The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 19, 1922, Image 3

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a in
Buttonholing Buttons Plaiting Tucking and Chalnstltchlng
All Mall Orders given careful and prompt attention
ELITE SHOP, 128j Tenth near Washington.
D A D'O D C CT A T TD A A IT A good place to Eat and Live Well.
tSAtS bKLbiA UK AN 1 g $
DflRTI AUn UinC 0. Wnm
Write for Prices and Shipping Tags
E SIradivara
Page & Son
Portland, Oregon
Make Your Own
Why pay several commissions and ex
orWtant prices for things thtit you can
make yourself. My practical booklet,
"Money Saver," tells you how to make
anti-freezing, solution for a few cents.
How to make poultry lice and mite de
stroyers. How to get rid of warts, make
your own bay-rum. Re-sharpen old files.
Make your own blasting powder, tooth
paste, mouthwash, glass and leather ce
ment, water-proofing for clothes, how to
solder different metals, woodpolishes.
How to tan skins, how to temper steel
for different uses, and many others. (This
is not bunk) any of these formulas will
save you money. Bent, postpaid on re
ceipt of 6Uc, check, money-order or
210 Oregon Bldg.,
Portland, Ore.
Guaranteed dental work. Crowns $5.00,
Plates 116.110, Bridgework $5.00 a tooth.
Teeth extracted by gas. Latest modern
methods. Dr. Henry Semler, Denttat, 3rd
md Morrison, 2nd floor AUsky Bldg., Port
land, Or. Write or phone for appointment.
r!jijij!j ir your nniin I ubbu hi
If DklMlTriD 1 1-
leaks, send it to us.
Armstrong Auto Radiator Co-
57 Bnrnalde street, Portland. Oregon
Expert advice on any
Income tax problems.
Several years' actual
experience In Govern
nnnni risoment Bureaus B onereu
rnUDLCHIO those unable to visit our
office. State your troubles briefly and
send In with $1 and we will give you hon
est to goodness advice. It will pay you to
get In touch with us now. E. J. Curtln,
Room 806 Lewii Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Fire Proof and Modern
Depot Morrison Cars direct to Hotel. Popular
Prices. Center Shopping and Theater district
formerly with Clyde Hotel.
Hotel Hoyt
Located Sixth and Hoyt
Strictly Fireproof and Modern. Near
both depots and convenient car service
to all parts of city.
MY guaranteed non-sureical method of curing
Piles hat never failed, and I eliminate the
doubt in YOUR case by refunding your fee If
not cured.
Write or call today for free booklet.
Pay Attention to Worms.
Successful growers of swine lire
each year paying more attention to
the prevention of worms in swine.
Dock Early.
Lambs should be docked and gelded
while yet quite small.
Make Fight on Cattle Lice.
A nound of sulphur and n quarter
pound of pulverized snmidilla makes
an effective dust with which to ngiit
cattle lice.
Disappointment With Sheep.
The onlv farmer who Is disappoint
ed with sheep now is the one who hai
none to sell.
Successful Stockman.
A successful stockman Is one who
thoroughly understands feeding, breed
ing, housing, judging and marketing.
Runt of Thlrteen-Pullet Brood Tries
to Compete With Her Normal
Sized Sisters.
Tort Orchard. Wnsh.-The smallest
hen In the West Is owned by Glen
Miller of this place. The chicken was
one of a brood of 13 pullets hatched
early In the year. Out of the lot 12
are full-grown, of normal size, but th
odd one never grew larger than seven
opened Sun. Mat., Sept. 10. J
15c to 60c
Ux to $1,110.
Except Susdirfl
IhreeMHta. bun.. Mon., Tuei.
Three Nihhta. Sun. Mon. Tues.
Portland, Oregon
Complete Change Saturday. Adults, Matinee, 20c:
Evenings, 39c. Continuous 1 to 11 p. m. Children
10 cents all times.
will make Silos, Granaries, Basements, etc., Water
proof, ttotproof, Ratproof and Fireproof.
