The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 29, 1922, Image 4

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    The Maupin Times
r'nMislied evwy Thrcsduy .it
M nuiiii, I )rt ou
,lff.iiimr . .Minnsou. PnMishtr
Sul.sctiption: One unr. fi,": six
BlOtttltb, 75 Cents; three Kuillttis 5
iuiitrtd a wtuiid class until
inal 't t St 'It mlicf 2, 1914, l tl
lioistuutce at Maupin, UregiH), uti
dn tin- Act of March 3, 1879.
Thin-sdsiv fr mi the ha.'t lor a:
summers v sit with her mother,
Mm. D. Weodside.
Henry Holland is here visiting
Bin if.ichnrdsoii lias returned
from t'rineville.
John Eubanka and wife were
visitors last Stmoay at Wamic.
A number of families from
here are planning on camping at
Tytrh during the celebration.
Jesse Fl'nn of The Dal'es is
visiting his bister Mrs. I). W.
Oren Parker has gone to
Wamic for u visit
J. I. Case Threshing Machines
J. ,. Confer and Win. Heck
man are excavating for the
basement of the latter's new
Tn the Circuit Court of the
State of Or pm for Wasco
1 iaUgbeV, .
v I Summon
Anna finch MuOftBghey. I
u, fondum 1
To Anna limbs MitJitUklie.V, rtifttid
Hfll, above IMlllll'tl.
I 1 the hamijof i.lm Bttof Or figon,
you urn hereby ftulrW ttiappeei
nod answer 1.110 complaint Med agams
ou in the above entitled nut wbnin
inx wptbt from th date, of tha flrni
publication of this summons, slid ii
ou fiiilMD to Bttpoar and answer then
the plaintiff will ripply I" the Couri
herein tor iho relit f aaimuided in In.
complaint, to wit :
A imetwot oivem hrtr Hiaaolv
lug the limn ing! relation existing be
1 ' "mi the plaintiff ii d defantlant.
This luoiinnna is aervad apon ,w bj
putritoatinii in IM Manilla 'ffywtf ten
six wi'tkr. by nidi i' of the Hob, Fl'f
W. Wilson. C 1 1 i.-tj it Jnil of tin' 6e
tntb Judicial tns ritt ol Ori son, wak'
order ij Hal 1 U June Bjib. 1122
Dale of first publication, Juno 8, V.K:
Date of last pubhWinn', Julv Ilk IW
.1. W. AHf n.
Aitormiy for Plaintiff,
ft jindri.:u and I'oJtofflcii Addrc'i
Threshing is the last big operation on the farm. It is the operation that gets the money.
Farmers are insisting on Threshers that will save all the grain they are insisting on Case
m ichines. The Case Co. manufacture the most improved type of simply constructed, easy running
grain saving threshers that money and human ingenuity can turn out. We can sell you a
machine to match your engine. We sell them on terms that you are able to meet.
We are in a
and get our prices.
portion to offer you real values on your harvest supptiei
Your dollars will do their lull duty here.
liring in your list
Learn our
Phone No.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
m May 23, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
llenjamin V. Russell
of Maupin. Oregon, who on Nov. 12) h,
1920, made Additional Homestead
Entry No. 020716, for Lots I, 2, 3, ami
SEl-iawl-4, Section 30, Township 5
south, Kange 15 east, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice ot intention
to make three vear proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before K. I'. Stuart. United states
Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on
the 13th day of July, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: Floyd
Mcl.cod and C. E. Homquist. of
Maupin, Oregon S. A. McLeod and
Fred llornquist of Friend, Oregon.
j. W. Donnolly, Register.
The DMh, Orufron,
Dr. T. DeLarke
Glasses Properly Filled
lUi.'lusi vnly Optical
Rumps 17 IS V6gl Block, oyer
Grnsb) V L'jijjj su fS
Hie Italics, Ore.
Phone Black I II I
Mary Gibson arrived
Monti i.v from Toppenish, Wash,
and will spend the summer with
New Too a v
VVHIlUvJ by finest bUl'V.C - AJi l'i
ui work on road! near Clackamas
I ilta All suninimii jo!. Wage:-;
44.60 per day with li.OO olf for
l.oaiti. No board chargrd pli
SiHtday if men remain in Camp.
Ho guns or duiis aliovttl ill tali i
1 all me tip It f ..p' iH'li V .. in
Centl'jl Joe A. (
nr sale or I nidi K"'.'tl rl
!mrscs. Will fade for whri.i .
hogti, or anything I cun use on
ranch Ko Bstt)'. War'nilii.
Wanted Horses for jwtfuu.
