WATCH MAUPIN GROW MAU P Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 8, NO. 43 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 3, 1923 THE YEAR $1.50 N IMES Frank Gabel was operated on at The Dalles hospital Tuesday morning. BNIVERSnY'OJP? The UNIVERSITY f OREGON contains: The college of Literature, Science and the Arta with 22 departments. The professional schools of Archi tecture Business Administration -Education-Graduate Study -Law-Medicine Music Physical EducationSociology. The 47th Year Opens October 2. 1922 Foracatatoiu or any information Wrttt Tht Rtilttror, UnlOtrjItg of Oregon, Eujsnt, Ortton. E. B. DUFUR Attorney at Law MAUPIN, OREGON Dr. T. DeLarhue EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Glasses Properly Fitted Exclusively Optical Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer Crosby's Drug store, The Dalles, Ore Phone Black 1111 Narrow Escape Mr. l'hilip A. (Dad) Coale one of the best known citizens of this locality narrowly escaped a fatal accideut one day last week while returning from one of his customary jaunts through the surrounding communities, call ing on friends and gathering material for his wonderful "Short Stories" for which he iB cele brated. Deals in wool and hides as a side line, and with several tons on the wagon his spirited team took fright at a passing truck, just as he started to des cend the grade from Wapinitia plains, reared and plunged over the embankment, Mr. Coale being a skillful reinsman lost both lines and by almost super human effort clung to-the seat until rescued by the driver of -the truck. His injuries consist ed of a bad fright and it will be some time before he will entire ly recover. He wishes to thank his many friends for their kind ness in listening to his elaborate, explaining, how he handled the team and escaped having his brains dashed upon the rocks. Upon the advise of all he depart ed'for Portland to enjoy a com plete rest from his ardous tasks. L. C. Wilhelm returned home yesterday from Portland where he, went for treatment two weeks ago after being hurt when a scraper struck him. - James Chalmers Horse Shoeing' and General Blacksmithing Maupin, Ore. - 1 aOjS I.O. O.F. Cf'VJ W A P I N ITIA Lodge No, 209, Maupin, Oregon, meets every Saturday night in I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting weui bers always welcome. B. F. Turner, Secretary H. K. Kaiser, N. G. Around Maupin A'fire occured at about nine o clock Tuesday night of last week at Frieda which destroyed the 0. T. railroad tool house und burned grass on the hill side for an hour or two before Mrs. W. D. Roberts and Mrs. A. l'hilmlee who were alone at the section house could get it under control. George Crofoot and family motored in Friday evening from Monmouth, Oregon. Miss Vina Ayres accompanied them, return ing Sunday. Mr. Knox, postal inspector for this division and the rural route inspector were out & few days ago investigating the route for rural mail service out of Maupin for the .entire Juniper Flat -.a!. mi ? i i 1 i suction, mis service wnicn nas boen needed for many years is hoped for in the near future. It is estimated that it will save ma-'.y of the farmers individually as high as $300.00 a year. If any We Remember Butler's Specialize in fruits, a lower price is quoted by dealer it is Butlers prices. buy direct from the grower. We have contracted the largest Field of Tomatoes in Southern Wasco county. Give us your orders for 'your requirements early and we will take care of you. We guarantee you the market price at time of delivery. If Butler's say they will furn ish you any item in their food lines at a certain price, that is what you pay and no more. Your orders will be filled promptly. Paid Adv. BLACKSMITHING I have opened a blacksmith shop "for all around blacksmithing at my old stand opposite Woodcock's mill and am prepared to do work at reasonable rates. A. F. MARTIN McDonald-Dcrthick Miss lea Derthick and George McDonald were married in Port land at the White Temple on Thursday afternoon, Iiev.. Rus sell M. Brougher officiated. Miss Phyllis Fischer and Mrs. Charles Deyette attended the bride. They