Medusa Waterproofed White Portland Cement Is
the best for Stucco Plaster on outside for Bunga
lows Does not stain and dirt can be hosed off.
Write for Literature. Sold by A. McMlLLAN CO.,
840-350 East Ankeny Street, Corner Second. Portland.
Pn We Pay Highest Price, for
Address Department B
The Phonograph Known for Tone
A Rents wanted. Order direct from factory. 330 East
Morribon St., Portland, Oregon.
Write us for prices and market conditions on
Veal, Hogs, Poultry, Fruits, Potatoes, Onions, etc.
Forty Years in the Same Location.
and Phonographs sold on Installment
Mccormick music co.
Oregon Distributors
Washington Street, Portland, Oregon
Manufacturers of all kinds of Tanks,
hard and soft wood Barrels and Kegs.
Write for prices, 264 Front, Portland, Ore
Jack Kins: Cures It. Ladies and Gents Exam
ination free. 207 Dekura bldg., Portland, Ore
hlu $1.00 sad u. 128 N. 6m St. rrtM On
Very Centrally Located. Convenient to all
Depots, and one block from main Postomce
1 to 5 ton GMC, Republics, Whites, etc
Send for our List.
Oregon Distributors for GMC Trucks
200 Second St., Cor. Taylor Portland, Oi
Cut. seam, hem and machina
85 cents
pleat skirts ready for band.
Hemstitching, 5 cents per yard.
85V4 Fifth St. Portland. Ore
Northwest Welding & Supply Cq, 8 1st St
Fur reliable Cleaning and
Dyeing service send parcels to
us. We pay return postage.
Information and prices given
upon request.
Established 1890 Portland
Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St;
Commercial Iron Works, 7th & Madison.
Featherweight Arch Supports made to
order. J, E. Tryzelaar, 618 Pittock Block,
Portland, Ore.
We tan deerskins properly tagged, also
pay highest prices for horsehldes.
west coast i anning uo., as isnino at.,
Portland, Ore.
Teaches trade in 8 weeks. Some pay while learn-
inir. Positions secured. Write for catalogue.
234 Burnaide street, Portland, Ore.
MONUMENTS E. 3d and Pine Sts.
Otto Schumann Granite & Marble Worka
Marry if Lonely; most successful "Home
Maker"; hundreds rich; confidential;
reliable; years experience; descriptions
free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Nash,
Box 656, Oakland, California.
Cleaning, carding and mattresses. Crystal
Springs Woolen Mills, 760 Umatilla, Portland.
We help the appearance of women.
Twenty-two inch switch or transforma
tion, value 17.60, price $2.45.
400 to 412 Dekum Bldg.
Model Shoe Kepalr, 272 Washington St
VETERINARIAN Cattle a Specialty
Dr. Chas. M. Anderson. Kenton. Portland.
Wedding Bouquets and Funeral Pieces
Lubliner Florists, 48 Morrison St
Eat or sell off all your surplus cock
erels before commencing on the pul
lets. The very enrly pullet Is apt to molt
In the fall and 'je no more profitable
for laying purposes than the hen.
Move colony house or brooder coop
to fresh ground before chicks are
turned out.
The Incubutor Is not only a neces
sity but an economy where early
chicks are wanted.
The hen and the caretaker are part
ners in the poultry business. If either
one is lazy the profits are less.
Eggs shipped for some distance
should be carefully unpacked and
placed in a quiet place at least 24
hours before placing them under hens
or in an Incubator.
ounces. This diminutive hen, smaller
than the tiniest bantam. Is trying to
lay to beat Its larger sisters. The
dwarf hen Is well formed, healthy,
but cannot cackle. It has laid three
eggs each about a half Inch In diam
eter. The "sugnr ash" of Sicily contains a
sap that hardens Into cane sugar which
the natives use without refining.
What This Buffalo Physician
Has Done For Humanity
The picture which appears here of
Dr. Pierce of Buffalo, N. Y., was taken
in 1910. As a young man Dr. Pierce
practised medicine in Pennsylvania
and was known far and wide for hia
treat success in alleviating disease.
