The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 27, 1922, Image 4

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    Card of Thanks
We wish to extend our thanks
to all the friends who were with
us in our deepest sorrow, for
their sympathy and beautiful
L. D. Woodside
Miss Mies Grace Clair
Mrs. C. II. Temple
Around Maupin
Portland Painless Dentist, 305,
Second St. The Dalles Oregon,
All work guaranteed, W. T.
Slatten D, I). S. Proprietor
Phone Main 4821.
R. B. Bell came home yester
day accompanied by Mrs. Bell
whose mother is enjoying much
better health at present. They
will remain only a few days here
thin time. Mr. Bell will return
for regular duty the first of
L. D. Kelly and family went
to the mountains yesterday for
outing and berries. ,
The Butler residence has in
the past week attained a nearly
finished appearance.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Confer are
helping at their farm during
The Best Fed Are Healthiest and Happiest
No one lives better for less money than our customers. When you
buy here you can depend upon our giving you dependable merchandise
and our prices, as they always have been, very low.
r. e. wilson co. ::
At Reasonable Price PHONE TA83
Better Service
Realizing that the southern part of Wasco Connty
is entitled to up to date service in our line, we have
placed a complete stock of goods with
The Crandall Undertaking Co.
The Dalles, Oregon
Licensed Enbalmers Motor Equipment
t 1 :
Successful Graduates
Are the Best Recommendation on of
0. A. C.
This Institution offeri a thorough, practical, and standard edu
cation at a cost within reach of the hih school graduate.
It offers training for collegiate degrees in:
Agriculture Mines
Commerce Pharmacy
Engineering and Mechanic Arts, Vocational Education
Forestry Chemical Engineering
Home Economics Military Science and Tactics
It offers training also in: The School of Music,
Physical Education, Industrial Journalism.
Fall Term Opens September 18
For ciaculars of information and illustrated booklet
write to
The Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College
Corvallis, Oregon
W. L. Morrison was a Dalles
visitor yesterday.
Mrs. Glen Morris and children
are visiting at the Central home
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Van Laan
en went to The Dalles yester
day, Mike being a delegate to
the American Legion convention
-New Today-
Found Door key. Times office
Four milk goats for sale
trade Mrs. A. Philmlee.
For Sale McCormick Combine
good condition 1400-C. EL Dahl,
Tygh Valley.
lane a ivoaan witia yon on
your vacation. We have them..
Maupin Drug Stores
A. M. White's household troods
for sale, inquire at II. A. WhuUe
Watch and Jewelry llepairing.
Maupin Drug Store.
''SNAPPY"-Four pier or
chestra for dancosand entertain
ments. uau ,nas. urojvn or
Leon Frasier. Dufur. Oregon
For Sale One 3 and a-4 Half
Truck Kus'iford wagon 125 bu.
bulk grain bed.
One Davenport 5 ton capacity
Roller bearing steel waj ron 125
bu. bulk grain bed. F. SS. Flem
ing, 404 Webster St. Tht Dalles.
For Tan and Sunburn, JStovall's
Almond Cream Maupin Drug
Two yearling colts to trado for
a cow. K. H. DeCamp.
Irma Driver and Dorathy Mc
Kay arrived Monday from Gate
way. Jim Woodcock took them
to Srnock.
M rs. Ethel Magill, Naomi and
Gertrude. Mrs. May Crefoot and
little Emery went to Juniper
Tuesday, taking Frank Magill to
the Arthur Morris place. They
went on to Maupin. Velma
Crofoot accompanied them home
after twelve days at the Wm.
Be'jkwith home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Crab-
tree, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brittain
a,nd Mr. and Mre. Raymond
Doering returned Tuesday from
Miss Addie Duncan came over
from Maupin Wednesday. Willis
Morval took her from .here to
her home on Smock.
Percy Driver and Willis Nor
val completed grading in Sherar
canyon last week. Some bridges
and other minor work will com
plete the grade.
The Driver and Harvey thresh
er started up last week at the
Willis Driver place.
