The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 04, 1922, Image 4

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    We ars now prepared to
sell you a Brunswic k Phono
graph for a small payment
down and the balance in
"mail payments. There is
no reason why rod should
be without one tliese en
tertaining instvumen ts.
Come in, t alk ov)r the
Easy Paymen.t plan.
We also i iceivc at least
one record aeh of tfvery
I new relf bp . Let us ply
I them over a1 you.
"bm nam, m
A. Cotf ee Discovery
i, hen? comes to us an
Annhian '
Onw;, a
Legend that, Hadji
pious Dervish was
1 from Mocha in
vVhen almost riving
of hunt rer in the wilderness
he rem ;ted some small round
bevvie he found growing
WM n the thickets. A few
'of r.iMW roasted berries fell
int ; his drinking water and
th us coffee whs discovered.
You Find It Here
Many people in this vicin
ity have discovered that
they can get the best coffee
at our store, the kind that
pleases their taste and suits
their pocket books. We
want you to try our
Sold with a
Money Back
The Maupin Times
Published every Thrusday at
Maupin, Oregon
.lessiiine H. Morrison, Publisher
Subscription: One year, $1.50: six
months, 75 cents; three motm, 5"
Entered as second class mail
matler September 2, 1914, at the
postoffice at Maupin, Oregon, un
der the Act of March 3, 1879.
In every county in the state all
the candidates for state office
promise the people tax reduction
This is the supreme issue.
Can the people get any tax
reduction without a new deal
our state affairs. Can platform
promises without works to back
them get results.
George A. White has a record
that he can be proud of in his
public service to the people ol
the stateof Oregon where he hat
been tried.
During the past year ho hat
kept within the appropriation for
the support of the Nations
Guard and has made it earn $198
000 federal money.
In mobilizing the troops
draft for the war he did
spend the $140,000 allotted
but turned back to the state
He abolished the Oregon In
Militia as an unwarranted e:
diture of public funds and t
ed its appropriation back
the treasury. This is a re
of action. It is not empty
form promises made to the peopl'
In the excitement ol a politic;)
campaign and then forgotten
A new man and a new dea
will start the trend of taxes dowi
ward not only in the legislator
but in county and local tax levy
ing bodies.
Ralph E. Williams, Vice-Chan
man of the Republican Nations'
Committee has served continual!,
as Republican National Commit
teeman from Oregon forfourteei
years. As Vice-Chairman oi
the National Committee, Mr.
Williams occupies a position sec
and only in place and power t(
that of National Chairman, win
is the leader of the Republicai
party of the United States. H(
is the first Committeeman repret
entative of any Western State t
have been elected Vice-Chairmar
of the National Committee.
He stands at the head, witl
the leaders. A new man would,
of custom and necessity, stanr
at the foot, with the followers.
11 me 1
publicans of Oregor
want to be n
leader of the N
itiona) party 0
Ionization possesst
and influence tin
leadership, they
Ralph E. Williams
tinned service in
party and state.
behalf of
Prevent Fereit Fires It Pay
.Leave a clean camp and a dea
in s nave a
iwn may
matco cari'iessi
mean a
streams, 1111 vi
and leaves in il
match, cigar 0
carelessly throw
A lighted
cigarette butt,
to one side in
start a forest f
days of hard w
of dollars to co
All national f
and many ran
telephones. H
forest fire, call
to be connectei
forest otliccr.
mi require!
it stat
central 'and ai
w ith the neaioi
or 1L month
imprisonment, 01
both for setting
al forest and all
a fire in a natioi
wing it to es
cape from control, or for leaving;
a camp fire without completly j
tinguishing it
The tourist won't stay long if
forest lire smoke hides the scene
Maupin Ahead
Newberg Oregon Route 3.
Editor Maupin Times:
I see by the date on the wrap
per of my paper that my sub
scription expires April 19th so in
order for me to keep up with the
times guess I had better renew
my subscription. You will please
lind inclosed a check for $1,60
for your paper for another year.
We are well and feelintr fine
, , , , , . ,
Jill we nave sure nau aiong cuiu
winter, down here no one has
nade any garden or done any
farming yet. Am in hopes every
one is well in and around Maupin
Am as
;ver very respectfully.
Jerome Buzan
Bert Thomas of The Dalles,
was in Maupin Tuesday. While
here he succeeded in getting H.
V. Woodcock to be local aent
for Crandall Undertaking Co.
