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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1922)
WATPH Swf? MAUPIN TIMES L. Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 8, NO. 28 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. APRIL' 20, 1922 THE YEAR $1.50 Tractor For Sale Cleveland 12-20 used one season. J. W. Ward Wapinitia Three and one half tons of wheat hay for sale at twenty dollars cash per ton. C. E. Cunningham 60 cts. Boxes of Linen Station ary Reduced to 25cts. Maupin Drug Store. For Sale-Netted Gem potatoes at Maupin warehouse. Double Mesh Quaker Maid Hair nets 2 for 25 cts. Maupin Drutr Store. Folks that use them couldn't keep house without a Maytag; neither could you if you ever tried one. Buy your Maytag today. Terms. A few Young Cattle wanted A. A. "Bonney Portland Painless DENTIST Seven Years in The Dalles Until May the 1st we will make, the following prices on your Dental Work: Bridge work, per tooth $ 6.00 Gold Crowns 6.00 Painless Extraction , 1-00 Full Set of Teeth (upper and lower) 40.00 This includes extracting Fillings in proportion This work is all guaranteed and is first class in every respect. This offer is not good after May 31st W. T. SLATTEN, D. D. S.," Proprietor 305 Second St., The Dalles, Ore. Phone Main 4821 Incorporation Carried Votes cast at the special election here last Friday carried in favor of Maupin municipal organization by 56 to 7. Nomination for the election of city officers to take place Friday night. Base Ball do about it?". There is but one way out of the difficulty and after all the problem i's really solved when the big farmer gets the fast snappy team of that city ' . , ,, i j i i this1 condition. The Maupin base ball team won its third game of the season last Sunday at Madras against One class of farmers ht9 made I'g a better showing than the aver- He is the man who il was a cola windy day out a large crowd of spectators were out. to witness the came Maupin hoys won much Credit in lae above mentioned, the manner thev handled the hall'40 acre to 200 acre The score was 12 to 5 in favor of intensifies and practices rotation Maupin. farming In the dry belt of n .. . At n wheat land it is not bo simple to Batteries Maupin, Morrow ,tri .. , , ... . ,, Renick Madras. Young . . ,..,. . i . out, on vvapimua riains wnere better yet two thirds and then put your thought and efforts be hind the small farm and you will find a few good cattle and hogs, silo and alfalfa, a family orchard some berries, a flock of some good strain of fowls and you are on the road that spells success in thousands of instances in all our projects the West over, ;You dont want to raise potatoes and vou don't like hogs about to break down your lame old fences then for goodness sake, pell it all as its no real pleasure 1o be in the red either. There are thous ands of homeseekers vho will Vome west in 1922 and each year up to and including the big crop of Eastern farmers who will come in 1925 for the fair and to look at Oregon land. If you cut up your land so that these 40 to 30 acre men with funds to success fully farm can take hold you are out of the mire and the Wapini tia Plains District will develop and prosper. Then will come co-operative creameries, cream routes, rual mail, community trade centers will grow and. en large Maupin will be a city of a few thousand people, Wapini tia will increase 1000 percent in 5 years, trading posts at Victor (continued on page 4) Morrow Young Brothers. The schedule for future games is Sunday April 30th Madras vs Maupin at Maupin. Sui'day May 7 Dufur vs Maupin at Maupin The game for next Sunday was advertised to be nlflvpd with Antelnne hilt, on ac- count of sickness of some of the too many acres before contrcatd players the game with this team for stil1 more here as elsewhere will be placed later. There wilt,and ntnv theiT face 3 percent and ' mcr nocco rvrra rna mnva rnpv rotation is now made possible through irrigation the small farm will solve the problem as it ' is doing it in other places, People went land crazy in 1918 !-19 and 1920, that is men with be no game Sunday. ' Our Maup n team is playing excellent ball as usual this year and deserve the support of the community. Come out to the games and see them perform. The ball boys will give a dance in the I. O. O. F. hall after moving picture show Thursday evening, April 27th. 