took Lyati m.
Pinkham's Vege
table Compound and
got well, so mother
said she guessed she
would let me try it It
is doing me good and
I praise it highly.
You are welcome to
use this letter as s testimonial."
Stella Newton, R. R. 8, Portland,
Mothers You should carefully guard
your daughter's health. Advise her of
the danger which comes from standing
around with cold or wetfeet,fromlifting
heavy articles, or overworking. Do not
let her OTerstudy.
If she complains of headache, paint in
back or lower limbs, or if you notice s
slowness of thought, nervousness or ir
ritability on the part of your daughter,
give her careful attention.
Lydis E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound is an excellent medicine for your
daughter to take, as it is especially
adopted to relieve just such symptoms.
Remember it contains nothing that can
injurs snd can be taken in safety.
HI' '
Baker. All bids for the four market
road projects In Baker county were re
jected as too high by the county
commissioners Saturday. The commis
sioners voted to advertise for new
bids. .
Albany. More than $1700 of the
$2800 quota for this city In the county
wide boy scout budget campaign was
raised during the past week it Is an
nounced at the campaign headquarters
by F. E. Callister, manager. The goal
set for the county Is $4500.
Ashland. Using a master key, burg
lars forced an entrance to the Ashland
Lumber company's office Friday night,
making away with $228 In cash and
checks. A punch and hammer were
used in breaking into the safe. No
visible clews were left by the rob
bers. Eugene. More than 8000 barrels of
cement are awaiting shipment at the
plant of the Beaver Portland Cement
company at Gold Hill, and cannot be
moved on account of the car short
age, said F. L. Jones, field engineer
of the Portland Cement association,
who was here Saturday.
Baker. Heart disease, probably ag
gravated by "too much moonshine"
was the cause generally assigned by
sheriff's officials and others for the
death of John Pelly, 55, a plasterer,
formerly of Weiser, Idaho, whose body
was found In a room In the Lundale
hotel . on Main street Saturday.
Hrjod River. J. H. Fredricy, chair
man of the commercial club's road
committee, ; announced that he has re
ceived word from the forestry depart
ment that work will be started as early
as possible next spring on the Cloud
Cap Inn and Cooper's Spur lateral of
the Mount Hood Loop highway.
Medford. Melvin Horn of Jackson
ville Sunday afternoon shot his wife,
from whom he had been separated,
and then killed himself with a pistol.
The shooting was in : Mrs. Horn's
home. Mrs. Horn was dangerously
wounded In the abdomen. The couple
have four children, "who were living
with Mrs. Horn, n:
La Grande. The tax budget for the
coming year in Wallowa county, was
submitted by the county court to the
taxpayers of the qounty, the main
feature In the new budget being a
cut of $33,000 from last year's ex
pense. A determined effort to do
away with all "luxuries" resulted in
the lower budget.
Baker. Secretary Meacham of the
chamber of commerce Saturday re
ceived a supply of filberts grown by
Barney Eidson, on his farm in Eagle
Valley. It is believed that these are
the first nuts of the variety grown in
that valley. The trees, according to
Mr. Eidson, are eight years of age
and have stood the cold weather when
other trees have frozen.
Baker. The people of Baker want
the Red Cross to continue Its work
and are willing to assist it financially
and morally to do so. That was the
sentiment expressed Saturday night
at a general meeting in the chamber
of commerce rooms. The attendance
was not large, hut the sentiment was
strong for the good work which has
been done by the organization and
the urgent need of continuing Its
I Grande. The payments of taxes
In Wallowa county have been a shade
better this year than last, according
to the county tax collector. Delin
quencies now total $180,290 on the
1921 roll, or 35 per cent of the total,
when the books were closed the night
of October 6. Of the roll due last
year, 19 per cent remains unpaid.
Since the closing of the books a con
siderable percentage of the delinquent
taxes has been cleared up.
Hood River. Apple growers of re
mote districts whose crops are unpro
tected from cold, were gravely alarm
ed Sunday over the threat of snow.
A storm, accompanied by low tem
peratures such as prevailed last Nov
ember would result In s loss of a
heavy percentage of the district's
apple crop. The car shortage has re
sulted in shipping concerns limiting
dally deliveries of growers to small
quantities on a pro-rata tonnage basis.
Salem. As the result of a postofflce
ruling received Saturday by Sam A.
Kozer, secretary of state, the taxpay
ers of the state will save approximate
ly $3000 annually. In the past certifi
cates of motor vehicle registrations
have been sent out separately and at
a cost of 2 cents each. Under the re
cent postofflce ruling these certifi
cates of registration will be placed In
a sealed envelope snd will be attach
ed to the license tag container. This
will make It possible for the secretary
of state to save 2 cents In postage on
each motor vehicle license sent out
from his department.
The Secret of
a Convincing Talker
How I Learned It in One Evening.
