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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1922)
DORTI AMh OFFERS A MARKET rVbilkHHV FOR YOUR pnonnrr Portland, Oregon VAUDEVILLE PHOTO-PLAYS , Complete Change Sun. and Thurs. Matinee Daily. Twice Nightly Saturday, Sunday, Holidays, Continuous YOU CAN EASILY LEARN TO FLY and become a r-1tot by taking the course ot instruction we offer Th t but I2l)0.u0-used to be J500.00 and takes but ten weeks For lnformaUm addreJS. OREGON-WASHINGTON & IDAHO AIRPLANE CO U"0rmaUon 214 Spalding Bldg., Portland, Ore. SPECIAL 49 cts. -Mail this Ad. and 49 cents to us and receive by pre paid parcel post, a one pound box of our best assortment of candies. SWETLAND'S, 269-271 Morrison, Portland. JUf 1p V TT Q A wlli J""6.8"03.' Granaries, Basements, etc., Water Waterproofed CEMENT proof, Rotproof, Ratproof and Firenronf Medusa Waternroofed Whit Pni-tiani r-Amanfr i Inn hoa fni SJtnnnn U lnnr. ... itioici uii uuisiue ior )unra- lows Does not stain and dirt can be hosed off. Write for Literature. Bold by A. MCMILLAN & CO., 120 Union Ave. N. Portland HEMSTITCHING AND PI.EATINfi Buttonholing - Buttons Plaiting - Tucking and Chalnstitching All Mail Orders given careful and prompt attention Elite Shop, 384 Morrison St, BAB'S RESTAURANT tsusrA itr.? a . , Open 7 . m, to 2 , m., 32fi Stark St. HIDES We are in the market for Hides. Write for PrlceB and Shipping Tag's. Tan nerB of Guaranteed "Columbia Oak" Harness Leather. Established 1889. WEBER TANNING CO. PORTLAND, OREGON I L Cafeteria Sixth street opposite The Oregonian and Al der street opposite Meir & Frank's. The Best Eating place in the City. The Finest Coffee and Pastry a Specialty. Page & Son Portland, Oregon Now is the time to market capons. We are pioneers and largest handlers of these In the Northwest. Write us. Capons PORTLAND HIDE & WOOL CO. 105 UNION MENU! NORTH, PORTLAND, QREQON Write for Prices and Shipping Tags We Pay Highest Prices for HIDES, PELTS, WOOL, MOHAIR, CASCARA BARK. Address Department B MONUMENTS E. 3d and Pine Sts. Otto Schumann Granite ct Marble Work. PERSONAL Marry If Lonely: most successful "Home Maker"; hundreds rich; confidential; reliable; years experience; descriptions free. "The Successful Club," Mr, Nash, Box 556, Oakland, California. PORTLAND SHOE REPAIRS, MAIL 'EM Model Shoe Repair, 272 Washington SL PIPE REPAIRING a PIPrrC Repaired by experts, (aaaaaaaa rirdO piue Shop. 272 Wash. PRUNE TREES!! PRUNE TREES!!! Before buying elsewhere see us. Columbia Kursery Co., 1490 Union Ave., Portland. SDOY scours (Conducted by National Council of ttaa Boy Scout a of America.) OYEINO I J CkBANINS (TABLltHMCNT Grand Avenue at Yamhill PORTLAND, ORE. EXPERT j Dyeing & Cleaning EXCELLENT SERVICE By Parcel Post Return Pottage Paid, Write for Circulars and Prices. "At Your Beck and Call" RUBBEP STAMPS and MARKING DEVICES. "Entry thing for tht Offise' v NCOME Expe t advice on any income tax problems. m Several years' actual experience in Govern DDHDI CMQment Bureaus is offered r II U D L C III 0 those unable to visit our office. State your troubles briefly and send in with Jl and we will give you hon est to goodness advice. It will pay you to get in touch with us now. E. J. Curtln, Room 806 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Oregon. RAINIER HOTEL Riln $1.00 us is. K? ftk p,rtl" 1" Very Centrally Locate Convenient to all Depots, and one block from'lyiin Portoffice Fire Proof and Modern NEW HOUSTON HOTEL A. E. Holcombe, Manager Weekly Rates to Permanent Guests Sixth and Everett Streets, Three Blocks from New Postoffice, Four Blocks from Union Depot, Portland, Ore. SHIP US YOUR WOOL Wool cleaning and carding. Wool bats and mattresses made to order. VVe do custom carding. Write lor prices. Crystal Springs Woolen Mills Established In 1005. Main Office and Factory, .760 Umatilla Ave., Portland. n PAMIMA AND DYEINQ For reliable Cleaning ana Dyeing service send parcels to i us. We pay return postage. I Information and prices given upon request. ENKE'S C1TI UXJS wuao Established 1890 roruano USED TRUCK BARGAINS 1 to 5 ton GMC, Republics, Whites, etc. Overhauled Guaranteed. WENTWORTH & IRWIN, Ine. . Oregon Distributors for GMC Trucks 200 Second St., Cor. Taylor Portland, Oregon Fire Proof and Modern RITZ HOTEL PARK AND MORRISON STS. Depot Morrison Cars direct to Hotel. Popular Priceg. Center Shopping and Theater district. FRANK A. CLARK, Prop., formerly with Clyde Hotel. STOCK THAT GROWS 1 .nest stock that can be raised at a pries you will like to pay. Write or call. The Villa Nurseries RFD No. 1, Montavllla Sta., Portland, Or Guaranteed Nursery Stock We have got just what you want Call or write for prices. Russellville Nursery Co. H. A. LEWIS, Prop. Montavllla Sta., Portland, -Oregon "A Moderate Priced Hotel of Merit" HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison St., at East Sixth, the Principal East Side Hotel. 5 minutes from Shopping District. Four blocks from S. P. East Side Station. CoroNA The Personal "Writing Machine. Weight 6 lbs. Price J50.00. case included Fold It Up Tile with You: Typewrite Airwhert, OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., Other Makes from $10.00 Up. 94-A 6th St., Portland, Oregon. Write for folder. MOST POPULAR SCOUT BADGES For the past Ave years the most pop ular merit badges among scouts have been those in public and personal health, swimming, flrenianshlp and first aid, though sometimes one and some times another leads the list During 1921, public health was the most popu lar, 7,4(33 scouts qualifying in that .sub ject In the one year, whereas 7,825 qualified In personal health, 7,141 in firemanshlp, 6,620 in swimming and 6, 837 In first aid. It is noteworthy that every one of these five popular badges are those on subjects which constitute marked steps In the making of a healthy, responsible and helpful citi zenry. In spite of the greater stringency of demands made by the national court of honor in the cases of life-saving ap plications, the number of medals awarded during 1921 for conspicuous service was greater than ever before, totaling 147, against 92 of the past year and 55 of the year before. Three gold medals were awarded as follows : Thomas H. Robinson, Camden, N. J.; Howard Kate of Vlneland, N. J., and Henry A. Skilton of Wilmington, Del. Scout Robinson lost his life in saving that of his friend. Henceforth there will be only one type of medal awarded by the national court of honor in place of the three grades of gold, silver and bronze hith erto awarded. The new design, which will be worked out in gold, was de signed by Belinore Broune, artist, trav eler and scout man. t BOY SCOUTS SIGNAL EXPERTS PATENT ATTORNEY We can show you how to turn your patentable ideas into cash. Oregon Licensed Mechanical Engineer. THOMAS BILY.EU, 202 Stevens Building, Portland, Ore. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT,, DR. G. E. WATTS 212 Oregonian Building. PORTLAND, OREGON SPECIALIST Female and Rectal Troubles and GLAND TRANSPLANTATIONS PILES FISTULA.FlSSURB, Itch ing and all other rectal conditions except Cancer permanently cured with out a surgical operation. My method of treatment saves the tissue Instead of destroying It. It is pain less, requires no anes thetic and is permanent. There is no confinement -1, tO Den, no nun in mivi With business or social engagements. I guarantee a cure or will refund your fee. Call or write for booklet Mention this paper when writing. DR. C. J. DEAN oond and Morrison SU., Portland, Or. 0 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Farm Implements New and second hand, special prices. P. E. Ksbenshade, 360-366 E. Morrison St. East 91. BMZfNG7"WELDINGTCUTTING NothwestJWediig & Supply Co. 88 1st St CUT FLOWERS VF LOR At. DF8IGNS Clarks Bros., Florists. 817 Morrison BL DOORS AND WINDOWS , We can sell you Doors, windows, Roof ing, Paint, Glass and Builders' Hardware direct. We are manufacturers. Write for prices before buying. Heacock Sash At Door Co., 212 First St., Portland. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS Commercial Iron Works. 7th Madison. DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN Chronic diseases a specialty. Dr. W. N. Allen 830 Fleldner Building. LndccG Mill Pfi RQUfiHT. SOLD U. S. STABLKS, 365 Union Ave. Draft horses bought and sold. MFGS. OF VULCANIZED ROOF PAINT New roofs and repairing done. Tounf and Woods. 