The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, August 24, 1922, Image 1

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.Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 8, NO. 4(3
THE YEAR $1.50
Maupin Couple Wed
Bridget Delia Mulkern and
Patrick J. King of Maupin were
united in marriage this morning
at St. Peter.s Catholic church,
Rev. P. J. O'Rourke officiating.
After the ceremony a wedding
breakfast was served at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. William
The bride was attractive in a
dress of blue satin and wore a
corsage of lilies-of-the-valley and
roses. The bride was attended
by Miss Isabel Sandoz, who wore
Tha college of Literature, Science
nd the Arti with 22 deportment..
The profession.! schools of Archi
tecture Busines. Administration -Education-Graduate
Study -Law-Medicine
Music Phyairel Educa
tion Sociology.
The 47th Year Opens October 2. 1922
FoTocnlolnjut or any information
Wriit Tht RtgUtrar, UnWerttty of
Oregon, Euint, Oregon.
Attorney at Law
James Chalmers
Horse Shoeing "and
General Blacksmith in;
Maupin. Ore.
Marksmanship Display
A demonstration is to be given
August 29th at Shattuck Bros,
by Gus Peret of the Peters Cart
ridge Co. who is a well known
fancy trick and expert shot. He
has also established a reputation
as a big game hunter many of
his articles on Alaskan Hunting
have already appeared in the
Out-Door Life Magazine.
The stunts performed consti
tute work with rifles, revolvers,
and shot guns. Peret will draw
pictures of Buffalow Bill, Uncle
Sam, Indians, or other charac
ters suggested by the crowds on
sheets of blank tin without
tracing. He will throw blue
rocks in the air and hit them
with five shots - from the pump
eject two empty shells from a
pump gun an hit them in the air.
Lying on his back he will break
three eggs tossed in the air, with
a 22 rifle; will eject the empty
shell and hit it. With the same
rifle he will hit three washers, in
the air! also marbles, and will
do special aerial work with a 38
calibef revolver; shoot through
the holes in washers while same
are in the air. . With the same
arm he will split cards in half
while sighting through a mirror.
Partial schedule:Maupin, Aug
ust 29th; Bend, August 25; Red
mond, 26th ; Prineville, 27th;
Grass Valley, 30th.
I.O. O.F.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon,
meets every Saturday night in
I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting mem
bers always welcome.
B. F. Turner, Secretary
H. K. Kaiser, N. G.
a dress of blue silk and carried a
bouquet of roses. William Con
nolly was best man.
Mr. and Mrs. King left this
morning for Portland, where
they will spend their honeymoon
On their return they will make
their home at Maupin.-Chronicle
John Foley is erecting a new
brick flue in his house occupied
by Atty. and Mrs. E. B. Dufur,
to replace the one broken off by
ice slide last winter.
Portland Painless Dentist. 305,
Second St. The Dalles Oregon,
All work guaranteed, W. T.
Slatten D, D. S. Proprietor
Phone Main 4821.
I have opened a blacksmith shop for all
around blacksmithing at my old stand
opposite Woodcock's mill and am prepared
to do work at reasonable rates.
Mountain Echoes
J. H. Woodcock and It. E
Wilson were earl arrivals at the
Summit House meadows Sunday
morning to sdend the day with
their families who are camped
Mrs. H. L. Morris and Erma,
Glen Morris and family and Mrs.
Frank Dyer were recuperating
at Salmon river camp ground
this week.'
F. M. Confer and family spent
a few days over the week end at
Salmon river, getting black ber
ries. L. D. Kelly came out from
Summit Wednesday for more
E. M. Confer and family arriv
ed Tuesday evening at Salmon
A particularly interesting item
in camp life is the variety of
heu ing and cooking methods
eniyloyed by the various sojourn
ers a a camp city. One finds
everj ionveivable style from a
plain tvnp fire to a modern i a?o
line rai ge.
Frank Burden and wife of
Tygh and t wo elderly lady rela
tives are camped at Salmon rjver
this week getting huckle berries
VarJ N jivuI and family drove
up to Summit last Fiiiay fiom
Mrs. Floyd Vanderpool and
children drow through from
Dufur to Summit prarie Friday,
making the trip successfully.
Mt. Hood is saiu to have less
snow on it this year fian for a
long time.
E. M. Hill and family of Dufur
and brother Roy and family of
The Dalles drove up to S ihnon
river last Friday for huckle ber
ries, remaining until Tuesday.
They returned home over the
Columbia river highway.
