PORTLAND M E D U S A n'!!,fna?t,S!l0'V Cp"1"16?. Basements, etc., Water Waterproofed CEMENT nEMSTITrHlMfi tun ini?iMn Buttonho I n - button - Plaiting Tucking and Chalnstltchlng A" iTr cuAn ,oiCm .'J ni P'?"'P! attention BAB'S RESTAURANT saara a ppon 7 a. m. to 2 a. tn PORTLAND HIDE & WOOL 101 UNION (VENUE SOUTH, PORTtAND. 0REQ0N. Write for Prices and Shipping Tag 1& SlRADI VARA OVtlNS f CLEANme KSTASLISHMKNT Grand Avenue at Yamhill PORTLAND, OJtE. EXPERT Dyeing & Cleaning EXCELLENT SERVICE By Parcel Post Return Postage Paid Write for Circulars and Price. "At Your Beck and Call" l N If your RADIATOR heats or j j leaks, send it to us. j Armstrong Auto Radiator Co., 67 Burmide street. Portland, Oregon INCOME TAX Expert advice on any Income, tax problems. Several" years' actual experience In Govern uDflDI ClA wment Bureaus is onerea rnUDLbillO those unable to visit our office. State your troubles briefly and send in with $1 and we will give you hon est to goodness advice. It will pay you to get In touch with us now. E. J. Curtln, Room 806 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Oregon, Fire Proof and Modern RITZ HOTEL PARK AND MORRISON STS. Depot Morrison Cars direct to Hotel. Popular Prices. Center Shopping and Theater district. FRANK A. CLARK. Prop., formerly with Clyde Hotel. RAINIER HOTEL bin 1 .00 c gp. 128 . to St. Nrtlud. On Very Centrally Located. Convenient to all Depots, and one block from main Postoffice Hotel Hoyt Located Sixth and Hoyt Strictly Fireproof and Modern. Near both depots and convenient car servloe to all parts of city. USED TRUCK BARGAINS 1 to 5 ton GMC, Republics, Whites, etc Send for our Lint. WENTWORTH & IRWIN, Inc., Oregon Distributors for GMC Trucks J00 Second St., Cor. Taylor Portland, Oi PILES FISTULA.FISSURE, itch ing and all other rectal conditions except Cancer permanently cured with out a surgical operation. My method of treatment saves the tissue instead of destroying it. It Is pain less, requires no anes thetlo and is permanent. There is no confinement with business or social engagements. I .uttruiuee a uuia ui win iviui.w Call or write for booklet Mention this paper when writing. DR. C. J. DEAN Second and Morrison Sts., Portland, Ore. WAS INVENTION Fork Was So Considered in 1050 and Woman Who Used One Incurred Heaven's Wrath. Investigations made ns to the ex act period when people gave up cntlng with their fingers and resorted to forks have failed to give definite re sults. . It Is known, however, that, in the year 1050, in Constantinople, the daughter-in-law of Orseleolo, doge of Venice, used a fork to convey food from plate t mouth and thereby greatly scandalized the fulthful who appear to hav? considered this inno vation as an invention of the evil one, says Le Petit Parlsien, Paris. (Trans lated for the Kansas City Star.) Sulnt Peter Dnmien relates the af fair with considerable pious Indigna tion and, after explaining how the Venetian princess nihde use of a lit tle gold fork instead of eating with her fingers, adds: "But the Almighty Father made known to this woman how odious to a f cLEANme J J PAGE CALLS KING "OLD BEAN" Madrid. "Would yon have the kind ness to nsk the secretary to speak on the telephone?" This message, re ceived by n page at the Military club of Madrid, so astounded him by Its politeness that he thought one of the other boys was having a Joke on him. He therefore replied : "Hold the line, old bean (or the Spanish equivalent), and I'll give bim to you.' OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE . . Portland, Oregon VAUDEVILLE PHOTO-PLAY Complete Change Buturilay. Adult. Matinee, 20c: Lvenlngs, Silc. Continuum 1 to 11 p. m. Children 1U cents nil times. KutDronf. ItHliirimr nr4 l.'l .......,., Medusa Waterproofed White Portland Cement Is the beHt fop Stucco Plaster on outside for ilunga lows Does not stain and dirt can be hosed off. Write for Literature. Sold by A. McMILLAN It CO., OTv-owBiAnKenyjHreet, Iftrner second. it lemn near Washington. nH Mv. Wall luncheon at noon. 8l Stark St. CO. hidS0h CASCARA BARK. Address Department 8 The Phonograph Known for Tone Agents wanted. Order direct from factory, 830 East Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. STRADIVARA PHONOGRAPH CO. PL. IE 2 .PIL.EE i5bn-WOOD-LARK" REPELLENT PRICES: Quart, 75c; half gallon, 11.25; galloa, $1.00. Order from your dealer. If he hasn't it. , we'll aend vou a gallon, charges paid, for I2.U0. Postage stamps accepted. Clarke, Woodward Drug Co., PORTLAND, OREGON' INFORMATION DEPARTMENT, PLEATING SPECIAL Cut, seam, hem and machine . pleat skirts ready for band. 85 cents Hemstitching, Etc. EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO. 85V4 Fifth St. Portland. Ore BRAZING, WELDING oV CUTTING Northwest Welding & Supply Co. 88 1st St CLEANING AND DYEING tatUx. For reliable Cleaning and AsWttsW Dyeing service send parcels to tiffmtf h us. we pay return postage, ft. fl& Information and prices given KJUntiS' upon request. anix enke's city dye works Established 1890 Portland CUT FLOWERS 4 FLORAL DESIGNS Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS Commercial Iron Works, 7th & Madison. MOI.RR BARBER COLLEGE Teaches trade in 8 weeks. Some pay while learn ing. Positions secured, write lor catalogue. 234 Bumside street, Portland, Ore. monuments E. 3d and Pine Sts. Utto Schumann Granite at Marble Wdrks, PERSONAL Marry If Lonely; most successful "Home Maker ; nunareas ricn; connoenuai; reliAhle: veara exDerience: descriptions free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Nash, Box 556, Oakland, Qaiirornia, SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR We helD the appearance of women. Twenty-two Inch switch or transforma tion, value (.tu, price jz.jo. 400to 412 Dekum Bldg. SHOE REPAIRING IN PORTLAND Model Shoe Kepair, 272 Washington St VETERINARIAN Cattle a SDeclaltv Dr. Chas. M. Anderson, Kenton, Portland. Wedding Bouquets and Funeral Pieces Lubllner Florists. 348 Morrison St. Out for the Championship. An actor with a decided thrift strain was told by a Broadway hotel man! cure girl that a certain fellow in town was called the champion tightwad be cause he only tipped her a dime. "Well," said the actor, "I'm going to take the championship away from him." Beware Falls. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating," said the man who believes in the old maxims. "Yes," agreed the one who makes up news ones as he goes along, "and the' higher the proof the better the eating." American Le gion Weekly. OF THE EVIL ONE nim was her vanity, and His wrath was made manifest unto her, so that, brandishing over her head the blade of divine Justice, He straightway caused every part of her body to rot away." All this for the heinous crime of using a fork I As a matter of Bober fact, the doge's duughter-In-law mid her husband were carried off In the great plague of 1050 among the vic tims of which, it may safely be said were many of the faithful who ate with their fingers. Palmistry Note. Tf n clrl's hand Is as soft and white as a baby's her stories of doing a lot of housework are untrue. Atchison Globe. Poison. tf it in absolutely necessary that yon have bottles In your medicine cab inet that contain poison ycu should plainly mark them "Poison. Tn his horror the secretary ad dressed the person who had rung up as "your majesty." Shortly afterward a message came hn, the nnffo was to co to the nalace. There the king received him and gave him a 100-peseta note, saying laugn Ingly, "There you nre, old bean," and him tn nnss the rest of the aft ernoon at the palace with the royal children. I STATE NEWS IN BRIEF. Salem. Handling of the fruit crop this year was discussed at a meeting of the directors of the Oregon Grow ers' Co-operative association held here Saturday. Fossil. Mrs. V. C. Quate of Port land has Just purchased the Fossil hotel from Ray Aubrey for $6500. Mrs. Quate has had considerable experi ence In the hotel business. Medford. The largest pear crop In the history of the Rogue River valley began to move Friday, when three cars were shipped east, and from now until late fall there will be a dally shipment. ' Salem. The first carload of evap orated loganberries to be shipped from Salem this season left here Monday. The fruit was consigned to the Chi cago markets. The car contained 