The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 05, 1922, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 8, NO. 52
THE YEAR $1.50
Climb Mt. Hood
Rev. J. I. Parker and son,
Oran, recently climbed Mt. Hood
alone and without stopping over
at Camp Blosso to rest. At one
steep place they lost their foot
ins and both tobogganed a hund
red feet until Rev. Parker fortun
ately caught a protruding point
of rock, and held on, the rope
saving his son.
They made the top in good
time and returned to Summit
Prairie at dusk, a very unusual
feat. Oran is twelve years old,
while Mr. Parker has demonstra
ted his athletic ability before in
baseball. Last winter Mr. Park
er labored unceasingly through
the deep snows, ministering to
the wants of his parish, bringing
them hope and good cheer and
the membership of the United
Brethern church are sincerely
glad to find that he has returned
from his recent attendance at
the annual conference of the
church in Portland to continue
his work at Wapinitia Plains.
Too Long Without Paint
Are You Insuring Against
THERE'S no middle ground,
either your buildings are
well protected by paint or they
are going to require costly re
pairing or rebuilding within a
few years.
Paint saves your property. It
is an investment in long service
not an expense. The expense
results from allowing buildings
to rot. Paint now. Save repairs.
The next question is what
paint to use. Use the best. It
costs less in the long run. It
spreads easily saves labor cost.
It covers more surface per gallon
than "cheap" paint.
And the best paint will serve you
five or more yean longer than "cheap"
The best paints are scientific in
formula and preparation. We've made
them for 73 years to meet the
weather conditions in the Wert.
The best materials PIONEER
WHITE LEAD, pure linseed oil, pure
zinc and pure colors are combined
in Fuller's Paints in scientifically ex
act proportions with long-tins skill.
Free Advice
on Painting
Aalc our ifffnt far adrice,
color card., etc.
Alk the Fuller Specific
lion Department about the
moat deairable color achem..,
color harmony and any other
Makera of Rubber Cement
Floor Paint, All-Purpoae
Varniehea, Silkenwhite
Enamel. Fifteen-for-Floor.
Varniah, Waahable Wail Finieh, Auto Enamel,
Barn and Roof Paint, Porch and Step Paint,
Fu Herts
House1 Paints
Phoenl Pur Paint
Pure Prepared Paint
Manufactured by W. P. Fuller & Co., Dept. 26, San Franctaee
Branchea in 19 Citita in the Went
My nouae needa paiatin(. Fuller'e Specification Houae Painta are aold by the following Areata
Maupin Drug Store
Pure Prepared Paint Agt.
Fischer's Garage
Announces the
xNew Model Ford Cars
Many New Features are Embodied in the 1923
Design, among which are Slanting Windshield
and One-Man Top.
We are in a position now to take orders for
Immediate Delivery.
Ask us for New Prices
F. 0. B. Maupin or
We Specialize on Ford Repairs
Only Genuine Ford Parts Used
Fischer's Garage
School Notes
A regular meeting of the stu
dent body was held Monday, Oct
2, at four P. M. The problem
of a debating team was brought
up and discussed. After discus
sing pro and con, it was decided
that a debate will be held at
every meeting of the Literary
Society, and fhe program com
mittee will select the question,
chose the debaters and' place
them on the sides they see fit.
We have a double purpose in
thi3 plan; first, to give each stu
dent a chance to display his ora
tory powera, and second, to sel-
,.i ii t . i ,ii,t;
team to challenge local high
schools. Such lines of business
as the placing of a bulletin board
athletic work, Glee Club, etc.,
were discussed.
Mrs. Fiske Bothwell visited
the school Monday to test some
of the students voices for work
in the Glee Club. Although no
oriran'zation of the Glee Club
has yet been effected, we hope
to rcuive the music sent for
soon :;i d begin with regular
The hiifh school students have
entered the athletic work with
great enthusiasm. The Basket
Volley Ball and Volley Net were
received Monday and the stu
dents are now trying out for
the main teams. A foot ball
and rule books have been sent
for and are expected soon.
A new pupil, Melvin Fulkerson
makes the enrolment of the
grammer grade room twenty
seven. Miss Bump's room has organi
zed a literary society, and will
have their first program a week
from Friday.
Margaret Dcs was a' sent
from school a few days in - c
count of her sprained ankle.
Smock News
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Yancy
and little daughter of Wasco and
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McMillen
and baby of Portland were over
Sunday visitors at the Cecil May
field home.
Mrs. E. E. Wall has been quite
ill the past week with an attack
of pneumonia, but is much better
Ladelphia Farlow has been out
of school with a bad cold.
F. T. Feltch and mother and
Miss Iona made a business trip
to Dufur Friday.