have many friends here who wish them much joy and happiness. Gate creek fire is now under control, until another cigarette is thrown by the roadside, really shouldn't smokers be barred from the forest during dry weath er or at least have a permit issued to them, same as campers? Harvest is about over. Mrs. J. E. Woodcock and fam ily visited Mrs. Ipha Duncan on Sunday. A blowout caused Iona Feltch to miss connections on Sunday, as it was too late to attend Sun day school, when car was some Mill Doubles Capacity The Woodcock Bros. Millin Co. will install new and modern machinery throughout their plant, Sept. 1st. The elevator addition to the present building is almost completed. The new mill will be of the latest model, self contained unit and ball bear ing. Most of the machinery will be replaced by the latest type ball bearing machines including scourers, cleaner?, flour dressing reels, etc. The company's busi ness has grown to the extent that they are unable to take care of their trade with their present equipment. The mill will be thoroughly modern throughout. Rebekahs Install Wapinitia Rebekah Lodge No. 194 held its semi annual meeting last night, and the following officers were installed; Lela Davidson, N. G.; Vena Kaiser V. G-; Marjie Stuart, Sec; Grace Chalmers, Treas.; Lois VanLannen, Warden; Elsie Beck with, Conductor; Lydia Fraley, R. S. N. G. ; Margaret Wilson, L S. N. G.; Marjie Stuart cap tain. The following members not being present were appointed Lora Doty, Chaplain; Lottie Donaldson, R. S. V. G. ; Lena Turner L. S. V. G.; Glennie Morris I. G. , Francis Talcott O G. To the Farmers: A differential of 4c per bushel is made between bulk and sacked wheat for the 1922-1923 crop. All trading shall be made on basis of sacked wheat. We have on hand: Sacks Twine Salt Oats See us before purchasing else where. Our prices are right. MAUPIN WAREHOUSE CO. W. 0. MILLER, Mgr. Smock News Weather hot. Like Portlanders who dreaded to see rain clouds in the spring we would welcome them now. m TnTTmsnzstrrmiK im azmimii t t t n : rmr i New Machinery or Repairs WHICH? We Have Both j McCORMICK DEERING Kj Twelve and Fourteen Foot Headers H Reapers, Mowers, Rakes, Binders Whether you want to fix up the old one or buy a new one, NOW is a mighty good time to do it. - what repaired, so returned home. Ed. Disbrow is doing the cook ing for the fire fighters on head of Gate creek. They are now employed in making trails. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ledford and son Sidney came Sunday from White Salmon to visit a few days in the parental home. For Rent One 3-room house on 6th St., vacant; one 4-room bungalow on Grant Avenue will be vacant within two or three weeks. G. E. Cunningham, P. O. address, Maupin, phone No. 6F18. Manager W. C. Bolton of the Hunts Ferry Whse. Co., states that all wheat coming in so far is No. 1 grain. The wagons and trucks are bringing the grain in very fast now, many having completed threshing. Indications are that the 1922 crop will be Imuch better than was first i ...... anticipated. n SHATTUCK BROS. n KTTTim TTz Portland Painless Dentist. 305, Second St The Dalles Oregon, All work guaranteed, W. T. Slatten D, D. S. Proprietor Phone Main 4821. The Times $1:50 per year. Wapinitia now has a shoe re pair shop. L U M E R Have purchased the Hartman Sawmill 9 miles West of Wapinitia Open for Business All kinds of rough lumber on the yard, $16.00 and up. Can furnish dressed lumber on short notice. Let us figure with you on any building you have in mind.f A, B. Linn & Sons WAPINITIA, OREGON vStop at Andy's Refresh yourself with an Ice Cream Soda This season we are going in for the best line of Confections and Fountain Goods money can buy Always Fresh and Sove Clean Ice Cream and Soft Drinks of all kinds Lunch Goods and Restaurant . Cigars, Tobacco, Pool Hall in connection H. Anderson Maupin, Ore. BANKING at HOME Is the Best Policy Keeping your capital in your community; thereby benefiting each individual and the com munity at large. We are here to render any ser vice consistent with lawful, busi ness like banking. Maupin State Bank We Strive to Merit Approval