The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 19, 1922, Image 4

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    A p pies
A p p 1 e s
Per Box
Faced and Filled
Yellow Newtowns, Winesaps
Sorted Apples No Worms Not Orchard Run
R. E. Wilson Co.
The Maupin Times
Published every Thrusday at
Maupin, Oregon '
Jessiline E. Morrison, Publisher
Subscription: One year, six
months, 7J cents; three niomn.i, 50
Entered as second class mail
twitter September 2, 1914, at the
postoffice at Maupin, Oregon, un
der the Act of March 3, 1879.
Nicholas Murray Butler, presi
dent ot Columbia university, one
of America's great institutions
ot learning, in a letter to the
general Protestant and Non-Sectarian
Committee for Freedom
in Education, with headquarters
in the Consolidated Securities
building, Portland, voices the
universal sentiment of educators
thus far heard from when he
"This bill (compulsory educa
tion, so-called) should be en
titled, 'A Bill to Make Impos
sible the American System of
Education in Oregon!' It Is
fundamentally un-American in
its principle and purpose and
should be overwhelmingly de
feated." Many college and university
presidents, after reading the bill,
which is to be voted upon
November 7, have written the
committee, severely condemn
ing the measure, according to
Joseph A. Hill, principal of Hill
Military academy, committee ex
ecutive secretary.
Civil Service Exams
The United States Civil Service
Commission has announced an
examination to be held at Mau
pin, Oregon, on November 10,
1922 to fill the position of rural
carrier at Maupin and vacancies
that mav later occur on rural
routes from that post office
The salary of a rural carrier on
a standard daily wagon route of
24 miles is $1,800 per annum,
withan additional $30 per mile
per annum for each mile or
For Sale 15 registered Hamp
shire Rams and 1 Shrop Rani
price $25.00 C. B. Dahl.
For Sale Four milk cows, gen
tle good milkers, soon to be
fresh $45 to $55 each,-C. G,
Skogsberg Criterion.
Section men wanted Oregon
Trunk Section, Maupin-G. E.
Cunningham, Section foreman.
For Sale 160 A. wheat land.
-New Today
"SNAPPY" Four piece or
chestra for dances and entertain
ments. Call Chas. Brown or
Leon Frasier. Dufur, Oregon.
In stock at the Times office
Wedding cabinets, plain and
fancy stationery, cards, stork
cabinets, carbon paper, tags,
butter parchment and cartons,
school report cards, cardboard
and paper in large pieces.
Farm equipment of all kinds for
sale tiva M. Harpham Maupin,
Don't forget the Pendleton
blankets at Wilsons.
320 A. for rent, for term of
years in connection. $2,000 will
handle. Eva M. Harpham Mail
pin Or.
For Sale One Rooster, eighteen
layinghens. G. E. Cunningham
Our fall shipment of blankets
and robes and auto robes just
arrived-R. E. Wilson Co.
For Sale 20 tons choice wheat
and 8 tons rye hay. House and
feeding grounds furnished if
desired. Otto Herrling.
For Sale '
One black saddle horse.
Lester E. Crofoot.
For Sale
Idaho Queen Coal heater, used
one season only. Practically new
E. W. Griffin.
A marriage license was secured
at the county clerk's office yes
terday afternoon by Gussie I.
Derthick and Virgie R. Faulk,
both of Tygh Valley Chronicle
October 12.
The School Monopoly Bill
has a misleading name!
VOU have an interest in schools? Then be
- sure to understand the true meaning of the
School Monopoly Bill which is called on the
ballot the Compulsory Education Bill.
The reason that is misleading is
because we already have compulsory educa
tion under the present existing law, and we
already have compulsory teaching in English
in all schools.
What this bill really proposes is to substitute stats
' control over the education of your children for your control.
The people of Michigan have already overwhelmingly
defeated this measure, because it attacked the freedom of
Protect your rights which are being endangered -do
not be misled by the name of this bill. Read the proposed
bill carefully. Read the campaign literature. Find out
the intent of the bill which is disguised by the title.
You will find that that they propose school monoply.
A hidden attack upon freedom of education.