2890 boxes of berries, or approximately 28 tons. Pendleton. Potato growers of Uma tilla county are planning a potato day, to be held in Weston some time In October when seed potatoes of certi fied crops will be displayed and ex perts and buyers will be Invited to attend. Salem. The so-called gum spot dis ease which has Invaded fruit districts In many parts of the United States has threatened the prune orchards of this vicinity, according to a warning issued Friday by the county fruit in spector. Salem. There was one fatality In Oregon due to Industrial accidents during the week ending August 10, according to a report prepared here Friday by the state industrial accident commission. The victim was S. E. Myers, electrician, of Albany. Hood River Stagnation of water in the municipal water system's new res ervoir, completed last spring at a cost of about $20,000, made the improve ment valueless. The problem of puri fying the water by aeration, however, it is thought, has been solved by the installation of an electric pump. ABtoria. Complete unofficial re turns from all precincts in Clatsop county, with one exception, show that at Friday's special election Sheriff Nelson was recalled by a majority of 421. Harley J. Slusher was elected sheriff by a majority of 438 to serve during the remainder of the term. Pendleton. Two bands of lambs, said to be the finest ever shipped from Meacham, summer range ground of many Umatilla county flocks, were sold Saturday by J. E. Smith to Chi cago buyers. Not one of the 1181 lambs in the shipment was rejected although it was expected to have some refusals. Bend. Africa will be the final des tination of a carload of lumber which was loaded at the platform on the flour mill spur Friday for the G. W, Gates Lumber company, according to C. M. Thomas, representative of the company. The lumber consists of 27,- 600 feet of 1x12 boards, sawed in the J. N. Masten mill at Laplne. Prineville. Fire starting in the re pair shop Bhortly before midnight Sat urday destroyed the garage of the Service Motor Sales, operated by George A. Holmes, with a loss of more than $50,000. More than 30 cars and trucks are a total loss. The building was practically gutted. It is owned by Roy Newell of Madras and Is only partially insured. Salem. The public libraries of Ore- gon, although not receiving financial assistance sufficient to meet the re- quirements of the American Library association, in many instances have exceeded the circulation per capita requirements and are being operated on a plane of efficiency not excelled by libraries in any part of the United States. This was revealed in statis tics prepared here recently by Miss Cornelia Marvin, state librarian. Salem. More than $1,500,000 has been lopped off from the tax levy for the year 1922, based on the tax rolls for the year 1921, when compared with the levy of a year ago, according to announcement made at the offices of the state tax commission here Satur day. Most of the reduction affects Multnomah county. A report Issued by the state tax commissioner showed that the total tax levy for 1922, based on the tax rolls for 1921, Is $40,401 709.21, as against $41,117,367.75 a year ago. The state tax, as computed by the state tax commissioner for the year 1922, is $9,379,289.11, as against $9,493,105.22 a year ago. The county hevy this year aggregates $3,977,473.91, while this levy last year totalled $5 360,665.25. The material reduction in the county levy this year, It was ex plained, is due to the fact that in computing last year's levy bond In terest and redemptions were included in this classification. & I SCHOOL PA1S j & . vl Y jr'ptM. idLK OH IW SKIM TUWI 0t I W JH UfeW SAttA ffg? IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHU hlDDIES SIX i LV Will M. Maupln nilllllllllllllllltllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllln AFTERWHILE WE ARK going to "cut the nius . tard," Afterwhlle. Likewise be "all to the custard," Afterwhlle. But today we're in poor fettle, . So we'll let our feelings settle; But we're going to show our mettle Afterwhlle. We will wipe out all Injustice Afterwhlle. We'll do lots of big