The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, August 17, 1922, Image 1

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i -
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL. 8, NO. '15
THE YEAR $1.50
Profit For Wap.
A party from Maupin attended
the free dance given in Hill's
new store at Wapinitia Saturday
night and as they were leaving
they were arrested by the depu-
"heriff and made to appear
vXye Mr. Hartman- Monday
nwninir. Trial was set for
Wednesday at 10 o'clock. They
plead guilty to the charge 'of
having liquor in his possession
at a public gathering and were
each fined $25.00.
Ft 1 elWiU
The college o( Literature, Science
nd the Arte with 22 department!.
The professional schools of Archi
tectureBusiness Administration -Education-Graduate
Study -Law-Mediciner-Music
Phjrsictl EducationSociology.
The 47th Vcar Opens October 2. 1922
Forocataloiut or anff information
Write Th Reflttrar, UnWertit of
Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.
Attorney at Law
Marksmanship Display
James Chalmers
Horse Shoeing and
General Blacksmithing
Maupin, Ore.
fJJ, w A P I N I TIA
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon,
meets evfery Saturday, night ip
I. O. O. F. hall. 'Visiting mem
berB always welcome.
B. F. TURNER, Secretary
H. K. Kaiser, N. G.
A demonstration is to be given
August 2'Jth at Shattuck Bros,
by Gus Poret of the Peters Cart
ridge Co. who ia a well known
fancy trick and expert shot. He
has also established a reputation
as a big game hunter many of
his articles on Alaskan Iluijting
have already appeared in the
Out-Door Life Magazine.
The stunts performed consti
tute work with rifles, revolvers,
and shot guns. Peret will draw
nirtiiresof ButTalow Bill, Uncle
i - - -
Sam, Indians, or other charac
ters suggested by the crowds on
sheets of blank tin without
tracing. He will throw blue
rocks in the air and hit them
with five shots from the pump;
eject two empty shells from a
pump gun an hit them in the air.
Lying on his back he will break
three eggs tossed in the air, with
a 22 rifle; will eject the empty
shell and hit it. Yv ith the same
rifle he will hit three washers, in
the air; also marbles, and will
rln snep.ial aerial work with a 38-
caliber revolver; shoot through
the holes in washers wpue same
arc in the air. With the same
arm he will split cards in half
while sighting through a mirror.
Partial schedule:Maupin, Aug
ust 29th; Bend, August 25; Red
mond, 26th; Pnneville, 27th;
Grass Valley, 30th.
Hay Destroyed
A thresher was set at a stack
on the Harth place below Tygh
this afternoon when sparks from
the engine caught in an alfalfa
stack destroying about 70 tons
of hay. This has formed a coal
which will require fighting for
some time to protect the rest of
the farm.
Mr. and Mrs. James Chalmers
have purchased the John Don
aldson home on Deschutes aven
ue. Mrs. Donaldson will give
up possession the first of the
The J. L. Confer residence is
receiving its first coat of paint.
I have opened a blacksmith shop for all
around blacksmithing at my old stand
opposite Woodcock's mill and ant prepared
to do work at reasonable rates.
Sherar- Steel Bridge
Sherar's bridge, a historic land
mark of Wasco county and, with
Miller.s bridge among the first
crossings oti the Deschutes river
will soon be replaced by a modern
structure of wood and steel,
Plans are now being drawn by
the bridge designing branch of
the state highway department
for a btcel girder type bridge,
with wood flooring, which will
be constructed at Sherar's this
The old wooden bridge, which
has spanned the Deschutes river
at that point for nearly 50 years
withstanding the highest flood
waters and the heaviest of traffic
has finally had to bow before
Father Time.
Although the bridge is still con
sidered safe under ordinary
traffic, the tendency of the times
towa-d motor vehicles and heavi
er lea Is necessitated the install
ation of a more modern span at
this point, where the Deschutes
river is at its narrowest and ex
ceedingly deep.
Last wi iter the high water
seemed to threaten the old bridge
coming to a short distance below
its lowest timbers. Fate did not
decree, however, that it Bhould
come to such an untimely end,
after having withstood the vicis
situdes of many years.
Plans are also being drawn by
the highway department for a
modern concrete or sleel span ac
ross White river, on The Dalles
California highway. The exact
type of this bridge has i ot been
determined as yet It also will
oe constructed this fall according
to the present plan. Chro: icle.
Indian friends and relative, o'
Dan Teais, who was drowntd in
the Deschutes river at Sherar's
falls early Monday morning
while fishing for eels, followed
the body for nearly 15 miles
before an eddy swung it close
enough to the shore so that
they could retrive it.
Canning Peaches
Place your orders with
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby's Drug store,
The Dalles, Ore
Phone Black 1111
niminiminxzzxi nxr Kimnnnnnninzi
New Machinery or Repairs
We Have Both
m a rati cTrrra roire lj rrnc
K Kiwi V LiW I IUl I riliLLwl lUltW
lvvelve and rourteen root Headers
Reapers, Mowers, Rakes, Binders
.Whether you want to fix up the old one or buy a
new one, NOW is a mighty good time to do it.
The County Fair
The principal thing to be consid
ered in regard to a county fair is
not where it is to be held, but how
to get one and how to keep. it.
The Dalles appears to be out of
luck this year fo far as a fair
grounds is concerned, and there
does not appear to be any rcaon
able certainty that this condition
will be changed in the near fut
ure. Tygh Valley stands ready
to take up the burden, and offers
the finest location for a fair that
Eastern Oregon boasts.
The Tygh Valley fair is and
has been for some time a com
plete success. In the next few
years when the roads are com
pleted it will be a very short trip
from almost any section of the
county to Tygh. From The Dal
les the drive will be made easily
If an annual county fair is feas
ible in The Dalles, fine. But
there are many things which
make Tygh a desirable location
for a county fair and there are
residents of The Dalles who hope
to see the southern Wasco county
institution perpetuated and en
larged until it will be known all
over the northwest. Tygh organ
ization is now preparing for the
best fair they have ever held,
and should have the suppoi t of
every resident of this city and
of the Chamber of Commerce in
their efforts. Optomist
The Times for Classy Printing
Around Maupin
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Confer, Mrs
L. B. Kelly and M. F.VanLaanen
made a trip to the A. B. Linn
and Sons mill Monday.
O. F. Renick and family return
ed Saturday from a ten days
vacation at the coast.
Frank Creager took Mrs. Ora
Brown and Mrs. W. O. Miller to.
the mountains Sunday.
Wm. Heckman came out Satur
day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Heinig of Prineville after a
months stay at the Summit
house. Mrs. Heinig was former
y Mrs. Mamie Smith.
J. H. Woodcock and family, H
F- Woodcock and R. E. Wilson
and family left Monday morning
for the mountains to camp at
Simmit meadows.
Last Thursday night the threat
ening clouds wnicn nau ueen
forming for a couple of days
broke forth .in an all nights itin
which resumed again Friday
night thoroughly soaking the
ground and discontining irriga
tion necessties. Again Monday
aftenoon a brisk thunder shower
cooled the air and freshened all
Mr. and Mrs. Shipflin were in
from Wapinitia Tuesday.
Several local citizens attended
the dance at Wapinitia Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Bates Shattuck
came out from their camp at
Salmon River Tuesday. They
returned the same day.
Mr. and Mrs. F, C. Butler
motored over the highway Wed
nesday to Seaside to spend a
short vacation.
Mrs. Clark Richardson came
home Monday from Clackamas
The W. J, Harris store at the
end or the Driuge received a
new coat of interior paint last
Portland Painless Dentist. 305,
Second St. The Dalles Oregon,
All work guaranteed, W. 1,
Slatten D, D. S. Proprietor
Phone Main 482L
Clifford Morrow and Miss
Hazel Williams were married
,some two weeks ago at Kalama,
Better Service
Realizing that the southern part of Wasco Connty
is entitled to up to date service in our line, we have
placed a complete stock of goods with
The Crandall Undertaking Co.
The Dalles, Oregon
Licensed Enbalmers . Motor Equipment
Have purchased the Hartman Sawmill 9 miles
West of Wapinitia
Open for Business
All kinds of rough lumber on the yard, $16.00
and up. Can furnish dressed lumber on short
notice. Let us figure with you on any building
you have in mind.
A, B. Linn & Sons
Stop at Andy's
Refresh yourself with an Ice Cream Soda
This season we are going in for the best line of
Confections and
Fountain Goods
money can buy
Always Fresh
and above
Ice Cream and Soft Drinks of all kinds
Lunch Goods and Restaurant
Cigars, Tobacco, Pool Hall in connection
II. Anderson
Maupin, Ore.
Is the Best Policy
Keeping your capital in your
community; thereby benefiting
each individual and the com
munity at large.
We are here to render any ser
vice consistent with lawful, busi
ness like banking.
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to Merit Approval