The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, November 09, 1922, Image 1

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    fflE MAUPIN TS
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 9. NO. 5
THE YEAR $1.50
Interesting Meeting
The meeting of the Wasco
County Farmer's Union at Uni
versal Hall on November 2, was
very well attended by resident
members, and by representative
visitors from all but one of the
county locals who who were
The morning session was most
ly group discussion relative to
the affairs of the Wheat Grow
er's association. After the re
mains of a bountiful dinner had
been cleared away, Co. Presi
dent Hillman called the meeting
to order. Minutes of the last
meeting at Columbia Hall having
been read, the house gave undi
vided attention to a discourse by
the state president, E. R. Shurn
way. His remarks were well
received, but all were saddened
by his declarihg he would not be
a candidate for re-election to the
office he has held long and filled
so admirably. In the business
meeting following the address
many things affecting the wel
fare of he farmers of Wasco
county were discussed and con-!
elusions arrived at for the bet
terment of the members of the
The next county meeting will
be held at Nansene Hall, per
haps in January, the exact date
to be announced latter. The
State Convention will be held at
Lebanon, December 7, 8, 9, to
which all members are invited,
in addition to the regular dele
gates. The next meeting at
Union hall will be held Novem
ber 11, Saturday at 1 p. m.
German Gillette Safety Razors
65 cts. Maupin Drug Store.
, ' Estimated Receipts
From county school fund during the coming school year
From state school fund during the coming school year
From elementary school fund during the coming school year.
Estimate of probable unexpended balance at end of current year.
Estimated am't. to be received from all other sources during coming
Total estimated receipts, not induing proposed tax....
Total estimated expenses for the year
Total estimated receipts not including proposed tax
Balance, amount to be raised by district tax
Dated this 27th day of October, 1922.
Attest: Lawrence S. Stovall, District Clerk.
This original estimate is made in compliance with section 231-A of the school laws of 1921
and shows in parallel columns the unit costs of the several services, material and supplies for the
three fiscal years next preceeding the current year, the detail expenditures for the last one of said
three preceeding fiscal years ar.d the budget allowances and expenditures for Bix months of the
current year. ("Six months of the current year" means six months of the last school year.)
e x p e n
the ensuing
Other services
Total Personal Services?
Furniture (desks, etc.)
Supplies (chalk, etc )
Library books
Janitor's supplies
1000 00$
125 00
100 00
20 00
50 00
225 00
36 00
5 00
2720 (XT
1500 00
4220 00
Postage and stationery
Total Material, Supplies!
Buildings and Grounds $
Bonded, interest thereon!
Warrant, interest theron
Total Indebtedness
Grand Total
160 00$
150 00 $
200 T)0
11901 00$
. I, Lawrence S. Stovall, do hereby certify that the above estimate of expenditures for the
year 19214922 was prepared by me and that the expenditures and budget allowance for six months
of the current year and the expenditures for the three fiiscal years
year as snown aoove nave Deen
copies thereof.
Smock News
Marion Farlow and Ed Wall
were Maupin callers Monday.
A J. HiU and George Duncan
are hauling wood to Maupin.
No school here Tuesday, elec
tion being held in the school
The farmers were remined by
the little snow storm here
Monday evening that it is time
for potatoes to be in the cellars.
The neglected condition of the
upper grade and bridge across
White river is not enjoye 1 by
those of this section whom this
road if kept up, efficiently serves
Ed Disbrow went to Maupin
Tuesday, taking his sister and
niece home.
School Notes
Notice of School Election to In
crease Tax More Than Six Per
Cent Over That of the Previous
Notice is hereby given to the
legal voters of School District
No. 84, of Wasco County, State
of Oregon, that an election will
be held in said District at Maupin
School House on the 18th day of
November, 1922, at 3 o'clock in
the afternoon, to vote on the
question of increasing the
amount of the tax levy in said
District for the year 1922 by
more than six per cent over the
amount of such levy for the year
immediately preceeding.
It is necessary to raise this
additional amount by special
levy for the following reasons:
To pay bonded indebtedness
and interest thereon and District
warrants and interest thereon.
Dated this 27th day of Oct
ober, 1922.
L. D.Kelly,
Chairman Board of Directors.
