The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 20, 1922, Image 2

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    NHL S
Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Events of Noted People Governments
and Pacific Northwest, andWOther
Things Worth Knowing;
J. P. Hyde, Justice of the peace of
. Blaine, Wash., who cut his throat
when he fell on an ax Monday morn
ing, died Tuesday.
' Three soldiers were killed and nine
seriously burned when pyrotechnics
exploded In a pit during an exhibition
at Camp Bullis, north of San Antonio,
Tex., Monday night.
The nomination of William Henry
Hay to be a brigadier-general of cav
alry was sent to the senate Tuesday.
Edmund Wittemler was nominated as
a brigadier-general of infantry.
A police patrol on special assign'
ment between Amagh and Charlemont,
Ireland, was ambushed Sunday and
two In the patrol were wounded. Later
Dungannon police searched the dis
trict and arrested five men.
Reduced rates on eggs from Seattle
and vicinity to Chicago and surround
ing territory will be effective May 25,
It was announced Tuesday by the
Northern Pacific railroad. The old
rate was 3.33 per 100 pounds,
which will be reduced to $2.60. ,
A rapid spread of the coal strike
Into non-union strongholds was ad
mitted Tuesday at headquarters ot
the bituminous operators' association.
"The enemy Is gaining ground much
faster than we anticipated," said the
president of a Pennsylvania company,
The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific
Railway company, In Its annual report
for the year ended December 31, 1921,
made public Tuesday, showed a bal
ance of Income available for dividends
' of 15,780,269,22, of which $3,567,695
was applied to the payment ot full
dividends on the preferred stock.
Charges that the war department
has sold property and Is selling prop-
erty at "ridiculously and criminally
low prices to favored customers, con
cealing from congress and deliberate
ly misrepresenting the facts," were
made In the house Tuesday by Repre
sentative Johnson, republican, South
Guarantors for the Chicago Grand
Opera company will have to stand an
assessment of "not more than $65,000
at the outside,", for the deficit in
curred by the company In the two
weeks Just concluded In San Fran
Cisco, it was stated by Selby C. Oppen
helm, who had charge ot the appear
ance here.
Michael H.'Walsh, 74, horticulturist,
Internationally known as the origi
nator of the Rambler roses, died at
his home In Woods Hole, Mass., Mon
day night. The Lady Gay and the
Minnehaha were rambler creations
evolved by him. They brought him
grand awards by societies In this
country and abroad.
Secretary Hughes has received from
Ambassador Harvey In London a note
from Lord Curzon, foreign secretary,
which stated that the government of
Great Britain would not In any cir
cumstances question the rights ot the
United States In Its claims for pay
ment ot coats of the American army
of occupation In Germany.
Approval of 80 advances for agri
cultural and livestock purposes aggre
gating $2,616,000 was announced Mon
day by the war finance corporation.
Distribution ot the loans Included:
California, $9000; Colorado, $58,000;
Idaho, $10,000; Iowa, $118,000; Mon
tana, $71,000; Texas, $401,000; Utah,
$299,000, and Washington, $10,000.
Solution ot the mystery of the find
ing last Friday of the package of 2000
$5 treasury bills In the Fotomao river
near the bureau of engraving and
printing was announced Monday by
Chief Moran of the secret service, who
said that the bills were a part ot the
bundle of 1000 sheets, each containing
four $5 notes, stolen from the bureau
about a year ago.
The allied debt refunding commis
sion created by congress and entrust
ed with conversion Into long-time se
curities of the debts of the allied na
tions to the United States was for
mally completed. Tuesday through
confirmation by the senate of the
nominations of Senator Smoot of Utah
and Representative Burton of Ohio,
republicans, as members of the commission.
Full Diplomatic Relations to Be Re-establishedAct
Declared Disloyal.
Genoa. A treaty between Germany
and Russia was signed at Rapallo Sun
day, the signatories being the foreign
ministers of the two countries, George
Tchltcherln for Russia and Dr. Walter
Rathenau for Germany.
The signing ot the treaty between
Germany and Russia, which nullifies
the Best-Litovsk treaty, cancels all
war claims arising from the national!
izatlon ot property, and re-establishes
full diplomatic relations between these
two countries on a basis of equality,
has caused profound astonishment and
resentment among the allied delega
tions. The ministers of the powers which
convened the conference decided at a
meeting held Monday night to have a
committee of experts examine this
treaty, to determine whether It con
flicts with the Cannes resolution or
the treaty of Versailles.
