The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 27, 1922, Image 5

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Tygh Valley, Tuesday, May 2
Vapinitia, Wednesday, May 3
Maupin, Thursday, May 4
The Branding Iron
He branded his wife as he did his oattlo. Did he burn the
love from her heart.
Branding in the flesh by love or on the soul by lust, which
Very good Western
Admission 20
Pupils of Mrs. II. F. Bothwell
Maupin Orchestra
April 30, Maupin Selioollioiise
8:30 P. M.
Two Pianos Used Everybody Invited
The following music students will take part, in the program'
James Butler, Mrs. liosc Dahl, Yolaiul Dcllctifdie, Melvip
Jory, Mrs. Fern Jory, Doris Kelly, Mr?. L. D. Kelly, Erma
Morris, Frank Morrison, Merle, Lelah Webcrg.
Helen YYcbcrg, Jean Wilson.
School Notes
(continued from page 1)
the grammar room are: Helen
Philmelee, Winifred Kaiser, Jean
VVil3on. Olive Turner, Helen
Weberg, Mary .Martin, James
Butler, Crystal Stuart, Lelali
Weberg, Estel Stovall, Melvin
Jory. The class leaders nre:
Eighth, Helen Philmelee, Seven
tn, Helen Weberg, Sixth, James
Butler, Fifth, Lelah Weberg.
L. E. C, C. E.
Please be careful about leaving
out small worda and mispelling.
Please don't take this offensive
W. C. Bolton
Canidate for Representative in
the State Legislature from the
12th District comprising Wasco
If nominated and elected I will
support such legislation as will
in my judgment benefit the
District and State, I believe that
taxes can, by sane Legislation
be reduced, and equalized, but
will oppose any attempt to impair
the'effieiency of our Public School
System any so called Frills can
be remidied locally. I will use
my effort to have The Dalles
California Highway completed
as fast as possible to the end
that our county road funds may
be used in building our side roads
Have no special interest to serve
(Paid Advertisdment)
To whom it may concern.
Those having loved ones and
friends buried in the Kelly ccme
tery without a stone please send
their full name and age to L. D.
Kefly Maupin Oregon, a free
marker will be sent out immedia
tely by Burget-Mogan Company.
Remember this is the time of
the year to paint your buildings.
We've got the Best paint at the
Right price. -Maupin Drug Store.
and Snow scenes
and 40 cents
If M J'i
. ml :.-.:.':f-:'M
Mrs. Ethel Long Newman, Oregon
Agricultural College, 1920, who Is now
In charge of a Near East Relief or
phanage in Armenia. She mothers her
family of 2,000 little war victims while
her husband runs a 20,0!KSar;r8 farm
which is a part of the constructive
work being done In Russian Armenia
by the Near East Relief.
We do the printing
Maupin Times-
A woman doesn't make much
headway driving a nail, but did
you ever see a man try to wrap
up a bundle of laundry?
Straw Hat dye all colors 23c ts.
Maupin Drug Store.
i V'-H, ,.' ' ' . ' i
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hi a!' : ' ; is ' i'..: ;:U:r A !
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JL How to Be Healthy
The Crusade of the Double-Barred Cross
Practical Talks on Disease Prevention
Prepared by the
(Practically ever, auult person Is Infected wlthtuberculosln. This Infection nd not be
a source of danger. To keep the latent Infection from becoming disease, bodily resist
ance must be kept at Its best, This series ot articles shows you how to keep healthy.)
Prevention of tuberculosis
r ' 1 -
President Illinois Tuberculosis Association, Springfield, III.
'T'liE prevention of tuberculosis consuls first, in the svokimice of Inft'ctlou
by the (.'era of the dlsense und second, lii the prevention of active tuber
culous disease lifter Infection limy linve been acquired, Thousands of persons
iicqmre tuberculous Infection without gui'fiuublng to the disease. In 1'uct. II
one lives properly, It Is possible for lilm to curry tuberculous infection throiii-'li-out
Ills entire life without developlnc tuberculous disease or consumption.
