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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1922)
WSICALE, ItY Pupils of Mrs. H. F. Bothwell ASSISTED BY' Maupin Orchestra April 30, Maupin Schoolhouse AT 8:30 P. M. Two Pianos Used Everybody Invited The following music students will take part in the program: James Butler, Mrs. Rose Dahl, Yoland Delletiglie, Melvin Jory, Mrs. Fern Jory, Doris Kelly, Mrs. h. D. Kelly, Erma Morris, Frank Morrison, Merle Snodgvass, Lei ah Weberg, Helen Weberg, Jean Wilson. wBarcBmtraK a SPECIAL Evangelist A. J. Tiffany has been secured to conduct Revival Services AT THE S Platform of George A. White Republican Canidate for Nomin ation for, Governor of Oregon. Achievement of the purposes outlined herein 'is the basis uoon which I present my name to the men ane women of Oregon as a canidate forthe Republican nomination for Governor of the State: I Immediate deflation of State expenditures by cutting at least one million dollars lrom the present cost at the next session of the legislature. This is vital as the first step in forcing a downward trend upon all tax levying bodies in order to bring relief from unnecessary tax burdens. 2. , Immediate consolidation and concentration of all existing commissions, boards and scatter ed functions of goverment, in- hiding the Public Service Coin- mission, into not to exceed ten departments .all directly account able to the govenor who in turn is directly responsibld to the neoule for their conduct. This centralization of administrative responsibility is necessary in the jetting up a simple, economical ind responsible method ot hand ling the Stat es business. 3." Immediate, definate equit ible nd certain plan for retiring the State's - present overwhelm ing bonded indebtednees. Up- Wapinitia United Breth em Church the Meetings will begin Sunday A. M. April 23rd The evening services will begin at 7:30 each evening during the week. 1 While this is a very busy time for farmers there is none is this locality that can afford to miss these services. A cordial invitation is extended to all. J. I. PARKER, Pastor pose submitting any further proposals for bond issues or appropriations at special elections 4 Immediate insistence upon a show-down on the Japanese in Oregon. A white man can not compete with a Japanese coolie and we have got to halt this insidious invasioni of our lands and industries without further delay. ' 5 My mission as governor will be to stimulate progress in Oregon and promote the good name of popular government in our State. To this end my earnest support will be given to the relief of our agricultural interests which must find encouragement through co operative marketing and market roads, and to the developement of our industries and natural re sources upon which the State's material welfare depend. My earnest support will likewise k given to the cause of public education upon w hich the State's moral and social welfare depends In omitting from my plat four. a mass of incidental and supple mentary issues, I am willing that my stand and stability on all matters affecting the moral, social and industrial welfare ol our State and Country shall be measured by my record as fc citizen. George A. White (Paid Advertisement) April 25 April 26 Coming! Tygh Valley, Tuasday, wapinitia, Wednesday, Maupin, Thursday, i 1 Riders of the Dawn From the Book "Desert of Wheat" by Zane Gray Better than Man of the Forest One jjou should alt see Poland Comedy Admission 20 and 40 cents April 27 'M-A-U-F-I-N lni-or'i rated Protection Si'unshiuo and hcalih. Goul Sclioi.'!.'. Good Road?, Goofl Homes, a good place to bo. Watch M-A-U-P-I-N Grow In addition we give Pure, Simple, Absolute Title, War antee Deed and Abstract to Date. A slight increase in price has km added to all Maupin lots and also to Townsite and Springs. Another raise may be expected soon as lots arc selling fast. Doil hesitate when you think of M-A-U-P-I-N - Think of Better .... -i ... . Prices ' . h: l. morris future. Erma Morris We got quite a lot of literature on iithelelic work. We also at tended two track mee ts and saw the way they do it nt Eujrene, O. A. (.'. and wo will ( rolit by our triu. The main topic in all of the talks was cooperation and the friendlv attitude towards the contesting schools in track meets Clifford McCorkle One of the benefits derived from sending, dek gates to the student body conference it Eugene Oregon, was that of adopting the student concil phn in our student body. After the reports of the delegates it wis moved and carried that we adopt this plan. Ihis provides that the president, secretary treasurer of the student body and the principal of the high school glial' meet and difieuts the advantages ind difficulties of any probbm coming up and then present it to the school or student body Willi in ntcrtainment Musical Unusual Exccllance The Dalles Municipal Auditoriam Seldom have the people..', this d. -trkt had the opportunity to enjoy niiMicakn of the of the on- . 