He early moved to Buffalo and put up
in ready-to-use form, his Golden
Medical Discovery, the well - known
tonic for the blood. This strength
builder is made from a formula which
Dr. Pierce found most effective in
diseases of the blood. It contains no
alcohol and is an extract of native
roots with the ingredients plainly
stated on the wrapper. Qood red
blood, vim, vigor and vitality are sure
to follow if you take this Alterative
Extract. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery clears away pimples and
annoying eruptions, tends to keep
the complexion fresh and clear. This
Discovery corrects the disordered con
ditions in a sick stomach, aids diges
tion, acts as a tonic and purifies the
blood. Write Dr. Pierce's Invalids
Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., and receive
confidential medical advice free. Send
10c for trial pkg. tablets. All drug
gists sell Discovery, tablets or liquid.
(Prepared by the National Georraphlo So
elety, Washing-ton. D. C.)
Tramp, tramp, tramp dignified and
quiet tramp, tramp, tramp sturdy
and bronzed, Into National Headquar
ters on July 22 walked 60 hardy lads.
packs on their backs and the spell of
the out-of-doors about them, fresh
from a hike of 225 miles through the
state of New York.
"To Scout Executive V. F. Abrlel,
boy lover and outdoor enthusiast, the
credit Is due for the 850-mile trip en-
Joyed by these CO honor scouts of
Trenton, N. J. For months before the
great trip, a merit system was In prac
tice among the scouts at Trenton.
Semi-weekly hikes were made of 12
and 15 miles. Personal health and
correct diet were stressed. The 60
boys ranking highest In physical fit
ness and efficiency . in scouting were
selected for the trip.
Trenton bade them Godspeed when
on July 10 they left in autos for New
York City. There they took the boat
for Albany where the hiking began.
Up to Fort TIconderoga they pushed,
sleeping out of doors each night, cook
ing their meals in the open, stopping
for rest periods and practice of swim
ming and scoutcraft but always with
an objective point to reach each day.
Scout Executive Abrlel had hiked the
entire distance twice In advance of
the trip, arranging every detail.
Albany, Watertown, Stillwater,
Schuylervllle, Fort Edward, Saratoga,
Schenectady, Sabbath Day Point, Fort
TIconderoga these were among the
stopping points. At each place con
tingents of local scouts met the party
and entertainments were carried out,
the Trenton lads' own fife and drum
corps doing Its share.
The historic points of the famous
ground they covered were explained
by the scout leaders and educational
side tours, such as visits to the Gen
eral Electric plant at Schenectady,
the Capitol and the Educational build
ing at Albany, were features of the
Not one boy was sick, although the
sun and rain vigorously challenged the
scouts. Enthusiasm for perfect scout-
craft reigned ; tents were pitched with
flawless precision; tests were passed
wherever opportunity presented Itself
to advance in scouting rank. Twenty-
one merit badges were won.
Besides Scout Executive Abrlel and
the scouts, four adult leaders were In
the party.
In commentine on the trip, Mr.
Abrlel said, "To me this Is real scout
Ing a combination of work and play
that brings to the boys the love of the
out-of-doors, Its wholesomeness and
lor. with the opportunity to learn to
work together generously and help
fully, each for all, all for each."
This Itinerant camp was called
"Camp Klwanls" In honor of Trenton
KIwanlans who are backing the scout
movement in their city.
Boom for Good Roads.
A road program that will place Kan
sas among the leading road building
states of the nation was urged by
E. J. Heckle of Topeka, manager of
the Kansas Automobile Owners asso
ciation, in an address to the state con
ference of officials of chambers
Tennessee Road Work.
Tennessee has Inaugurated a fed
eral aid road-building program Involv
ing the expenditure of $8,000,000 for
281 miles of roads in 20 counties.
f f f Tf eTyyvvvf Tf ffffssff Tvy
Eugene. Mrs. W. T. Pattison, three
miles, east of Eugene, harvested 62
tons of prunes from 3 acres of
ground this year, besides a good yield
from a young orchard.
