The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 27, 1922, Image 3

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    DflDTI AMI
r W faMIW
MEDUSA mu1ke.8lli Canaries, Basements, etc. Water
U J & XTL Piuof, Uotproof, Kutproor and Fireproof
X7fltfrrrftrif Art fh'.d!',(-V!L-ltr,pro"r'','!, Whu" i'i'i cement is
ww mww
lows Does
Buttonho Ing - Buttons - i'laitln Tucking and Chalnstltchlng
A" i lW A.f'V.,",,."'" and P.r,ul"P; attention
&4'S RESTAURANT tsasrA attis
Writ for Prices and shipping Tugs
Grand Avenue at Yamhill
Dyeing & Cleaning
By Parcel Post. Return Postage Paid. Write for
Circulars and Price.
"At Your Beck and Call"
Expert advice on any
Income tux problems.
Several years' actual
exuerience in Govern-
DOfaDI CM merit bureaus Is offered
r It U W L k If i U those unable to visit our
office, Htute your troubles briefly and
send In with $1 and we will give you hon
est to goodness advice. It will pay you to
get In touch with us now, E. J. Curtln,
Room 806 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Fire Proof and Modern
Depot Morrison Cars direct to Hotel. Popular
Prices. Center Shopping and Theater district.
formerly with Clyde Hotel,
Rile. $1.00 fJ . 128 N. 6th St. Pnllaai On
Very Centrally Located. Convenient to all
Depots, and one block from main Postoffke
We can show you how to turn your patentable
Ideas into cash. Oregon Licensed Mechanical
Engineer. THOMAS BILYEU, 202 Stevens
Building, Portland, Ore.
Hotel Hoyt
Located Sixth and Hoyt
Strictly Fireproof and Modern. Near
both depots and convenient car service
to all parts of city.
1 to 5 ton GMC, Republics, Whites, etc.
Send for our List.
Oregon Distributors for GMC Trucks
200 Second St., Cor. Taylor Portland, Oi
WeddlncTBouquets andFuneral Piece
Lulillner Florists, 348 Morrison St.
ing and ail other rectal
conditions except Cancer
permanently cured with
out a surgical operation.
My method of treatment
saves the tissue instead of
destroying it. It is pain
less, requires no anes
thetic and is permanent.
There is no confinement
to bed. no interference
with business or social engagements. I
guarantee a cure or will refund your fee.
Call or write for booklet. Mention this
paper when writing.
Sacond and Morrison Sts., Portland, Ore.
John Wlnthrop Figures in History at
" the "Father of Massachusetts"
. Leader in All Things.
John Wlnthrop, rightly called the
Father of Massachusetts, for 19 years
the guiding spirit of the colony, and
for 12 of those 19 years Its governor,
died at his home In Boston, March 26,
1649. , Jt.
The passing or Wlnthrop marked the
end of a distinct era In the history of
the Massachusetts Buy colony. The
era of Wlnthrop was an era of prog
ress, of construction ; an era of Puri
tanical intolerance held constantly In
check by the moderation and kindly
spirit of the chief magistrate himself.
It Is told that when Wlnthrop was on
his death bed he was visited by Thom
as Dudley, then deputy governor, and
pressed to sign an order of banish
ment against a person holding false
religious opinions. "No," said Wln
throp, putting the paper aside. "1
have done too much of that work al
ready." ENVOY IS BIG
Doctor Prince, - American Minister,
Talks 20 Languages and Is
Skilled Musician.
Copenhagen. John Dyneley Prince,
America's new minister to Denmark,
has made a hit with the Danish peo
ple by his versatility.
Soon after his arrival here the Co
penhagen newspnper men swooped
down on him for an Interview, haying
Fnrtlnnd, Oiwon
Complete Change Hutunlay. Adulta, Matinee, 20c:
.....,.., ujnuuuiu i hi 11 p, m. uuidren
renti nil tlmiii.
wi "L' i mniwr on ouisuie lor tiunga-
not Btuln and dirt cun be honed off,
nniaiorunrature. Hold by A. McMlIXAN CO.,
ytujjw cjuMAnKeny airoejjonierMecond,
lentn near Washington.