-- Ed Krsmer, Criterion, Oregon
BiNArri rqur piece 01
cheati'g lor dances antt enter lin
ments. I all t.'nss. Hrown n
Loi) Prajrei Dnfiir, Oregon
Straw lint dye all color.-. &i l
Maupin Hi tig tiloie.
i'ortland Painless Pentwl 305.
Si uond m. i ho Dalles QregAi
All work truniaiiteed, W. I
Slatten l. l s. proprietor
I 'hone Main 4821.
Don't waste your lime tisi(Uj
' Hum" Iffshing Tackle. We'vi
jot fhu kind that RoIm the, Fish.
Maupin Drl tlote.
Kemembcr this is the time oi
jle year to paint your buildings.
We've Kot the Bes' paint al tn
hlght price, Maupin Drug Starts
I'W Bale One :i and ;: i Had
Irtitk Hush ford wagon Vh bu,
bulk grain hod
One Davenport fi ton capacity
Hull r Niarlnit ieel tvegem 1 -
bit, hiiik Ki'niu mt. V. S. Mom
ine, (01 Webster St. The Dalles,
l elalices here.
Mr. i n I Mfi Willis Driver
ill d son Lyle ami Mrs. pert Dri
ver and baby wer j Dilles viaitoi s
T insday.
Mrs. Josie Lake anil ursindton
Jiromy Ward arrived from Dryad
Wn. Monday, Charley Lake and
Donald Kelly brought them out
from The Dalles.
Mr. and Mis. Frank Driver
went lo The l)ulle Tuesday and
while leaving town, just on the.
Brewery grade they collided with
i ear, resulting in both ears
'ieinj.T hodily dtmagfd hit life
occupants of both cars were rn
hurl incept Mrs. Driver whir
received a black ee hy her race
sluing the wind nhmiri. r. '
D iver left ti e wrecked car n,
town and pnriliased ,. new otm
Hd u 1 10 lorn L'i'lei vytia Dsl
le. visitors fuesday.
itbur V in); and Amos Jolni
son w tit to Toppintsf1) W r.
r.iesduv Mis Wing is
taking eltctrlcaJ titan. ent for'
lui'K troiihle.
Andy ltniie? and Mrs. Mt
Chub went lo Maupin Friday
Bert Knighton Vttnie up b'omj
Tygh Fridry. Mrs Emma Lhas-
I tin ocioinphined him home.
Lyman Booth gtid family w-tfiil
to Faind Friday,
George .diiaill l"ok some mul
tun slitep to Th Dulles Friday
tor Vard Norval. MidS Lillie
Ohllders aecanrpamed him in the
I I ui k, In mi; i ailed here by the
-Minus illiieta of her inothei .
Mi. Childeis is much unproved.
Kitss ( Ihildei s ha,. enilo uient in
The Dalles.
Marlon Duncan and Tom Wood
ctu'k arc liHulintr lumber tiom
ilr Mulvaney mill to Burban.
Winston Lute visited at the
Sit i li Winu home III Ty gh Satur
! Jin S-'c-ft ina Hml i mi i lit)', it,!
hauled uood from Smocl.
Sin mi mi i 'ounty last wtt k.
Mr and Mil. Stfph Wh id
Ij'Abi went to Dutur Senday for
ueoii ; I taatuifiit for Mis. Wing
I Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Oftice at The Dalles, On -gm,
Juk, 21st 1922.