Eugene. Turkeys are plentiful In
this part of the valley this fall, accord
ing to commission men who have made
inquiries as to the supply of the
Thanksgiving birds. More than have
been marketed for a number of years
will be available this year, the deal
ers stated.
Astoria. The Lonberg-Johnson
Packing company, which recently
erected a plant at Flavel, began the
packing of clams Friday. It employs
about 12 persons In Its cannery be
sides all the clam diggers it can ob
tain. It expects to operate during the
entire winter.
Hood . River. Robert Beal, Russell
Dowd and William Smullin, upper val
ley boys who recently won a majority
of the premiums offered at the state
fair for potato displays among entries
of schools, will combine and carry an
exhibit of their tubers to the Pacific
Northwest Land show in Portland next
Salem. Although there are a num-
r of applications for state fair sec
retary for consideration by the state
fair board, no action on them will be
taken for some time, it is Indicated
by officials here. The resignation of
A. H. Lea, secretary of the fair for
many years, was formally accepted at
meeting of the board Saturday.
Sheriaaa. Owing to construction
work on the new highway bridge at
Wlllamina, the Tillamook highway is
now closed to "coast travel at that
point.. All travel must detour through
Sheridan, turning at the intersection
of Bridge and Main streets and going
through Buell, Or., thence back to the
main road above Wlllamina.
Brownsville. If fruit growers in the
Calapoola valley will co-operate with
President Holt of the Eugene Fruit
Growers' association, it is probable
that Brownsville will have a new can
nery before the next fruit season rolls
around. There has been no cannery
here since the burning of the Graves
company's plant two years ago.
Bend. Heavy purchases of lambs
in central Oregon for the Stanfield In
terests was reported Saturday by S,
Stanfield, brother of ,Senator R
N. Stanfield, while on a business visit
in the city from Weiser, Idaho. Ten
thousand lambs have already been
purchased in this section and five
thousand more will be bought, said
Stayton. As the city water plant
does not at present comply with the
requirements of the Oregon state rat
ing board It is proposed to put before
the people at the coming election a
measure to bond the town for $12,000
to make such improvements as are
necessary. The recent fire proved
that new hose and more water power
are badly needed.
The Dalles. The total valuation of
the tax roll In Wasco county was esti
mated at $20,850,000, according to
figures made public by the county
assessor's office. The court of equal
ization has finished its work and has
announced a reduction of $2370 In
city property and $8110 in the valua
tion of county property. The estimate
is about $150,002 more than the esti
mate for 1921.
Hood River. While the supply of
pickers here this season is plentiful,
many growers are finding it difficult
to get enough packers. Because of the
scarcity and keen demand for pack
ers, this class of harvest help has be
come temperamental and hard to
please. The condition will become
less acute as' the peak of the harvest
passes and many small growers will
be able to release their packers.
Portland. The Pacific International
Livestock exposition at Portland next
month will be at least 30 per cent
larger than the national dairy show
held at Minneapolis last week is the
estimate of General Manager Plum
mer of the stock show organization,
who returned from Minneapolis recent
ly. Entries for the big annual stock
show of the Pacific coast have not yet
been completely checked up, but It is
certain that the entries this year will
run about the 4000 mark.
Hood River. The county court has
awarded $100,000 of Hood River coun
ty's $350,000 Mount Hood loop high
way bond issue to the Lumbermens
Trust company of Portland, on a bid
of 4 per cent and a premium of
$1150, a record sale for county highway
bonds. A $150,000 portion of the Is
sue was sold last year for 6 per cent
with a premium of $1560. It will not
be necessary because of a decrease in
construction costs to sell more than
half of the remainder of the bonds.
helps the stomach.
After a hearty meal,
try its friendly relief
and comfort to the
over-burdened stomach.
It is the beneficial and
satisfying sweet for old and
young. .
And the cost is very small.