Live Wall.
Stark St.
. We Pay Highest Pricea for
Addreai Department B
Receiving Sets, complete with phones and wire, 150.00.
Average Hunge 400 miles of broadcasting. Blmple to
operate, with complete instructions.
A. F, Brodt Co., 245 Grand Ave., Portland, Ore.
.FLUES flee
Quirt, 75c; half
gallon. 11.25)
gallon, $1.00.
Order from
your dealer, if
he httun't it,
,.,'ll ,,..
a gallon, charges paid, for $2.uu. Postage stamps
Clarke, Woodward Drug Co.,
If your RADIATOR heats or
liiii leaks, send it to us.
.vj a . - a.. n-j!.- r-
57 faurnaide street. Portland, Oregon
Cut, aeam, hem and machine
pleat skirts ready for baud,
85 cents
ilemBtttcmnir, Etc.
WUFifth St Portland. Ore
Northwest Welding & Supply Co. lis 1st St
ASXbt. Fr reliable Cleaning and
aViiDTtaW Dyeing service send parcels to
hOB us. We pay return postage.
ILh nf Information and prices given
vyfllUjJSf upon request.
Established 1890 Portland
Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St.
Commercial Iron Works, 7th & Madison.
Teachaa trade in 8 weeks. Some pay while learn
ing. Positions secured. Write for catalogue.
234 Burnside street, Portland, Ore.
MONUMENTS E. 3d and Pine Sts."
Otto Schumann Granite & Marble Works.
Marry if Lonely; most successful "Horn
Maker"; hundreds rich; confidential;
reliable; years experience; descriptions
free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Naah,
Box 556, Oakland, California.
Twenty and Forty acre tracts, Auirust tenth,
eleven o'oclock. Good roads. Improvement
Pilgrim, Eagle Creek, Ore.
We help the appearance of women.
Twenty-two Inch switch or transforma
tion, value $7.60, price $2.45.
400 to 412 Dekum Bldg.
Model Shoe Repair, 272 Washington St.
Davis Bros., American Shoemakers,
108 4th St.
VETERINARIAN Cattle a Specialty
Dr. Chas. M. Anderson. Keaton. Portland.
Strike Rockefeller In the Pocketbook.
Buy Our Franklin Car uses less gas
oline, gives better mileage and rides
easier than any car you ever saw.
The full elliptic springs takes the bumps out
of the road you arrive at your destination
fresh as a daisy at minimum coot, You can
buy another car with the amount you will
save in tires and gasolene if you run a Frank
lin long enough.
Bargain at $650 -Cash ..
420 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg., Portland, Oregon
Originally one of the wealthy men
of the colony, Wlnthrop had been
robbed some ten years before by a
rascally steward of an estate worth. In
present terms of money, several hun
dred thousand dollars. All that re
mained Wlnthrop had disposed of for
the benefit of his living children and
his creditors.
Gastronomio Affinities.
The reason lor ham and eggs, frank
furters and kraut, corned beef and
cabbage and other kitchen couples Is
directly traceable to Yuan Mel, an
cient Chinese philosopher, who wrote,
centuries ago : "Cookery Is like matri
monytwo things served together
should match."
For Bucket-Shop Victims.
Sign in Store Window "Fleeced
Men's Underwear, Greatly ((winced."
Very properly, too. After being
fleeced the poor fellows can't pay
much. Boston Transcript
nrevlouslv brushed up on their Eng
lish, but Doctor Prince took them off
their feet by speaking fluent Danish,
They learned that the new minister,
formerly a professor at Columbia unU
versify, bad 20 languages at his
tongue'i end.
