The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 13, 1922, Image 4

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    The Maupm Times
Published every Thrusday at
Maupin, Oregon
Jessiline E. Morrison, Publisher
Subscrip'ion; One year, $i.So; six
months, 75 cents; three rnonttw, 50
mat 1 1 1
, sernnd class rjail
3tt.UU)UC. 114, "
postflffice at Maupin, Oregon, uu
der the Act of March 3, 1879,
Mrs. Walter Driver of Tygh,
spent one day recently with her
mother, Mrs. L. M. Woodside.
Mr. Endersby of Santa Cruz
California is visiting his brother
U. S. EncersW.
Mose Delore Sr. in The Dalles.
A little cuuf;;i- arrived on
Wednesday to ladders thfc h. arts
of Mr. and Mis. Geo. Burnsides.
Mr. end Mrs. Dave fiharpe and
Aina Went trtsited the dentist at
Maupin Wednesday,
Jesse Flirn w.10 has been visit
ir.g his alnter Mr?. Shhrpe left
Wednesday for a visit with Mrs.
Brittain of Wamic.
Oival Flinn who came cut for
a Tew days fishing has returned
tr The Dalles.
Mr. and idrs. Peail Eviik . left
Wednesday for a short visit in
T'ie Dalles,
Several of the farmers have
begun their heauing.
John Ward has returned from
The college of Literature, Science
and the Arts with 22 departments.
The professional nchoo's of Archi
tectureBusiness Administration -Kducation-Criiduatu
Study -Law-Medicine
Music Physical Educa
tionSociology. The 47th Year Opens October 2, 1922
'oTcTcirofojue or an$ Information
Vrit Tht Rtjtatrar. UmOfMty of
Oregon, Eujtnt, Orefon.
Attorney at Law
James Chalmers
Hortt! ijliOe'ng an J
General blacksmithing
M&upia, Ore.
I , I.O. O F.
'W"'K.,W' M'l.N I TiA
Uedgi 208, Mm pii., Oregon.
BMSU f-very irialiiniiy night v
I. O. 0, F. hail, VuUiog nitsi
sers "wnys weloomo.
B. f, Tl'KNKit, Secretary
U. R. kAkSUK, N. G.
Dr. T. DeLariiuc
O.asscs Properly Fitted
RXChjlvely Option I
Booms Yogt Block, of ei
Ctosby'a Drug store,
The Dalles, Ore
Pliulm lilil'k till
New Today
"SNAPPY" Four piece or
chestra for dances and entertain
ments. Call Chas. Brown or
Leon Krasier. Dufur, Oregon.
Portland Painless Dentist, 305,
Second St. ""he Dallas Oregon,
All work guaranteed, W. T.
Slatten D. D- 8. Proprietor
Phone Main 4821
For Sale-One 8 and 3-1 Half
I ruck Rushford wagon 126 bu.
bulk grain bed.
One Davenport 5 ton capacity
Roller oearingt steel wagon 126
bu. bulk grain bed. F. S. Flem
ing, 404 Webster St. The Dalles.
Union Pacific Syatanf Announce! Fif
teen In 1922 and 1923
CorvallU, Or.A free agricultural
scholarship, It has just been announc
ed, will be awarded by the T.'nion
Pacific System to the highest ranking
club boy In fifteen Oregon Counties
during the years 1922 and 1923. The
scholarship will be In the College of
Agriculture, or the short winter course
of the Oregon Agricultural College,
Corvallls, Oregon, and will be worth
$75.00, plus transportation.
The counties In which the scholar
ships will be given are : Baker, Crook,
Des Churfc', Gilliam, Harney, Hood
Ulver, Jefferson, Morrow, Malheur,
Multnomah, Sherman, Union, I'ma
tilln, Wallowa and Wasco.