Vote 315X NO on the
School Monopoly Bill
Called on the ballot Comtmlsory Education Bill
This tdvcrtiwment U paid for by the Non-Sectarian and Protestant Schools Committee.
major fraction thereof in excess
of 24 miles. The salary on
motor routes ranges from $2,450
to $2,600 per annum, according
to length. Seperate examination
for motor routes and wagon
routes are no longer held. Ap
pointments to both positions will
be made from the same register.
The examination will be open
only to citizens who are actually
domiciled in the territory of the
Post Office where the vacancy
exists and who meet the other
requirements set forth in Form
1977. Both men and women, if
qualified, may enter this exami
nation, but appointing officers
have the legal right to specify
the sex desired in requesting
certification of eligibles. Worn
en will not be considered for ru
ral carrier appointment unless
they are the widows of U. S,
soldiers, sailors or marines, or
the wives of U. S. soldiers, sail
ors or marines who are physically
disqualified for examination by
reason of injuries received in
the line of military duty. Form
1977 and application blanks may
be obtained from the offices men
tioned above or from the United
States Civil Service Commission
at Washington, D. C. Appli
cations should be forwarded, to
the Commission at Washington,
D. C., at the earliest practicable
Ira Grisham returned Friday
from The Dalles.
Eyes Tested N
Saturdays and Sundays
Old Bank Building Maupin, Oregon
O. R. Dinwiddie
Registered Optician
I have opened a blacksmith sUp lt t all
around, blacksmithing at my old stand
opposite Woodcock's mill and am prepared
to do work at reasonable rates.
You, voters of Oregon, must
decide November 7 whether or
not you want the etate to take
away your God-given, American
right and privilege to educate
your child as you deem best.
An Initiative bill, sponsored
by a certain element of our citi
zens, known as the compulsory
education measure, will be on
the ballot this general election.
It purports to compel children
up to certain years to go to
school (a very good thing In
itself), but it goes so far as to
tell you that you must NOT
send them to any private school.
There Is already a compulsory
education law on our statute
books that is working well. It,
however, gives you the right
to say whether your child shall
be educated In the publio or a
private school, YOU decide; but
this new bill denies YOU the
right to determine this v ques
tion. Do YOU want such a Uw as
this la Oregon?
Mrs. W. W. Davis left Monday
morning for Estacada after spend
ing the summer with children of
this section. ...
A marriage license was issued
Saturday afternoon at the county
clerk's office to Donald E. Wilson
and Velma L. Gabriel, both of
The Dalles. -Chronicle, 16
The Maupin postoffice is now
equipped with electric lights,
installed today, connection be
ing made with Shattuck Bros'.
Delco system.
Eld. P. W. Province of The
Dalles Seventh Day Adventist
church was a mid-week guest at
the Times office, helping get
out some stationery for him
self. He is ardently opposing
the new school discussed in oth
er columns of this paper.
In the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Wasco
Charles N. Farlow and James M.
Farlow, Plaintiffs, vs. T. J.
Driver and Jane T)ae Driver.
husband and wife, Defendants.
To T. J. Driver and Jane Doe
Driver, Defendants:
In the Name of the Rr.nt.fl nf
Oregon: You and each of you
are nere-Dy required to answer
the complaint filed in the above
cause within six weeks from the
date of the first nnhliVntinn nf
this summons, and if you fail
lor want thereof, the plaintilis
will amolv to the court for the
relief demanded in the complaint;
for a decree that the plaintiffs
be declared the sole and exclusive
owners in fee simple of the land
described in the complaint, to
wit, the East one-half of the
Northwest quarter of Section
Twenty-seven, in Township Four,
South, Range Twelve, East of
the Willamette Meridian in
Wasco County, State of Oregon,
and that an alleged deed made
by Robert Kelly to the said T. J.
Driver be held void and that the
said T. J. Driver and Jane Doe
Driver, his wife, be required to
make and deliver to the plaintiffs
a deed, by the terms of which
they shall convey the above de
scribed premises to the plaintiffs
and in case they shall fail to so
deed and convey the above de
scribed premises tothe plaintiffs,
the decree of the court shall
operate as a deed and operate to
convey the' premises from the
defendants to the plaintiffs; that
the cloud created by the deed
made by Robert Kelly to T. J.
