The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 01, 1922, Image 1

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    WATCH (Tf
Waupin . u fHl lb
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 8, NO. 31
THE YEAR $1.50
TllMf S
Base Ball
One of the best games of base
ball ever witnessed In Wasco
county was played in Maupin
last Sunday May 28th between
The Dalles and Maupin base ball
teams. ;
It was a well played, clean
game throughout and thoroughly
enjoyed by everyone present.
The local team did 1 exception
ally good field work but was not
up to standard in base running
)The score was 5 to 3 in favor
of Maupin.
Batteries: Morris and Renick
Th Dalles, Woolsey and Kohlor.
There will be no game at Mau
pin next Sunday. The game
with Bend will bo. played at a
later date. The Maupin boys
will play at Moro.
Election Yesterday
. The Maupin city election yes
terday was an event of much
interest and ' taxation on the
male population of the town to
Wamic News
Prineville Burned
, A fire at Prineville at 11:45, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kennedy and
last night destroyed four blocks j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller fished
in the heart of the business sec-; jn the Deschutes river at the
tion of the town, according to a! raouth of Buck hollow Tuesday.
procure an election board oi'jtelegranv from Redmond this . The riyer was high and they did
non-candidates. Kaiser and B. morning. Communication was ;not have much luck.
D. Fraley are the
cessful candidates ,in the race
for Alderman. R. E. Wilson
and h. C. Henneghan were
rewarded for their energetic
campaigns, each for the other,
by 33 votes each for mayor.
Maupin Post No. 73 American
Legion will meet next Monday
night at 8 p. m. sharp. All num
bers come us this is an import
ant meeting.
Earl Crabtree.
Post Commander.
only unsuc-cut off, there remaining a mass Mr, and Mrs. Chet McCorkle
of tangled wire. Two men were met Mrs. Dorothy Hurtig at The
overcome bv smoke, but no lives Dalles Monday who came from
we lost. Prineville hotel, post-; Portland-
office, two hardware stores,
bakery, two grocery stores, one
jewelry store, livery stable and
several other buildings are said
to be among the ruins.
George McDonald and Mr. and
Mrs. E. V. Doty returned home
Sunday from Eugene where they
attended grand lodge.
The glorious summer month is
being issued in with a tempera
ture around 90 in the shade and
a hot wind.
m ' - m h -
YOU can't escape. Either you
paint your home when it
needs it or you spend from five
to ten times as much rebuilding
what has rotted away for lack cf
paint protection.
Painting costs so little com
pared to the service of saving
it renders, that failure to paint is
utter extravagance.
Painting is economy and an addi
tional economy is found in using the
best paint. It spreads easily saves
labor cost. It covers more jirea.per
gallon than "cheap" paint.
But most important, the best paint,
serves five or more years longer than
"cheap" paint. It assures better re
sults at a lower cost in the long run.
We have been making t!m best
ins now.;:..i
paints for 73 years to meet th
weather condilions in the West,
The best materials PIONEER
WHITE LEAD, pure linseed oil, pure
zinc, and pure colors are combined
in Fuller's Paints in scientifically
ciact proportions with long-time skill.
Around Maupin
Fen Batty visited relatives at
Maupin Friday and Saturday.
He left Sunday- for Eightrriile
where he will visit Joe Batty be
lore going to Idaho. Mr. Batty
(irove a car through from San
Di 'go. Mrs. Alice Batty accom
panied him from here to Eight
Robert Paul Hammel, of Doug
las hollow; Lticile E. Steckertof
Dufui . and Jean Wilson of Mau
pin, tm-.e the honor of passing
with tm highest averages in the
general county eighth grade
examiutittjns, according to the
listing public today by
County bciiool Superintendent
A. E. 'f-roat.'wald. Hammel re
ceived the highest average, with
95.6;Luei!e teckert received an
average cf V I percent in all sub
jects, and Jc;,.i Wilson an aver
age of 1)3.7 h i cent.
Dalles Chionic'.o.-
Frencb Butkv is excavating
for a basement for thj new bun
galow he intends to build soon.
Mr. and Mis. J. 11 Eubanks
are Maupin visitors vciifty,
Mrs. B. D- Fraley returned
last Friday from grand lodge at
Eugene. .-,- .-.
The-Maupin school cosnmonce
ment exercises were helu n the
I. 0. 0. F. building last , urs
day evening witnessed -: a
crowded house.
Shattuck Bros, big store
uniquely and practically addii
to this week by an awning.
Free Advice
oa Painting
kk our agent for advice,
coior cards, etc.
A.ik the Faller Specific
(ion Department aboot the
nuift desirable color ickajiiet,
ooior harmony and sny other
?.:cke--j of Pubber Cement
f lonr Taint, AH-PurpGB
Varnishes, S il k B w ii i t a
EmmM. Fiftpftnf or-Fioori
Vamhh, Washable "tt all finish, Airto Eaamei,
Darn Mid Hard Paint, Porch apd Step iint
f 'ia Ku W 8 ti i
Phoenix Put" Paint
Purg Prepared Poin
ManufnctMreH bv V. P. Fuller 1. Co., Pfp. 4S, San Francisco
Er.incls In 13 Cities In the West
WlMii II I u I Mill ill ':.iX,',w,wvff!T
Mt hoasends painting. FaWt Specification House f aiats are told by the following Afteofl
Maunin Drug Store
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eeckwith,
Mrs. Wertz and Mr- Winn mo
tored to The Dalles last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ceckwith mado a
round trip froui there to Port
land Sunday over the highway.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Moms had, ,,,.!
cnarge oi tne s iiumumu uui- - ,
llift .tv j j
Rev. E. 0. Shepherd, pastor i
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Plyler
were here Tnesday night giving
a picture show. They remained
overnight at the Frank Mag ill
At a recent meeting at u
Tygh Valley fair ground.-!, ar
rangements were made for a two
days celebration the coming. 4th.
of July. Officers were elected.
and every effort will be made to
to make the celebration one of
the bigest and best events the
county has ever held,.
