viti. PORTLAND OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE I TflfflfttT?- ttT VAUDB0LLtd'PHOTo"pLAY I I I SI 6T5TSl5T ft u'i B Complete Chungs Bun, and Thurs. II ZA 111 J IJ r'JU I Mutlnce Dally, Twice Nightly tWWWWifWCTKjlf.? Saturday, Sunday, Holidays, Continuous YOU CAN IASILY LEARN TO FLY " and become a Pilot by Inking the course of Instruction we offer. The cost but $200.00 usimI to be lliuo.Oi) and taken but ten weeks. For Information addrees. OREGON. WASHINGTON A, IDAHO AIRPLANE CO. 214 Spalding Bldg., Portland, Ore. SPECIAL luff "Mall tlil All. and 49 cents to ui and receive by pre M , paid parcel post, a one pound box of our best assortment 49 CbSi ofcandle- SWETLAND'S, 269-271 Morrison, Portland. will make Silos, Granaries, Basements, etc., Water- iruoi, Kotproor, itatproot ana nreprooi. rfedusa WatorDroofed White Portland Cement Is the beat for Stucco Plaster on outside for Builga- Iauii I Inua mt Htnfn anA Avt nun h hound off. CT7 TVT TT TVT f Write for Literature. Bold by -s Ci X a. McMILLAN CO., 120 Union Ave, N, Portland MEDUSA Waterproofed HEMSTITCHING AND PLEATING. Buttonholing Buttons Plaiting Tucking and Chalnstttchlng All Mall Orders given careful and prompt attention Elite Shop, 384 Morrleon St. BAB'S RESTAURANT gSaJ&ara s L Cafeteria Sixth itreet oppoiite The Oregonian end Al der street opposite Meir & Frank's. The Best Eating place in the City. The Finest Coffee and Pastry a Specialty. Page & Son Portland, Oregon Write us for prices and market conditions on Veal, Hogs, Poultry, Fruits, Potatoes, Onions, etc Forty Years in the Same Location. PORTLAND HIDE & WOOL CO. e.KMU 105 UNION AVENUE NORTH, PART LA NO, BREUQN. Write for Prices and Shipping Tagi CASCARA BARIC. Address Department B DOES LAUNDRY WORK AND HOUSEWORK TOO Surprised to Find Her self Feeling So Well Tnnnton. Mass. "I used to ha ve pains in my back and legs so badly, with other irouoies mat women sometimes have, that my doctor ordered me to stay in bed a week in every month. It didn't do me mucn good, bo one day after talking with a friend who took Lydia E. Pinkham's Veeeta- ble Compound for about tne same trou bles I had, I thought I would try it also. I find that I can work in the laundry all through the time and do my housework, too. Last month I was so surprised at myself to be up and around and feeling so good while before I used to feel com pletely lifeless. I have told some of the girls who work with me and have such troubles to try Lydia E.Pinkham'sVege table Compound, and I tell them how it has helped me. You can use my testi monial for the good of others. ' Mrs. Blanche Silvia, 69 Grant St. , Taunton, Mass. It's the same story one friend telling another of the value of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. lam milium 1 11 nil 11 NOVTINO CLANINe SaTABLISHMINT Grand Avenue at YamhiU PORTLAND. ORE. EXPERT Dyeing & Cleaning EXCELLENT SERVICE By Pared Post Return Postage Paid. Write for Circulars and Prices. "At Your Beck and Call" RUBBER STAMPS and MARKING DEVICES. . vow "Ewry thing tot the OOm" r St V n a oan .timet roRTWNO. omwm Expert advice on any income tax problems. Several years' actual experience in Govern- NCOME TAX nnADI r If Oment Bureaus la offered r II U D L f- ill O those unable to visit our office. State your troubles briefly and end In with 1 and we will give you hon est to goodness advice. It will pay you to get In touch with us now. E. J. Curtln, Room 806 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Oregon. USED TRUCK BARGAINS 1 to 5 ton GMC, Republics, Whites, etc Overhauled Guaranteed. WENTWORTH 4 IRWIN, Inc. Oregon Distributors for GMC Trucks 200 Second St., Cor. Taylor Portland, Oregon Fire Proof and Modern RITZ HOTEL PARK AND MORRISON STS. Depot Morrison Cars direct to Hotel. Popular Price. Center Shopping and Theater diitrict, FRANK A. CLARK, Prop., ( formerly with Clyde Hotel. Hotel Hoyt Located Sixth and Hoyt Strictly Fireproof. Near both depots and convenient car service to all parts of city. E. E. Larlmore, Mgr. Hint to Precautious. Take a piece of heavy copper wire 11 inches long and bend it in the shape of a hairpin. Lock the door, leaving the key in the lock, then place the curved angle of the wire over the shank or spindle back of the knob and put the two ends of the wire through the head of the key. The key cannot be pushed out nor turned. This is a light device which one can carry in a handbag if so desired and use in hotel rooms when traveling. . Celebrating