Subsequently the convening powers
will meet with Poland, Czecho-Slova-kla,
Roumania and Jugo-Slavla to as
certain the views of the lesser powers
and deal with the report of the ex
perts. The British and French dele
gates declared that they considered
the signature ot the treaty a disloyal
act. Apparently it may Imperil the
It Is stated that the signing of the
treaty, which took place at Rappalo
was unknown to the allied leaders,
when Delegates Barthou, Schanzer and
Theunye met to consider the reply
which the Russians might make to the
conditions Imposed on that country,
but as soon aB the delegates learned
of the treaty, their program was
changed, and the situation, which Is
considered extremely grave, was fully
M. Barthou, head of the French del
egation, Is seeking further Instruction
from his government at Paris, and
declared that he would not sit beside
Russians In semi-official meetings.
The situation Is so critical that the
most prominent delegates are reserv
ing their opinion until after the ex
perts examine the new document,
which Is generally regarded In allied
circles as an Infringement of the Gen
oa agenda, because it has to do with
reparations and affects existing
Chicago. Twenty-one persons were
known to have been killed, more than
100 injured and thousands made home
less by tornadoes and flood waters
which swept over the central west
Tornadoes were reported In a score
of Illinois and Indiana towns. Homes
were demolished, telephone and tele
graph service to the stricken districts
crippled and livestock killed.
Throughout the area from Ohio on
the east to KanBas and Nebraska on
the west, heavy rains swelled streams
already out of their bands and Inun
dated thousands of acres of rich farm
land In addition to vast tracts already
under water.
While snow and sleet covered Colo
rado, Kansas and Nebraska, Missouri
and Iowa were pelted with heavy hail
storms which smashed windows and
damaged crops Several inches of snow
were reported from Denver.
The storm was believed to have
been the same which lashed several
towns In northeastern Kansas Sunday
night, killing several persons, then
Jumped over Missouri to reappear
early Monday In southern Illinois.
At Irvlngton the twister swept a
path 23 miles long and 150 yards wide
through the center of the village, kill
ing several persons. More than half
of the homes In the community w-ere
destroyed. Plalnfleld, 111., was almost
After visiting many Illinois towns.
the tornado Jumped into Indiana, strik
ing Hedrlck, a small village in the
western part of the state, early In the
afternoon. Two hours later, before
the place had time to recover, a sec
ond tornado caused several deaths and
heavy property damage.
Diving Plane Kills Two
Dallax, Tex. Captain G. S. Little
and Sergeant James L. Johnson, army
officers from Kelly field, San Antonio,
were killed here Sunday, when the air
plane in which they were riding went
Into a nose dive at a height of about
100 feet and fell.
The accident occurred near a pri
vate landing field and it is believed
the aviators intended to make a land
ing when the plane dropped to the
Railroad Shops Burn,
Kearney, N. J. Four shops, nine
motors valued at $40,000 and several
passenger, cars were destroyed by fire
In the repair shops of the Pennsylvania
railroad between Kearney and Jersey
City Sunday. A conservative estimate
of the loss was $500,000.
Definite Yes-or-No Anrwer Is
Lloyd George Announces That Aim
Is to Form Pact Between 34
Nations Represented,
Genoa. The Russian delegates were
told Saturday to answer definitely yes
or no as to whether they will put into
practice the conditions of the Cannes
resolution and the guarantees submit
ted to the London experts' report, ac
cording to a French communique is
sued subsequent to the adjournment
of a lengthy meeting oeiween the al
lied leaders and the Russians.
It seemed Impossible, said the
French statement, to get anything
tangible from the soviet delegates,
who astonished the allied representa
tives by demanding 60,000,000,000 gold
rubles as the amount due Russia be
cause of foreign intervention. This
Is two and a half times greater than
the amount the allies claim from
An Italian statement regarding the
meeting was more optimistic. It point
ed out that the subjects discussed are
more vast in scope than was dreamed
of when the Genoa conference origin
ated. "This," says the statement, "is an
attempt to bring about the co-existence
in the world of finance, economy
and commerce two opposite regimes
capitalism and communism. This
morning the experts were struggling
in a kingdom ot figures and in the
afternoon the allied leaders took the
discussion back Into the kingdom of
Premier Lloyd George of Great Brit
ain has announced that his aim at the
Genoa conference is to bring into be
ing a pact among the 34 nations rep
resented, agreeing not to invade one
another's territories. It would be
similar to the four-power pact nego
tiated at Washington.
Britain Is against a pact with mili
tary sanctions, it was declared, be
cause sanctions belong to the order
of Ideas that an endeavor is being
made to get away from, and guaran
tees would mean a new grouping of
tht powers. The military holiday idea
is not practical.
In response to questions, the spokes
man for the British said that Mr.