1 he upcrr I tin on the evening of Wednesday. April 26. when 1 rotaeor W.a , no ui viatiniat; Mw Eva Richmond, soprano rloir.t and Mis lee, vivacious and pretty dancer, will entertain in a JW' " which the world famous pismst. .Sergei hachmanmon Lcopald Godowsky, Adolphe Borehard. . and. others, will be heaid o the unparalleled Ampico reproducing piano. Urn will to an en ertau i mmt which will rleligh all loyers ot good music good singing and interpretive dancing. In musical centers, a high clats eriterUin 3S 'L this Jl be. would justify admission; 1"A but vou can procute reserved seats for this one for (5 and .50 cents and genera" admission 35 cents. A special section will be reserved for school children for 25 cents, and all of the proceeds will be given to The Dalle municipal auditorium fund. Phone or write for reser vations to CORSON, the Music man Everything in Music THE DALLES, OREGON Born to Mr. and J. E Wood cock on Easter morning, a 101b boy, his name is Wilt'amLeland. A. A. Bonncy was operated o Tuesday morning at The Dalles Hospital for appendicitis. School Notes Throe' Cheers For Maupin Maupin sent four delegates to the high school convention ai Eugene, April 14 and 15 and they came back , very well, pleased with their trip and some very o-nnrl ren'orts. The delegates showed the other schools of the state that Maupin was on the map. One of the members. Miss Mabel Cyr, fwas nominated for vice president of the convention at Eugene in October, 1922, but to our great dissapointment she was defeated by a Vote of 13 to 10 and another member, Lester Crofoot, was appointed on tne nominating committee and sein ed his term. - Th MauDin Delegates were honored by being asked to rise at. the banauet 1' nday night De ean.enf the r large delegation of which three of the members were'present. , t.pster Crofoot had a little ex- nerience the last night in Eugene .... .n.n bv being awakened aoout 14..00 in the night with robbers in the house, he 'was fortunate enough to not lose anything. The dele gates were Erma Morns and Mabel '.Cyr. who attended th? president secretary's convention Clifford McCorkle who represen ted the athletic work, and Lester f. n-hr was interested in VlUlWu , ,iv tt,p news miner or journal Dept. The influence of a high school discussed. General - . ,, , nnininn favored, even tnougn a high school published its items in the local paper its items shouja appear under its own individual nomp. Further the importance of the student's best work was empha sized because high school paperb are read more widely than we a.-p at first inclined to think. . Lester Crofoot Thursday afternoon the girls who went as delegates to Eugene these advantages and difficulties We believe that in this way we will be able to get more immedi ate action on our work in that organization. Also after the delegate's reports it was unanimously voted that we iiend our fee of one- dollar which was organized at Eugene conference. It was further ' moved and unanimously carried that a vote of thanks be extend ed to the delegates and their parents for furnishing expenses for this trip to' Eugene that the student body may profit by their experience. We all fee! sure that we are not sorry of the trip and that we may profit a great deal from the trip and sincerely that Maupin will be able to send dolrgalcs next year and also say that it is well worth their time and money Erma Morris Mabel Cyr ( Clifford McCorkle Lester Crofoot Around Maupin Norval-Compton Wedding-A cars purchased in Maupin this, enjoyed a very interesting meet ing at the Y- W. C. A Bungalow where thev witnessed the instal lation of new officers and , heart 'i very interesting Easter sermot by Mrs. George Bohler.. Fridaj morning a conference was helc in the Y. M. C. A. Hut wbprpin President Campbell J. A. Church- chill and Lv e Bartho nmfiw o-nvf talks concerning the co-operative tnat stiouici exist in schools ane the friendly relations that should prevail between different schoo! On Friday afternoon conferenct wai held in the Woman:-; Imildins; for women and girls exulu '.ivrly. Mrs. George Bolder an I Dr. Bertha Stewart gave talks "High School Girls Ideal;,". Saturday noon a delic'oui luncheon was served to the girh the Woman's Building by tin Womans League. Immediate! alter luncheon a conference wai held in the adminstration build ing where an Oregon high schoo1 student body association was or ganized. Later a style show was given in the women' s building showing the different costume; neressary for the girls who go to the Oregon University.1 '11k conferences closed with a tea fo; the girls at the Y. W. C. A. Bungalow on Saturday afternoon Mabel Cyr Friday morning at the Y. Bun galow G. A. Howard gave us a very interesting tarn along co operation in the