Derby Night. On Derby night the waiters in one of the fashionable restaurants in Lon don are dressed as jockeys and the head waiter as a.bookmaker. rtaa4a44AaaaaAA44aA&aaAa www f ewff f ww ww www www wwy STATE NEWS I IN BRIEF. I Redmond. The Farmers' Ware house & Milling company stockholders have virtually decided to rebuild the warehouse destroyed by fire Christmas eve. Seaside. A movement is' oh foot among the residents of Seaside and Oearhart to build a bridge across the mouth of the Necanlcum river con necting the two cities. Salem. C. Stanfield, employed for the past few months on a ranch five miles east of Salem, was killed Satur day while repairing a woodsaw. There were no eyewitnesses to the tragedy. , Astoria With the hills on both sides of the river covered with snow to a depth of from six Inches to a foot, many of the logging camps have been compelled to suspend operations tern' porarily. Salem. When the time for filing declarations of candidacy for the pri mary elections to be held May 19, ex pired Friday night, seven republicans and four democrats had entered the gubernatorial contests. Monmouth. The Willamette Valley Flax and Hemp Growers' Co-operative association has purchased three acres on the west side highway at Rick reall, Bix miles north of this city, and will erect a modern plant. Bandon. The machinery of the Ban don Woolen Mills plant formerly oper ated here has been sold to the Browns ville Woolen Mills of Brownsville, Or., and Is now being packed for shipment under the direction of J. Cordingley, master mechanic. Redmond. The $25,000 bond issue of the Squaw creek irrigation district was bought Monday by Guy E. Dob- son for the First National bank of Redmond. The price paid was 90, the highest mark reached here by Irriga tion bonds in several years. PATENT ATTORNEY We can Bhow you how to turn your patentable ideas into cash. Oregon Licensed Mechanical Engineer. THOMAS ZIK bteveni Building, Portland, Ore. RAINIER HOTEL hlit 51 00 mil ni. 128 N. 6A SL PsrtUst On Very Centrally Located. Convenient to all Depots, and one block from main Poetomce Fire Proof and Modern NEW HOUSTON HOTEL A. E. Holcombe, Manager Weekly Rates to Permanent Guests Sixth and Everett Streets, Three Blocks from New Postoffice, Four Blocks from Union Depot, Portland, Ore. SHIP US YOUR WOOL Wool cleaning and carding. Wool bats and mattresses made to order. We do custom carding. Write for prices. , Crystal Springs Woolen Mills ! Established in 1905. 1 Main Office and Factory, 760 Umatilla Ave., Portland. DR. G. E. WATTS 212 Oregonian Building, PORTLAND, OREGON SPECIALIST Female and Rectal Troubles and GLAND TRANSPLANTATIONS Chicken House Sash, 67c Write for prices on doors and windows. Men tion this ad. We manufacture. HEAOOCK SASH & DOOR CO., 214 1st St., Portland, Ore STOCK THAT GROWS i .nest stock that can be raised at a price you will like to pay. Write or call. The Villa Nurseries RFD No. 1, Montavllla Sta.. Portland, Or Guaranteed Nursery Stock We have got just what you want. Call or write for prices. Russellvllle Nursery Co. H. A. LEWIS, Prop. Montavllla Sta., Portland, Oregon "A Moderate Priced Hotel of Merit" HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison St., at East Sixth, the Principal East Side Hotel. 6 minutes from Shopping District. Four blocks from S. P. East Side Station. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Farm Implements New and second nana, special prices, f. ti. Jsoensnaae, 360-366 E. Morrison StEast 91. BRAZING, WELDING & CUTTING Northwest Welding & Supply Co. 88 1st St CLEANING AND DYEING For reliable Cleaning and Tttift Dyeing service send parcels to us. vv e uay return uubiuko. Information and prices given upon request. ENKE'S CITY DYE WORKS Established 1890 Portland CTJfTCOWERS A FL&RAL 6f.ST6TNS" Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St What Kind of Pipes? The Literary Digest prints an article on "No smoking in snaKespeare." What about the "piping times peace?" San Francisco Bulletin. of Jaw Pressure 534 Pounds. Those who study these matters say that the average human jaw can exert a force of 534 pounds. Woman's Tears. A woman's tears are the greatest water power known to man. Atchison (Kan.) Mail. Women Careful With Letters. Women, as a rule, are more careful In addressing their letters than are the men, according to a veteran at tache of the dead letter office in Washington. Seems So, One reason why it would be a waste of money to maintain a chorus girls' home Is that no chorus girl ever gets old enough to retire. Surely Would. The optimist says to remember that even if your mother-in-law has the gift of tongue, It would be a lot worse if Bhe was a mind reader. JL ... . 