The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, August 17, 1922, Image 4

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Lower than Ever
7 his Summer
Round-trip tickets routed over the
Union Pacific System
returning same or any direct line
I 8150
158 35
Salt Lake City 148.82 St. Louia
Denver 69.00 Cincinnati
Kansas City 72.00 Philadelphia
Omaha 72.00 New York
Chicago 80.00 Boston
Ticket Sales DAILY until August 31st
Return limit October 31st
The Union Pacific operats the only THROUGH SOLID
TRAIN between Portland, and Chicago.
"Oregon-Washington Limited"
Leaves Portland 9:00 A. M.
Arrives Chicago 1 1 :00 A. M. (third day)
Through service also on "Continental Limited".
Every foot of the track is protected by AUTOMATIC
SAFETY SIGNALS. Equipment is the best in the
transportation world. Dining car service the very maxi
mum of human skill and art. The service as a whole
represents the supreme effort of the management to
please and satisfy patrons.
Call on our agent when you are ready to go and he will
do the rest.
Wm. McMurray,
GeneralPassenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
We Save You Money
The Lake Cash Store
at East end of bridge
Groceries, Candy, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc.
Try the East Side Store Cash in Hand Minimum Price
Give us a Trial W. J. HARRIS
Successful Graduates
Are the Best Recommendation on of
Thin institution offers a thorough,, practical, and standard edu
cation at a coHt within reach of the high school graduate.
It offers training for collegiate dpgrees In:
Agriculture Mines
Commerce . Pharmacy
Engineering and Mechanic Arts, Vocational Education
Forestry Chemical Engineering
Home Economics Military Science and Tactics
It offers training also in: The School of Music,
Physical Education, Industrial Journalism.
Fall Term Open September 18
For ciaculars of information and illustrated booklet
write to
The Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College
Corvallis, Oregon
from Juniper Fiat
were over
Frank Driver went to
Horace Wright and his son
Horace, jr. visited Mrs. C. J!
VanDuyn from Indianapolis Ind
iana. Mr. Wright is Mrs. Van
Duyn's brother;
Mr. and Mrs.' Milo Woods, of
Tygh are the parents of a baby
born on the tenth.
Polk Mays and Mrs. Grace
Walker who spent their childhood
days in Tygh Valley visited that
place last week, Mr. Mays had
not been there since he was
A few persons witnessed the
circus in The Dalles from here
Smock and Tygh.
Mrs. Clyde Bonney is visiting
in Portland,
Miss Jessie Aiken is visiting
the Bonney girls in Tygh
Billie Fitzpatrick of Salem is
visiting at the Ed Fitzpatrick
Alfred Brown has bought the
Frank Burden Service station in
Tommy Atkins went to Port
land Saturday!
The Misses Genevive and Mar-
jone Tillotson and their aunt
from Salem went to Yellowstone
Mrs. May Crofoot, Velma
Emery and Lester went to the
mountains Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kennedy,
Lucile, Veva Driver, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Woodcock and Carmel
went to the mountains Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Welch
aud Willie Welch came from
Bend Saturday. They are going
to Medford.
Percy Driver went to The
Dalles Monday.
We had rain here last week j
and believe it put out all the fire
in the timber above town. The
rain improved the road immense
ly between here and The Dalles,
putting them in fine condition.
-New Today-
Found Door key. Times offici
Four milk goats for sale
trade Mrs. A. Philmlee.
For SaleMeCormick Combine
good condition $400 C. B. Dafil,
Tygh Valley. l
Take a Kodak with you on
your vacation. We have them.
Maupin Drug Store.
A. M. White's household good s
for sale,1 inquire at H. A. Whaitt
Watch and Jewelry Repairing.
Maupin Drug Store.
- "SNAPPY" Four piece or
chestra for dances and entertain
ments. Call Chas. Brown or
Leon Frasier. Dufur, Oregon.
For Sale-One 3 and 3-4 Half
Truck Kushford wagon 125 bu..
hulk grain bed.
One Davenport 5 ton capacity
Roller bearing steel waon 12f
hu. bulk grain bed. F. S. Flem
ing, 404 Webster St. The Dalles.
For Tan and Sunburn, Stovall's
Almond Cream -Maupin Drug
Experienced cook wants work
cooking for harvesters. Call or
phone Y. W. C. A , The Dalles.
Two yearling colts to trade for
a cow. R. II. DeCump. i
For sale Majestic Range, good
condition. Mrs. Oscir Kenick,
Maupin, Ore.
Charley Crofoot is sinking a
550 gallon oil tank for gasoline.
Mrs. Tillie Isenberg, Miss Bess
Isenberg and Elizabeth Sailing
are visiting Mrs. Parl Harvey
from Hood River.
Carl Pratt brought his father
home from Maupin Friday. He
was sick and had to quit his work
Miss Flora Carr and Mis?