Bill Johnson i3 nursing a sore
Mrs. Veva Driver was called
to The Dalles Friday where her
sister Miss Eula Stogsdill under
went an operation at the hospital
Mrs. Laura Kellogg and t vo
little sons returned to lone Si n-
day. Mr. Kellogg came afier
them. Willis Brittain came up
from Typfh and took them to the
Myrtle Brittain home. ,
Lester Crofoot was over from
Lewis Woodside's Saturday.
Vard Norval had a break
down to the binder on the Floyd
Johnson place Saturday.
The Wing - Tillotson thresh
er started last week.
Mrs. Ann Wing came up to her
home Sunday with Mr. Wing.
Mrs. Ethel Magill Js carrying
the rural mail while Mr. Magill
is harvesting.
Arby Magill took a load of
furniture to The Dalles Thurs
day for Bud Patison. Miss Alda
Norval accompanied him, re
maining in town to have some
dental work done.
Carl Pratt brought his mother
home Sunday from Maupin.
Eugene Pratt went back with
Carl and will-work over there.
Mrs. Julia Pratt, s arm is much
improved from the abscess she
suffered last week.
Mrs. Daily Driver is among
those who are suffering with
lagrippe in the form of a very
bad cough. Mrs. Jessie Wood
cock, Lenore and Leslie have
the same complaint.
George Wing came 'from the
market road work on Mill Creek
Friday. Miss Lena and her sis
ter Mildred came up Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McCorkle
went to Tygh Saturday to meet
John Wilson, Mrs. M's father.
He came from Lewiston, Idaho.
Cecil Woodcock brought him
from The Dalles.
Vard Norval and family, Mrs.
Bell Prout, Leone Zumwalt and
Mrs. Elsie Campbell went to
Grass Valley Saturday, staying
over night at the Walter Maf ert
Leonard Welch returned to
The Lure of the
was never more facinating than now because so much has
been done to insure comfort and delightful recreation at all
of the many resorts near the mouth of the Columbia River.
You can plunge into the surf, dig clams, fish, hunt, play,
rest and get the real joy that only a beach vacation can
give. And you have this brilliant galaxy of beaches to
choose from:
ask our agent for
"Outings in the Pacific Northwest"
and "Oregon Outdoors"
Shey tell the whole story. Then pack your trunk and pur
chase a Round Trip Summer Excursion Ticket via the
Insuring that most wonderful
trip down through the Columbia
River Gorge. Let our agent tell
you all about it, arrange your
itinerary and make your reservation
R. B. Bell, Agent
Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
Grocery and Meat Market
Every Thing for the Table
The busiest time of year especially for the farmer.
Let us help you cut down your expense on food lines.
We have made many specials that will help you at
this time. Our stock of Fresh Meat is most
complete. Let us supply you with Groceries and
Meat at the right price.
Lodi, Cal., Thursday.
Cecil Woodcock hauled lumber
from the mill here for the con-
struction of his father's new
house in Maupin.
Miss Florence Hurtig returned
to Portland Thursday.
Percy Driver and Mrs. Lena
Woobcock went to The Dalles
Saturday. Percy traded his
roadster for a new one. Mrs.
Woodcock went for medical
Past few days have been very
pleasant. Nights are cool
Much alarm is felt by the fire
in the mountains. About eighty
men are engaged in trying to
subdue the flames which are
furiously fanned by the wind
that has been blowing. Emmit
Zumwalt and Jim Woodcock
each took loads of provisions to
the men Thursday. The sup
plies had to be carried on hors
back from the post camp. Geo
Crawford also took a load and
remained to help. Walter Driv
er and Raymond Pocring took
men up. Two men were report
ed missing Saturday. Charley
Crofoot and Jim Woodcock took
more supplies up Saturday.
The Maupin Times
Published every Thrusday at
Maupin, Oregon
Jeesiline K. Morrison, Publisher
Subscription: Oue year, $1.50; six
months, 75 cents; three months, 50
Entered as second class mail
matter September 2, 1914, at the
postoflice at Maupiu, Oregon, tin-
der the Act of March 3, 1879.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Oflico at The Dalles, Oro
gon, July 15th, 1922.