Lloyd George's plan resembled Presi
dent Harding's idea for an association,
which It was hoped would bring dis
armament or a big reduction of arma
ment in its wake.
Lloyd George received a cable mes
sage from Senator Joseph I. France
of Maryland, saying he was about to
propose a resolution In the American
senate asking that America be repre
sented at the conference.'
The message was referred to the
secretary-general of the conference.
The British attitude was described as
being that the British government
could not interfere with the affairs
of another nation.
Notes Over-Subscribed.
Washington, D. C A hearty over
subscription to the new treasury issue
of 3M per cent six months' certificates
bearing the lowest government Inter
est rates since 1917 was announced
Saturday night by Secretary Mellon.
Preliminary reports, he said, indicate
that the total subscriptions will ag
gregate more than $300,000,000 for the
Issue, which was for about $150,000,
000. All the federal reserve districts,
he said, have reported oversubscrip
tions of their quotas.
6000 Tenants Rebel.
Chicago. Six thousand tenants of
Chicago apartment houses, at a mass
meeting Sunday, pledged themselves
to refuse to move on May 1, Chicago's
semi-annual moving day, and to refuse
to pay increased rents.
The meeting was held under the
auspices of the Tenants' league of
Chicago. Many of the tenants re
ported that landlords had served no
tice of a $10 increase in rent effective
May 1.
Alien Law It Extended.
Washington, D. C The senate Sat
urday adopted the house Joint resolu
tion extending to June 1, 1924, the
provision of the present three per cent
immigration restriction law. Several
amendments were added to the house
measure which originally would have
extended the present law for only one
The Shadow of the Sheltering Pines
A New Romance of the Storm Country
CHAPTER XI Continued.
"God, how I've prayed for this mln
ite," he exclaimed, turning on her
"I have, too," said Tonnlbel In a
iiy, sweet voice. "I thought you'd
orgotten about me."
"Why, I couldn't do my work half
ray well, I've thought about you so
ouch," cried the boy, "and I've been
ilannlng a lot for you and me. You
ee, Dr. John is a sort of a guardian
o me, and next year I'll be twenty
hree. Then I have all my own money.
can get married then, if I want to."
"Oh," said Tonnlbel In a queer little
"Yes, I believe In early marriages,"
'hlllp went on emphatically. "Wasn't
t a queer thing that all the while
was haunting the shore you were In
he house, my house almost? You
ee, I live Just next door to you."
"Oh I" Tony said again. Something
tad hurt her dreadfully. Something he
ind said. He might be married next
'ear and, of course, it would be to
"And time and again I heard how
ueh some little girl was helping Dr.
?aul," he went on. "But somehow I
lever heard your name and hadn't
he last Idea" He stopped. Then
le slipped his arm about her. "I
lldn't know she was my little girl,"
le finished.
Tony closed her eyes. All the un
lapplness of the past weeks left her
hat moment like a vanished burden.
He had said she was his little girl,
low very lovely the world wasl
"Lean against me, dear," murmured
?hlllp. "And this time Oh, Tony,
lon't leave me today without telling
ne you love me a lot."
Tony glimpsed him with one little
ipward glance. Her eyes were star
irlght. "I love you more'n the whole world,"
ihe trembled. "More'n I know how
o tell."
It Isn't any one's affair Just how
nany times Philip made Tony tell him
ihe'd marry him, nor Is It any one's
iffalr how many times he kissed her,
ut It is our business to listen to
?hlllp's conclusion.
"I'm going to tell Cousin John and
3ousln Paul tonight that we're going
:o be married," he said, and Tonnlbel
lad no inclination to forbid him.
With dark thoughts, Kntherlne was
vatchlng for them to come back again.
She saw the happy shining face of
lie girl, saw Philip lift the little figure
Irom the car and draw her up the
iteps. Her teeth came together In
iharp misery as she turned from the
vlndow and went upstairs.
A Little Drop of Something.
Reginald was sitting in his mother's
foom that evening when his sister
ipened the door and entered. The
irl looked about for Mrs. Curtis, then
picked up a cigarette and lit it She
vas so white and drawn looking that
ler brother stared at her.
"What's the matter, sis?" he asked
?ith no particular Interest In his voice.
"I hate everybody in the world,"
mapped the girl.
"Whew! That's some hate," laugh
id Reggie.
Kntherlne threw herself down on
he divan.
"Worst of any one I hate Paul Pen
Uehaven and next well, next I hate
Cousin John," she said between her
:eeth. "I wish, oh, how I wish Paul
could die tonight I'd almost like to
till him myself. If It weren't for him,
ire'd all have money, and If It weren't
lor that girl with him, he'd die."