Attest: Lawrence S. Stovall,
District Clerk.
Expenditures and budget Expenditures for three fiscal years
allowance for six months: next preceeding the last
of last school year
Expend i- Budget :Detailed ex- Second year First year
d i-
tures in de-allowance in p e
fortail i 1921-22
i 1920-21
1867 50$ 1800 00$
90 00
12 50:
22 50i
1992 50 j
90 oo;
12 50,
1992 50$
37 60
62 501
100 00!
5 00:
25 00
92 50,
12 60
2 60'
127 21
81 60
100 00,
6 75t
333 50$
314 71$
50 00l 45 00$
359 16$
40 00!
40 00$
50 00
2380 00$ 2668 12$
compnea irom me records in my
Notice is hereby given to the
legal voters of School District
No. 84 of Wasco County, Oregon,
that a school meeting of said
district will be held at Maupin
School House on the 18th day of
November, 1922, at 3 o'clock in
the afternoon for the purpose of
discussing the budget herein
after set out with the levying
board, and to vote on the propo
sition of levying a speeial dis
trict tax.
The total amount of money
needed by the 'said school dis
trict during the fiscal year be
ginning on June 30, 1922, and
ending June 30, 1923, is estima
ted in the following budget and
includes the amounts to be re
ceived from the county school
fund, state school fund, elemen
tary school fund, special district
tax, and all other moneys of the
Estimated Expenditures
Principals 1 $1575 $1575
1 1200 1200
Tearhers 2 1125 2250
Janitors 2 180 360
Clerk '1 25 25
Other services 100 100
IV al
Furniture (desks, '
stoves, curtains,, etc$1000
Supplies (chalk,
erasers, etc.) 125
Library books 100
Flags 20
Janitor's su plies ' 50
Fuel 225
Water 36
Postage stationery 5
Total $1561
Maintenance and
repairs $100
Bonded and inter
est thereon
Warrant and in
erest thereon
$ 160
$ 150
$ 524 00
108 50
604 00
200 00
school yr. 3500 00
$11901 00
4936 50
$ 4936 fcO
$6964 50
L. D. Kelly, Board of Directors.
school year
IV. I V. i VI.
n d ituresGive yearly give year-
the last!
ly totals
of the
i 1919-20
I 1918-19
11919 budget
1 allowance
$ 1440 00
90 00'
12 50i
1542 50$ 3145 00$ 3505 00
50 00;
175 00
50 oo;
5 00
60 00
98 25,
6 75
2 60
447 50$
"360 001$
968 50
325 00
25 00$
775 00$ 361 7711 1550 00
2790 00$ 4596 27$ 6348 60
next preceeding the current
charge and are true and correct
S. Stovall, District Clerk.
Miss Emma Paige of Marshal
town", Iowa
Miss Paige has been engaged
to conduct revival services at
the Wapinitia church. She comes
highly recommended for the
work of an evangelist. Havinir
just conducted revival services
at Weston, Oregon, the pastor
at that place writes as follows
to Rev. Parker: "We, are well
pleased with Miss Paige's meth
ods of conducting meetings. She
has don us ecceptable work and
we believe no church can afford
not to have her if she can be
obtained. Sne wins the confi
dence and appreciation of the
Meetings begin Sunday morn
ing, November 12.
School Notes
The Girls' Basket Ball teams
were duly selected by Mr. Din
widdie Tuesday. A first and
second team were organized, the
second team including a few
girls from the grammar grade
room. The weather is prevent
ing both boys and girls from
playing at present. We are very
anxious to move to the new high
school, which is rapidly procres-
sing, so that weather can have
no effect on the games.
The boys have not organized ,
their Basket Ball teams yet, but
expect to in the near future. At
present they ire choosing sides
in order to have two teams.
Mr. Gronewald made the
statement when here some time
ago, that "a singing school is a
happy 6chool". If that is the
case, the Maupin school can be
said to be a happy one, indeed,
for when the weather dves not
permit out-door playing the stu
dents gather around the j iano
and "raise the roof" in some
real lively singing. We find
that after fifteen or twenty min
utes of lively singing we can
settle down to good hard work
when school work begins.