The mun with tuberculous Infection, however, Is iiIwh.vs In more or less dimmer
und consequently every effort should be made to iivohl Initial in lection.
To avoid first Infection and to prevent 'Hie development of later disease
there must be team work on the part of the individual and the eoiniuimlt.v.
However careful the Individual may be, lie Is not mi To In a community where
health regulation Is dlsrccarded, and on the other hand, the entire com
mindly Is endangered by the carelessness of the Infected person,
The first problem of preventing Infection 'must he solved nut only by
sane public regulation nod control of all consnniplios who may spread the
disease, but by the regulation of nil of lliuse things which directly or Indhectl.v
affect the general public health. To prevent Ids own Infection the Individual
must exercise euro In bis contact with known consumptives, mcist Insist upm
good hygienic conditions In all places where he works or plajs, or Joins will
oiuers in ins recreation, tne individual child must he rigidly piotecteo
lrom contact with any consumptive or possible consumptive.
To avoid tuberculous disease or consumption on the part of the liidlvldiin1
who Is already infected and at present about eighty per cent of person.
ucqulre tuberculous Infection at one, time or iinc.tlier the chief problem b
that of maintaining Individual health at Its highest point. While the Inlectec
individual may round out a long life without evidence of the disease, It h
also true that he may develop active disease at any time through ihe loweiint
of his physical strength or resistance. Hence, lie must live a safe, sane
normal life with the right kind of food, with ample fresh air, with umdera
tion In all hi habits, Including those of work and play and with avoidant!
of any unnecessary strain. He must also exact of hie community those civh
condition's necessary to good community health, Including good housing
efficient general health administration, clean streets, proper ventilation o'
public places, safe milk supply and a reasonable measure of public recreation
It has been stated that If every man, woman and child would utilize oui
present knowledge of prevention, tuberculosis would be wiped out In a fen
'J ' gratifying reduction In tuberculosis during past years has not heei
due to epoch-making scientific discoveries, nor even to records of the activ itle,
of sanatoria and doctors and nurses, but rather to national, state and loca
campni.tis of popular education through which people have been taught t
live sane and wholesome lives. In spite of the success which has nltende'
the educational efforts of the past, it mgst be recognised that the vns
majority of the people of the United States have not yet acquired the truti
about this disease the truth which will make them tree from the greates
scourge v. ii h -which mankind has ever been afflicted.
Incorporated Protection Sunshine and health. Good
Schools, Good Roads, Good Homes, a good place to ln
Watch M-A-U-P-I-N Grow
In addition wo gixv l'ure, Simple, Absolute Title, Wur
antcc Deed and Ak-'raet to Date. A .slight increase in
price has been added to all Maupin lots and also to
Townsite and Spring. Another raise may be expected
soon as lots are selling f.-tst.
Don't hesitiiir when nm think of
Around Maupin
For Sale-Netted Gem potatoes
at Maupin warehouse-
The American Legion will hold
their regular meeting Monday
Don't waste your time using
"Bum" Fishing Tackle. We've
got the kind that gets the Fish.
-Maupin Drug Store.
Judge A. S. Bennett of The
Dalles, was a Maupin visitor
Portland Painless Dentist, 305,
Second St. The Dalles Oregon,
All work guaranteed, VV. T.
Slatten D, D- S. Proprietor
Phone Main 4321.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kistnc-r were
Maupin visitors yesterday.
A few Young Cattle wanted
A. A- Bonney
Quite a delegation of membei'3
from The Dalles and Hood Kiver
attended ..the Free Methodist
quarterly meetings here over the
week end.
Folks that use them couldn't
keep house without a Maytag;
neither could you if you ever
tried one. Buy your Maytag
today. Terms.