1. V ' Fnnt trees tradoea rrom Detnng ora .Ju .artU. Apple, Pear. Cherry, Peach, Plum. ;3 SPrunfc Apricot, Quinw. Gripe Vine 3 t Shrubbery, Plants, Baepberrles. Blick- vWwo-AAi hflrrlM. lMtnnn. Dewberries. Aiparazuf, Y Rhubarb, Flowering Bhrubn, Bows. 1 Vines, Hedge, Nut and Snide Trees. -rrl.a. Cimase paid. Batlsf action guaranteed. WASHINGTON NURSERY CO Toppenith, WalilnirtOB. Salesmen everywhere. More wantefc P I LES"" FISTULA.FISSURE, Itch ing and all other rectal conditions except Cancer permanently cured with out a surgical operation. My method of treatment saves the tissue instead of destroying it. It Is pain less, requires no anes thetic and Is permanent. There is no confinement tA hn. no interference with business or social engagements. I guarantee a cure or will refund your fee. Call or write for booklet Mention this paper when writing. DR. C. J. DEAN FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS Commercial Iron Works. 7th Madison. DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN m . Chronic diseases a specialty. Dr. W. N. Allen 830 Fleldner Building, hORSES, MULES BOUGHT, SOLD U. S. STABLES, 366 Union Ave. Draft horses bought and sold. MACHINERY Send us your Inquiries for anything In Iron or Woodworking Machinery, Logging, Sawmill, Contractors' Equipment, Loco motives, Boilers,-Engines, Crushurs, Rail, Cabie, Belting, etc. Burke Machinery Co., 628 Railway Exchange Bidg., Portland, Or. MONUMENTS E. 3d and Pine Sta. Otto Schumann Granite & Marble Works. PERSONAL Marry If Lonely; most successful "Home Maker"; hundreds rich; confidential; reliable; years experience; descriptions free. "The Successful Club," Mr. Nash, Box 556, Oakland, California, , PORTLAND SHOE REPAIRS, MAIL 'EM Model Shoe Repair, 272 Washington m. Davis Bros., 108 4th St American Shoemaker!, PIPE REPAIRING a PTP17C Repaired by experts, llaaa " Pipe Shop. 272 Wash; PRUNE TREES1I PRUNE TREESIII Before buying elsewhere see us. Columbia Furaery Ca, 14S0 Union Ave., Portland. SANITARY BEAUTY" PARLOR We help the appearance of women. Twenty-two Inch switch or transforma tion, value J7.60, price 82.46. 400 to 412 Dekum Bldg. VETERINARIAN Cattle a Specialty , Dr. Chas. M. Anderson, Kenton, Portland. Wedding Bouquets and Funeral Piece Second and Morrison 8t., Portland, Ore. LubUner Florists, 348 Morrison St CHILD HOSPITAL IN CAUCASUS Planned to Be Biggest in World, With 6,000 Beds to Be Ready Next May. Constantinople. A children's hospi tal, planned to he the largest In the world, has just been opened at Alex andropol In the soutliern Caucasus. It Is under the direction of Dr. R. T. Uhls, of Fltchburg, Mass.. and has been financed entirely with funds sent frcu America by the Near East relief. The hospital has 2,700 beds, housed In 40 wards, but when fully com pleted next May will hold 6,000 beds. The child patients are drawn from six Russian, Armenian and Greek provinces occupying an area lareer than New England, and are ail suffer ing from trachoma, a mallRnant eye dfsease, which lias become the scourge f of child-life in this part of the world. Mrs. Esther Wolfe When You Have a Cough or Lose Weight and Appetite Take This Advice Fresno, Calif. "After an attack of scarlet fever I was in a weak, anaemic condition. My appetite was poor and I had no interest in anything. My friends did not ex pect me to live as with the weak ness I had a bad cough. I had heard my parents speak of Dr. Pierce's medicines, so I got a bottle of the 'Golden Medical Discovery' and began to take it. Before I had used all of the first bottle I knew it was doing me good, for I felt a desire for food, my cough ceased and I began to have color and to take an interest in life. I continued to take the Golden Medical Discov ery till I felt strong and well. To day I am enjoying the best of health." Mrs. Esther Wolfe, 2311 Tyler Ave. As soon as you commence to take tblB "Discovery" you begin to feel its bracing, appetizing effect. Buy It of your druggist, in tablets or liquid. Write Dr. Pierce, President Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y, ' you deeire free medical advice. Eugene. Bad weather during the last week has been responsible for idle ness in the county bridge and road- building departments. It has been Im possible to work the