PORTLAND MP rj TI S A wl" I"",1" 8ll0Bi Granaries, Basements, V t-f ft proof, Kotproof, Katproof ana Flreproi TTrnfnvnvAAfnrl Medusa Waterproofed White Portlund Tt rnf nmrnnfnrl Medusa Waterproofed White Portlund Cement It WcibGr PiOOiea ' bet for Stucco Plaster on outHlde for Bung" I C HIT r M rri 1 not stuln and dirt can be hosed off. J Et IVL Ei IN 1 WrlUl for Literature. Sold by A. McMILLAN A CO., HEMSTITCHING ANn putatimp. Buttonho Ins - Uuttons t-I-ITK SHOP, BAB'S RESTAURANT -saw: ttSLi? st Open 7 a, nutot , tn 82fl Stark St. PORTLAND HIDE & WOOL mi union mum norih, portuhd, oreqon. Write for Pricos and Shipping Vags fcfclfeiLLJ EXPERT jjmS Eyeing & Cleaning EXCELLENT SERVICE By Parcel Post. Return Postage Paid. Write for Circular! and Prices, "At Your Beck and Call" I N P ft M P Expert advice on any I II U U III t Income tux problems. m6everal yeuru' actual experience in Govern DDftRI CMRQineilt Bureaus is offered r nU D L III O those unable to visit our office. Htute your troubles briefly and send in with $1 and we will give you hon est to goodness advice. It will pay you to get In touch with us now. E, J. Curtln, Room 806 Lewd Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Fire Proof and Modern RITZ HOTEL PARK AND MORRISON STS. Depot MorriBon Cars direct to Hotel. Popular Pricei. Center Shopping and Theater diatrict. FRANK A. CLARK. Prop., formerly with Clyde Hotel. RAINIER HOTEL Ritei $1.00 iid up. 128 N. &i St.. rVrlUnd. On Very Centrally Located. Convenient to all Depot, and one block from main Postoffice V Fruit trees budded from bearing orch- V ards- Apple. Pear. Cherry, Peacli, Plum, I,JL 4 M 1 Prima, Aprioot, Quince, Grape Vlnw, ISrfuiA. Shrubtna. Plants, Kpbeniei. Blica l vtfjroK berries, Login. Dewberries, ispuigut, Rhubarb, Flowering Shrubs, Roaet, Vine, Ferine, Nut tod Shade Trwa. -r riT Carriage paid. Satutf action guaxanUad. WASHINGTON NURSERY CQ Voppenlah. Washington. I Salesmen e very w bora. Mure wanted Hotel Hoyt Located Sixth and Hoyt Strictly Fireproof and Modern. Near both depots and convenient car service to all parts of city. USED TRUCK BARGAINS 1 to 5 ton GMC, Republics, Whites, etc. Send for our List. WENTWORTH & IRWIN, Inc., Oregon Distributors for GMC Trucks 200 Second St., Cor. Taylor Portland, Oi PILES FISTULA, FISSURE, Itch ing and all other rectal conditions except Cancer permanently cured with out a surgical operation. My method of treatment ' saves the tissue instead of destroying it. It Is pain less, requires no anes thetic and is permanent. There is no confinement 3" lO Uetl, II" INICI1EIC1H.O with business or social engagements. I guarantee a cure or will refund your fee. Call or write for booklet. Mention this paper when writing. DR. C. J. DEAN Second and Morrison Sts., Portland, Ore. 71 qM& m" DVCINO CLtANJNO I l 1 1 ' ' V-VTfc MTABLItMMINT fA 'rf-'tii Grnd Avenu at Yamhill J I JrU PORTLAND, OR, It IrlH ' I EXPLAIN SOME OLD EXPRESSIONS Few Persons Know Real Meaning of the Words They Are Mak Ing Use Of. Thero ure ninny expressions made use of by persons every tiny who little know the real meaning of the words they are making use of. Why, for Instance, does A 1 mean "first rate?" and why does "lirst rnte" mean some thing of (he highest degree of ex cellence? A 1 Is derived from the sym bol denoting ships in the host condi tion in "Lloyd's Registry of Shipping." and "first rnte" is an .illusion to a warship of the highest class. To have on axe to grind Is from the American backwoodsmen's practice of calling nt houses ostensibly to grind an axe, but In reality to obtain a drink. Bogus: From Borghese, a swindler who about 1837 in Boston passed worthless se curities. To take the enke : Allusion to the prize of a cake In negro cake' wnlking contests. The deuce: From the Gormnn "das dnus." Possibly con nected with the Celtic "dus," a wood HELD UP ON WAY TO DOCTOR .,- Negro Bandit Inflicts Scalp Wound In Struggle With Blind Victim In New York. New York. Walter A. Creen, sixty-one years old, accidentally used Iodine on his eyes Instead