The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 30, 1922, Image 1

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T7 fYF"
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 8, NO . 25
THE YEAR $1.50
Second Team
Those wishing to come out for
a 2nd Maupin Ball Team please
do so at 2:00 o'clock Sunday
Clifford McCorkfe and Rex New.
Just Received
Netted Gem and Burbank
Potatoes. Place your or
ders at once as they will
not-last long at this specia
low price.
Card of Thanks
We wish to express our heart
felt thanks to our friends and
neighbors who so kindly assisted
us during the sickness and death
of our beloved son and husband
also . for the many beautiful
floral offerings.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Harpham.
Mrs. Eva Harpham.
W. HT Sfaats returned home
Saturday from Portland where
they have spent the winter.
Mrs. Staats is expected Wednes
day. Dr. C. F. Gray. Dentist, Hotel
Kelly will remain a week or ten
Stop at Andy's
Refresh yourself with an lee Cream Soda
This season we are going in for the best line of
Confections and
Fountain Goods
money can buy
Always Fresh
and above
Ice Cream and Soft Drinks of all kinc's
Lunch Goods and Restaurant
Cigars, Tobacco, Pool Hall in connection
li. Anderson
Maupin, Ore.
Tygh Valley, Wednesday,
Maupin, Thursday,
Ma dam X
April i
April 6
A real picture story of a neglected wife of a French
gentleman who becomes a woman of the underworld,
and is saved by her son, grown to manhood, and save3
her without knowing it was his mother.
Regular Admission 20 and 40 cents
Guaranteed Show
Dance after Show
Portland Painless
Seven Years in The Dalles
All Prices Reduced
All Work Guaranteed
W. T. SLATTKN, I). D. S., Proprietor
305 Second St., The Dalles, Ore.
Thone Main 4821
D. Woodside was a Maupin
visitor Monday.
Mr. McKee has moved his fam
ily from their homestead here to
a place on the river near Maupin
Mrs. Wes. Ray who has been
nnrsing her daughter, Mrs. John
Delco, has returned to her home
in Prineville.
Dr. Elwood was up Saturday
night to see Mrs. Sinclair.
Mr. and David Sharpe are now
employed at the West place.
Betty Nell Smith has te?n
quite sick lately.
Robt. Ellinvvond who has been
sick is better.
Walter Driver was up from
Tygh Sunday.' Mrs. Driver re
turned home with him as her
nother is much improved.
Mr. Herbert Hammer and J.
M O'Brien accompanied the
tea 'hers to the Institute Saturday
f'M'pt. Chuchill and Supt. Grone
wahl were up here inspecting
our n J'lscnooibaturaay evening
Che:.' r Rice has returned from
Portland and is now working for
R. W. McGorkle.
Mrs. Mary Pechette is cooking
for the me;i up at Abbott's lamb
ing camp.
Lyle Big!''? is visiting this
week with Ji.mie Abbott.
Rev. Mattufws of Simnasho,
was in ' Wapinitia on business
Monday. t, -
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hammer
and son Ralph are 11 much
Mrs. Joe Rigsdes ! very sick.
Mr. and Mrs. Ge lye Magill
were over from Wami 1 Monday,
visiting at the Fred-Magi:
Dr. Elwood was called to Wal
ter Woodsides , Tuesday ;o see
Mrs. Woodside who is Quit pick.
Loyd McCoy is at the hotel sick
John Delco returned to E le
Creek Tuesday after having l.- -".
detained in his home about
month by the illness of his wife.
Mr3. Fred Delco and son have
gone to Eagle Creek.
Mrs. Anna Smith is recovering
from the fiu and Miss Erma will
soon resume her school work at
the,Vietor school.
Ralph Woodside has quit school
and gone to work for Roy Batty.
Helen Dement and Robert Hoi
man are both sick at the Frank
Batty home.
Several men are at work on the
road again. They expect to have
a full crew working irra few
days if the weather is favorable.
.Thelma Harpham who has had
pneumonia is steadily gaining in
strength. ,
There 'is no high school this
week as the teacher Mrs. Borror
ha3 gone to Portland.
Miss Ledford of Smock is em
ployed at the Nathan Hill home.
Mrs. N. G. Heiin is sick.
N. G- Hedin returned from
Portland Wednesday.
Forrest Mahaney of O. A. C.
visited from Saturday until Mon
day with hissister Eula Mahaney,
teacher at Pine Grove.
Hazel and Lee Laughlm are
absent from scljool on account
oi sickness.
Mrs. Ferle Eviok is still con
fined to her bed.
Al. Daniels and Lincoln Hart-
man are on the sick list thi3 week
Mr. Sam Tindle i3 visiting his
sister Mrs. G L. Harpham.
Ben Foreman has been dragg
ing the road from hi 3 place to
i Wapinitia.
! Emit Heckler's family are all
down with the flu.
! Little Irene Buyiside also hai
i the flu.
School Notes
The Local Institute held at
Maupin, Saturday March, 25 was
a great success. A large crowd
were present to hear Mr. Church
ills talks and to enjoy the debate
by six members of The Dalles
high school. The musical num
bers were universally enjoyed.