1103 E. Caruthera St Davis Bros., American Shoemakers, 108 4th St. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR We help the appearance of women. Twenty-two Inch switch or transforma tion, value $7.60, price IO 1 icnum jiui VETERINARIAN Cattl a Specialty Dr. Chas. M. Anderson, Kenton. Portland. Wedding "Bouquets and Funaral Plecss Lubllner Florists, 348 Morrison 8t M8end,usJyour Inquiries for anything in Iron or Woodworking Machinery, Lotglnr, sawmill, Contractors' Equlpmept, Loco motives, Boilers, Engines, Crushurs, Kail, Caoie, Belting, etc. Burke Machinery Co., 521 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland, Or. United States Veterans' Bureau Assisting the disabled veteran ot the northwest district to get a start on his own land is to be the program this spring and summer of the United States Veterans' Bureau, according to H. L. McCoy ot Seattle, head ot the vocational training department ot the bureau in the northwest. The "back to the soil" aspirant will be furnished expert farming advice and paid gov ernment compensation, part of which he may use as, payments on the land. Bureau officials will assist the veter ans in securing the land. Announcement was made that Di rector Charles R. Forbes of the Bureau has refused to indorse a new organiza tion named "The Committee of War Risk Insurance Beneficiaries," pur porting to promote congressional legls- lation of benefit to former service men and dependents holding govern ment insurance. Director Forbes de nied that the organization has any connection with or sanction of the government in its efforts to enroll in surance beneficiaries throughout the entire country. He stated that the proposed plan of the new group to convert war risk policies to cash value would defeat the rights of alternate beneficiaries. There are 30,000 vet erans In this district holding war risk insurance. There are now 252 blind service men in vocational training under the ill rection of the IT. S. Veterans' Bureau it was stated. Announcement was made by Man ager .L. C. Jesseph that no person eligible for vocational training shall be inducted into training in home study or evening course "simply to, protect rights of eligibility." i!!IP I '1 During the anniversary week rally conducted by Troop 3 of Macon, Ga., one of the interesting features was the tower demonstration, In which many of the member of the troop participated. GERMAN BOY SCOUTS It Is reported that the German scout organization, hitherto known as Der Pfadflnderbund, has applied for affilia tion with the International scout body which will convene for the second con ference In Paris next July. The only question Involved will be whether or not the German organization is will ing to follow genuine scout lines as practiced In the British empire, United States and elsewhere rather than the militaristic type which It originally adopted. Lord Hampton, assistant chief commissioner of the British scout organization, says that If Ger many can produce a genuine, sterling scout there will probably be no ob jection to his Joining his brothers at the next Jamboree, . EVA TANGUAY, who wlli appear at the Hippodrome, Portland, week be ginning April 8th. Mute evidence that Marcus Loew is sincere in his recent announcement that Loew's Hippodrome, Portland would be given stronger programs now that the playhouse has assumed full week schedules, is shown when Eva Tanguay, known as "tne Man o'War of Vaudeville," will fulfill a week's en gagement there, starting Saturday, April 8th. On the heels of this startling an nouncement the news is forthcoming that Viola Dana, dainty Metro screen star, will appear in person at the Hip podrome the entire week starting April 16th, In conjunction with the showing of her latest picture, Glass Houses. Both Miss Tanguay and Miss Dana appear in addition to the regular pro grams, and Manager Ely adds to Mr. Loew's news by stating that there will be no advance in prices, despite the unusual financial outlay Involved In bringing the two stars to this city. Miss Tanguay offers the most pre tentious song cycle of her career and her offering could almost be consld ered a fashion revue due to the stun ning new frocks and gowns she brings with her. GERMANY BUILDS SKYSCRAPER City of Hamburg to Hava 16-Story Building More Expected to Follow. Hamburg Germany. The first sky scraper In Germany will soon le com stnictcd in the old huslness section of Hamburg.