' "Well, I might cheer you up a little
f I told you that perhaps before long
rour Illustrious Cousin Paul Will be
inder the sod."
The girl sat up and stared at hlra.
"Don't be a fool, Reggie," she said
ffith a sneer. "Cousin John says Paul
will be able to go out of the house very
won, that by next week he can go
inywhere he likes."
Reginald got up lazily. He said
lomethlng under his breath that made
lis sister struggle to her feet She
itood a moment and gazed with star-
led eyes at the door that had closed
Reggie on the other side of It
Now, what'd he mean by that?"
the wondered dully. "What did he
nean by saying that if he could help
t Cousin Paul would never drive again.
t wonder Just what he meant by that!"
Reggie knew what he meant by his
arords If Katherlne didn't. He tntend-
d to put Dr. Paul out of the way,
Jigs helping his mother as well as
ilmself. He wanted to get away from
Ithaca, to leave the town that always
put him In mind of Tonnlbel Devon,
riie least wind that blew brought back
he awful moment when he and Devon
5ad discovered the girl had drowned
herself, and because of his tormenting
:onsclence he drank more heavily ev
try day. After leaving his sister he
went to his room where he filled him
self up with brandy. The drunker
he got the more dim grew the picture
)f Tony's pale, terrified face.
He slept soddenly for an hour or so
ind only awoke when a servant rapped
it the door and told him dinner was
ready. He was too 111 to get up and
lay staring hopelessly about the room.
Then suddenly out of the shadows In
the corner floated Tonnlbel Devon. He
groaned and turned slowly In the bed.
Instead of getting better he was get
ting worse. The ghost of Devon's
daughter was haunting him In every
one of his sober hours. He hated
Ithaca and every one In it. If Dr.
Paul were dead
He sat up, his head whirling, ne
crawled to the floor, went to the bath
room and soaked his head In cold wa
ter. Then he sent a servant for a
pot of strong coffee.
So happy was Dr. Paul to have Ton
nlbel back that he Insisted on sitting
up to his dinner.
"It was a long hour, my dear," he
said, smiling. "But I'm glad you went
out. He's a nice fellow, Philip. My
brother and I have often wished our
young cousin would pattern after him,
but it does seem as if nothing can be
done with him. Even his mother has
no Influence over him."
"I've never seen him," stated Ton
nlbel. "He's scarcely ever at home," an
swered Dr. Paul, "and the worst of
It Is, he gives no explanation as to
where he goes."
Then after dinner as usual Tonnlbel,
with Gussie Piglet In her arms, read
from the Bible. The clock struck ten
when she arose softly and began to
prepare for the night. By the even
breathing of the man on the bed she
knew he was asleep, and as quiet as
a mouse she crept about softly so as
not to arouse him. The suite directly
back of Paul Pendlehaven's had been
given to her. She went Into her bed
room and made ready to retire. Then
over her night robe she drew a light
She turned oft the electric switch
and stood near the window looking
out Her heart sang with gladness.
She had but to hearken back to tho
afternoon to hear a dear voice telling
her of a great love, love for her, Ton
nlbel Devon. How very much she had
to be thankful for!
Suddenly she saw the tall tree di
rectly In front of Dr. Paul's room
shake as if a giant hand were clutch-
Through the Break in the Netting She
Thrust Her Fiat
Ing at Its roots. How could that be?
There wasn't any wind, not even a
breeze. Her heart Jumped Into her
throat as she crept away from the
window and back into Pendlehaven's
room. The little night lamp glimmered
dimly above the small table with its
load of medicine glasses. She stood
In the shadow and peered through the
screen. There among the dripping
branches was the quiet figure of a
Her mind went immediately to her
father, but she put the thought of him
away, for the form In the tree was
much more slender than Uriah Devon's.
Dr. Pendlehaven still slept, his face
turned toward the wall, and Tonnlbel
squatted down at the foot of the bed,
keeping the dark figure In the tree In
the line of her vision. She dared not
leave the room, nor dared she call
out. How often Dr. John had told
her that his brother must be kept free
from shocks of every kind. For an
other ten minutes she leaned her chin
on her hand, still keeping her eyes
on the window. Then she saw the
flutter of a wistaria branch against
tne screen and" knew that the hour
had come. Another tense silence for
several minutes, then a little scraping
sound as if a sharp instrument was
moving over wire. Some one was try
ing to get In. Tonnlbel crawled for
ward on her knees until she was di
rectly in front of Dr. Paul.
She sank back against the bed and
The scraping sound at length ceased.