Mabel Hodge were here from
The Dalles Thursday. Mrs.
Bennett and son Norval brought
them here. Mrs. Moubray and
Miss Justine Walker of Portland
were with them.
Wallace Conley came out from
the mountains Thursday staying
over night at the Joe Chastain
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Stogsdill are
spending their vacation at the
Bill Micas home, lhev came
(mm The Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hank went
to ' TorS'tand Wednesday after a
v isit at "till McMurry
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Eubanks
The Dalles whers she was working.
Robert Ellenwood is in The
Dalles on business.
Mrs. George Burnside and
tiny daughter were Maupin visit
ors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Morris
came out from The Dalles Sun
day spending the week with
relatives and friends.
Apropos Brevity
In stock at this office:
Carbon paper large sheets
Typewriter ribbons various
Butter paper and cartons
Blank Notes
Real estate contracts
School report cards
Paper, card board and envelopes
Department of the Interior
U. s. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
Ron, July 27th, li)22.
Notice ia hereby given that
Edwin E. Vincent
of Gateway.Oregon, who on October
21st, 1918, made HomeBtead Entry No.
020125, for Lot 1, sl-2NEl-4, n1-2se1-4,
se1-4se1-4, Section 1, township as R 14
E, Lots 4 and 5, sec. 6. Tp. 8 S R 16
E, and on October 26, 1920, made Ad.
H. E. No. 020126 for NEl-4, Sec. 12,
swl-4sEl-4, Section 1, Township 8 s,
R 14 E, Lot 7. sec. 6, Lots 1 and 2, Hec.
7, Tp. 8 S, Range 15 east, Willamette
meridian, nas meu nonce oi uiiemiuu
to make three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before F. U Stuart, United stales
Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on
the 19th day of September, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: w. n.
Martin, of shaniko, Oregon, John V.
Vincent, George Winn, andE. O. Mar
tin, all of Gateway, Oregon. ,
J. W. Donnolly, Register.
xne Vital Hour.
This is t') hour of patriotism, in
rfhich the entire strength of the Na
tion is needed to ward off the danger
whifh threatens our home and country.
Never in history has the grave qnestiot
of the waste and loss arising from
preventable fires assumed such serious
importance as at the present time.
Every pound of fruit, and every ounce
of foodstuffs saved from the ravage'
of fire becomes an added source of
strength and support for those who are
so gallantly fighting to restore th
peace of the world. It is, therefore,
the urgent and imperative duty of ev
ery citizen to consecrate his utmost
ef.'ort, both in his individual and com
munal capacity, towards the elimina
tion of the fire hazard and conferva
tion of tho Nation's food suppli'.
In the matter of the estate of John A.
Evick, Deceased. No. 938
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, as executor of the estate of
John A. Evick, deceased, has filed his
final account in the County Court ot
the slate of Oregon for Wasco county
and that Saturday, the 23rd day of
September, 1922, at the hour of 10
o'clock in the forenoon of said day and
the Court Room of said court has
been appointed by the said court as
the time and place for the hearing of
ooiections tnereto, it any and lor the
settlement thereof.
Dated and first published August 17,
Date of
21, 1922.
N. G. Hedin,
Robert Ensign Ellinwood, Attorney.
last publication September
H. A. Whaite
visitor Monday.
was a Dalles
Mr. Johnson of Maupin was in
town Tuesday with a load of fine
' Emil Hackler and sons Frank
and Albert are in the mountains
picking berries.
Mrs. Mark Arnettand children
went to the mountains last Sun
day for a weeks outing: and berry
Mrs. Drumm left Monday for
Powells, Eubanks, McCorkle
and Grishams have all gone
huckleberrying this week.
Marion O'Briens saddle pony
is very sick.
D. W. Sharpe lost a fine milch
cow this week.
Herb Hammer went to Warm
Springs Sunday to visit Dewey
Mrs. Woodmansy and daughter
Mrs. Jerome motored out from
Portland Wednesday to visit
Wayne Woodmansy of Pine Grove
Vera Magill has returned from
Wamic where she visited her
Elsie Hackler is home from
The Lure of the
The Maupin Times
Published every Thrusday at
Maupin, Oregon
JeBsiline K. Morrison, Publisher
Subscription: One year, jU.5; six
months, 75 cents; three uioutuH, 50
Entered as second class mail
matter September 2, 1914, at the
postoffice at Maupiu, Oregon, un-
der the Act of March 3, 1879.
Department of the Interior
U. S.. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, July 15th, 1922.
iNotice is nereuy given uui
William D. McClain,
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on April
15th. 1920. made Additional Homestead
Entry, No. 020216. for Lots 1 and 3,
section 29, Lots 2, 3 and 4, Section 80,
Lots 2 and 3. NE1-4SW1-4, Nl-2sEl-4,
section 19 Lot 1, section 20, township
6 south, Range 13 east, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make hnal tnree year proof 10 estab
lish claim to the land above described,
before F. D. Stuart, United States
Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on
the 12th day ot September, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: A. Rl
Wilcox, K. D. Davis, and A. E. Davis,
all of Wapinitia, Oregon, and E. A.
