The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 29, 1922, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 8, NO. 38
THE YEAR $1.50
Snake - Bitten
Marjorie, the 14-month old
baby of A. T. Lindley, while
playing on the porch at her
home 5 miles east of Maupin
Tuesday evening was bit on the
wrist by a small rattlesnake
Dr. Elwood was called but so
much of the poison had gone
into the child's system that she
is in a very serious condition.
Highway Finished
The last piece of pavement on
the Columbia River highway be
tween The Dalles and the Pacific
ocean was laid at Rowena eight
miles west of The Dalles. Tues
day, June 27. The Dalles will
hold a celebration Sunday in
honor of the completed work.
C. H. Walker and tamiiy were
down from Wapinitia Monday.
Portland Painless
Bring you tooth
troubles to us
Why Go To Portland
for your Dental Work, when you ran have the
same work done here,
N 0 1) E L A Y S
We do your work promptly and satisfactorily and
our prices are reasonable.
W. T. SLATTEN, I). D. S Proprietor
Seven Years in The Dalles
305 Second St., The Dalles, Ore.
Phone Main 4821
Around Maupin
Smoky atmosphere exists but
is 9opposed to be only the result
of clearing fires in edge of the
The cement structure for the
local bank is nearing completion.
Mr3. Elmer Hammer is up for
a visit with relatives this week.
The town "elders" of Meupin
are holding nightly meetings in
an endeavor to organize a mu
nicipality of Maupin.
The library books are now at
Shattnck s store, a nice new
collection of books.
The Hunts Ferry Warehouse
Co. will hold their annual meet
ing in Odd Fellows' hall, July 8.
D. A. Stogsdill and A. B.
Matthews were county scat vis
itors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ci S. McCorkle,
Mua Florence Hut-tig and Dr.
Oi Hurtig of Portland were
ov-v from Watnic Monday, the
latt ! going on to Portland.
Grandma Peterson of Djfur
came over last week and is visit
ing with Mrs. Carrie Weberg.
Francis Paqu3t is home from
Canada for a visit with his father
and sister.
Mrs. Belle Delcoe and children
returned Monday from Prineville
where they have been visiting
for some time.
James Maddron and family
will leave Thursday for San Fran
cisco and other southern points.
The good wishes of their friends
go with them.
Mrs. Eva Harpham and daugh
ter, Thelma have returned from
The Dalles where the latter has
been in the hospital.
Mrs. H. M. Blackerby and son
Lewis and Mrs. Geo. Magill of
Wamic were visitors at Tho
parsonage Monday.
Alva Wilcox who has been
visiting in Watnic returned hou.e
Military Program
One of the big features ( f the
coming celebration at Tygh Val
ley that came too late for gen
eral advertising is the flag
raising ceremony and military
maneuvers at 10 A. M., July 4th
this is being put on by the
American Legion of Wasco and
Sherman counties, and will con
sist of militay maneuvers by
squads in unifortr, rifle salutes,
flay raising, etc., and will le
very interesting tnd in keepit g
with the snirit of the rlav. t
10 a. m., July 4th.
J. W. Ayres was a luiaess
caller in town Tuesday. Miss
Vina is attending summer normal
at Monmouth.
Stop at Andy's
Refresh yourself with an Ice Cream Soda
Thi? reason we are going in for the best line of
Confections and
Fountain Goods
money can buy
Always Fresh
Sovc Clean
Ice Cream and Soft Drinks of all kinds
Lunch Goods and Restaurant
Cigars, Tobacco, Pool Hall in connection
H, Anderson
Maupin, ( hf.
lit J
;;; ' j chance
1141 M to save
No power on earth can save
your cr-.-p when once the
flames arc 'weeping over the
fields. But you can protect
yourself fr i money loss
through Harford Grain in
Field Insurant,
The cost b rr.rderate, the
protection comphte. From
seeding time to harvest your
crop is covered from nil dan
gersoffire. If your crop burns,
the Hartford pays the loss
promptly and in full
Morris Bros.