For the 1923 requirements it is pro
posed that ten acres of wheat, five
acres of corn, one acre of potatoes, or
any of the live stock projects now be
ing conducted) under the Boys' and
Blrii' Club Work, shall be grown or
completed by each person entering
the above competition. The require
ments for 1022 are similar to those of
1923, except that the competition shall
he upon projects now in effect, such
ns calf clubs, pig clubs, potato and
corn clubs, etc., and prizes arc offered
only in such counties as can he ar
ranged before the Close of the present
season. -
The winner In each county wtll be
chosen from among the ten boys rank
ing highest In the county club pro
jects, on the following bnsls: 75 per
cent 011 rank In club work ; 25 per
cent on activities of the boy in 'com
munity affairs.
The rank of these boys In communi
ty affairs, and the county winner, will
be determined by a committee of
three, consisting of the County Super
intendent, one person appointed by
the Director of Extension in the Ore
gon Agricultural College, and a third
person to be chosen by these two
The scholarship must be used with
in a. year of the date of award, ex
cept where the boy Is a regular at
tendant at school. In this case, It
may be used the year following, or at
the next session following the time the
boy finishes school.
The action of the Union Pacific Sys
tem is due to the fact that Its presi
dent, Mr. C. E. Gray, formerly a mem
ber of the governing board of the
Maryland Agricultural College, was at
tracted by the work of boys' and girls'
clubs as a factor In Interesting the
coming generation in farming ; and he
believes that the System be beads
should further thla work by offering
scholarships, thereby helping worthy
hoys to obtain training in scientific
an extended visit at Portland.
Mrs. Julia Endersby has bought
a new header of E. A. Hartman.
Rev. Matthews was is Wapini
tia on Wednesday-
Charter No. 224 Reserve District No. 12
At Maupin, in the state of Oregon, at the close of business,
June 30. 1922.
1. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts shown in
item 29 an d 30, if any $127,175 54
2. Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 88.34
1. Ot'ic: bonds, warrants and securities, including for
eign government, state, municipal, corporation,
etc., including those shown in items 30, 35, if any 1,675.73
6. Banking house $4245.91; furniture and fixtures
$182251 6,068.42
9. (ab) Cash on hand in vault
bankers, and trust companies, designated and
approved reserve agents of this bank 13,968 73
LI, Checks, on banks outside city or town of re-
norUng bank and other cash items 158 81
Total cash and due frooi banks, items 8, 9, 10, 11,
and 12
Total...., 149,135.57
16. Capital stock paid in $ 2M
17. Surplus fund 2,000.00
18. (a) Undivided profits $6,392.34
1 b) J, ess current expenses, interest and taxes paid
$4,120.86 2,271.48
19. Reserved for taxes, interest, or depreciation 565 33
20. Dividends unpaid
Demand Deposits, other Chan banks, subiect to reserve:
24. Deposits due the State of Oregon, and deposits due
county or cities and other public funds
23. Individual deposits subject to check ... 91,204.54
25, Cashier checks of this kirk outstanding, payable
on demand , 1,607. 92
Total of demand deposits, othrthan bank deposits, sud
iect to reserve, items 23. 24, 25, 26, $92,812.46
Time and Savings Deposits, subject to reserve and paya
ble on demand and subjee . to notice:
27. Time certificates of depositi 1 outstanding 10,182.c
Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand
ami suo.iect to notice, lU'ius nt uuu-r .iv,.iu-.v (
Notes, aiid bills discounted including
bonds or other securities sol.d under repurchase
agreements with, contingt nt liabilities 16,303.47
Hills payable with federal reserve bank or w;th
othff banks or trust companies
Statu nf Orpiron. Count v of
, F. D Stuart, Cashier of the above named bank, dosolemn
iyi JWearUi at the above statement is true to the best of my knowl
edge and belief.
F. D. Stuart, Cashier
Correct -Attest: L. C. Henneghan, J. S. Brown, Directors.
Subscribed and sworn, to before me, this 8th day of July, 1922.