Jim Kennedy was transacting
business in Maupin Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Villi3 Driver
and son Lyle, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Driver and baby Nedra and Mr,
and Mrs. Bud Patison were
Dalles visitors Thursday.
Charley Lak and A. Kelley
were out from The Dalles Tues
day remaining over night at the
Lake homo.
Jim Kennedy, accompanied by
Grace Miller, Mrs. J. L. Illings
worth and George Crawford
went to Portland Thursday, the
latter going to Astoria. Miss Mil
ler will visit her giand-
parenu in Portland later going
to Tillamook.
Mrs. J. L. Illingsworth return
ed to her - homo in The Dalles
Thursday;. She spent several
i.weeks here at the John Ulings-
worth home,
lh Mollie Brittain was a
Tygh visitor here Tuesday night
at the John Illingsworth home.
Mil Wing moved Thursday in
to the Henry Miller house hem.
Eugene and'. Carl Prat.'; came
cv,y from Maupin Thursday.
Feudal Sar-.fOnl from Centralia.
came with them.
Tyfeti Valley tdiool had their
titmjr txcici.'cr, Wednesday
one pupil graduated
om high school.
Mr. and Mrs. Cbmiey Crofoot,
tail uvci
1 his Summer
Round-trip tickets routed over the
Lcific vSvstem
returning same or any direct line
Salt Lake City $48.82 St. Louis $8150
Den vet
Kansas City
72. CO
New York
158 35
Ticket Sales DAILY until August 31st
Return limit October 31st
The Union Pacific operats the only THROUGH SOLID
, TRAIN between Portland and Chicago.
"Oregon-Washington Limited" x
Leaves Portland 9:00 A. M.
Arrives Chicago 1 1 :00 A. M. (third day)
Through service also on "Continental .Limited". ,
Every foot of the track is protected by AUTOMATIC
SAFETY SIGNALS. Equipment is the best in the
transportation world. Dining car service the very maxi
mum of human skill and art. The service as a whole (
represents the supreme elfort of the management to
please and satisfy patrons. .
Call on our agent w hen you are ready to go and he will
do the rest.
Wm. McMurray,
" General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
church m Portland, and ' Mrs. and V el ma an,d Emery and Arby
Angie Uuinn of Long Beach, Wn Magill attended the graduating
are spending several days in the exercise8 at Maupin i dnesdav
citv and attenoing to erection of . , . , , . , , , ',
mVmunents over the grave of n!ht 'here Lester t r:foot
Mrs, Quinn's' husband, Alvis graduated from high school,
(juinn, and of her son, Herbert , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Magiii.
Parker, whoca body was one of Naoma and Gertrude and Mrs.
the first to arrive trom oversea?. Dorothy Hurtig attended the
fill. OUtpiit-'iu aUUlCKMI Ulu
congregation of the local United
Hrethorn church last
Monday's Chronicle.
night. -
graduation exercises at Maupio
Wednesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wins
A nostoffice has been establish t iIuttie Johnson and Mrs, Ida
pH at Sherar's Bridge. Mrs.
S. Taylor is postniiatress.
Stop at Andy's .
Refresh yourself with an Ice Cream Soda
This season we are going in for the best line of
Confections and
Fountain Goods
money can buy
Always Fresh and aa!ove Clean
Ice Cream and Soft DrinKs of all kinds
Lunch Goods and Restaurant
Cigars, Tobacco, Pool Hall in connection
Si. Anderson
Maupin, Ore,
11 I
A few dairy, cows anil a Cream Separator is a com
bination that will bring back prosperity to any
farm. Wc don't know a great deal about cows but
House came over from Toppinisl:
Wn. Thursday. They are at thej
Wilbur Wing home. Mrs. Rau-fej
stopped at the Will Sloan home
in Tygh Valley,
j ! Mrs. ceuie raimctrer, 01
1 .. TT. 11 . llr. 1 . 1 11
1 ro vaney vvasa. is visiting at tne
1 Henry MiUer home.
4 of lumber to Maupin Thursday.
3: Marion Duncan hauled lumber
' to the Kern and .Buckley ranch
Tat Grass Valley Thursday.
' , Frank Magill took Mrs. Doro-
thy Hurtig to Portland Sunday.
D. Turner of Maupin crashed
?4i through the bridge at Pine Hol
low Thursday with a 'heavy truck
j?! load of lumber. Percy Driver,
Willis Norval and Bill Johnson
4 : repaired the bridge Friday, Mr.
Johnson hauled the lumber for
, m , the repairs.
4 Parties from Sherman County
il l were here last week fishing in
il I Badger creek.
, Husty Johnson and his nother
j were Tygh visitors Friday, going
.j; to see Mrs. Ida Rouse, Mrs.
Is the Hest Policy
your capital m your
community; thereby benefiting
each individual and the com
munity at large.
We are here to render any ser
vice consistent with lawful, busi
ness like banking.
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to Merit A pproval
coatiiiued on page 4)