things trust us Afterwhlle. But today is full of pleasure And its golden hours we'll treasure; But we'll start on some great measure Afterwhlle. It's the greatest country ever Afterwhlle. And to reach it's our endeavor, Afterwhlle. But today we'll spend In dreaming, Wasting hours of golden gleaming; And await a glad dawn's beaming Afterwhlle. (Copyright by Will M. Maupln.) O This world's need Is men and women great enough to be small enough to be . used. DURING the midsummer sultry days a cool drink, Ice, or frozen cream is always acceptable. Data Sandwich Cookies. Take one package of dates, stone and chop; mix with one cupful of orange marmalade, one cupful of chopped nuts. Prepare a white cookie mixture, roll out very thin, place a spoonful of the mixture in the center and cover with another cookie; sprinkle with sugar and bnke In a moderate oven. These cookies may be cut in fancy shapes, baked and then be put together with the filling, if one so desires. Lemon Cake. Take three-fourths of a cupful of butter, cream it, adding two cupfuls of sugar gradually. Beat the whites of seven eggs and add to the creamed butter and sugar a spoonful at a time. Beat well, add three cupfuls of sifted flnf fnnr tpnsnoonfuls of baking pow der, ' the grated peel of one lemon alternately with one cupful of milk. Fold in the whites at the last. Bake In three layer pans. Baked Apples. Core and peel good flavored apples. Place on a round of bread that has been buttered. Fill the cavity of the apple with sugar and butter creamed together, adding a bit of ginger, pine apple or other frnlt If desired. Bake In a slow oven, basting the apples often with melted butter and sugar and with the Juice from the apple. Serve hot on the rounds of bread which by this time are well soaked with the luscious syrup. Pears and peaches may be prepared In this same .manner. Green Peas Francaise. Wash the peas before shelling, then shell the peas and put the pods on to cook for fifteen minutes or longer In enough cold water to Just keep from scorching. Use this water, hot, to put the freshly shelled peas on to cook, add two green onions, a sprig of parsley, and a head of lettuce well washed and dry; there should be added two tablespoonfuls of butter and cover the kettle' closely. Cook slowly one hour. This Is a delicious dish and one which will be often served after once testing. eV 1I1L br Wast era Nawapaper Coles.) THE FRIENDLY PATH By WALTER I. ROBINSON t J uyjxs ARE not especially concerned about how you feel when you enter our store, but we are exterejuely anxious to know how you feel when you leave." This sign greets the eyes of customers entering one of the big, successful stores In an eastern city. It is mi indication of the new attitude many en gaged in commercial business are assuming. There was a period following the armistice when in virtually all big cities many of those en gaged In Belling found business so brisk Unit they did not deem It necessary to keep the patrons smiling while they separated them from their money. Too many of the customers, in fuct, (lid find enjoyment in spending, ami they may be partially blamed for the indifference of merchnnts to please. But, with the drop in business and profits, it is encouraging to find a re birth of the old-fashioned regard for courteous and square deal ing. Such sentiment as that ex pressed In the quotation given above is evidence that, willingly or unwillingly, those engaged In business desire to re-cstubllsh old-time friendly relations with those who trade with them. With the changed attitude there Is certain to come a higher regard for principle, upon which in large measure the happiness of business people is dependent. There should, therefore, be no wide regrets among those who huve to reduce prices to such an extent that profits decreased rea sonably below the peak level. Not alone because of the greater happiness which results from honest principles In business, but also due to the satisfaction of greater volume In business, as sured through the law of dimin ishing returns, should business people be thankful that they mid their customers are coming to meet again on more friendly terms. Let everyone remember these words of Skelton : "Our principles are the springs of our action; our actions, the springs of our happiness or mis ery. Too much care, therefore, cannot be taken in forming our principles." ( by the Wheeler Syndicate, Inc.) -O- PROMISING. ft I Introduced grass widow to grass widower to day. Will anythln come of it? 