- Think of Better
The Baseball boys will give a
dance following the show to
night. "SNAPPY" Four piece or
chestra for dances and entertainments.-Call
Chas. Brown or
Leon Fiaaier. Dufur, Oregon.
The store across the r'ver is
selling out and will close its
doors. The proprietoi'8 eu'eit
to engage in other business.
Three and one half tons o)
'wheat hay for sale -at twenty
dollars cash per ton.
C. E. Cunningham
Born Sunday to Mr. and Mir.
C. W. Fargher, a 5 pound babj
O. T. Agent Griffin is building
a home, this week for his new
Dodge car.
The river has been muddy tbc
past week.
Ideal spring weather the past
sevefal days.
Tractor For Sale
Cleveland 12 20 used one season.
J. W. Ward Wapinitia
Born to Mr. and J. E Wood
cock on Easter morning, a 101b
boy, his name is William Leland.
May 1 Sees Inaugurated First
General Campaign of
Kind in Service. ,
Without the Postal Service, htniness
would languish In a day, and b at
standstill In a week, rnbllc oplilon
would die of dry rut. Sectional hatred
or prejudice only won It flourish, and
narrow-mindedness thrlrt.
It la the biggest distirjMve br dness
In the world and it con flfeafer to tb
Innermost interests of a greater num
ber of men and women than any other
Institution nn mirth. No private busi
ness, howeter widespread, ciicl:ea
many lives so often or sharply; no
chinch reaches into so ninny inula,
flutters so many pulses, lias so many
human bclncs. dependent on Its min
istrations. "Postal Improvement Week" has
been set for Msy 1,-by ilie rnefmaster
General. This Is the first general cam
paign of Its kind In the INitdal Service
for several decades. Hiiflness men
and their organizations, larije uprs of
the mall, newspapers, m' tlon picture,
advertisers, srnl the enf're organisa
tion of 328,000 posts) workers are to h
enlisted in this country-wide csmpaltrn
of Interest In postal improvements.
Your help Is vital. Address your let
ters plainly with pen er typewriter.
Olvs street sddres. Spell out name
of State, don't abbreviate. Put your
return address In the upper left hand
corner of envelope (not on the baek)
and alwaya look at your letter before
dropping In the mail to see If It la
properly addressed. This ears In the
use of the malls Is for your benefit and
speeds up the dispatch and delivery
of mall matter.
If you have any complaints of peer
service make them to your postmaster.
He has Instructions to Investigate them
and report to the department.
It sticks in human relation like
postage stamps on letters. The
pects it to be used by its postmasters
and employees in dealing with tht
Help them In its use beginning
WEEK, May 16, 1922.
The Dead Letter Office has been in
existence ever since Ben Kranktln
started our postal srvlc. Even then
people addressed mall to Mr. E?.eklel
SmUhers, "Atlantic Coast," and ex
pected Ben to know Just where Zeke
Perhaps they had Zeke's address In
letters up In the garret, maybe a chest
full of 'em, hut then It was easier to
let Ben hunt Zeke. Todny people are
addressing letters tn John Smith, New
Vork, X, Y., or Chicago, III,, thinking
t'nele Sam can locate him, which is
Just as incomplete as was Zeke's ad
dress of yore. The Postofflee Depart,
ment asks you to put the number and
street In the address. It helps you.
' How do you expect the Postal Clerk
to know whether yon mean Trinidad,
California, or Trinidad, Colorado?
This apt phraM was nd In Presi
dent Harding's first mes?ace to Cm
gress and applies particularly In posts)
management where postmasters are
being Impressed with the fact the
they are managers of local branches
of the biggest business la the world.
Let's make our post office lock neat,
Mr. Postmaster. Straighten up the
rural letter boi, Mr. Farmer. Tidy
up some, Mr. Eural Carrier. First
impressions are lasting. Miypa Mr.
Stranger, taking notice of these Im
provements, will come back, bringing
you benefit. Start these tfh "POS