E. B. Dufuif, Notary Public.
My commission expires February 8, 1925
Grocery and Meat Market
Ball Mason Fruit Jars
Ball Mason E. Z. Seal Jars
All Kinds of Caps and Rubbers
Fruit in Season
We MaRe a Specialty in Harvest Orders
Smock News
Weather cooler!
Raspberries getting ripe, are
scarce because of deep snow
breaking down bushes.
Mrs. J. W. Farlow's father,
Mr. Root of The Dalles is visit
ing with h?r this week.
Mrs. J. L. Broyle of Molalla
who has been visiting two weeks
with her sister Ms. Cecil May
field returned to her home Sat.
Mrs. W. H. Mayfield spent the
week end with the S. G. Ledford
Marion Duncan andtheFarlow
boys drove cattle up in the Mts.
on Tuesday and Wednesday.
(last week)
Hot, hotter, hottest!
Strawberry season is about
over. ,
The glorius Fouth is over. Bar
ring a few accidents it was a
great success.
Hay harvest is oh, F. T. Feltch
has finished puttiug up an im
mense crop of clover and alfalfa.
Mrs. Howell of Portland is
visiting her daughter Mrs. Ipha
Mrs. M. B. Feltch spent the
4th visiting Mrs. Bradway.
J. M- Farlows went to Dufur
on Sunday. Miss Feltch accom
pained them.
and due from banks,
Wnserv. SS.
I have opened a blacksmith shop for all
around blacksmithing at my old stand
opposite Woodcock's mill and am prepared
to do work at reasonable rates.
The Lure of the
was never more facinating than now because so much has
been done to insure comfort and delightful recreation at all
of the many resorts near the mouth of the Columbia River.
You can plunge into the surf, dig clams, fish, hunt, play,
rest and get the real joy that only a beach vacation can
give. And you have this brilliant galaxy of beaches to
choose from:
ask our agent for
"Outings in the Pacific Northwest"
and "Oregon Outdoors"
Shey tell the whole story. Then pack your trunk and pur
chase a Round Trip Summer Excursion Ticket via the
Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, -Portland, Oregon
Wamic News
Mrs. May Chubb, principal of
the school here left Thursday
for her home in Hood River.
A high wind swept this place
Friday afternoon carrying much
dust. It cooled the atmosphere
which was getting pretty well
toward the one hundred mark.
Mr. and Mrs Malcolm Ander
son" attended the celebration
from Portland. Mr. Anderson
lived here when a boy.
A fire has been burning on
Badger creek the past week.
Glen Lucas was here Saturday
for help and supplies for the fire
Haying is pretty well over here
the harvest being earlier than
Shipflin and Connelly were
herding a portion of the Carl
Dahl sheep on the summer fallow
fields last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kennedy
Insuring that most wonderful
trip down through the Columbia
River Gorge. Let our agent tell
you all about it, arrange your
itinerary and make your reservation
R. B. Bell, Agent
land Mrs. Veva Driver went to
The Dalles Friday, Mrs. Driver
going on to Portland.
Carl Pratt took Dr. Dake and
Winston Lake to Maupin Friday,
the doctor going on to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley CraStree
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brittain and
Mr. and,Mrs. Raymond Doring
went to a hay ranch beyond
Prineville Friday where they
have employment, Mr. Crabtree
being foreman of the ranch.
Walter Driver, Carl Dahl and
Clifford Miller were up from
Tygh Saturday.
Ellis Doughton was here from
Juniper Flat Saturday.
Bert Knighton and Mart New
and their families were here
from Tygh yesterday and with
Mrs. Emma, Joe and Johnny
Chastain, Frank Chastain and
family from Yakima Wn. had a
picnic dinner at Dick Gerity's.
The board of directors of the
Department of the Interior
U. S- Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
Notice is herebv given that
gon, June 21st, 1922.