Try the
New P. K.
Adds a Zest -
Watch Cutlcura Improve Your Skin,
On rising and retiring gently smear
the face with Cutlcura Ointment
Wash off Ointment in Ave minutes
with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. It
Is wonderful sometimes what Cutlcurf
will do for poor complexions, dandruff,
itching and red rough hands. Adv.
Single and Wedded "Badges."
The married and unmarried women
In Colombia are distinguished by the
way in which they wear flowers in
their hair, the senoras wearing them
on the right side and the senorltas
on the left.
Undesired Honor.
A British lord has a lion named
Laury. None of the. versemakers
seem anxious to be the poet Laury
ate. Baltimore Sun.
Cardinal Principle of Conversation.
You become a good conversational
ist the moment you halt your own tale
of woe and start listening closely to
the other fellow's. St. Joseph Ga
Somewhat Late.
Portrait Painter (to lady customer,
grazing at her critically) Ah, if you'd
only come in twenty years ago! New
York Sun.
The Cautious Mlssourians.
Sometimes the fellow who weighs
his words might be convicted of giv
ing short weight. Monett Journal.
The Largest Salt Mines.
The largest salt mines in the world
are those oi wieuczka, nine muss
from Cracow, Gallcia, in Austria.
First President to Wear a Beard.
Lincoln was the first president to
wear a beard and Grant was the first
one to wear a mustache.
Twine Made of Asbestos.
Twine for binding parts of appar
atus exposed to fire or acid is now
being made of asbestos.
Buy Your Own Laces.
. Adv. Sample Shoes to Be Given
Away. No strings to this offer. Bos
ton Transcript.
True Greatness.
True greatness is the struggle to be
free. Phillips Stewart.
ComforUYour Skin
With Cuticura Soap
and Fragrant Talcum
Soap. Ointment, Talnjm, Wo. Terywher.. SunplM
fr. of OuUesra Ltfe.r.UrU, bapt. X, Uldn. Uut.
Every Meal
c) wriLeysTI
V I IMl CHCWing wT
Helps Digest
Took Lydia E. PinkhamY
Vegetable Compound :
Read the Result
Cincinnati, Ohio. "I suffered for a
vnnr with nervous troubles and irreeular-
Hies DtHuru i iuur,
Lydia E. Pinkham s
Vegetable Com
pound. My back
pained all the time
and I was unfit for
housework. I was
worn out if I cooked
a meal, and was un
able to do my wash
ing. My girl friends
and my sister told
me if I would take
vour Vegetable Com
pound and Liver Pills I would be re
lieved. After taking the first bottle I
felt better, and neglected it awhile, but
found I could not do my work until I
was stronger. So I took the Vegetable
Compound again and now I am the
mother of a 19 months old boy. He is
fat and healthy and I am sure I could
never have carried him if it had no'c
been for your Vegetable Compound. I
recommend your medicine to all women
although I am young to be advisingsome
one older."-Mrs. CmtisT. Petrofp,
818 W. Liberty St., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound contains no harmful drus and
can be taken in safety by any woman.
Curious Masterpieces.
Literary masterpieces have been
written on strange mediums. Smart's
poem, "Song to David," was written
with a key on the walls of a mad
house. Coleridge once wrote a son
net on a scrap of seaweed.
Temples of Wood.
The Shinto temples, says the Amer
ican Forestry Magazine, are always
constructed from the wood ot the Jap
anese aborvltae or hiuokl.
A Creature to Be Pitied.
It is the coward who fawns upon
those above him. It is the coward
who Is Insolent whenever he dares ba
so. Junius.
is needed in every department of house
keeping. Equally good for towels, table
linen, sheets and pillow cases. Croctrt
Are Yon Satisfied?
Is the biggest, most perfectly equipped
Business Training School in the North
west. Fit yourself for a higher position
with more money. Permanent positions
insured our Graduates.
Write for catalog Fourth and TamblU
P. N. U.
No. 42, 1922
1 7 i
i'ffli; F) - 1