- It will be sixteen stories high, topptng the highest building In Oormsny ut this time by five stories. ,rrwtoct believe the construction of tnls b'.lldlng will Institute the era 0; skyscmpeii In Germany, and ex pect to see a number of similar build ings go up within the next few years. Unusual difficulties must be over come. The city water plant is equipped to furnish water to the eleventh story, and this brought up the ques tion of fire danger and Insurance, as well as the probability of financial loss in view of difficulties In renting offices on the five higher floors. Despite these dlflicultles the pro moters have secured permission to erect the - structure, "provided the building does not destroy the nrchl tectural symmetry" of the streets. An electric barrage which charges certain areas of water with electrodes hits been devised to prevent fish from entering Irrigation canals and ditches and later perishing by thousands In the fields. Lldell & Clarke, for many years es tablUhed in the transportation busi ness, with offices at 105 Third St Portland, Oregon, were last month ap pointed general agents for Oregon for both the Scandinavian-American and the Swedish-American Lines. These two well-known steamship companies are maintaining direct service be tween New York and Scandinavian ports with up-to-date passenger steam ers, and make connections with all parts of northern Europe. A large ex cursion will leave Portland on the 2nd of May to connect with the "Frederick VIII" in New York May 9th. On the 3rd of June another excursion will leave Portland to connect with the S. S. "Drottningholm," sailing from New York on the 10th of June. Japanese Deft With Each Hand, Japanese children are taught at an early age to write and draw with both hands, and to this fact has been as cribed the superiority of Japanese art In certain directions, especially in neat sewing. Nth Degree In Something. If some men were as fussy about choosing a wife as they are in se curing a manicurist the divorce courts could knock oft a few weeks. BOTH BEAR THE GOODYEAR NAME Oneof the tires shown aboveis thefamous 30x3Vi inch Goodyear All-Weather Tread Clincher. By long wear, superior traction and freedom from skidding, and low final cost, this tire has won unquestioned leadership in its field. Alongside it is illustrated its companion, the 30 x 3'2 inch Goodyear Cross Rib. More than 5,000,000 of the Goodyear non-skid tires have been sold in the last five years. Built of the same high grade Arizona cotton fabric that goes into the All -Weather Tread Goodyear, with a long-wearing but differently de signed tread, they have given remarkable service. Their quality and serviceability have proved to thousands of car owners the folly of buying unknown and unguaranteed tires Of lower price. Ask your Goodyear Service Station Dealer to explain their advantages. 30x3'2 Cross Rib Fabric ... $10.95 30x3'2 All-Weather Fabric . 14.75 30x3Vi All-Weather Cord . . 18.00 30x 3V4 Heavy Tourist Tube . 2.80 30x32 Regular Tube .... 2.25 Manufacturer's tax (ra Sea May Yet Yield Treasure. Gold shipments which have gone down are occupying the attention of scores of marine experts today. Nu merous devices have been patented and many lives have been lost In at tempts to salvage sunken treasure. Among hundreds of others a rich re ward awaits the man who can salvage the treasure lost with the Lusltania. Maudie on Papa. Maudle's papa Is night editor on a newspaper, a fact which Maudie appa rently hasn't learned; for when some one asked her a few days ago what her father did for a . living, ' she re plied: ''I div it up. I fink he's a burglar, 'tause he's out all night." We Wouldn't, You May. At a Chicago clinic the other day a lad's head was operated on to make him a better boy. "Would