With a forward shove of her head,
Tonnlbel saw that the wire netting had
been ripped fully a foot and then she
saw a hand move little by little
through the opening, until a long arm
was fully inside the room. Tony
watched it fascinated. Then she saw
It waver toward the table, pause, open
and lay some little pellets down with
out a sound. Then long white fingers
drew off the covers of the glasses
Copyright by the H. K. Fly Company
noiselessly and picked up the pellets (
one after another and dropped them
silently Into the medicine. As quietly
the covers were restored, and the arm
slowly withdrawn. Directly beneath
the window, Tonnlbel rose up.
There through the faint light she
was staring Into the face of Reginald
Brown. Instantly she recognized him,
and all the terror of that duy when he
and her brutal father had placed a
menacing shadow over her swept her
nearly off her feet. Reginald had come
not only to harm Paul Pendlehaven,
but to get her I
"Stand by, Salvation of the Lord,"
shot across her tortured soul, and then
through the break In the wire netting
she thrust her clenched fist. Reginald A
took the blow she gave him without an
audible sound and fell backward Into
the garden below. He was paralyzed
by the blazing eyes and the memory
that the body of the ghost-girl was
somewhere beneath the broad surface
of Lake Cayuga.
Tonnlbel heard him land on the soft
grass, and for a few seconds she stood
panting against the window. Then she
withdrew her arm and crouched down
on the floor.
What had her father's pal put In
Dr. Paul's medicine? Minute by min
ute she became more acutely sure that
no good had been Intended. Silently
she took up the glasses and carried
them to her own room. Then she slip
ped out into the hall, ran along the
corridor and rapped softly on John
Pendlehaven's apartments. Twice she
repeated her summons In nervous little
rap-taps that penetrated Dr. John's
sound slumber. When he recognized
her, opened the door and noticed how
white sne was, he drew her Instantly
to him and shut the door.
Between chattering teeth she began
to tell him the dreadful tale. As she
went on A'lth the story the listener's
face grew much concerned.
"Somebody's tried to poison him,"
he cried, taking a long breath. "My
God, who could be so damnable as
that? Come, let me get the stuff."
Together they stole back to Tonnl
bel's room and Dr. John carried away
the medicine with him, leaving Tony
with a caution not to speak of the
matter to his brother. Putting on his
clothes, John went outside and made
a tour of the house. It wasn't difficult
to find the place where the man had
fallen, but there was no sign of him
Tonmbel did not sleep at all that
night But very early In the morning
she arose and slipped Into Dr. Paul's
room and put back the medicine Dr.
John had given ber.
During the morning Dr. John Pen
dlehaven softly entered her room. He
came forward, his hands outstretched,
his face white and very grave.
"Darling little girl," he whispered,
with much emotion. "You have saved
my brother's life. The villain, who
ever he was, put the rankest kind of
poison In It. He must have gotten lt
from some doctor, for no druggist
would have sold It to him.
"Mebbe he's dead," replied Tony gen
tly, with an expression of awe. "It
was a long tumble he took."
"No ; he got away I I've hunted the
place over for him. Would you know
him again if you saw him?"
"Sure," replied Tony, nodding, but
she said no more. To tell him who
the man was would mean to break the
solemn oath she had made on the
Christ to her mother.
A timid knock brought the conversa
tion to a close. Mrs. Curtis was at
the threshold when Pendlehaven open
ed the door.
"I've been looking the house over
for you, John," she began. "Boy's got
a headache! He said for you not to
bother to come to him, but to give
me something to make him sleep."
"Is he drunk?" demanded Pendle
haven. Mrs. Curtis began to cry.
"John, how unkind!" she sniffled
from the haven of her handkerchief.
"The moment the child complains ev
erybody accuses him of drinking. No,
of course, be Isn't drunk."
For many days Reginald Curtis
tossed fitfully In bed, tortured by the
thought that he would never cease
being haunted by Tony Devon's spirit
He dared not get up, for he was cov
ered with bruises from his fall, and
added to his misery, he imagined ev-
ery time the door opened he Wis go
ing to be arrested. But no such thing
happened, and one afternoon when
Dr. John was gone and his mother
and Katherlne were shopping down
town, he crawled out of bed and made
his way softly from the house.
Uriah Devon had ventured back to
the Hoghole with his canal boat, so
when Reginald appeared aboard her
Devon met him with a growl.
"Where In h 1 you been all this
time, Rege?" he demanded In a sinis
ter tone.
Reggie shuddered, as he sank down
on the bench.
"I'm going crazy," he muttered.
"I've been awful sick."
The trouble with too many children
Is that the education of the parents
has been sadly neglected.