Lenore Woodcock went to
Waterville Wn., via of The Dal
les Saturday, where she will
enter high school.
Ethel Ledford went to White
Around Maupin
A baby girl was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Kelly at The
Dalles hospital Friday.
A milk depot will be establish
ed at Wilson's store in the near
future, milk will be supplied
from the dairy farms on the Flat.
Mack Mayfield, 22, of Wamic,
and Bessie ArnettMay 17, of
Wapinitia, procured a marriage
license at the office of the county
clerk yesterday. Chronicle, 3rd.
Mrs. Jesse Johnson of Prine
ville is visiting her parents Mr.
and Mrs. B. F Turner.
Portland Painless Dentist,
seven years in The Dalles
painless extraction 1.()0 305
Second St. The Dalles Oregon,
W. T. Slatten D, D. S. Prop
rietorPhone Main 4821.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Batty
who have been visiting relatives
here left for Dufur Saturday for
a short stay before returning to
their home at Goose Berry Spring
J. L. Confer left for Portland
Sunday night, being drawn on
federal jury.
Sam Winchester and family
left Friday for a weeks stay in
Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Fraley,
little Alma, and J. Donaldson
went to The Dalles Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davidson
were in from the Flat Monday.
Frank Stuart, James Chalmers,
Charles Skogsberg, Edwin Kid
der, and R, E. Wilson left here
Monday for Hood River to attend
The Odd Fellows Convention
which was held there. A. E.
Lake and Charles Crofoot acci m
pained them from Tygh.
Bates Shattuck and wife return
ed Sunday from a months camp
ing trip.
What has become of the old
fashioned boy who used to take
pride in telling how many cords
of stovewood he could saw in a
H. F. and James H. Wookcock
went to Ho id River Saturday re
turning Tuesday.
When a man is so cheap he
won't buy a pin-of glasses he
makes a spectacle of himself.
Supt. Gronevvald is visiting
schools in the southern part of
the county this week.
Anew school has been establish
ed at Freida with Loris Bonney
as teacher. The schoul opened
Monday with six pupils in attend
ance, the following families were
represented, Antone Seifcit, A. I
Locke, and W. D. Roberts.
Soloman Hauser and Adolph
Neible were over night guests at :
the F, C. Butler home here.
Mrs. Alice Chapel returned
Tuesday from Colorado and Utah 1
where she has spent the last year
A large party on Thursd ;y of
last week motored down to the
Kimsey ranch to jrive a give a
surprise party as a welcome and
reception to the bride and bride
groom, Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Kim
sey. Mrs Kimsey was formerly
Margaret Bonney anu Dolph is
the only son of J. E. Kimsey
After two or three hours of dan
cing, music and social intercourse
refreshments were served tnd
the guests departed after wish
ing the newlyweds all the pos
sible joys of this life. Antelope
Mr. and Mrs. George Cunning
ham and family, Mr. Frank Dyer
and Mrs. A. H. Philmlee went
to The Dalles last Friday.
Atty. E. B Dufur left for Poit
land Monday morning.
Rural Free
Samples of
R. F. D. Mail
Approved by the
Post Master
Can be seen at the
Salmon Wn. Thursday- where.
she will remain for some weeks.
Bear hunters are plentiful.
Mrs. Edith Hill went to Prine-
ville Sunday for a weeks visit
with her friend Miss Etta Huston
J. W. Farlow went to Portland
Sunday night with a load of hogs
returning Tuesday.
Miss Iona Feltch attended the
Sunday School picnic at Abbotts
Grove Sunday. She reports an
interesting program.
Mrs. Marion Duncan and
daughters Irma and Sula visited
at the Chas. Duncan home Mon
Mr. and Mrs. C S. McCorkle
and Mrs. Luella Johnson went to
Dufur Tuesday, the two latter
going for medical treatment.
A party of young people chari
varied Mr. and Mrs. John
McMurry Wednesday at the J.
P. McMurry home. They were
Fresh Fruits
and Vegetables
Increasing Our Stock
W.J.HARRIS East End of Bridge
Better Service
Realizing that the southern part of Wasco County
is entitled to up to date service in our line, we have
placed a complete stock of goods with
The Crandall Undertaking Co.
The Dalles, Oregon
Licensed Enbalmers Motor Equipment
Authorized Ford Dealer
Wasco County
The Gannett Motor
The Dalles
Represented in Maupin by
which has
A Complete Line of Genuine Ford
parts in stock at all times
Is the Best Policy
Keeping your capita! in your
community; thereby benefiting
each individual and the com
munity at large. II
We are here to render any ser
vice consistent with lawful, busi
ness like banking.
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to Merit Approval
(continued on pngr i)