Notice is hereby given that,
Harrison L. Young
i of Maupin, Oregon, who on October
20, 1S20, made Additional Homestead
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at 'lhe Dalles, Ore
gon, June 6th, 1922,
Notice is hereby given that
Hartholma ti. Gel' vale
of tirass Valley, Oregon, who on
July 21, 1920. made Additional Hmnc
entry No. 017656 for sl-2Nwl-4, swl-4, I stead Entry No. 016966, for Nwl 48WI-4,
ami NW1-4SU -4. section 6. and NWl-, 131-4 NWl 4. neI 4. KHi-t.inn :'l ;i.a
4 nwI-4, Section u Township 6 touth, sl-2 Nwl-4, tection 22. township 3 Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
Kange 14 bast, Willamette Meridian, south. Kaiigc loeast. Willamette Mi i id- 1,1 intention to
. nas nieu nonce oi internum u maae t tan, lias tutu notice ot intention to i'r" esiaonan claim to lhe land Oregon
three proof, to establish claim make three year proof, to establish "boye described, before F. D. Stuart,,
to the land above described, before elaim to the land abnve described, United Mates Commissioner, at Mau- 1 s
r. V. btuart. U. Comnusaioner, at lielorc the Register and Receiver. I'm. Oregon, on the 10th day of July,
maupin, uregou, on ine loin uay ui uiuieii riiaies ianil Ullice. at. I In- u,,Ju-
Dalles, Oregon, on L'illi the ilny of Julv i launant names as witnesses: Muse
1922, ' nii, jr., John Boen, O. S. Walters
Claimant, names as witnesses: W. .1. 'M"d o. Uronncr, all of Wapinitia,
uonenoecK anil Aioeri MCHtn eV. ol ""'gi'ii
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon. May 23id, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
Nora Head, formerly Conroy
of Tygh Valley, Oregon, who on May 27,
1918, made Additional Homestead entry
No. 019906 for SEl-4 section 35, Town
ship 5 south, Range 15 east, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion io make three year proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above de
scribed, before the Register and Reciv
er. United States Land Office, at The
Dalles. Oregon, on the ljth day of
July, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: Pat
rick Conroy, Edwin Wakerlie, and
Judd Zroffif, all of Shaniko, Oregor,
James Doran of Maupin, Oregon,
Tom Kahcrty, of The Dalles, Oregon,
j J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department oi the Intcriorior
II, S. Lund Office at The Dalles, Ore-
gun, May euro, l!zz.
Notice is hereby given that
I'aul N. Klrsch
of Criterion Oregon, who on February
H3rJ, 1922. made Additional Homestead
Llitry No. 022090, fur al-2swl 4. Sec-N1-2NW1-4,
BW1-4NW1 4 Section
2. Ntil 4awl-4, NWI-4SE1-4, Section
Wi, TowaehlnB BOuth. Hanire 15 ea'.
and Lota 5 and 6, Sectioi ti, Tofcu
ulnp DeoUtb, Itangelli Kant. Willawelti!
I Meridian, has filed notice of intention
! lo mal'c three year proof, to eutablish
I claim to the land above described,
before V. D. Stuart, U. S. CominiD
wuer. at Maupin. Oregon, on the
5th day of AuguM, 1922.
! Claimant names as wilm-tses: P, J.
Kirscli, B. V. Heirlmg, and Otto
Ilerrlmg, all of Criterion, Oregon,
.Utlcom McDonald, of shaniko, Oregon
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
IJ. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
Notice ia berebv given that
gon, June 21 at, 1922.
Frestus M. Martin
of Maupin, Oregon, who on January
guilt, i':',:2. made additional Homestead
Entry, No 017660 for NEl-lslil-4, al-2neI-4,
Lots 1 and 2, tection 5, Lot 4,
Section 4. Township 6 south, Range
14 East Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make three year
proof, to establish claim to the land
Department of the Interior
U, S. Lund Office at The Dalles, Ore
gun, May 23rd, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
Earl L. Birrhai-tl
t .,. ... ' yiwi, u GOHIVI
i ,i um ' ' woo on marcn above described, before F. I). Sluart,
, iioiS? . ,onic,,t Entry, U. s. Commissioner at Maupin, Oregon,
No. WISH, tor swl-4 seI-4, section on the 15th day of August, 1922.
Jl, townshl,) 5 south. Ranee 12 eaat. rilim.nt .... r.
Martin. II I, Yminir H IP T..s.
. make fmal tnree. year and L. L. Shivelv. all of' Maupin!
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
August, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: A. C.
Martin, E. M. Martin. B. E. Turner,
and li. L. Shively all of Maupin, Oregon.
J, W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at. The Dalles, Ore
gon, June 21st, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
Malcolm McDonald
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on October
16th. 1920. made Additional Homestead
Euli v No U19340. for sl-2 Nwl-4, Nl-2:
swl 4, swl 41ni;1 4. wt-2 SEl-4, See 1, I
Nivl-l NEl-4, Set'tien 12, Townsliip 7 I
si.ulti, Kange 14 Eas, WiHametlec i
Meridian, has filed notice "f intention ' , 1 ",1
I,, make three J ear nrott. U. CBtebHsh l&S&i
ctalm ft) the land above deser bed. be- f"?,", I,a. Bfl nol,ce
fore I'. D Stuart, United oitutci Cum
inioMoner, at Maupn:, Oregon, on the
inth day of August, Ll'22
Claluiatit names e wiiuetsis: P. J.
Kirsih, Tom Mots, Hcnj unin llcrrhng
and Hanv Skinner all of Criterion,
Dfi gon
J. W Donnelfy, Rcjistcr.
who has asthma of the bronchial
tubes resulting f rom the flu.
