The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 06, 1922, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
THE YEAR $1.50
Portland Painless
Seven Years in The Dalles
Until May the 1st we will make the following
prices on your Dental Work:
Bridgework, per tooth $6.00
Gold Crowns 6.00
Painless Extraction 1.00
Full Set of Teeth (upper and loAver) 40.00
This includes extracting
Fillings in proportion
This work is all guaranteed and is first class
in every respect.
This offer is not good after May 31st
W. T. SLATTEN, l) D. S., Proprietor
305 Second St., The Dalles, Ore.
Phone Main 4821
Cattle Feeder's Meeting ,
The Cattle Feeders' day which
i will be held at the Union Branch
Experiment Station, April 13 and
14 promises to be largely attend
ed from all sections of Eastern
Oregon. The work that 'has
been accomplished by this station
during the past six years along
the line of trying out the most
practical feeds to use in stock
raising should be carefully studi
ed "tiy every livestock feeder, in
the State. They tell a lot of
tlihiKS that we have wanted to
know tor a long time. See for
for yourself what the cattle look
like at the time of this meeting.
The gains and the feeds used
will startle you. Come and stay
both days. This is one of the
best demonstrations in the West
a id all stockmen should see it.
April 13 and 14 at Union Oreg.
Stop at Andy's
Refresh yourself with an lee Cream Soda
This season we are going in for the best line of
Confections and
Fountain Goods
money can buy
Always Fresh and Sove. Clean
Ice Cream and Soft Drinks of all kinds
Lunch Goods and Restaurant
Cigars, Tobacco, Pool Hall in connection
H, Anderson
Maupin, Ore.
To Grand Lodge
Hie local Rebekah Lodge took
in two new members at their
meetiiin last night. '
They also elected delegates to
the state convention to be held
at Eugene in May.' Mrs. Lora
Doty and Mrs. Lydia Fraley were
elected to go. A short pro
gram followed by games and
refreshments completed the eve
ning. "
Breezy Remarks
A barber who htnpl from Perdue
Would continually irae a sham
poo; He talked so of dandruff
That the town folk it dainruff
And made this poor ba; her skid-
A good many women
said, "Oh, this is so sudd
when what they thought
"Well, it.s about time,"
" You should stand by your
grocer," argued the Business
"I always do when he is weigh
ing my purchases," replied Mrs.
Bob. Wilson says a doctor often
tells hi3 patients to go to a warm
er climate when they are slow
in paying their bills.
is Better
It is drawn from the oven at 4 o'clock in
the evening and on sale at 7 o'clock the
following morning
Around Maupin
Many took advantage of the
opportunity to pay their taxes
at the Maupin State Bank, the
last few days.
H if T-l
luessers ranow were over
from Smock the fore part of the
week hauling hay.
Double Mesh Quaker Maid
Hair nets 2 for 25 cts. Maupin
Drug Store. .,
Mrs. R. A. Driver-of Wamic is
visiting her reice Miss Edna
Driver of The Driver.
The local Drug Store is receiv-
ing a coat of paint.
W. E. Wilson has sufficiently
recovered from his recent illness
to return to his home in Portland
K. E. Wilson accompained him.
Subscribers please note the
date of expiration of subscription
opposite your jiame on your
paper. Have you "paid up" yet?
Mrs. J.P. Abbott made a trip
to The Dalles Friday returning
Allan Canfield has been releas
ed from The Dalls hospital
where he has been for almost a
Buy your wife today a Maytag
Multi-motor washer and cut the
drudgery out of wash-day. Busy
times s head, she will have
enough to do without the extra
work of wash-day. Terms if
desired. New aluminum model
now on sale.-Shattuck Bros.,
Maupin. Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Welch
arrived yesterday from Portland
and are guests at the Carl Pratt
Miss lea Derthick and Mrs.
Wertz went to The Dalles Fri
day night returned Sunday.
Mrs. L. D. Kelly and Doris
went to The Dalles Friday return
ing Sunday.
Portland Painless Dentist, 305,
Second St. The Dalles Oregon,
All work guaranteed, W. T.