'j- can't ten. i ney exchanged refer encca. ij mm FROM GIRLHOOD TO WOMAHHOOD Woman Relied Upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Emporia. Kansas. "I began usinp; Lydia E. Pinkham's medicines years ago wnen i was a gin. For several years I had severe pains at menstrual periods, making me very weak and mtertering with my regular du ties. I tried several remedies without ob taining relief. I was induced to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound by friends and it re stored me to normal health. I often have occasion and do recommend your Vegetable Compound to my friends who have troubles similar to my own. You may use these tacts as a testimonial. Eva Aldrich, 218 Union St., Emporia, Kansas. There are man v women who first used our Vegetable Compound during their girlhood days. They found it a valuable help during trying periods. In later years they use it wnenever they feel inose annoying symptoms wuicu wuumu often have. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound is a woman's medicine. It is pre pared carefully from the bestquality of meuicinai plants, wnuae proper uca hi a ' adapted to correct tne trou Dies ave. LadiesKeep Your Skin Clear, Sweet, Healthy With Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Talcum Shot Making Is Unchanged, Shot making is one of the few In dustries that have hardly changed in more than 100 years. . Molten lead is still poured from- the top of a shot tower. Small sizes require a drop of 100 feet, the larger require a longer fall of nearly double that height. "Documental Vessel." This term is applied to a vessel car rying official documents to establish her identity and her rights in trade. In the case . of a vessel trading with foreign countries and engaging In the whale fisheries, this document Is call ed a certificate of registry. To Have a Clear Sweet Skin. Touch pimples, redness, roughness or itching, If any, with Cuticura OInt--. ment, then bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Rinse, dry gently and dust on a little Cuticura Talcum to leave a fascinating fragrance on skin. Everywhere 25c each. Adv. Some Risk In Everything. While it may be true that the man who riBks nothing gains nothing, it is also true that gain does not depend on risk alone. In all business there is an element of risk, but in business this element Is smaller than it is in specu lation. "Colleen" and "Mavourneen." In Ireland a girl is called a "col leen." "Mavourneen" is the Irinh term of endearment for a girl or woman, in other words, the Irish for "sweetheart." Has the Right Idea. A clever traveling man studies his customer and you can't blame him for regarding a stubborn man as a puzzle to be worked out as well as a human being. The Horse in Painting. No real Interest is taken in the horse until Van Dyke's time, he and Rubens doing more for it than ull the previous painters put together. Rubens was a good rider, and rode nearly every day. Ruskin. First Paisley Handkerchiefs. The first paisley handkerchief was made In 1743. Handkerchiefs wrought and edged with gold used to be worn by Elizabethan gentlemen in their hats as favors from ladles, their cash value being small. A Historical Example. The first instance of disquieting overhead was probably the sword of Damocles. BoBton Herald. Ravens Mate for Life. Ravens pair for life, and use the same nest year after year. used for baby's clothes, wilt keep them sweet and snowy-white until worn out. Try It and see for yourself. Atgntm . Are Yon Satisfied? BSswSEbi Is the biggest, most perfectly equipped Business Training School In the North west Fit yourself for a higher position with more money. Permanent positions assured our Graduates. Write tor catalog Fourth and TamhllL Portland P. N. U. No. 33, 1922 Y Tl liuil