Cyr of Maupin, Oregon.
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
was never more facinating than now because so much has
been done to insure comfort and delightful recreation at all
of the many resorts near the mouth of the Columbia River.
You can plunge into the surf, dig clams, fish, hunt, play,
rest and get the real joy that only a beach vacation can
give. And you have this brilliant galaxy of beaches to
choose from:
ask our agent for
"Outings in the Pacific Northwest"
and "Oregon Outdoors"
Shey tell the whole story. Then pack your trunk and pur
chase a Round Trip Summer Excursion Ticket via the
Insuring that most Wonderful
trip' down through the Columbia
River Gorge. Let our agent tell
you . all about it, arrange your
itinerary and make your reservation
R. B. Bell, Agent
Wm. McMurray, General Fassenger Agent, -Portland, Oregon
Grocery and Meat Market
Every Thing for the Table
KELLY'S TOMATOES - The largest crop of
tomatoes in Southern Wasco County is now coming
on. Nice stuff. We pack one grade only.
Place your orders early.
Department of the ISteriorior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, July 15th, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
John E. Porchett
of Wapintia, Oregon, who on November
10th, 1919. made Additional Homestead
Entry No. 016162 for e1-2ne1-4, section
30, Lot 1, Section 29, and Se1-4se1-4,
Section 20, Township 6 south, Range
14 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make three year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before F. D. Stuart.
U. S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Ore
gon, on the 6th day of September 1922.
Claimant fames as witnesses: Frank
MdCoy, William Sturgis, Chester Por
chett, J. W. Abbott, and John Delco,
all of Wapinitia, Oregon,
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
TJ. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Or
egon, July 17. 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
Kathleen Connolly
of Maupin, Oregon, as one of the heirs
of and on behalf of the heirs of Martin
McCullagh, deceased, who on August
25, 1919, made Additional Homestead
Entrv No. 016898, for ne1-4se1-4, sec
tion 20, NWl-4 swl-4, El-2Nwl-4, wl-2NE1-4,
section 21, SEl-4swl-4, Section
10 and NEI-4NW1-4, section 15, Town
ship 5 south, Range 14 east. Willamette
Meridian, has Hied notice of intention to
make final three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before Register and Receiver, United
States Land Office, at The Dalles,
Oregon, on the 29th day of August,1922.
Claimant names as witnesses :Thomas
Faherty, of The Dalles, Oregon, Delia
Mulkcrn, Elenia Connolly, Anthony J.
Connolly, and John Foley, of Maupin,
J. W. Donnelly, Register. .
Department of the Interior
U. S, Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, July 19th, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
Chester R. Pechette
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on March
13th, 1920, made HomesteadEntry No.
021621, for SEl-4swl-4, sl-2SEl-4, sec.
8, swl-4swl-4. Section 9, El-2wl-2,
El-2, Bection 17, Township 6 south,
Range 13 east, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
three year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
F. D. Stuart, United States Commis
sioner at Maupin, Oregon, on the 15th
day of September 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses: Ed
ward Gabel and John Porchette of
Maupin, Oregon, Thomas Kienzel and
Curtis Abbott of Wapinitia, Oregon.
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, July 19th, 1922.
Notice is hereby eiven that
John Maclnnea
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on May 12th,
1919, made Homestead Entry No. 020673
for se1-4nw1-4, sw1-4ne! 4. ne1-4sw1-4.
and nw1-4se1-4, section, 27, and on
Dec. 7, 1920, made Ad. H. E. No.
020674 for se1-4ne1-4, ani E1-2SE1-4,
section 27, E1-2NE1-4, and NE1-4SE1-4,
section 34, Township 6 south, Range
14 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make three year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before F. D. Stuart,
United states Commissioner at Maupin,
Oregon, on the 12th day of September,
Claimant names as witnesses: Hur
stel D. Hollis and E. A. Troutman, of ,
Maupin, Oregon, Edward Kramer, of
Criterion, Oregon, Malcolm McDonald,
of Shaniko, Oregon.
J. W. Donnolly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, July 27th. 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
Edward Kramer
of Criterion, Oregon, who on I'ecem
ber 7th, 1920, made Additional Home
stead Entry No. 021048, for El-2.,El-4.
NWl-4swl-4. section 35, wl-2swl-4,
section 26, township 6 south. Range 14
east, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make three year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before F. I). Stuart,
United states Commissioner at MauDih,
Oregon, on the 19th day of Septembet,
Claimant names as witnesses: P. J.
Kirsch.Malcolm McDonald. J. G.Kra'mer
and Henry Kramer, all of Criterion,
J. W. Donnelly, Register.