Mr- Woodcock will carry a small
line of stock at his home.
those using water of
n Springs, please take
fall d
?.e: The monthly water rents
due the 15th, of each month
must be paid on or before
20th, of each month, here
r, at' the residence of the
indersifened. Checks will be
iceepted, and if mailed to me, a
proper receipt will be returned
to the paor by mail.
E. B. Dufur,
Attorney for Arabelle and W.
H. Staats.
Attorney at Law
I.O. O F.
W A I' 1 N I TLA
Maupin, Oregon,
turdav night ir
hail. Viaiting mem
B. F. Turner, Secretary
H. K. Kaiser, N. G.
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Rooms 17-18 Yogt Block, oyer
rug store,
Ilea. Ore
ie Black 1111
notice to creditors.
Notice iB hereby given that the undc
1 1 W.noikiil,' has heefc do van-
administrator of the estate of
Vest, deceased, antl lias quali-
nid est a
nway in The Dalles,
s; months from the
publ cation of this
f publication being
. I). Woodiride,
irst date of tin
Lodge No. 209
lieets every
t. O. O. F.
lers always
Grocery and Meat Market
Every Thing for the Table
A Well Equipped Meat Market
We Buy The Best and Sell The Best
' If You have a veal or hog Call us up and make a date for delivciy.
We wish to spend our money with you. Bring tlum in dressed end See
Them Weighed-Get the Cash.
Business is Good Thank You
James Chalmers
Horse Shoei and
General Blacksmithing
Maupin, Ore.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles
gon, Aprii 18, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
Laverde L. Shively
of Miiiinin. Oregon, who on November
113, 1920, made Additional Homestead
tntry o. uzuyio, ior wi-znwj 4 1
wl-2swl-4, NEl-4swl-4, section 32, 1
E1-2SE1-4, swl-4sEl-4, Section 31, 1
Township 6 south, Range 14 east. Wil
lamette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make three year proof,
to establish claim to the land abow
described, before F. D. Stuart, United
states Commissioner at Maupin, Ore
son, on the oOth day of May, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: G. E.
Shivelv. ft. J. fischer, b. t. turner,
and B DeCamp, all of Maupin,
J. W. Donnolly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. s. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
iron, April 8, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
Hebet M. Barnum
of Maupin, Oregon, who on March 17,
1921, made Homestead Entry Mo. 022047
for wl-2swl 4. section ti. 1: 1-2yiil-4, 1
8w1-46B1-4, Section 7, n1-2ne1-4, and
BEl-4NBl'-4, Section 18, Township 6
15 list, and on 2-24-22
nl Homestead entry No.
I-4NE1-4, Bl-2swl 4, Bsc-wl-4,
Section 21, Town
Range 15 East, Willamette
tiled notice of intention
to maki
claim t
year proof, to establish
land above described,
Stuart, United states
at Maupin, Oiegon, on
f Mav 1922
A. T,
y. John
and E.
1 onaldson, Mark
C. HemquUt
Maupin, Oiegoi
J. W
Donnolly, Re
John W. Ayres, Plaintiff j
vs f
J.'F. Blanchard, Lily M. 1
Blanchard, his wife,
First National Bank of
Prineville, a corporation,
and T. H. Woodcock, )
Defendants. )
BY VIRTUE of an execution, de
cree and order of sale, duly issued out
of and under the seal of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, for the
County of Wasco, to me directed and
dated the 18th day of April, 1922. Upon
a decree for the foreclosure of a
certain mortgage, and judgment ren
dered and entered in said Court on the
15th day of Aprii, 1922. in the above
entitled cause, in favor of the Plaintiff
and against the Defendants, J. F.
Blanchard and Lily M. Blanchard, his
wife, as judgment debtors in the sum
of Fifty Four Hundred Dollars, with
interest thereon from the 5th day o(
November, 192'1, at the rate of 6 per
cent per annum, and the further sum
of six Hunered Dollars as attorney's
fees, ann the further sum of Twenty
and 75-100 Dollars, costs, and the costs
of and upon this Writ, and the further
sum of $359.75 advanced for taxes, and
commanding me to make sale of the
real property embraced in such decree
of foreclosure and hereinafter describ
ed, I will, on the 29th day of May,
1922, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the
forenoon of said day. and at the front
dour of the County Court House in
Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon
sell at public auction to the highest,
bidder for cash in hand, all the right,
title and interest which the Defend
ants, J. F. Blanchard and Lily M.