Slatten D, I). S. Proprietor
Phone Main 4321.
50 cts. Boxes of Linen Station
iry Redurt d to 20cts. Maupin
I M ug Store.
A 7ilb daughter arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mis. Howard
Nye Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Driver of
Wam'c are yisilois in Maupiu
May Be Regarded as Encour
aging Signs of Returning
y l
We Do Not Sell Old Bread
The disbursement of fifteen million
dollars, most of which will be paid nut
lu Oregon and Washing'on. during
1922, is one of the encouraging sign?
of returning prosperity. The Union
Pacific System is to add larg1! to it?
equipment, to relay portion of Its
track vith rails of greater wrieht, to
ballast anew u roadbed, to replace
wooden bridges with structures ol
steel, and construct a steel bridge
bridge across the Columbia River be
tween Walla Valla and Kennenlck,
thia one project to cot t $1 500,000.
An order for 4,500 new freight cars
to cost $10,C0A00O, and for 2.500 re
(rlgerator cars at a cost of $3,750 000
iaa made public several weeks ago.
The r'frlgsrtor cars are !'.r the Ta
die Fruit Express, one-half of which
is owned by the U. P. System.
General Manager O Brien of the Ore
son-Washington Railroad & Naviga
tion Company (Western unit of the
Vnlon Pacific System) has Just an
nounced the setting aside of l.onn onn
for Improvements and additions on
Ihts unit of the System during 1022. ,
Most of these millions will be ei
pnd4 In Oregon and Washington
The forest and the saw milla will
supply all of the lumber which will be
used In car construction and the army
of rail'oad workeri will be enlarged
until It will be of sufficient magnitude
to complete the work The money
paid for materia! and labor will be put
Into general circulation. Service will
be increase! labor In demand and
b'lilnesi conditions Improved by the
million! to be ipent by the great trans
continental railroad.
Maupin, Thursday, ' April 6
Madam X
A real picture story of a neglected wife of a French
gentleman who becomes a woman of the underworld,
and is saved by her son, grown to manhood, and saves
her without knowing it was his mother,
.Regular Admission 20 and 40 cents
Guaranteed Show
Dance after Show
The Danger Point
in trying to ave on painting
Repairs Cost Mora Than Paint
WHEN the paint on your
property begins to check
and crack, it is time to paint
again. Unless your house is
protected by a smooth, elastic
film of durable paint, decay will
set in and rapidly depreciate it.
Decay is expensive and wasteful.
Price lumber alone, to get an idea
of what it will con to repair or re
build. Paint saves this cost.
The best paint is the most econom
ical in the long run. It spreads easily
saves labor cost. ! covers a largi
area per gallon than "cheap" paint.
But mnit important, the best paint
serves five or more years longer thin
"cheap" paint.
We have been making the beit
paints for 73 years. They are aeien
tif.c in formula and prepsiatiun. They
meet the weather conditions in (lie
They contain the finest materials
seed oil, pure zinc and pure colors
combined scientifically in exact pro
portions. They are the best paints
ive know. .
Free Advice
on Painting
Aak an aatqt far Ulrica,
olor earda, te.
Alt th. Foliar 'paeiSea.
Hon IVptrlm.B! aboat tha
molt deairabla color arhamaa,
tolnr turnout and lor attar
Mikan of KM Camas!
ioor rjlnl. All-Porpaa
Varslthaa, Sllkaoohlci
EHm.l Til. 1 w
arrJah, Wubabla Wall flolak. Asia
House Pa into
PhOfnl Pur "-tin
Purm PrtDortd Poln
Manufactured ty W. P, Fuller & Co., Dept. 49, San rr.nci.eo
II I . aa
orancnea in tv ittlaa fn tttft
Mr ounds paia'ms. Fuller a SpeolBcatloa Houai Faint, s.t add by th followlm Ainf:
Maupin Drug Store
When You Waste a Dollar
You not only lose the dollar but you lose
the intcrnl it ftr the rtttaf your life.
Put your money to work at four
per eint interest with the
Maupin State Hank
Time certificates issued for one dollar or more
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to Merit Approval