roads or to start on new projects and tjie bridge crews have been ynable to haul the materials from the sawmills. Bend. County Commissioner Knick erbocker Saturday afternoon wired the state highway commission to accept the bid of $65,000 for the completion of 25 miles of road on the Redmond- Sisters and Sisters-Tumalo highways Of this amount Deschutes county will have $12,500 to pay. Nyssa. Large acreages will be planted to potatoes and other crops in this vicinity. A crop survey made by the Nyssa Commercial club shows plantings as follows: To potatoes, 893 acres: to lettuce, 96 acres; onions, 62 cares; other vegetables, 23 acres grain, 2467 acres; red clover, 347 alfalfa, 2195. Eugene. The law prohibiting the practice of allowing camp fires to remain burning in the forests will be strictly enforced this year, according to N. F. McDuff, supervisor of the Cascade national forest. Mr. McDuff said that two dozen or more fires in the Cascade forest were started from camp fires last year. Stayton The outlook for having cannery ready to operate here by the time the canning season opens is very good. R. D. Hope of Medford, who has been manager of the cannery there for several years will be the factory'man ager here.' The cost of the plant and the1 matter of financing Its erection etc., are under discussion. Salem. The world war veterans state aid commission, at a meeting held here Saturday, approved 386 ap plications for cash bonus. These ap plications aggregated $96,500 and aver aged $250 each. The commission also passed upon 83 applications for loans. These aggregated $207,500. The loan applications approved averaged $2500 each. Monmouth. Lad's Iota, owned by S. J. McKee of Independence, which won the best record for a Jersey cow kept by the American Jersey Cattle club, produced 1047.94 pounds of butterfat for the. year which closed April 7, Confirmation of the record was tele graphed this week to Mr. McKee. This exceeded by 7.86 pounds the previous world's record, held by Plain Mary, a Maine cow that had produced 1040.8 pounds of butterfat. Salem. Initiation of a land settle ment plan in many ways similar to that now In effect in California prob ably, will be attempted In Oregon with in the next few years, according to Percy A. Cupper, state engineer, who returned here Saturday from Corvallis, where he held a conference with El wood Mead, professor of rural institu tions at the University of California and one of the foremost colonization promoters In the United States, THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY If you have been waiting and hoping for the day when you could get better tires for less money, now is your time. Goodyear Tires are at their best. They are bigger, heavier, and more durable than ever. Their quality is at dts highest level. And these better Goodyear Tires today sell for less money than at any previous time in our history. The prices listed below established a new low level for Goodyears, averaging more than 60 per cent less than the prices of Goodyear Tires in 1910. These would be low prices for any good tires. They are almost unbelievably low for Goodyears. ' You have never had such an opportunity before to buy fine and lasting tire performance at such low cost. Call on your Goodyear Service Station Dealer, and take advantage of this opportunity today. 30 x 3'A Cross-Rib Fabric 30 x V4 All-Weather Tread Fabric $10.95 $14.75 30 x V, All-Weather , Q nn Tread Cord $1H.U0 32x3 'All- Weather Tread Cord $25.50 32 x 4 All-Weather j, -, . . A Tread Cord !p3Z.4U 33x4 All-Weather a,, An Tread Cord.i $33.40 Manufacturer'! la extra (or Western Trade" California Made SEX OF EGGS AND CHICKENS Department of Agriculture Says There. Is No Dependable Method to Determine Sex. (Prepared by ths United States Department ot Agriculture. Raisers of poultry have long wished for a reliable means for determining the. sex of chicks and of eggs to be used for hatching, but, In spite of the promise of various manufacturers oi devices, the United States Department of Agriculture says there Is no very dependable method for determining the sex of chicken that a certain egg win produce, and that it Is extremely diffi cult to determine the sex of chicks oi most breeds. The department has made tests of a number of devices claimed by the makers to give good results In sorting out male, female and infertile eggs. In all cases they have been found to be useless for the purpose,' as two persons could never get the same re