of an eye wash and was temporarily blinded. He put on a few clothes and was hurry ing to the doctor' when negro I OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE ..... Portland, Oregon ' VAUDEVILLE PHOTO-PLAYS Complete Change Saturday. Adults, Matinee, 20c: Evening., ac. Continuous 1 to 11 p. m. ChilJr.n 10 cntn ull timtiii. etc.. Water irnnf - 'rvJiLi?iLlgJiy ptreet. ujrncr fteconq. Plaiting - Tucking and Chalnstltchlng 128j Tenth near Wellington. CO. We Pay Highest Prices for H1DKS, PliLTS, WOOL, MOHAIR. CASCARA BARK. Addreiw Department B PLIES FLEE fcww-WOOD-LARK" Order from your dealer. If he hasn't it, we'll Hend vou a gallon, charges paid, for ifci.ou. Pontage .tamp, accepted. Clarke, Woodward Drug Co., PORTLAND, OREGON' """N If your RADIATOR heats 01 I i leaks, tend it to us. I Armstrong Auto Radiator Co.. 57 burnside street, Portland, Oregon PATENT ATTORNEY - We can show you how to turn your patentable Ideas into cabK. Oregon Licensed Meuhunical Engineer. THOMAS BlLYiSU. 2ltf uvni building, Portland. ore. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT,, PLEATING SPECIAL Cut. team, hem and machine pleat Bkirta ready for band, 85 cents Hemstitching, Ltc. EASTERN NOVELTY MFC. CO. 85V4 Fifth St Portland. Ore BRAZING. WELDING & CUTTING Northwest Welding & Supply Co. 88 1st St CLEANING AND DYEING For reliable Cleaning and Dyeing service send parcels to us. We pay return postage. hi fiM Information and pdces given sSXW9 uPn request. tESSy ENKE'S CITY DYE WORKS Established 1890 Portland CUT FLOWERS & FLORAL DESIGN8 Clarke Brqj, Florists, 287 Morrison at. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS Commercial Iron Works, 7th & Madison. .11 If UI.l. umii.u . v... ........ " T I iw, fi wralra Hm IUV wtlllA lHAril If . . T I'll ninnnTi mil I CHE ing. Positions secured. Write for catalogue. 234 Burnside street, Portland, ure. .,A,,illir.lTG C 1A nnrt Din. fit.. Otto Schumann Granite & Marble Work rcnawiiftu Marry If Lonely; most successful "Horn himlreHa rlrh: confidential: reliable; years experience; descriptions free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Nasn Box 556, Oakland, California. INTELLIGENT PRODUCE MARKETING You -will get higher returns for your prouuee n you win uw i.... beiore snipping any piuuui.i lu iuinct VA.l.A 11b a. flnr. We Will Be Pleased to Tell You How RUBY & COMPANY, 169 FRONT ST. PORTLAND, ORE. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR We help the appearance of women. Twenty-two inch switch or transforma tion, value i.tu, price ,s.id. 400 to 412 Dekum Bldg. tunc REPAIRING IN PORTLAND Model Shoe Kepair, 272 Washington Bt Davis Bros., American Shoemakers, 108 4th St OfffcoiN Am aim Cattle a Soeclaltv Dr. Chas. M. Anderson, Kenton, Portland. Wedding Bouquets and Funeral Pieces Lubliner Florists. 348 Morrison St. Historic Date. On June 2, 1875, while experiment ing on his harmonic telegraph, Alex ander Graham Bell made the discov' ery that led to the construction of the first telephone. demon. To lulnd one's P's and Q's: A reference to the pints and quarts chalked up In country public houses against credit customers. Habits of Land Crab The land crabs are found all over the world. Those In the West Indies are fond of sugar cane. A remark. able pilgrimage is made, on the less frequented of tliese Islands, by these purple crabs. They live for the greater part of the year upon the high lands several miles from the sea ; but once a year, In May or June, they leave their holes and move at night in vast columns, often three miles long and 200 feet wide, to the sea. No obstacle stands In the way of this remarkable army on Its march to the sea. Nature Note. In a diplomatic family the new bnby always resembles the relative with the most money. stopped him and hit h(m on the head. innlcting a scalp wound fniiirht. The police say he pulled a revolver am' fired one shot during the struggle, men, rney say, the negro took the pistol frjim him and ran away with It. Green and his wife say he had only an Imitation re