Blanchard bin wife, or either of (hem
had on the 5th day of November, 1919.
the date of the mortgage foreclosure
herein, or which such Defendants or
any of the Defendants herein, have
since acquired, or now have in and to
the following described real property,
situate and flfing In Wasco County,
Oregon, to-wit;
si. -4SE1-4. B6
R 12 E, the
j Swl-4NWr4, s
nueh of sail
?aid iudgme
Said propsry
confirmation an
law provided.
Dated at The
18th day of April
Dalles, Oregon, this
Sheriff Was
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, April 20, 1J22. .I.-'.'.
Notice is hereby given that
Frank T. Donley
of II. F. D. No. 8, Boring, Oregon,
who on December 2ti, 1910, made
Homestead Entry No. 016881 for sEt-4sEl-4
section 11, 9l-2swl-4, section 12.
and NEl-4Nwl-4, section 13, township 4
south. Kangelleast, Willamette Merid
ian, has filed notice of intention to
make three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before the Register and Receiver,
United States Land Office, at The
Dalles, Oregon, on 10th the day of Juno
Claimant names as witnesses: John
Illingsworth, Andy Bales, George Hel
mire, and Richard Gerity, all of Wamie
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, April 20, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
George E. Moss,
of Maupin, Oregon, who on January
25th, 1922, made additional Homestead
Entry, No. 021121 for wl-2sEl-4, section
4, NW1-4NE1-4, Section 9, swl-4Nwl-4,
and Nl-2swl-4 section 3, Township ti
south, Range 14 East Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before V. I). Slnart, U. a. Commis
sioner at Maupin, Oregon, on the
Hth day of June, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: H. D.
Hollig, E. J. Fischer, Frank Dyer and
John Foley, all of Maupin, Oregon.
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. B. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, March 27, 1922.
Notice is herebv given that
Alvin H. Philmlee
of Maupilt. Oregon, who on May 2h,
1917, made Homestead entry, No.
018930 for the yvl-4iiEl-4. Section W.
Tp. 4, S, H 14 E, Lots 1, 2, 3, Sec. 4.
Tp. 5 S, R 14 ti, and on October 4,
1920, made Additional H. E. No.
081941, for the s1-2ne1-4, sec. 4, and
swl-4Nwl-4, Section 3, township 5
South, Range 14 East. Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of Intention
to make final three year proof to
establish claim to the land above de
scribed, belore t. i. btuarr, united
States Commissioner at Mauoin, Ore
gon, on the 16th day of May, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: L. I).
Kelly, P. A. Coale, E. J. F'ischer. and
Asa White, all 01 Maupin, Oregon.
J. W. Donnelly. Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon. April 26, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
Carl Elmer Hornquist,
of Maupin, Oregon, who on May 1st,
1918, made Homestead FJntrv No.
019H39. for eI-2nw1-4, sw1-4ne1-4,
w1-2se1-4, NEl-4SEl-4 sec. 28, and wl-2.swl-4,
Section 27, Township 5 south.
Range 15 east, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
three year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before F.
D. Stuart, United States Commission
er at Maupin, Oregon, on the 15th day
of June, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: John
Donaldson, F'loyd McLeod, David Don
aldson, J. B. Knight, all of Maupin,
( Iregon.
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, April 6th, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
John M . Conroy
(if Tyuh Vnllpv Orpo-on. who on Split ftfl
1913, made Homestead entry No. 016533
sni. j section U reI -4nk,1 -4 Nl-2.'il :!
SEl 4aEl-4, Section 15, Township
south, Range 14 east, nw1-4ne1-4, and
NWl-4swl-4, section 11, Township 5
south. Range 14 east, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion fo make final proof, to ps
tabliah claim to the land above de
scribed, before the Register and Reoiv
or. United States Land Office, at The
Dalles. Oregon, on the 26th day of
May, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: John
A. Joyce, of Dufur, Oregon, William
tiroewelss, of Dufur, Oregon, William
A Head, of Tygh Valley, Oregon, and
Arthur Ashley, of Tygh Valley, Oregon
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
R. E.
Hammond, mother Of Mrs
Wilson came Wednesday
Portland where she has
resided since last September.
In the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Wasco
H. F. Woodcock
vs. Summons
J. O. Elrod, G. A. John- for
son, and all other persons - Publication
if any. haying or claim- ) in
ing to have some interest Foreclosure
in and to the herinafter of Tax Lien
described real property.
Defendants I
To J. O. Elrod, G. A. Johnson, and all
other persons, if any, having or claim
ing to have some interest m ana to me
hereinafter described real property,
the above named defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby notified that H, F.