"Hare yoa heard the news ahont HV&nk
Jordan!" The question quickly brought me
to the little group which had gathered in
the center of the office. Jordan and I had
started with the Great Eastern Machinery
Company, within a month of each other, four
years ago. A year ago, Jordan was taken
into the accounting division and I was sent
out as saleaman. Neither of us was blessed
with an unusual amount of brilliancy, but we
"got by" in our new Jobs well enough to
hold them.
Imagine my amazement, then, rhen I heard:
"Jordan's just been made Treasurer of tha
1 could hardly believe my ears. But there
was the "Notice to EmDluveea" on the bul
letin board, telling about Jordan's good for
tune. Now I knew that Jordan was a capable
fellow, quiet, and unassuming, but I never
would have picked him for any such sudden
rise. I knew, too, that the Treasurer of the
Great Eastern had to be a big man, and I
wondered how in the world Jordan landed
the place.
The first chance I got, I walked Into Jordan's
new office and after congratulating him warm
ly, I asked him to let me "in" on the details
of how he jumped ahead so quickly. His story
ia so intensely interesting that I am going
to repeat it as closely as I remember,
"I'll tell you just how it happened, George,
because you may pick up pointer or two
that will help you.
"You remember how scared X used to be
whenever I had to talk to the chief t You
remember how you used to tell me that every
time I opened my mouth I put my foot into it,
meaning of course that every time I spoke I got
into trouble! You remember when Ralph
Sinton left to take charge of the Western of
fice and I was asked to present him with the
loving cup the boys gave him, how flustered
I was and howl couldn't say a word because
there were people around ! You remember how
oonfused I used to be every time I met new
people! I couldn't say what I wanted to say
when I wanted to say It: and I determined
that if there was any possible chancs to learn
how to talk I was going to do it.
"The first thing I did was to buy a num
ber of books on publio speaking, but they
seemed to be meant for those who wanted
to become orators, whereas what I wanted
to learn was not only how to speak in public
but how to speak to individuals under various
conditions in business and social life.
"A few weeks later, just as T was about
to give up hope of ever leurning how to
talk interestingly, I read an announcement
stating that Dr. Frederick Houk Law had just
completed a new course in business talking
and publio speaking entitled 'Mastery of
Speech.' I sent for them and in a few days
they arrived. I glanced through the entire
eigiit lessons, reading the headings and a few
paragraphs here and there, and in about an
hour the whole secret of effective speakiug
was opened to me.
"For example, I learned why I had always
lacked confidence, why talking had always
seemed something to be dreaded, whereas it
is really the simplest thing In the world to get
up and talk. I learned how to secure complete
attention to what I was saying and how to
make everything I said interesting, forceful and
convincing. I learned the art of listening, the
value of silence, and the power of brevity. In
stead of being funny at the wrong time, I
learned how snd when to use humor with tell
ing effect.
"But perhaps the most wonderful thing
about the lessons were the aotlial examples of
what things to say and when to say them to
meet every condition. I found that there was
a KnacK in making oral reports to my superiors.
Here is the story of a recent good
turn performed by a Buffalo scout of
Troop 30: "One day while I was walk
ing down the street I noticed a little
boy sitting on the curbstone, his feet
In some sand on the street pavement.
His old grandmother was standing
nearby. Suddenly a dump wagon came
rattling down the street. ' I saw the
dangerous position the little boy was
In and ran to him, but before I reached
him the wagon bad passed over one of
his feet. The old grandmother began
to cry plteously. Then I remembered
all my scout training. I comforted the
old lady, picked up the child, carried
him to his home, which was very near,
and there I bandaged his Injured
Herbert Mooney, assistant deputy
scout commissioner. District 5, Cleve
land, O., says lie Is engaged In scout
work because he believes It Is the best
recreation a man can find after work
ing hours. "A man should get out and
forget business after the day's work
Is done," says Mr. Mooney, "and how
else can he spend his time to better
advantage than by mingling with
young boys, the men of tomorrow"
Perhaps Lynn, Mass., believes that
beautiful shoes and beautiful streets
make a logical combination. At any
rate the great shoe manufacturing
center has this year won the sliver
cup of the New England clean-up
committee for the community carrying
on the best campaign tor cleanliness
during Clean-Up week. Lynn's 800
boy scouts Inspected houses on 60
streets, took care of vacant lots, dis
tributed 20,000 circulars, and planned
and carried put s successful parade.
Geese for Breeding.
It is not considered advisable to
breed from geese the first year; that
Is, It Is considered better to wait until
the geese ure two years old.
Continue Hatching Early,
The early pullets ure the ones
which set eurly the following spring,
and muke It easy to continue batch
ing early.
Sufficient Run for Chicks.
The chicks should have sufficient
run if tliev are to develop Into good
breeding stock.
No Resl Excuse for Moods.
Many mean things are done In the
family, tor which moods are put for
ward as an excuse, when moods them
selves are the most Inexcusable things
of all. A man or woman In tolerable
health has no- moral right to Indulge
In moods. J. Q. Holland.
Revises! Version.
When Fashion enters the door, hills
fly In the window. r
I found that thers was a right way and a
wrong way to present complaints, to give esti
mates, and to issue orders.