volver, which was n perfume sprayer. Green's head and eyes were treated in a hospital. REPELLENT jpjgrfcs prices: WATER TROUGHS EASYTO BUILD Good Plan to Select Well Drained Site to Prevent Stock From Making Mud Holes. ALSO PACK AND LEVEL LAND Cement Wash Can Be Applied With Brush or Broom and Makes Smooth Surface and Also In- ' urea Water-Tightness. (By W. Q. Kaiser, Agricultural Engineer.) The construction of a concrete trough like that shown In the drawing Is not a dlltlcult task and any furiner can build it A watering trough should be placed on well drained ground, because under the best of conditions the livestock will In time make mud holes unless a plat form Is built, or the holes around the trough are rilled In as soon as they are made. Sometimes it Is advisable to put the trough on a small knoll in order that the water will quickly drain away. The ground under the trough should not only be drained but also leveled and packed. Outside Form of Trough. The outside forms of the trough are made of one Inch boards and 2 by 4 inch pieces as shown in the drawing. After these forms have been securely braced, the concrete can be deposited In the bottom to half the depth of the floor. Reinforcement consisting of XL Inch round rods are then placed on the partly constructed floor. These rods are bent In "U" shape so that the ends will project up Into the sides and reinforce the walls. All the rods are bent to the proper shape before any concrete work Is started, so that they can be quickly put In and the re mainder of the concrete floor placed without delay or making any joints. The inside form which has been made previous to mixing any of the concrete is then quickly lowered in proper place and fastened to the out side forms with clamps as shown in the drawing. Speed Is necessary In order that the walls can quickly- be placed so there will be a strong bond between walls and floors. Insure Water-Tightness. In order to Insure water-tightness a 1:2:8 mixture of concrete is recom mended. This means 1 sack of cement to 2 cubic feet of sand and 3 cubic When You Get This Tank Finished It Will Last as Long as You'll Probably Ever Need It feet of pebbles or crushed rock. The aggregates should be free from sticks, soil or foreign material. Only enough clean water should be used In mixing to make concrete of a jelly, like consistency. As the concrete Is placed It should be spaded next to the forms In order to force the larger rocks back Into the mass and let the mortar work out against the forms, resulting a a smooth, dense surface. As soon as the concrete has hard ened sufficiently to be self-sustaining, the Inside form Is removed and the Interior of the trough given a cement wash made by mixing cement and wa. ter until it Is about as thick as cream. This wash can be put on with an or dinary brush or broom. The wash will make a smooth' surface and Insure water-tightness. The Inside of the trough Is given a slope outward toward the top. This Is Important because If water freezes In the tank, the pressure will lift the Ice and thereby prevent the formation of crack In the walls. For a trough of the size shown In the drawing, the following materials will be needed: Materials Required for Tank. Outside dimensions 8 ft. 2 in. by 8 ft Walls 2 ft. 8 In. high. Floors In. thick Concrete Mixture 1:2:3 Volume of Concrete 1 cu. yd. Materials Required. Portland cement 9 sacks Band cu. yd. Pebbles or broken stone . 