schools. He showed that a school, that has not a student body cannot devel op cooperation among its students like it can and does with a stu- bent body. Then at the woman- ais building. Dean Fox gave uf a talk along social life, emphasiz ing the need of a balanced life in physical, economic, mental and spiritual fitnec-s. Saturday morning further interesting talka were given by'the Deans of diff erent schools, from which we hope to get much good in the week. The purchasers were I F. D. Stuart, J. II. Woodcock, E. W. , Griffin, O. B. Derthiek, W. II.' Staata, Dr. Elwood and O. F. Kenick. Special deal of J670.00 factory r , , . t '1' 1 1 oi lb international traeioranu bottom Little Genius plow ex pires April 30th- You will never niv a belter tractor lor less money than this. Farmers, get in on this deal. Terms are very reasonable; more so than they ire likely to be again. ACT NOW -Shattuck Bro3. Hau Rvpiiinor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Patison at 1616 I street,, when Miss Mary Comp- ton of Wapinitia .became the the bride of Vernon O. Norval. Rev. G.K. Hartman of the United Brethren Church officiating. The bride is the primary tercher of Wapinitia school and she taught several years in Waniic Echool. The bridegroom is employed in A. M. Williams & company's store, and fs the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Norval of Wamc where he was reared. How to Be Healthy The Crusade of the Double Barred Crott Practical Talks on Diseaie Prevention Prepared bv t'i On EG ON TDBCnCUlOSIS ASSOCIATION ,r,,v.u.Hltn.rnn I Inf.-fd with tub.rolml.. Thi InfMtlon nwd not h . r-.,7 7 . - . . . . ifarl inn fr ni r-nfiminq ctiHAa, nnnny rr m- IZ' '.7t.thTh.i i'r!!. of-rHc... .ho. yoU how tn Kn heHhy, ; No. 3. BUILDING RESISTANCE PROF. ALLEN K. KRAUSE, M. D., John Hopkln llnivettity Medir,l School, Baltlmor. Is the only that habitually anr1 unneotssiully unes his bodily r tioni to excess In overwork, overplay, ove. exercise, overworry, In p.uli,'Ml and emotional stres, in iinnnluial nour ot iictivity without if, 1. And being ovgaoued into communiiies, men neru ifjgemifi and thu ei.i!lish t'ontlnual contact with one another snd become unduly exposed to oiw miotlier' lnfectlopt. In most men s bodies are little groww 01 usue caueu iupurcir m ni. n ).! concealed the gerino uf tuherculosls. These tubercle form apherlcnl walls around the germ, called ii iwcle bacilli, and thus Imprison the, germs. A long as the wall Is strong umi unbroken the genii caunot iprend; they cause no UhiPS and are no more tn uf uaieri umn a cu.uuiuu "an ui u the skin. .. . . )f the tifRiie around the tubi'i. function nnmuilly, tl.ese wans lenu to remain strong and no tisl.t tl.nt !-" no bacilli can make their way out of them and (spread throughout the hol;. I'.ui too prolnngerl activity of thu body as a whole, or of the pin t In win. ,. nun v inn ruonwim, nm in k.iu-i. hrliife about condition that favor the w- .. t;m of the tutiercie wan ami ttiv iwriwe' of bacilli, i vi un tuhfercitlr.-slR by re?t-f a knee, f iho imi, of the whole body, iv o hecoma ill wiih tuben ulosis by rn ?i.'iti ot c eiM mil., other diseases, ripeii.ll.y IhoBe that cause liiHainnuitions and conmstions In the lun!, whip tip the Phvslologlcal activities ot me oouy aim iuro u mikiii u-u .i.o. of tnbei-fie. 60 do certain bodily activities, like repeated and long-continued work without sleep, prgnancy, childbirth, dissipation, etc. Xhe point where activity becomes overstrain I an Individual iiffnlr. The miner, the broker, the farmer, the tchool teacher, rjight every one ot them become fatigutd by the other' ordinary labor. The phleimntle and the Irritable, the. boefy and the wiry, respond tery differently to the fain, ttimulna, this be pley, labor, eircle or flls!pt!on. Every mau's point of fatigue Is hi own, regliterd In hi ea conclotines by tensmmt.s that all have experienced. Every rational mao Vnow when h I tired or experience soon teaches hltn wtat will make him tired. And no rational wan should push himself beyond this point unless he mut. To reduce exposure to all Infection to a minimum and to balance one's activities so there will always be a healthy surplus on the credit side of rest, nav, more, a good reserve to draw upon In time of needthis Is building up resistance. At thirty we build It a little differently than at. twenty, at forty galn differently than at thirty; there Is a different proportion of details, j-fct principles and rt'teUs remain the same. Food, elfin air, a'lcrpiH'e clothlm;, decent hours of iieep, conserve and promote health the normal body. Rut the normal machine was built, for on man power and too rn!.'ent effort ,to out more will sooner or Inter mean an over h-a ted boiler end oiiloru tears; rtiited. roughened and thinned out metal, and then - the coll.-tpie or the explosion. Then may an Insignificant little tubercle become nhla.e. i: