The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 04, 1922, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL. 8, NO . 30
THE YEAR $1.50
Andy's place is making a new
spring appearance with the re
arrangement of tables and decor
af.ions. There are now several
small tables in the dining room.
The ball game played here
last Sunday between Maup'm and
Madras was well attended. The
home team won bv a score of 12
to h
Dr. El wood made a trip to The
Dalles Sunday returning with
his new Dodge car.
The recital given last Sunday
night by Mrs. H. F. Bothwell
was well attended and greatly
enjoyed by all present.
Yc luivr procured ;i number of Pianos through h most fortunate
purchase, of the highest standard quality, and thus are able to
offer you values never before offered in this city.
Every Piano New and Fully Warranted
Among these are the famous
Schubert, Packard,
Marshall & Wendall,
And Other Standard Makes-Well known pianos and players
Priced at $285, $335, $375, $475 and UP
And on terms which will enable everyone to buy
Includes Grand and Player Pianos
"Everything in Music"
2 0 East Second Street
The Dalles, Oregon
The 5afe Stove
The Clean Stove
The Economical 5tove
IN Stock: 2, 3. 4 and 5 burner, with and without high shelf
One 5-burner, slighly damaged, at $25 00
Let us demonstrate
"more: heat less care-
S Florence Oil Stoves I
Big Eggs
Clifford Cunningham brought
an egg to Maupin last Friday
which is well shaped but of en
ormous size. It measures 9 and
3 8x7 and 9-16 inches and
weighs l and 1-16 ounces.
The egg is on display at But
lers. Mr. Cunningham states
that they have had five other
eggs like this one recently that
they contain a common Biise egg
including shell, surrounded In
yolk and white of an egg. One
measuring! 7 and 3-4 x 9 and 1-4
was i out to Portland some time
Important Meeting
Farmer's union and wheat grow
er's association.
A county meeting of these
organizations will be held at the
Columbia Local Hall, on May 10
th., begim'ng at 10 o'clock.
Mr. Gunn of Corvallis, and Mr
Ludw ig, of the Crain Grower's
Association will be present, as
The morning session is open
to all. After 'lunch, which all
are invited to bring, will be I
closed, it being the business
meeting of the County Union.
J. F. Hillman, Co., Pres.,
Fred Hilgen, Sec.
School Notes
Bont forgot the track nieel
at Tygh Valley Saturday, May,
pi Many of the people on Juni
per Flat are not aware that
track-meet will he held at Tygh
Valley Saturday in which the
schools of Southern Wasco
County will contend. Every one
is invited and urge I to attend
Bring your picnic lunch and
have a jolly good time with your
friends and neighbors Come
and see what the schools of tl e
surrounding country are doing
along athletic lines. Both boys
and girls will enter in th1 race,
hijli jump, broad jump and many
of the other athletic sports, We
may have a star athlete in some
of our Southern Wasco County
schorl-, Come t-nd see what
yon think about it.
The pupils in the high school
and grammar grade moms an
diligently practicing every even
ing for the track-meet. Thf
hoys and g r a have en'er i 1 into
this work with a real bj. ir and
take great interest in developiiu
themselves physically a wl
as mentally while at school.
But they are also finding tha
the athletic training is develop
ing tl e n not only p'hyt fealty but
mentally also in respect to learn
ing team-work, loyalty, am.
sport manship.
The play ground equipment is
installed bit by bit, The tfer.
totters have been put up for
some time and the swings were
put up last week end.
Vivian Eu banks, from Wauini
tia, was enrolled in the Maopin
high school Tuesday. We are
glad to see pupils entering in
our school and hope they continue
to go here- We now have three
pupils enrolled since the first of
this semester, Alma Hall from
i'ygh Valley and Floyd Richmond
from Wapinitia, being the othei
two pupiJf. This makes a total
of fifteen in the high school.
May we enroll many more next
Due to our having so many re
ports from the Conference ai
Eugene to write up we neglected
to mention in last week's papei
the demonstt actions of the cook
ing and sewing clubs at the
I Literary Society meeting Fnda
al'te rnoon April 21. The cook-
F. M. Griffin, Mrs. Kaiser's
father, is here from lone to catch
his annual Redside.
The young son of L. B. Wood
side, decided to go to where his
daddy was plowing last Thursday
but failed to go in the right
direction, the result was, search
ing parties were called from the
neighboring fields, Tygh Valley
and Maupin, after searching for
about three hours, his father
discovered him and his dog still
going in the wrong direction.
However, the dog was gaurding
him so well that it took a lot of
talking before Mr. Woodside
could reach the child.
Portland Painless
Seven Years in The Dalles
Until May Hie 1st we will make the following
prices on your Dental Work:
Bridge work, per tooth $ 6,00
(iold Crowns 6.00
Tainleas Extraction 1.00
Pull Set of Teeth (upper and lower) 40.00
This includes extracting
Fillings in proportion
This work is all guaranteed and is first class
in every respect.
This offer is not good after May 31st
W. T. SLATTEN, 1). 1). S., Propricler
305 Second St., The Dalles, Ore.
Phone Main 4821
vStop at Andy's
Refresh yourself with an Ice Cream Soda
This season we are going in for the best line of
Confections and
Fountain Goods
money can buy
Always Fresh and Sove Clean
Ice Cream and Soft Drinks of all kinda
Lunch Goods and Restaurant
Cigars, Tobacco, Pool Hall in connection
H, Anderson
Maupin, Ore.
Is the Best Policy
Keeping your capital in your
community; thereby benefiting
each individual and the com
munity at large.
We are here to render any ser
vice consistent with lawful, busi
ness like hanking.
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to Merit Approval