1 ou. yd. 14-in. round steel rods ...215 ft. (36tt lb.) For each additional foot of length add to the foregoing quantities: Portland cement 1 sack Sand 2 cu. (t Pebbles or broken stone . I cu. ft 14-ln. round steel rods ...22 tt. (3 lb.) MILDEW WIPED OFF LEATHER Damp Cloth or Soap and Warm Wa ter Will Be Found Satisfactory Then Oil Lightly. When mildew has developed on leather goods It should be wiped off with a damp cloth or washed off with soap and warm water, and the leather oiled lightly with castor or neat's-foot oil and well dried after wards. These simple methods for pre venting and removing mold are satis factory and safe. BEEKEEPING OFFERS BIG OPPORTUNITIES Clover Region Particularly Adapt ed to Industry. Few Places In Which It Is Not PossL bit to Keep Honey Gatherers With Good Profit Under Proper Management (Prepared by the United States Department ot Asricuuure.i The clover region of the United States offers splendid opportunities for beekeeping. These possibilities, to gether with the requirements neces sary for the success of the undertak ing, are discussed In a recent publica tion of the United States Department of Agriculture, Farmers' Bulletin 1215, Beekeeping in the Clover Iteglon, by B. F. I'hllllps and George S. Demutli of the division of Bee-Culture Investi gations. While not all parts of the clover region are equally good, there ure few places, it is pointed out, In which it Is not possible to keep bees with profit under proper management The typical clover region occupies the northeastern part of the United States, extending west Into Minnesota and south approximately to the Ohio river and Mason and Dixon's line. It appears on the west coast In Wash ington and Oregon. In both east and west the region extends Into Canada, Beekeeper Should Take Pains to Get Best Strains. some of the best portions being lo cated north of the national boundary. Limited areas of less value are found outside these boundarles.v The opportunities for beekeeping In this region, are not being utilized as completely as In some other beekeep. Ing regions of the country. There are vast areas of the clover region not ad equately covered by bees, and also many places where, because of the methods of beekeeping practiced, the beekeepers are falling to produce the best possible crops. Beekeeping to be profitable In this region must be conducted with all pos sible skill. Better methods, It Is be lieved, wilt result In a greater devel opment of the Industry. Because of the presence of European foulbrood In some parts of the clover region, and es pecially because of the superior qual ity of the Italian race of bees, the bee keeper of this region will find it great ly to his advantage to keep this va riety. Italian bees are able, under good management, to clean out the larvae dead of European foulbrood, Not all strains of this race are equal ly good for this purpose, and the bee keeper should take pains to get the best. Copies of the bulletin may be had free upon addressing a request to the Department of Agriculture, Washing ton, D. C. PROPER BALANCE TO MANURE Some Farmers Try Little Experiment on Small Piece of Land to Find Condition. It Is a pretty good Idea, and one fol lowed by a lot of hard-headed, prac tical farmers, to balance the barnyard manure a little with either rock or acid phosphate. Barnyard manure Is a balanced ration when It comes to plant foods for some crops, That Is why some farmers try a little experi ment on a half acre or so of ground Just to see what their land lacks, About forty or fifty pounds of acid phosphate per ton of manure, or 400 to 500 pounds per acre, may be applied to a small part of the field, and the results will show whether It will pay to put the fertilizer on the whole field. It makes the acid phosphate eusy to apply simply to spread It evenly on the top of each spreader load of manure so that each ton of the manure will enrry with It the above mentioned amount of the phosphate. ALFALFA SEEDED IN SUMMER Considerable Success Attained at Unl versity of Illinois in Rotation With Corn. Considerable success has been at tained In seeding alfalfa on the dulry farm at the University of Illinois where a rotation of corn for silage and alfalfa for hay are the principal crops. Fall wheat Is sown after the corn Is cut for the silo. The next year the wheat stubble Is plowed us early as possible and a very thorough seed bed prepared. The alfalfa Is seeded as soon as there Is sufficient ruin. About the 28th of September wheut Is drilled. This gives a crop of wheat and two cuttings of alfalfa the next rear. Star O IN BRIEF. I itiiisss4St.......sia f f WW WW WW WWW WWWWWWWWWW WW Marshfleld. Wedderburn, the small town on Rogue river owned by the Macleay estate, Is to be repainted this Bummer and will take a thorough coat of white, with, red trimmings. Eugene. The University of Oregon lost two buildings and valuable works of art Saturday In a ?C0,000 fire which broke out on the campus at 4 P. M. Several other university buildings were damaged by the flames. Salem. The cornerstone for the new St, Paul's Episcopal church, re placing the old structure that was built In the year 1854, was laid Sun day. Bishop Walter T. Sumner of the Episcopal diocese of Oregon gave the principal address. Waldport Burglars made a raid on Dr. Linton's drug store and J. M. Rellly's pool room Saturday night. Dr. Linton's store was rifled of watches, Jewelry and many valuable articles, In cluding all the cash, even to pennies. Dr. Linton's loss was at least $600. Salem. The state highway commis sion has announced that It has award ed the, contract for the construction of a concrete arch bridge across the North Umpqua river on the Pacific highway near Winchester, Douglas county, to H. E. Doerlng of Portland. Salem.- The Oregon supreme court at noon Saturday took Its annual va cation recess until September 1. Just prior to adjournment the court hand ed down 12 opinions, which cover a wide range of legal subjects and af fect practically every section of the state, Marshfleld. John L. Oasen, whose sawmill burned recently at Myrtle Point, declares that first estimates of a loss of $25,000 are $5000 be neath the correct figures. Mr. Aasen will not rebuild the bill, but may pur chase au Idle plant at Arago and oper ate from that point. The Dalles. With the Portland delegation swinging Its 23 votes to them, George R. Wilbur of Hood River was elected state commander and Fred Kiddle of Island City, vice-commander, at the closing session of the fourth annual American Legion convention. here Saturday afternoon. Eugene. When David Chezem, aged 11 years, reported a short time ago that -he had killed a number of rat tlesnakes this year on the farm of his father, H. Chezem, In the Spen cer creek valley, he was believed to be the youngest person in Lane coun ty to tackle these poisonous reptiles. Klamath Falls. Purchase of 40 acres for a permanent fair ground site was decided on Saturday by the county, fair board and citizens' com mittee. The tract chosen Is owned by Asa Fordyce, two miles south of town. Mr. Fordyce 'has agreed to sell It for $12,000. It Is planned to hold the county fair this fall on the grounds. Roseburg. There were 57 forest fires In Doulas county In July, accord ing to the monthly report filed Satur day by the Douglas county forest pa trol. Only "two fires are burning now and these are under control. Most of the fires were of incendiary origin and were quickly discovered and ex tinguished. Little actual damage was done. Marshfleld. Several sites are under consideration for a new city hall and home for the volunteer fire depart ment. Since the fire, wiped out the administration building, the council men and Mayor Ferguson have been discussing how to build a suitable city hall. It Is probable bonds will be issued as the budget this year will not permit further expenditures. Pendleton. The Inland Empire bank of this city has been designated a depository for Indian moneys from the Umatilla reservation, not to ex ceed $20,000. At present the Ameri can National and First National are depositories as well as the First Na tional of Athena. The designation was made by the commissioner of Indian affairs of the department of the In terlor. Salem. More than 30,000,000 pounds of prunes will be handled this year by the Oregon Growers' Co-oper ative association, according to an nouncement made by officials of the organization Saturday. Last year the association handled approximately 7, 500,000 pounds of prunes. The as soclatlon now has 132 tunnel dryers under its control. These will handle about 10 tons per tunnel for the sea son, or about 2,900,000 pounds. The