The Mminin ITiirh Rrhnnt T.St.
j- - - -o" ui,
erary Society will meet Fridav
afternoon, November 17, at 2:30
o clock. The debate has been
cut down, both in speakers and '
time for each speaker, bo we!
will not detain the visitors bo I
long aa at last meeting.. All are
cordially invieed to attend.
The Primary and Grammar
grade rooms are giving an Ar
mistice program Friday after
noon at 2:45 o'clock. Visitors
will be gladly received.
The Honor Roll for the Pri
mary room this month is as fol
lows: Thelma Morris, Genevive
Allen. Evelyn McKee. Greatha
Turner, Naomi Walter, Evelyn
Doss, Laco Greene, Glen Moss,
John McKee, Phillip Stockton,
Dorothy Harpham, Mary Greene
Ruel Walter. Ralph Moss. Ed
mund Wilson, Charles Bothwell,
Doris Doss, Thelma Harpham,
Mabel Weberg.
Hand painted dish assortments
40 to 65 cents each Maupm
Drug Store.
Fatal Accident
James Doran's car overturned
Tuesday afternoon about four
o'clock near the Buzan place
seven miles east of here as he
was returning home from town.
He was pinned under the ma
chine with both jaws crushed
and neck broken, death having
been instant. The slippery con
dition of the road after the rain
is thought to have' caused the
machine to skid. Mr. Doran
is a well-known rancher of this
section writ re he' has made his
home for several years. Mrs.
Thomas Flanagan of 870 Court
it., Portland, is a cousin. Mr
and Mrs. Flanagan came Wed
nesday and took the body to
Portland for burial.
American Legion Fall In!
Attention! American Legion
members. MauDin Post No. 73
will hold a regular meetinc De-
ember 4th in 1. O O. F. hall at
8 p. m. Purpose, election of
officers Big feed.
I. E Crabtree, Commander.
Sand piles decorate the lower
end of Deschutes avenue while
the upper part is a loblolly of
mud from the cut and fill work
being done in preparation for
the cement walks which have
been ordered by the council.
Better conditions are not far off.
Sunday, Nov. 12
Rex Beach's Story
The, Girt 'z Outside
Alaskan Play
Sennett Comedy
Admission 20 and 40
Better Service
Realizing that the southern part of Wasco Connty
is entitled to up to date service in our line, we have
placed a complete stock of goods with
The Crandall Undertaking Co.
The Dalles, Oregon
Licensed Enbalmers Motor Equipment
Is the
Keeping your capital in your
community; thereby benefiting
each individual and the com
munity at large.
We are here to render any ser
vice consistent with lawful, busi
ness like banking.
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to Merit Approval r
The first load of lumber for
the new school house was hauled
last Friday by Albert Hammer.
Mrs. Grey and daughter were
weekend visitors at The Dalles.
Dr. Griffith has made several
trips to Pine Grove lately to at
tend George Burnside. Miss
Prichard, a trained nurse of The
Dalles is also in attendance.
Harcy Lewis moved his family
to Wap Sunday where they will
live during the winter. -
Walter Sharp who recently
moved into Charlie Lewis' house
had a little fire last Thursday,
burning quite a hole in the roof.
Mrs. Anna Smith and the
Clackamas road crew came down
from the mountains Friday.
F. G. Magill went to The
Dalles Friday with Geo. Magill
of Wamic.
There will be a program and pie
social at the Pine Grove Bchool
house Saturday night. All come.
Special meeting at Wapinitia
church to begin Sunday, Novem
ber 12, and continue two week?.
with Miss Emma Paige of Mar-
shaltown, Ohio, as evangelist.
Everybody cordially invited. A
good meeting is expected. There
will be special music from time
to time. Come, give Miss Paige
a hearing.
Portland Painless Dentist.
seven years in The Dalles
painless extraction $1.00 305
Second St. The Dalles Oregon.
W. T. Slatten D, D. S. Prop
rietorPhone Main 4821.
Maupin precinct turned out
in complete number at Tuesday's
election.. All bilk lost in this
precinct ' Sinnott lead strong
for representative and Pierce
received ten more votes than
Olcott for governor. Locally,
among the many names written
in for Justice of the Peace and
Constable, W. H. Staats and L.
C. Wilhelm led respectively.
Best Policy
v. ,