Soon afterward Doctor Prince dellr
ered a lecture on oriental music and
Illustrated ancient musical technicali
ties by playing various Instrument
Gladys Walton
Handsome Gladys Walton becama
famou through her acting In a popu
lar picture which recently absorbed
the interest of the motion theater pa
trons. As a "movie" star Miss Walton
Is well at the top of the list.
"PIIE spread of strikes and the
resultant efforts of certain
dissatisfied elements to cripple
Industry In every way possible
brought Into use the French
word "sabotage" In such a way
that It may be said to have
been Anglicized,' much as
"valet," "barrage," "Ballet" and
"camouflage" have been Angli
cized. By "sabotage," as currently
used, Is understood the act of
producing poor work or other
damage either to machinery or
to the good will of some com
mercial organization. The work
man who Is deliberately careless
in the manufacture of some ar
ticle, is as guilty of sabotage as
Is the workman who wrecks the
machine itself for both of them
tend to Injure the company for
which they are working, either
In its reputation or In its opera
tion. In its original French sense
the word was a harmless one,
entirely unconnected with crime
of any kind, and meaning the
cutting of shoes or sockets for
rails in railroad ties, "sabot" be
ing French for "wooden shoes."
During the strikes which par
alyzed Internal commerce in
France toward the end of the
last century, many of the strik
ers tore up the railroad tracks
or loosened the shoe so that the
rolls spread, thus giving the
word its new application and
the significance under which It
has slipped Into the languuge on
this side of the Atlantic.
Lord D e
Broke: I say, old
dear, what Is the .-
Usual procedure
In catching an
American heir
ess? y Very simple,
old chap. Tell
the girl how
much you love
her, and her
father how
much you owe.
By John Kendrick Bangs.
IN CASTING up accounts last
After a day of sheer delight
In which I'd spent a fund of cheer
Upon the highways dark and drear.
And squandered stores of love on
Clouded with Evil's murky hale,
I found not a diminished score.
But really an Increasing store.
A glad surprise? Well, I don't
For, as along my way I go,
Squandering love and sympathy
On all who look for it from me,
I find the more 7 chance to spend
The greater is my dividend.
And giving cheer, and giving peace
la surety of Love's increase.
6 000 m4 i
How Capper Is Hardened.
There are several known methods
of hardening copper, the most com
mon being to combine with It a small
quantity of cuprous oxide. The metal
is also hardened by merhanlcnl work
tag. Popular Science Monthly.
Eugone. Between 1100 and 1200
carloads of pears will he shipped out
of the Rogue river valley this season,
according to the first estimates of the
experts of the Southern Paclfio com
pany as announced at the district
freight and passenger offices here.
Sftlom. Jersey breedors of Marion
county have completed arrangements
for their annual jubilee, to be held this
week. Frank B. Astroth, field agent
of the American Jersey Cattle club,
will be the guest of honor, and will
accompany the breeders on their trip
to different parts of the county.
Salem. The case brought by Hale
Gould of Portland to determine wheth
er the world war veterans state com'
mission can be compelled to award a
loan to an ex-service man after be
has made application and had been
issued a voucher for a cash bonus, was
dismissed in the circuit court here
Eugene. The farmers of Lane coun
ty are cutting their wheat and one
thresher has begun near Irving. They
report that the yield will be lower
than usual, owing to the extremely
dry weather. Spring-sown grain es
pecially will be short. Some of the
fields will not be cut because the
grain is not high enough.
Fossil. The city council has pur
chased a 500-gallon water sprinkler
from the city of Portland and has put
Marshal Laird in charge. The streets
will be wet down twice daily for the
present. If the use of city water in
the sprinkler is found to decrease the
water supply for other uses, the
sprinkler will be filled from the creek.