remainder of the product will come from the private growers, who have their own dryers. GOULD HARDLY STANDjniMES Hips, Back and Legs Would Have That Tired Ache Everett Washineton." For several years I havo had trouble with the lowest part oi my DacK ana my hips and my legs would ache with that tired ache. I could hardly stand on my feet at times. I was always able to do my work although I did not feel good, I saw Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound advertised and having heard several praise it I decided to try it I feel first-rate at the present time. It has done wonders for me and I keep it in the house right along. I always recommend it to others who are sick and ailing." Mrs. J. M. Sibbert, 4032 High St., Everett, Washington. To do any kind of work, or to play for th.it matter, is next to impossible if you are Buttering from some form of female trouble. It may cause your back or your legs to ache, it may make you nervoua and irritable. You may be able to keep up and around, but you do not feel good. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound is a medicine for women. It is especially adapted to relieve the cause of the trouble and then these annoying paini, aches and "no good " feelings disappear. It has done this for many, many wo men; why not give it a fair trial now. KeepYourSkin-Pofes Active and Healthy With'Cuticura Soap Snip, Ointment, Tnlrnm.BBf'.iiVBrywh. For mtniilM Hil((riM:OutlottflAbo(4teTUl,DipLX,H'aid&,Hi. USED FRANKLIN FOR SALE Strike Rockefeller In the Pocketbook. Kuy Our Franklin Car unea leB gas oline, gives better mileage and rides easier than any car you ever saw, The full elliptic springs takes the bumps out of the road you arrive at your destination fresh as a daisy at minimum coHt, You ran buy another car with the amount you will save in tires and gasolene if you run a Frank lin long enough. Bargain at $650 -Cash AMERICAN NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION 420 U. S. Nat'I Bank Bldg., Portland, Oregon His Business Secret. "Kindly Inform the court how you managed to keep your credit open," was demanded during a trial for bank ruptcy. "Certainly," replied the de fendant, "but allow me to suggest that I Impart this information behind closed doors. There are several of my com petitors present, and I have no desire to teach them the secret." Duty's Call Imperative. Duty is a power that rises with us in the morning and goes to rest with us at night. It is co-extensive with the action of, our intelligence. It is the shadow that cleaves to us, go where we will. W. E. Gladstono. Another Impending Apology. Western Paper The officers of the Young Women's club are to be painted and put in commission for the season. Boston .Transcript. His Woes. A bachelor has his troubles. Every time he meets a family Into which he would like to marry he discovors there's no daughter. Cuticura Comforts Baby's Skin When red, rough and Itching with hot baths of Cuticura Soap and touches of Cuticura Ointment. Also make use now and then of that exquisitely scent ed dusting powder, Cuticura Talcum, one of the Indlspensuble Cuticura Toilet Trio. Adv. "Luck," Luck is generally described as some thing that happens seemingly by chance. It may be an event, either food or evil, which affects the inter ests or happenings of an Individual, but this happening Is entirely casual. "Lucky," however, carries the idea of good luck only. The Right Word. Taxes are "ImpoBod" and they are generally considered an Imposition. Boston Transcript. Dally Thought. Trust that man in nothing who has not a conscience In everything. Sterne. la the finest product of Its kind la the world. Every woman who has used It know! this statement to be true. Ar Van tttitnAd"? BEHNKR-WALKER are ion Miisnem business collegf l the biggest most perfectly equipped Business Training Bi.-hool In the North west Fit yourself for a higher position with more mon.y. Permanent positions assured our Graduates. Write for catalog Fourth and TamhllL Portland. P. N. U. No. 31, 1922 ;-.r-