Frestus M. Martin
of Maupin, 'Oregon, who on January
25th, 1922. made additional Homestead
Entry, No. 017660 for NEl-4sEl-4, sl-2ne1-4,
Lots 1 and 2, section 5, Lot 4,
Section 4, Township 6 south, Range
14 East Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make three year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before F. D. Stuart,
U. s. Commissioner at Maupin, Oregon,
on the 15th day of August, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: A. C.
Martin, H. L. Young, B. F. Turner,
and L. L. Shively, all of Maupin,
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, June 6, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
Stewart A. McLeod
of Maupin, Oregon, who on December
20, 1920. made Additional Homestead
Entry No. 020715, for N1-2nw1-4,
SE1-4NW1-4, El-2swl-4, sec. 20, El-2NW1-4,
swl-4NWl-4, Section 29, Town
ship 5 south, Range 15 east, Willam
ette Meridian, has tiled notice of in
tention to make three year proof, to
establish claim to the land above
described, before F. D. Stuart, United
States Commissioner at Maupin, Ore
gon, on the 28th day of July, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: C. E.
Hornquist ahd Floyd McLeod, of
Maupin, Oregon, J. B. Knight. and J.
H. Sinclair, of Criterion, Oregon.
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon. June 6th. 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
Bartholma B. Gervais
of Grass Valley, Oregon, who on
July 21, 1920, made Additional Home
stead Entry No. 016966, for Nw1-4swl-4.
.-El-4 NWl-4. NEl-4, section 21, and
sl-2 Nwl-4, section 22, township 3
south, Range 15 east. Willamette Merid
ian, has filed notice of intention to
make three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before the Register and Receiver,
United States Land Office, at The
Dalles, Oregon, on 26th the day of July
Claimant names as witnesses: W. J.
Hollenbeck and Albert McKinley, of
Grass Valley, Oregon, J. M. Brown
and Floyd R. Stow, of Maupin, Oregon
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, June 21st, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
Malcolm McDonald
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on October
16th, 1920, made Additional Homestead
Entry No. 019340, for sl-2 Nwl-4. Nl-2
swl-4, sw1-44ne1-4, wl-2 seI-4, Sec 1,
Nwl-4 neI-4, Section 12, Township 7
south, Range 14 East, Willamettee
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore F. D. Stuart, United States Com
missioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the
10 th day of August, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: P. J.
Kirsch, Tom Moss, Benjamin Herrling
and Harry Skinner all of Criterion,
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, June, 21st 1922.
Notice is hereby given that,
Harrison L. Young
of Maupin, Oregon, who on October
20, 1920, made Additional Homestead
entry No. 017656 for sI-2nw1-4, swl-4,
and nw1-4se1-4, section 5, and NWl
4 Nwl-4, Section g Township 6 south,
Range 14 East, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
three year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
F. D. Stuart. U. S., Commissioner, at
Maupin, Oregon, on 'the 15th day of
August, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: A. C.
Martin, F. M. Martin. B. F. Turner,
and L.L. Shively all of Maupin, Oregon.
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
In the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Wasco
John T. McGaughey, )
Plaintiff -vs
) Summons
Anna Brede McGaughey,
Defendant (
To Anna Brede McGaughey, defend
ant above named,
In the name of the State of Oregon,
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit within 1
six weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons, and if
you fail so to appear and answer then
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
herein for the relief demanded in his
complaint, to wit:
A necree of Divorce forever dissolv
ing the marriage relation existing be
tween the plaintiff at,d defendant.
This summons is served upon you by
publication in the Maupin Times for
six weeks, by order of the Hon. Fred
W. Wilson. Circuit Jud-e of the Sev
enth Judicial District of Oregon, which
order is dated June 5th, 1922.
Date of first publication, June 8, 1922
Date of last publication, July 13, 1922
J. W, Allen,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Residence and Postoffice Address,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Fair Association met at Tygh
yesterday to determine whether
a fair would be held this fall.
They decided to have the fair.
Alda Norval is detained at
home this week from her work
in the telephone office by the
illness of her father Willie Nor-
(to supplement)