Base Ball
The ball game here Sunday
played between the local boys
and the delegation from White
Salmon, Wn , was a closely con
tested game. The theromome-
ter registered at 100 in the
shade. Maupin received the
first two scores. White Salmon
was ahead 6 to 5 in the 8th in
ning. In the 9th Maupin shut
out White Salmon and made two
scores, making the final score 7
to b in tavor or Maupin. Arthur
Morris made two home runs.
Maupin plays Wasco at Tygh
Valley Fair grounds next Sunday.
Dr Stovall is having an ad
dition built on his residence.
O. P. Weberg has purchased
the corner property formerly
the store and residence of W. H.
Staats, and is beginning the
erection of a modern dwelling,
over the old basement, remain
ing after the fire.
( New Machinery or Repairs
Q Wc Have Both
M i nupcTPB TunreucDC
H Mccormick - DEERiNG . jj
" rw t I W 1 1 T1 i II 1
m Twelve ana f ourteen rooi neaaers
(j Reapers, Mowers, Rakes, Binders
II ', Whether you want to Hn up the old one or buy a
U new one, NOW is ; wijfhty Rood time fodo it.
Monday He was accompaii ed
by Alva bljckenly who will
spend two or three days with
him on his homestead.
Mr. and Mrs. Richmond wcte
over here Sunday bringing Floyd
who is going to work for Joe
tiraham at the road camp.
D. Woodside and Mi3. Paiker
spent Monday in visiting
Mrs. Woodside who is Bick at
that place.
Henry Peterson and wife ( f
Mosier are visiting relatives hete
Jack Crawford of Mooicr wats
here last week riding with Jim
Maddron for horses.
I Rev. and Mrs .Matthews spent
last Friday in Wapinitia.
! Mrs. Jake Teohner and child
ren returned on Friday from
Portland where they had been
I M-r. Arnett and sons '.'harles-
ana John have gone to work up
at the road camp
I Mrs Arnett and the little boy
i built a new chtekcu house on
I their homestead last Saturday
i Mr. and Mrs. ('. J. McCorkle
land sons went to The Dalles Sun
idap to partake of a birthday din
ner given for Grandma Morris.
Miss Grace Clair will arrive
(contiMij'.i'i on pap: ll
Don't Neglect Your Floors
It's fun to paint or varnish them
yourself- -easy too
FLOORS that have a good fin
ish do not get scarred and
worn, the finish takes the wear.
Well finished floors always look
better, too.
If your floors need refiniphing
and you can't get a painter to do
the work, refinish them yourself.
You can do it easily "it's really
Our "Home Service Paint De
partment" was organized just to
help women refinish things about
the home. Write for free advire,
telling us what you want to re
finish and how you, want it to
Our experts will explain every
step of the work and rerommend
the right materials, brushes, etc.
There are special Fuller
Paints, Varnishes, Enamels, Wall
Finishes and Stains for you Co
use. They are the best products
of their kind that wc know and
we have been making such prod
ucts for 73 years.
Take advantage of Fuller'
Free Advice and Fuller's Prod
ucts in beautifying your home.
The results will surprise you.
The work will fascinate you.
F)f I9ti foT-Flf)ri arrt(h.
This varniib ti 'inev. riled
(or beauty of finish, durabll
ity and rase of application.
Boiling furniture boiling
water, hffl marks, everyday
wear and tear hue no effect
nn this glotiy, elsitic and
d tilth la finlih.
We alio mnk Defnret Var
nish Stains, All-purpose Vir
niahes, Kuhbrr Cement Floor
Psiiit. WattiaMe Wall Finish,
Si I km whin- F.nainel, Fnllenvetr Varnish, Flottr
Wi. Aulo Enamel, Fullers Hot Water Wall
Finish (kaliomine!, Porfh and Step Paint, tn4
"Norn Service Paints
VarnMm - Inamtlt - Stolnt
Manufactured by W. P. Fuller Co., Dept. 41, San Francitco
Br.nchet In 19 Cities In the Wed
Fuller's "Home Service" rtrh are sold by the fotlowlofl in your city.
Maupin Drug Store
Is the Best Policy
Keeping your capital in your
community; thereby benefiting
each individual and the com
munity at large.
We are here to render any ser
vice consistent with lawful, busi
ness like banking.
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to Merit Approval