Mr. and Mrs. Bates Shattui k
have been camped at Salm. n
river several days hunting and
picking berries. Tuesday Mr.
Shattuck picked two-thirds of a
ten gallon can tf huckle berries.
They removed Wednesday to
Clackamas lake.
P. H. Mott and family started
Wednesday, by wagoti for the
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Martin,
Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, Mr. and
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Uoouih 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby's Drug sture,
The Dalles, Ore
Phoue Black 1111
: New Machinery or Repairs
We Have Both
Twelve and Fourteen Foot Headers
Reapers, Mowers, Rakes, Binders
Whether you want to fix up the old one or buy a
new one, NOW 's & mighty good time to do it.
Around Maupin
E. A. Cyr Wednesday found a
small water snake on the floor
of the store warehouse room.
H. A. Walter is this week
painting the exterior of the J,
L. Confer and ;0. P. Weberg
Operations are commencing
today for the erection of a new
modern bungalow on the M. F.
Van Laanen lots.
John Donaldson has purchased
the H. A. Whaite property and
is making some improvements
thereon.1. The Whaite iamily
will leave for the coast and Mr.
and Mrs. Donaldson will take
possession the first of the month
Mrs. Ira Grisham, H. L. Young
and family are camping at Clear
A. Philmloe and family and
Mrs. A. F. Martin and daughter
made the trip home from Sum
mit the lastof the week after a
few days' camping for berries.
Ed Davis and family v. ere
camped this week at Salnun
river and picking blackberries
on surrounding burns.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ledfo d
are living at Big Meadows this
A large crowd from the Wamic
settlement are camped on the
Barlow trail this side of Summit
prarie and picking berries on
the burned over territory west
of the road.
J. H. Eubanks and family
were camped a few days this
week at the last crossing on
Salmon river.
'. W. L. Morrison and family
and Mrs. M. F. Van Laanen
shut the doors of the Times of
fice and camped on Frog lake
and Salmon "river from Friday
until Wednesday, coming home
with a load of huckle berries
W. L. boasts of using -only nine
callons of gasoline on the round
l he Oregon Skyline trail to
Govt Camp is in fairly good
condition except for the lij
Meadow hill, despite the fact
it has had almost no work on it
this year.
Dave Donaldson with a couple
junior companions dro e out last
Friday from Govt. Camp.
Julius Shipfiin and family
started for the mountains Wed
nesday with team and wagon.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Duncan
and Mrs. Cora Foster and chil
dren started for the mtuntairs
Wednesday, Mrs. Foster driving
the team and wagon.
W. E. Hunt and son drove out
from the sheep camp the last tf
the week.
A couple game wardens came
through from Redmond Satur
day and took a victim out to
Oregon City on an improper
license investigation.
Plenty of berries on the burns
above Salmon river and Summit
prarie, but little game reported.
Herbert Egbert and sister
Mibs Leola of The Dalles arrived
Saturday at Big Meadows for a
few days' camp.
J. I. Parker and son Orion ar
rived Tuesday night, at Salmon
river camp. This is Mr. Park
er's first visit in 23 years. He
has vivid reminisiances of that
time, however, of his father and
R. W. McCorkle nearly losing
their lives when fording the
river in high water.
Many Indians are met cotnirg
and going in all styles of cotmy
ance. Two young men lost
wheel from their hack coming
down Big Meadow hill Tuesday
evening and left it at the foot
of the hill while they went in
qifat of anther wheel.
The Times for Classy Printing
Better, Service
Realizing that the southern part of Wasco Connty
is entitled to up to date service' in our line, we have
placed a complete stock of goods with
The Crandall Undertaking Co.
The Dalles, Oregon '
Licensed Enbalmcrs Motor Equipment
Have purchased the Hartmar. Saw mill 9 miles'
West of Wapinitia
Open for Business
All kinds of rough lumber on the yard, $16.09
and. up. Can furnish dressed lumber on short
notice. Let us figure with .'you on' any building
you have in mind. !
A, B. Linn & Sons
Stop at Andy's
Refresh yourself with an Ice Cream Soda
This season we are going in for the best line of
Confections and
Fountain Goods
money can buy
Always Fresh 8nd BJre Clean
Ice Cream and Soft Drinks of all kinds
Lunch Goods and Restaurant
Cigars, Tobacco, Pool Hall in connection
H. Anderson
Maupin, Ore.
Is the Best Policy
Keeping your capital in your
community; thereby benefiting
each individual and the com
munity at large.
We are here to render any ser
vice consistent with lawful, busi
ness like banking.
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to Merit Approval