Marshfleld. Fire which caused a
loss estimated at $200,000 Bwept both
sides of the blocks along Front street
Sunday morning, burning 28 buildings
The razed section was in the old
part of the city, and the heavy losses
will he felt more because the fire
hazards prevented the business men
and real estate men from carrying
Insurance. p
Prineville. Construction on Prine
ville's new hotel will begin on or be
fore August 1, Is ,the announcement
from the architect, John V. Bennes of
Portland. The plans are nearly com
pleted and will be submitted to con
tractors at once. The block where
the old hotel stood has been deeded
to the new corporation by Mrs. C. E,
McDowell, former proprietor of the
Prineville. Crook county's wool clip
will exceed a quarter of "a million
pounds when the clip of Kerns Broth
ers of Izee, is completed and the 1922
wool season comes to a close. This
clip, aggregating more than 35,000
pounds, formerly was shipped from
Prairie City, but improvements in
Crook county roads and more favor
able Bhipplng conditions at Prineville
have induced them to truck their wool
to this direction.
Eugene. Two sections of timber
land west of Walker station and 20
miles south of Eugene have been sold
by the First National bank of Eugene
and the First National bank of Cot
tage Grove to the Ajax Lumber com
pany of Portland. The tract contains
50,000,000 feet. The new owners an
nounce that three small mills will be
built on the tract and operation will
begin at once. Some of the machinery
has already arrived.
Bend. Fire, believed to have start
ed from a short circuit In an auto
mobile, caused 0000 damage Satur
day night at the Bend garage and
threatened a loss of more than $100,
000. The blaze was extinguished in
an hour's time by the Bend volunteer
fire department, five lines of hose be
ing used in combatting the flames,
Water pressure in the mains was in
creased 80 pounds by use of pumps at
the Brooks-Sc'anlon mill.
Salem. The Portland Hallway,
Light & Power company Saturday was
authorized by the Oregon public serv
ice commission to establish a rate
of 2 cents a 100 pounds on rough
lumber in carload lots from all sta
tions on its line to Cameron Spur,
when transported for milling and dres
sing. This concession was necessary,
the order said, to keep in operation
the Cameron-Hogg planing mill.
which otherwise would be put out of
commission because of a lack of work
ing material.
Lakeview. The Goose Lake Valley
Irrigation company Is constructing
dam and reservoir 12 miles north
west of Lakeview on Cottonwood
creek to store the waters from the
Cottonwood watershed. The dam will
be 610 feet long and 40 feet high
and will furnish water for irrigating
the lands in the north Goose lake
valley. This will add to the plant
constructed some seven years ago
when a dam of 65,000 acre feet was
built on Drews creek
Companion to the Goodyear
All-Weather Tread
By long wear, superior traction, freedom from
skidding, and ultimate economy, the Goodyear
All-Weather Tread has won unquestioned
As a companion to this tire there is the Good
year 30 x 2yi Cross-Rib Fabric.
Built of the same high grade Egyptian fabric
and with a long wearing but differently designed
tread, this tire offers unusual value.
Over 5,000,000 of these tires have been sold
- in the last five years.
Their quality and serviceability have proven
to thousands of motorists the folly of buying
unknown and unguaranteed tires of lower price.
Ask your Goodyear Service Station Dealer to
explain their advantages.
f- "3 HW I mn.
'Western Made
Indian God's Many Names'.
India, according to W. G. Sibley in
the Chicago Journal of Commerce, has
30,000,000 man-made gods existing in
the Hindu pantheon. They are all
given shape and substance in images.
Garnesh, god of plenty and mirth, has
an enormous paunch and the head
and trunk of an elephant. Hunooman,
the holy monkey god, is the patron
of home life.
"Grateful and Comforting."
William Webster Ellsworth, grand
son of Daniel Webster, tells this on
Edmund Gosse, the English critic,
Mr. Gosse married the mature heiress
of Epps, the cocoa merchant, whose
commercial slogan Is "Grateful and
Comforting." His witty friends im
mediately christened; Mr. Gosse
"grateful" and the bride "comforting."
Indian Cotton Cloth.