Notice is nereuy given mai
William D. McClain,
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on April
15th, 1920, made Additional Homestead
Entry, No. 020216. lor Lots 1 and 3,
section 29, Lots .2, 3 and 4, Section 30,
Lots 2 und 3. NEl-4swl-4, n1-2se1-4,
section 19 Lot 1, section 20, township
6 south, Range 13 east, Willamette
Meridian, has tiled notice of intention
to make final three year proof to estab
lish claim to the land above described,
before F. D. Stuart, United Mates
Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on
the 12th day 01 beptember, l'JTi.
Claimant names as witnesses: A. R.
Wilcox, K. D. Davis, and A. E. Davis,
all of Wapinitia, Oregon, and E. A.
Cyr of Maupin, Oregon.
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interiorior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Ore
gon, July 15th, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
John E. Porchett
of Wapintia, Oregon, who on November
10th, 1919, made Additional Homestead
Entry No. 016152 for E1-2NE1-4, section
30, Lot 1, Section 29, and se1-4se!-4,
Section 20, Township b Bouth, Kange
14 east, Willamette Meridian, has tiled
notice of intention to make three year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before F. D. Stuart,
U. S. Commissioner, at Maupin. Ore
gon, on the 6th day of September 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: Frank
McCoy, William Sturgis, Chester Por
chett, J. W. Abbott, and John Delco,
all of Wapinitia, Oregon,
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Or
egon, July 17. 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
Kathleen Connolly
of Maupin, Oregon, as one of the heirs
of and on behalf of the heirs of Martin
McCuliagh, deceased, who on August
25, 1919, made Additional Homestead
Entry No. 016898, for NEl-4sEl-4, sec
tion 20, NWl-4 swl-4, El-2Nwl-4, wl-2ne1-4,
section 21, SEl-4swl-4, Section
10 and NEI-4NW1-4, section 15, Town
ship 5 south, Range 14 east, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of intention to
make final three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before Register and Receiver, United
States Land Office, at The Dalles,
Oregon, on the 29th day of August, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses :Thomas
Faherty, of The Dalles, Oregon, Delia
Mulkern, Elenia Connolly, Anthony J.
Connolly, and John Foley, of Maupin,
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, July 19th, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
Chester R. Pechette '
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on March
13th, 1920, made HomesteadEntry No.
021521, for SEl-4swl-4, S1-2SE1-4, sec.
8, swl-4swl-4, Section 9, El-2wl-2,
El-2, section 17, Township 6 south,
Range 13 east, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
three year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
F. D. Stuart, United States Commis
sioner at Maupin, Oregon, on the 15th
day of September 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: Ed
ward Gabel and John Porchette of
Maupin, Oregon, Thomas Kienzel and
Curtis Abbott of Wapinitia, Oregon.
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, July 19th, 1922.
Notice is hereby sriven that
John Machines
of Shaniko, Oregon', who on May 12th,
1919, made Homestead Entry No. 020673
for se1-4nw1-4, sw1-4ne1 4. NEl-4swl-4,
and nw1-4se1-4, section 27, and on
Dec. 7, 1920, made Ad. H. E. No.
020674 for se1-4ne1-4, an! e1-2se1-4,
section 27, e1-2ne1-4, and NE1-4SE1-4,
section 34, Township 6 south, Range
14 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make three year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before F. D. Stuart,
United states Commissioner at Maupin,
Oregon, on the 12th day of September,
Claimant names as witnesses: Hur
stel D. Holiis and E. A. Troutman, of
Maupin, Oregon, Edward Kramer, of
Criterion, Oregon, Malcolm McDonald,
of Shaniko, Oregon.
J. W. Donnolly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
?on, June 21st, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
Malcolm McDonald
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on October
16th, 1920, made Additional Homestead
Entry No. 019340, for sl-2 Nwl-4. Nl-2
swl-4, sw1-44ne1-4, wl-2 seI-4, Sec. 1,
Nwl-4 NEl-4, Section 12, Township 7
south, Range 14 East, Willamettee
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore F. D. Stuart, United States Com
missioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the
10th day of August, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: P. J.
Kirsch, Tom Moss, Benjamin Herriing
and Harry Skinner all of Criterion, .
J. W. Donnelly, Register.