you call the gathering a weak-end party?" in quires Alice. Boston Transcript. IIIIIIIIP11IIIIIIIIII w" 1 1 rj llm illllllll vm Take Note of the Beautiful. Love of the beautiful is a good source of happiness. It is, therefore, well to have a keen perception of beauty and to take an interest in ev erything that Is good and beautiful. Bird Sanctuary for Gulls. Natural history has many students In Canada proper and the provinces. The town of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, has recently purchased an Island in its local Lake George as a bird sanc tuary for great black-backed gullB. Back to the Sources. "You are under arrest," said the cop. The vagrant sighed philosophi cally. "The pinch of poverty," said he. Detroit Free Press. Mrs. F. G. Norman jf """Viiiuiii A FRIEND IN NEED A FRIEND INDEED Writes Mrs. Hardee Regarding Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable - Compound Los Angeles, Calif. "I must tell you that I am a true friend to Lydia E. Pink- ham s Vegetable Compound. I have taken it otr and on for twenty years and it has helped me change from a deli cate gin to a stout, healthy woman. When 1 was married I was Bick all the time until I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. I was in bed much of my time with pains and had to have the doctor every month. One day I found a little book in my yard in Guthrie, Oklahoma, and I read it through and got the medicine Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and took eight bottles and used the Sanative Wash. I at once began to get stronger. I have got many women to take it just by telling them what it has done for mo. I have a young sister whom it has helped in the same way it helped me. I want yiu to know thi I am a 'friend indeed, for you were a'Triend in need.' " -Mrs. George Hardee, 1043 Byram St., Los Angeles, California. Let Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound be a "friend indeed " to you. Boxing Gloves on Fighting Cocks. An English farmer was recently haTed into court and fined on the charge of keeping a place for the pur pose of cock fighting, but he made the defense that the sport as indulged in at his place was not an offonse within the law, as the birds fought with box ing gloves instead of spurs. Early Discouragement Foolish. I b'lleve in havln' a good time when you start out to have it. If you git knocked out of one plan, you want to git yourself another right quick, be fore yer spirits has a chance to full. Mrs, Wiggs, HAVE YOU A DAUGHTER? Watch her Health! Portland, Oreg. "When my daughter was in high school and away from home she was troubled with functional disturbances and pain, to the extent of almost hav ing to give up her studies. When nhe came home and I learned of tier condition, I immediately began giving her Dr. Pierce's Favorlts Prescription combined with the I'leaBant Pellets and In a short time bar system became regulated and her suffering ceased. I hope this statement will help other girls who have the same trouble my daughter had." -Mrs F. O. Norman, 134 N. 16th St. Get Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pres cription today from your neighbor hood druggist, in tablets or liquid, or write Dr. Pierce, President In valids' Hotel In Buffalo, N. Y., for free confidential, medical advice. Enclose 10c if you desire a, trial pkg. tablets. When a politician Is a little timid about taking a position on a para mount question, he says in an un usually loud voice that tbo opposition Is clouding the issue. The Meanest Man. A hotel-keeper has been found In Missouri who IB so mean that when a baby was born In one of his rooms he immediately wrote Us name on tlio register and began charging it for room and board. Boston Transcript. Is needed In every department of house keeping. Equally good for towc' ble linen, sheets end pillow cases. Ar Van SalUfipn? BEHNKE-WALKER rue leu oausHeoi business college II ,th felnest, most perfectly equipped nslnee Training Bchool In the North west. Fit yourx-U for a hlfher position wlut mora money. Permament podUona assured eur OraduatM. WrlUt Or aauUos; Fourtt and TamhlH, Portland. P. N. U. No. 14, 1922