Woodcock, the holder of Certificate of
Delinquency numbered 1515 and 1271
issued on the 5th day of November,
1921, anJ on the 26th day of October,
1921, respectively, by the Tax Collec
tor of the county of Wasco, state of
Oregon, for the amounts of $12.34 and
$3.55, respectively, the same being the
amounts then due and delinquent for
taxes for the year, 1917 together with
penalty, interest, and costs thereon
upon the real property assessed to you,
of which you are the owner as
appears of record, situated in said
county and state, and particularly
bounded antl described as follows, to
wit: Lots 3 and 4, Block 8. Lot 12,
Block 21, Lots 4 and 5, and 24, Block
23, Lots Sand 4, Block 38, Maupin,
and Lots 4 and 5, Block 10, Maupin,
V ou are further notified I hat said
H. Woodcock, liau paid taxes on
said premises for subsequent years,
with the rate of interest on said
amounts an follows:
Year's Dale Paidj'la.s lie
AmounCRate of
12 19 21 1275
10 2621 1272
1218 21 1276
164 12,
2 31 12
8 85 12
2 61 12
1919 WW.-'il 1273
1H2M 131 28 3185
Said O. A. Johnson as the owner of
the legal title of the above described
property as the same appearB of
record, and each of the other persons
above named are hereby further noti
fied that H. F. Woodcock, will apply
to the Circuit Court of the county and
state afore said for a decree foreclos
ing the lien against the property above
described, and mentioned in said cer
tificate. And you are hereby summoned
to appear within sixty days after the
first publication of this summons,
exclusive of the day of said first
publication, and defend this action or
pay the amount due as above shown,
together with costs and accrued inter
est, and in case of your failure to do
so. a decree will be rendered foreclos
ing the lien of aaid taxes and costs
against the land and premises above
This summons is published by order
of the Honorable Fred W. Wilson,
Judge of the Circuit Court of the state
of Oregon for the county of Wasco
and said order was made and dated
I bis 14th day of March, 1922, and the
date of the first publication of this
summons is the 16th day of March, 1922
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding may be served upon the
undersigned residing within the state
of Oregon at the address hereafter
C. h. Gavin, Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address, The Dalles, Oregon.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, March 21, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that,
Arthur Dyer
of Maunin, Oregon, who on April 26,
1919, made Homestead entry No.
020622, for swl-4sEl-4, Section 19,
wl-2svl 4, Section 20, N1-2NE1-4, Sec.
30, wl-2Nwl-4, Nwl-4swl-4 Sec. 29,
Minion Nov. 1 1th, 1920. made Ad. H.
E. No. 0201323, for SEl-4swl-4, section
19, neI-4nwI-4, s1-2ne1-4, Nl-2sEl-4,
I El-2swl-4. Section 30, Township 5 south,
uange 14 r.ast, v itiaineile werwian
has filed notice of intention to make
three year proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before F. L).
Stuart, United States Commissioner, at
Maupin, Oregon, on the 9th day of
May, 19221
Claimant names as witnesses: L. L.
shively. A. J. Connolly, E. J. Fischer,
and E. A. Trout man, all of Maupin.
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, April 13, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
John Robert McKee
of Waphjitia, Oregon, who on January
ml made Homestead Entry,
! ino. uzutraa, ior si-zse.i-4, section 11.
sWl-4swI-4, section 12. neI 4ne1 4,
I section 14, nw1-4nw1-4, Section 13,
and on 7-28-19. made Additional Homr
stead Entrv No. 020876,for se1-4 swl-4.
swl-4sEl-4, section 12, and NEl-4Nwl-4
section 13, township 6 south, Range 12
east, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention tomake final tnree
year proof to establish claim to the
land above described, before F. D.
Stuart, United States Commissioner,
at Maupin, Oregon, on the 6th day of
June, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: O, L.
Paquet, Sam Wall, James Maddron.
and Mac Holloman, all of Wapinitia,
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interiorior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, April 13, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that
George E. Shively,
of Maupin. Oregon, who on June 15,
1921 , made Additional Homestead Entry
No. 020624, for swl-4swl-4, section 29
sl-2sEl-4, Section 30. and ne1-4, mvl-4se1-4,
section 31. Township 5 south.
Range 14 East, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
three year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before F.
D. Stuart. U. S. Commissioner, at
Maupin. Oregon, on the 30th day of
May, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: L. L.
Shively, E. J. Fischer, B. F. Turner,
and L. B. DeCamp, all of Maupin,
J. W. Donnelly, Register.