'to vStop at Andy's Refresh yourself with an Ice Cream Soda This season we are going in for the best line of f Confections and Fountain Goods money can buy Always Fresh and Sovc Clean Ice Cream and Soft Drinks of all kinds Lunch Goods and Restaurant Cigars, Tobacco, Pool Hall in connection H.Anderson Maupin, Ore. Smaller Farms The recent hearifig1) for the committee that visited many parts of Oregon in the intest i of tax reduction disclosed a v ry interesting fact at The Dalit f--namely that Wasco County Fai m ers realized an average of the ir long hours of toil as applied to the oversized farms of Wasco This means considerable to the thinking tiller of the soil. The writer has interviewed a number of ptominent farmers among the class who rent or employ hired help at least a portion of the year and they all say that 3 per i3 th8 out side for the returns. A prominent LaGrande farmer who has three large farms recent ly reported that two of his farms were in the red column and bought the worse off they are which only proves the point that the large unit farm is a mill stone about owners neck and prevents the successful affilica tion of intensive farming as it should be done to pay out. ' The small farmer with the aid of his farmer does most of his work and keeps the money in side. He puts in more thought than the big land unit man can require from his hired help and find by that practice of a thrift that is needed rather than ease and shorter hours he gets results He so farms that he has some money returns along monthly, or quarterly, where as the larger unit man hari outlay of cash month ly and quarterly but must wpit fur two years on each acre to Out of the Ruins! of Burning Maupin A progressive little store, mod ern in equipment, well stocked with choice merchandise, threw open it's doors to the public- one The people sensing the ailvan- just broke even. This at a time tage and value of this new when money lenders are being enterprise responded heartily. t I .11. 1 J?. I sought out ana Deggeu ior money lTn(j... nnih ,tm at 8 and 10 percent. Land is only worth what it will pay anet interest rate on if we are to judge the business of farming as -we do other lines of activity. You say "What are e going KiminiiiEinzsnii Some Things we are Proud of: Consistent Service Courteous Treatment Merchandise of Real Merit g A SQUARE DEAL FOR EVERYONE U Ten Years Experience in Studying Your Needs A FINE LARGE STOCK OF ALL NEW MERCHANDISE SHATTUCK BROS. Maupin, Oregon B K ti very young, it is a vital business factor in a better Maupin. It is a Mecca for the thrifty housewife, a te treat for all progressive farmers. It is a modern trading post where local veal or hogs or any number of eggs are purchased, at a fair price. It embodies the spirit of a new Incorporated Maupin and does business for her common inter ests. It will grow even as Maupin will prosper in the prosperity of Maupin. A close examination of 'its pre vailing prices, scrutiny of its high grade merchandise will convince the most cautious buyer of its profitable advantages. BUTLER S Big Little Store solicits your patronage and in vites you to I enjoy pleasant hospitality. bring the returns that often fail to, pay his help, his overhead, his taxes, his 8 percent to the bank for the harvest and other forced advances, his living etc. so he stays in the red and wond ers what is the matter. Sell off L The Cost of Rotting Building now running into millions A ROTTING building h abso lute waste, because a small investment in paint will save it. A building that is not protected by paint must either be rebuilt or repaired in a few years at a costly figure. ' Check ' the cost. Compare the prices of paint and lumber. Can you afford to bear the expense of rebuild ing or repairing your home, when to. save it costs so little? Whe,n you paint, make an additional saving by using tht best paint. It spreads easily saves labor cost. It covers more surface per gallon than "cheap" paint. But more important, the best paint serves five or more yean longer than "cheap" paint. The best paints are scientific In formula and preparation. We've been making them for 73 yens. The best ' materials PIONEER WHITE LEAD, pur linseed oil, pure tine, and pure colors are combined in Fuller's Paints In scientifically exact proportions with long-time skill. Free Advice on Painting Ask nnr aimt for advice, color carda, He. Aik the Fuller SpeHfloe. Hob Pptrtat Ibout tfee moat Hettrable color erhemea. otnr harmony and nf aetana. Makere of rVtfcber Cement floor Paint, All-Pursoee Virniebee. Silkeawhite Eeemel, riften-for-Kloori ; Yatniib, Wiihihle Well Fieilh, Ante Enamel, Bam and Roof Paint, Poreh and Step Faint, and PIONEER WHITE LEAD. m Fullorh tPtClriCATIOM tPICIFICATiOM House Painto Phoenix Pur Point furs Prepared Paint Manufactured by W. P, Fuller & Co., Dept. 46, San Francisco Branches In 19 Cities in tht West Mv house needs painting. Fuller's Specification House Faints ere sold by the following Ageatai Maupin Drug Store f When You Waste a Dollar You not only lose the dollar but you lose the interest on it for the rest of your life. Put your money to work at four per cent interest with the Maupin State Bank Time certificates issued for one dollar or more Maupin State Bank. W e Strive to Merit Approval lit half of your over sized farm, or