"I picked up some wonderful pointers about
how to give my opinions, about how to answer
complaints, about how to ask the bank for a
loan, about how to ask for extensions. Another
thing that atruck me forcibly was that in
steaa of antagonizing people when 1 didn't
agree with them, I learned how to bring them
around to my way of thinking in the most .
pleasant sort oi way. Then, of course, along
with those lessons there were chnntera on
speaking before large audiences, how to find
material lor lancing and apeaking, how to talk
to friends, how to talk to servants, and how
to talk to children.
"Why I got the secret the very first even
ing and it was only a short time before I was
able to apply all of the principles and found
that my words were beginning to have an
almost magical effect upon everybody to whom
I spoke. It seemed that I got things done
instantly, where formerly, as you know, what I
said 'went in one ear and out the other.' I
began to acquire an executive ability that sur
prised me. I smoothed out difficulties like
a true diplomat. 'In my talks with the chief
I spoke clearly, simply, convincingly. Then
came my first promotion since I entered the
accounting department. . I was given the job
of answering complaints, and I made good.
From that I was given the job of making
collections. When Mr. Buckley joined tlie
Officers' Training Camp, I was made Treasurer. .
Between you and me, George, my salary is
now $7,500 a year and I expect it will be
more from the first of the year.
"And I want to tell you sincerely, that I
attribute my success solely to the fact that I
learned how to talk to people."
When Jordan finished, I asked him for the
address of the publishers of Dr. Law's course
and he gave it to me. I sent for it and found
it to be exactly as he had stated. After study
ing the eight simple lessons I began to sell to
people who had previously refused to listen to
me at all. After four months of record-breaking
sales during the dullest season of tha
year, I received a wire from the chief asking
me to return to the home office. We had quite
a long talk in which I explained how I was
able to break sales records ami I was ap
pointed galea Manager at almost twice my
former salary. I know that there was noth
ing in me that had changed except that I hail
acquired the ability to talk whore formerly
I simply used "words without reason." I can
never thank Jordan enoujeh for telling me about
Dr. Law's Course in Business Talking and
Public Speaking. Jordan and I are both
spending all our jpore time mnking publio
speeches and Jordan is being talked about now
as Mayor of our little town,
of Portland, Ore,
418-19-20 U. S, National Bank Bldg. .
Gentlemen :
Please moil me Dr. Law's course, "Mastery
of Speech." I will pay the postman Sil.SO on
delivery, which completes tha transaction and
pays for the course in full. Thereafter the
course is mine absolutely.
Name .
City ...
State .
t-' Write Plainly.
Ladies Let Guticura
Keep Your Skin
Fresfi and aYound
Soap,Olntn)Mit,Talrum,Ke.Ttryhflr. PorsampleN
adoraM: OltloaraLaberftUTlM.DtpLX. Maldsn, at aaa.
Just what you want. Threaded Needles,
two yards thread in each needle. You can do
your sowing now without the trouble of thread
ing a needle. Old people and persona with
poor sight and bachelors find them a great
convenience. You ought to have them in your
pocket, in your office and home. Heud postal
card todoy and we will mail you three packages
for twenty-five cents, 0. O. D. Address
Threaded Needles," Box 158, Station "D",
New York. Agents wanted.
Oh, Cruel Judge!
A man, tired of work, announced to
his wife that it was time for her to
support the family. But, alas, the
Judge stepped in at this point and
spoiled what might otherwise have
been an excellent precedent for all
husbands. Baltimore American.
Does Death End All?
"Trade Is dead," says a Cape col
ony newspaper, "and Is growing dally
worse." Boston Transcript.
Shouldn't Forget the Pocketbook.
"When making a long sea voyage
plenty of ready cash Bhould be taken,"
advises a correspondent In a dally
paper. It certainly must be terrible
to be shipwrecked and cast-upou an
uninhabited island without a shilling
in your pocket. London Punch.
Cuticura Soothes Itching Scalp
On retiring; eentlr rub snots of dnn.
draft and itching with Cuticura Oint
ment Next morning shampoo with
Cuticura Soap and hot water. Make
them your every-day toilet preparations
and have a clear skin nnd soft, white
hands. Adv.
For the Sake of Peace.
An eastern court has decided that
a man Is the head of the family.
Most of us, however, will continue
to plod along as we have been go
ing without attempting to gain any
thing by this decision.
We are not punctilious about the
scenery In the movies, Just so Caesar
Is not shown leaning against a tele
graph pole. St. Louis Globe-Demot-crat
used for baby's clothes, will keep them
sweet and snowy-whits until worn out
Try It and se for yourself. Atgrocm .
kr Van atknn? BEHNKE-WALKER
(ire i uo miuocoi businus colleci
Is the blggent, most perfectly equipped
Business Training rJchool In the North
went Fit yourself lor a higher position
with mora money. Permanent positions
ajMureS our Graduates
Write for cetalof Fourth sod TunhlU,
rOTT iano
P, N. U.
No. 49,
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