sult with a lot of eggs, and hatenmg tests showed that one could do just as well by closing his eyes and picking out the eggs at random. On account of the difference In tne color of the down of the sexes It Is often possible to select with consid erable accuracy the henB and cockerels of the Barred Plymouth Rock as soon as they are hatched but in the case of most other breeds and varieties this selection cannot be made with any cer tainty until some time later. Those Mountain of Sulphur. By looking on a map ot the South seas, one can find the New Hebrides, about 900 miles east ot Queensland, Australia, and southeast of the Solo mons. At the north end of the group is an island called Vanua Ltva. This island is a mountain, a big one, 1,600 feet high and covering an area ot 100 square miles. But the remarkable thing about it is that it is composed wholly of sulphur. Nothing like it is to be found anywhere In the world. Common and Preferred Stock. Holders of preferred stock are en titled to dividends in advance ot com mon stock holders, and also to a claim on the property ahead of the common stock. The customary way Is to pro vide for a limited dividend on pre ferred stock, which must be paid be fore common stock holders are en titled to any profits. 4 The Right Sequence. "A topllne quotation in a contempo rary runs: 'Tell me my faults and mend your own.' Before Btartlng any other mending, neighbor, suppose we first mend the motto so as to get the proper sequence. Isn't this better: Mend your own faults and then tell me mine.'" Boston Transcript. The First Laugh. Some authorities say. that the first . laugh wasn't a laugh at all, but an ex clamation of triumph. Pcehlstorlo man, having emerged victorious from an encounter with his neighbor, emit ted the sound "ha" to express his satisfaction and relief, and from this first "ha!" our laugh has grown. All Privacy Goes. If that X-ray contraption for taking pictures through walls works, the gold fish won't have much on us for pri vacy. Minneapolis Tribune. Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerel. who know the breed well are able to distinguish between the sexes of Leg horns when they are three to four weeks old. The sexes of the medium- weight breeds, with the exception giv en above, have the same appearance until the chicks are 10 or 12 weeks old. The surface sex differences in the Asiatic breeds are not as apparent up until the birds are three or four months old. There may be differences that will make It possible to sort the sexes earlier, but so far poultrymen have found no reliable basis for selection. Leather Used for Fertilizer. The greater part of the scrap leather from the New England shoe factories Is shipped to the south, where it is used for fertilizer. CALIFORNIA CHOCOLATES (fresh) for particular people. Sent anywhere poRt paid $1 the box. The best In the world. CALIFORNIA CHOCOLATE CO., 6434 Miles Ave., Ouklund, Calif, Make a Dollar an Hour. Start a buHineBR of your own in your home giving acalp treatmenta, shampoos, facials and mftnicur inir. Very little equipment rtxiuired. We will teach you the formulas and how to do the work for $1.00 per leeeon and guarantee to qualify you for the work in 6 lessons. Send us $1.00 today for trial lesson. Choice of faciui or scalp treatment, including how to make land apply the popular French Pack used in Beauty Parlors for Black beads and Wrinkles, and Synopsis of following lessons. WeBtern Studio of Beauty Culture. Box 1222, Phoenix, Arizona. Speed of Railroad Locomotives. The modern high-grade express passenger locomotive can run at the rate of 112 miles an hour on a heavy rail, straight track, provided It is ballasted by a train behind It, to keep it from Jumping off. The heavi er the engine and train, the smoother they ride. In actual practice, on ac count of curves and switches, the big coal consumption at high speed, BQd the fractional wear on the equipment, fifty miles an hour is not often ex ceeded by railroad trains over any considerable distance. KM! 9 is needed In every department of house keeping. Equally good for towels, table linen, sheets and pillow cases. Crocm Are You Satisfied? BuadneeM Tralnlni BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE K the klgfest, moet perfectly equipped BustnefW) Training bcbooi m rrw norm went Fit yur5r for a higher poeltlon School In the Pfermauient yoattiooa Writ for aamkaaT Feurta tad Tamhltt. with more money. sawured our Graduate. P. N. U. No. 16, 1922