Mr. Mary Gibson and Mrs,
Urass Valley, Oregon, J, M. l4rown
and Hpya It. .stow, of Mauniu, on goo
J. W. Dunnclly, Regiatii .
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalle?, lire
gon, June 6, 1922.
Notice g hen by given that
Stewai t A. McLci d
of Maupin. Oregon, who on Decern' n
20, 1920, made Additional Homesttad
Entrv No. 020715, for Nl 2nw I 4.
HE1-4NW1 4, El -2ivl 4, WC 20, El
2nw1 4, swl InwI 4. Sec I ion 29. Town.
1 I.I.IO
of III-
tenlion to make ilnce vear moot, ml
establish claim lu the land above
described. I afore F D Stuart, Unit til
States Commisaii )i t at Maupin, On
gon, on ti e 2Sih day of July. 19' 2.
Claimant liaiutu a wiliiesses: C. E
llmi"(iiit add Hoyd McLeod, o
Maupin, Oregon. J ii Knight, ai d ,1
II Sinclair, of Criterion, Oregon.
J. W. I'm in. Register.
W. Donnelly, Register
Attorney at Law
James Chalmers
Horse Shoeing and
General Blacksmithing
Maupin. Ore.
Department of the Interior
I If. S Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, May 9th, 1922
Notice is herebv given that
Clyde A. Whitlock
id Maupin, Oregon, who on December
21, 1920, made Additional Homestead
n try, No. 021050 for NEl-4swl-4. wl-'
2SE1-4, Sec 2, Nwl-4Ni;l-4. swl-4swl-4
sec. 11, si l-4sEl-4,Section lo township
6 South. Range 14 East. Willa netted
Meridian, has tiled notice oi intention
to make final three year proof to
establish elaim to the land above de
scribed, before F, I). Stuart. UniteSl
.Hales Commissioner at Mauuin, Ore
gon, on the 11th day of July, 19g2.
Claimant names as witnesses: O, G.
Skoggbcrg, O. C. Allen, W. C. Rich
ardson, and Henry Richardsoi , all ot
Maupin, Oregon.
J. W. Uonuelly, Register.
Ann Oliver were railed to The
I.O. O F.
H w a i i v i 'i'i
' 'II I I' I I I A
No. 'JO'J, Maupin, Oregon
every Sal unlay night ip
laitiug mem
upplemenl I
I. O ti. V. b.iil.
leiH Iwava iveleoiin
R. F. Turner, Secretary
II. K. Kaiser, N. G.
Grocery and Meat Market
Seal Jars
E. Z.
All Kinds of Caps and Rubbers
Fruit in Season
We MaKe a Specialty in Harvest Orders
Departnient of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Or
egon, May 21!, 1922.
Notice i; hereliv given thai
Patrick Conroy,
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on October 6,
, K'JU, made Additional Homestead En
: try No. 021919, for 8Wl-4jutl-4, swl-l8wl-4,
Section 26, wl-2Nvvl-4, seI
;4nwI 4, SW1-4NE1-4, and NWl-4swl-4,
; section 35, Township 5 south, Range
1 15 east, and Lot 1, section 2, Townsliip
6 south. Range 15 eaat, Willamette
j Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make three yt ar proof, to establish
claim to the laud above described,
before Register and Receiver, United
I State3 Land Office, at The Dalles,
Oregon, on the 12th day of July, 1922.
j Claimant names as witnesses: Nora
Head, of Tygh Valley, Oregon, Jamea
Doran ot Maupin, Oregon, Edwin Wa
Ikerlig and Judd Zroffif of Shaniko.
( Oregon, Tom Fahertv. of The Dalles,
I Oregon,
J, W. Donnelly, Register
Department of the Interior
I 8, Land Office, at The Dalles,
gon, May 2-Srd. 1922.
NotHc is hereby given that
John Maclnnes
of Shaniko. Orecon. who on Muv ittiha
1919) made Homestead Entry No. 020671!
1 i..,- i i .....i j . . . .....
.... mi inbi I NEl-lSWl-
4. and Nwl-4sEl I. section 27, Town
ship 6 iouth. Range 14 eaat. Wil
lamette Meridian, baa filed notice of
intention to make three vear proof
to establish claim to the ' land above
described, before K. D. Stuart. United
; tatcs ommisiinnir al Maupin, Orc
i gon, on the 1Mb day of July, 1922.
Claimant names 'us witnesses: Wil
'ham Moss, E. A. Troutman, H. D.
Moms and Levi i Vt.r a 0f Maupin.
Oregor. Malcom McDoiuld, cl cbaiiiko
J. W. Doiiiiolly, Register,