Indian cotton cloth is mentioned by
Herodotus and was known in Arabia
In the seventh century. In Spain cot
ton was quite extensively grown and
manufactured in the Tenth century,
but its manufacture was not intro
duced into other countries until some
centuries later.
Don't Forget Cutlcura Talcum '
When adding to your toilet requisites.
An exquisitely scented face, skin, baby
and dusting powder and perfume, ren
dering other perfumes superfluous.
You may rely on it because one of the
Cutlcura Trio (Soap, Ointment and
Talcum), 25c each everywhere. Adv.
Careful Listeners.
"When the eyes are shut, the hear
ing becomes more acute," says a med
ical authority. We have noticed peo
ple trying this experiment In church.
London Opinion.
Dig for Your Vltamlnes.
There is something about bread we
have earned that puts vim into our
bodies and fire into our hearts. If
you are looking for vltamlnes In your
rations, step out and dig for them.
Poet and Plowman.
Poets in all ages have sung of the
plowman. And there is much poetry
in plowing, if the poet can sit under a
tree at a sufficient distance from the
plowman to make the latter's language
to the mule inaudible. Houston Post.
The Air We Breathe. s
Every time we breathe we draw 30
cubic inches of air Into our lungs;
supposing that we take 15 breaths in
a minute for a whole day, we use
648,000 cubic inches of air, weighing
over 30 pounds.
Oriental Cynicism.
"Music," says the Times of India,
"is now declared to have great cura
tive values. Yet many attribute much
of their pain and anguish to Mendels
sohn's 'Wedding March.' " Boston
Cutlcura Soap
The New Way
. Without .Mug
All-Weather Cord $16.25
All-Weather Fabric 13.50
Cross-Rib Fabric . 10.95
iJ.,..,x.,-i..T.,l,. t an
30x3'2 Regular Tube . . . 2.25
Then prictl indutlt manutatturrr's ixctst las
for Western Trade'
Her Mothers Faith in Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Led Her To Try It
Kenosha, Wisconsin. "I cannot sav
enough in praise of Lydia E. Pinkham s
Vegetable Com
pound. My mother
had great faith in it
as slie had taken so
much of it and when
had trouble after
my baby was born
she gave it to me.
It helped me so much
more than anything
else had done that I
advise all women
with female trouble
to give it a fair trial
ir I
and I am sure they will feel as I do
about it. Mrs. Fred. P. Hansen, 662
Symmonds St., Kenosha, Wisconsin.
A medicine that has been in use nearly
fifty years and that receives the praise J
and commendation of mothers and
grandmothers is worth your considera
tion. If you are Buffering from troubles
that sometimes follow child-birth bear
in mind that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound is a woman's medicine.
It is especially adapted to correct such
The letters we publish ought to con
vince you ; ask some of your women
friends or neighbors they know its
worth. You will, too, if you give it a
fair trinl.
Island of New Caledonia.
New Caledonia Is a mountainous is
land in the South Paclfio ocean, en
tirely surrounded by a large coral reef
which lies from five to fifteen miles
from the shore. It is the southern
most of the Melanesian Islands and Is
850 mileB east of Australia. '
Jud Tunklna.
Jud Tunklns says the reason we seo
the worst side of so many people is
that a man is liable to keep silent
when he's happy instead of when he
loses his temper.
Physiological Fact.
There is a great deal of unmapped
country within us which would have
to be taken Into account In an explan
ation of our gusts and storms George
Microbes and Disease,
Microbes In connection with disease
were first written about by a German
scientist in the Seventeenth century.
Decidedly Blue.
The blue and the gray a woman
with her first white hair.
U needed In every department of house
keeping. Equally good for towels, table
t.neo, sheet and pillow cases. Grocert
Are Yon Satisfied? ESSfficr
1. the biggest, most perfectly equipped
Business Training Bchool In tha North
went Kit yourself for a higher position
with more money. Permanent positions
assured our Graduates.
Write for catalog Fourth and Yamhill,
P. N. U.
No. 30, 1922
I i,;V .ITmIH