Driver be removed from the
premises above described, and
for plaintiffs' costs and disburse
ments, and for such other relief
as to the court shall seem equit
able. This summons is served upon
you pursuant to an orderof Fred
W. Wilson, judge of the above
entitled court, which directs that
this summons be published once
each week for six consecutive
weeks in the Maupin Times, a
newspaper, and that a copy of
the complaint and summons be
deposited in the postoffice at The
Dalles, Oregon, directed to the
The date of the first publication
of this summons is the 19th day
of October, 1922.
Frank G. Dick
Attorney for Plaintiffs
Postoffice address, The Dalles,
James Chalmers
Horse Shoeing and
General Blacksmithing
Maupin, Ore.
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby's Drug store,
The Dalles, Ore
Phone Black 1111
Attorney at Law
I.O. O. F.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon,
meets every Saturday night In
I. 0. O. F. hall. Visiting mem
bers always welcome.
B. F. Turner, Secretary
H. R. Kaiser, N. G.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, Sept. 14th, 1922.
Notice is hereby eiven that
John Maclnnes
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on May 12th,
1919, made Homestead Entry No. 020673
for se1-4nw1-4, sw1-4ne1 4. NEl-4swl-4,
and Nw1-4se1-4, section 27, and on
Dec. 7, 1920, made Ad. H. E. No.
020674 for SE1-4NE1-4, and E1-2SE1-4,
section 27, E1-2NE1-4, and El-2sEl-4,
section 34, swl-4swl-4, section 35,
Township 6 south, Range 14 east,
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make three year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before F. D. Stuart,
United states Commissioner at Maupin,
Oregon, on the 27th day of October,
Claimant names as witnesses: Hur
stel D. Hollis and E. A. Troutman, of
Maupin, Oregon, Edward Kramer, of
Criterion, Oregon, Malcolm McDonald,
of Shaniko, Oregon.
J. W. Donnolly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, September 14, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
Irl Dayis
of Dufur, Oregon, who on September
12th. 1917, made Homestead Entry
No. 019249, for se1-4se1-4, Sec 23,
sl-2 swl-4, sec. 24, Nwl-4Nwl-4. Bee
25, N1-2M-2, sec. 26 and Feby. 21, 1921
made stockraising Additional home
stead entry No. 021789 for sl-2sEl-4,
sec. 27, N1-2N1-2, swl-4NEl-4, nw1-4se1-4,
Section 35, all in Township 3
south, Range 13 East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Register and Receiver, United
States Land Office at The Dalles Ore
gon, on the 27th day of October, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: Claude
C. Foster, of The Dalles, Oregon, Ed
Faulk, of The Dalles, Oregon, John M.
Conroy, of Tygh Valley, Oregon, Cy
rus Lofton, of Tygh Valley, Oregon.
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at. The Dalles, Ore
gon, October 16th, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
Arthur Dyer
of Maupin, Oregon, who on April
25th, 1919, made HomesteadEntry No.
020622, and on Nov. 11, 1920 made ad
ditional homestead entry No. 020623
for swl-4sEl-4, SEl-4swl-4, sec. 19,
wl-2swl-4, Section 20, wl-2Nwl-4, nw-l-4swl-4,
section 29, ne1-4, ne1-4nw1-4,
El-2swl-4, Nl-2sEl-4, section 30, Town
ship 5 south, Range 14 east, Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make final three year proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before F. D. Stuart, United
States Commissioner at Maupin, Ore
gon, on the 4 th day of December 19' 2.
Claimant names as witnesses: fi.
I. Fischer, E. A. Troutman, A. J.
Connolly, H. P. Hollis, all of Maupin,
J. W. Donnelly, Register. .
Grocery and Meat Market
Every Thing for the Table
100 Boxes to arrive this week, 7 Fall and Winter,
varieties of choice hand picked and sorted apples
ONE TON of Danish hard head cabbage, a winter variety. This cabbage
is good solid stuff and free grom worms. Get a sack or crate for Kraut