Mr. Churchill expressed himself
as having thoroughly enjoyed
the occasion. - -
We wish to extend our thanks
to those who helped in any way
towards furnishing the dinner;
to those who took part in the
program, to those who rendered
services such as furiiishing seats
by Mr. Plyler, Mr. Fraley for
the use of his truck, and the
Farmers Union for the use of
their cups.
The next Literary Society will
be held Friday, April, 21. This
will be the last ' meeting this
year and there will be an exibi
tion of the sewing club and cook
ing club. Every one cordially
invited to attend.
Everbearing strawberry i !ants '
$1.00 per hundred A. A. Bon
ney. H. M. Green's house caught
fire from an over heated flue last
night, but the prompt action of
some of the neighbors extinguish
ed the blase before much damage
Dr. C. F. Gray returned from
Portland Wednesday, and has
reopened his dental office at the
Hotel Kelly to remain a week or
ten days.
Buy you wife today a Maytag
Multi-motor washer and cut the
drudgery out of wash-day. Busy
times shead, she will have
50 cts. Boxes of Linen Station- enough to do without the extra
ary Reduced to 2 jets. Maupin
Drug Store.
The local stores are stocking
up very attractively winh all
work of wash-day. Terms if
desired. New aluminum model
now on sale. Shattuck Bros.
Maupin, Oregon.
The local switch board was
lines of Bivmgj of commission vesterday but
iutu)uii a jii ui.fM una apjf hi nnu's
Hnrd Federation wheat took
the first premium both at Pen
dleton and Portland as the very
best wheat. To distribute the
seed of this wheat I will give
one sack of Hard Federation
wheat for two sacks of other.
A. A. Bonney.
Mrs. L. C. Henneghan left
f jr The Dalles today for a short
Joe Wing is able to carry ,the
mail in his auto the past week,
the roads being in pretty good
condition now.
A. R Rankin presenting the
Standard Oil Company was here
from The Dalles Wednesday.'
Percy Driver and Narvel work
ed the roads in the vicinity of
Tygh Valley last week.
Don Miller moved to his home
on Juniper Flat last week '
Vernie Wing drove state last
we'k taking Willie Willards
hbme.lo.lace who. has canied the nmi'
the past two months.
Many farmers commenced
plowing Monday.
The ground was white Thurs
day morning from snow falling
the night before, sufficient to
make the ground to wet to plow
Hard freezing at night followed.
Mrs. Etta Large arrived Fri
d iv from The Dalles to take care
oi' the Albert Hill family who
were all down with the flu.
Cluybourne Palmateer arrived
Friday from Sil.ynton.
Lester Crofoot ta ne ever from
Maupin Friday.
Irma D. Munierhas been promo
t?'i fiom the first und second
grades to the fifth a d sixth
grades in the school al Warm
Mr. Ada Norvel was ehc'ed
Superintendent at the Suii'iy
school yesterday. Mrs. Georgia
Norvel secretary and treasurer
and Camel Woodcock librarian.
Frank Morrow rh heie Fri
day from Pasco, Washington.
Charley Lake painted the in-
sido of hi3 mothers house laat
Bud Fatison ran a nail in his
foot Saturday while impairing
some fence around his field.
Around Maupin
B. F. Cook and sister Mrs.
Jesse went to Portland Sunday
and returned Tuesday.
Double Mesh Quaker Maid
Hair nets 2 for 25 cts. Maupin
Drug Store.
The J. H. Woodcock family
spent Sunday at Wamic visiting
with friends and relatives.
Butter Nut Bread Bntler.s
I say it's fresh.
L. B. Kelly is grading ti e
main streets of the town.
Western Grown
Garden Seeds
. Our stock is complete
Early Seed Potatoes
plant thf m early
Golden Bantam and
Stowcll3 Evergreen
sweet corn seed
Take Home a Can of
Butler's Special
Blend Vaccum Packed
a lineman from The Dalles arriv
ed on the afternoon train and
soon restored it to "working order
Portland Painless Dentist. 305,
Second St. The Dalles Oregon,
All work guaranteed, W. T.
Slatten D, D. S. Proprietor
Phone Main 4821.
C. T. Bonney, Mrs. C. T. Bon
ney, Thelma Bonney, Lena Wing
James Wing, Miss Hallyburton,
Mis3 Aken. Fred Miller, George
! Miller, Walter Driver, Leonard
Driver, Harvey McClain, Winston
Lake, Everert Kerr, and Leon
I Matthews were Tygh vicitor3 at
the Institute held here Saturday.
The Dentist, Dr. C- F. Gray,
has returned to Maupin.
Rev. II. A. Walter left Tuesday
! morning for Bonnet Ferry Idaho
i where he whs called by the
'death of his brother.
6-Volt Battery
Guaranteed for one year
We will save you money on
TIRES. It will pay you to come
and sec us before investing in
Fischer's Garage
When You Waste a Dollar
You not only lose the but you Iohc
the intrust m it for Hie ml of j cur life.
Tut your money to woik al ft. it
per cent interest with Hie
Maupin State Dank
Time certificates issued for one dollar or more
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to Merit Approval