The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 23, 1922, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 8, NO. 24
THE YEAR $1.50
Bank to Start Construction
How to Really Save
On Cost of Painting
FIRST, find Tout what good
paint is, for that is where you
tart to save on paint. We spend
more to make paint for your econ
omy as follows:
We use only the best materials
in Fuller's Specification House
LEAD, pure linseed oil, zinc and
finest colors.
We super-purify the lead in
special purifier. Then we make
the lead so fine that it will pass
through a silk screen with 40,000
rneshes to the square inch.
The "whiter" lead means clearer
toned colors. The extreme fineness
means better mixing quality,
greater- covering capacity, more
ease in spreading a paint that's
always uniform and smooth.
Such paints when applied form
beautiful elastic, tough, protec
tive coat that stays. They are
known as ''Fuller's Specification
House Paints."
Where "Cheap"
Paints Fail
Don't Figure Paint Economy as
"Cost per Gallon." , . .
"Cheap paints can't compete
with good paints in economy.
"Cheap" paint covers less you
buy more gallons. It is harder to
spread, requires more work so
you pay more labor cost. Your
"saving" in less cost per gallon is
very quickly eaten up.
. Cheap paint starts to crack in
twelve months. Good paint re
mains good five or more years. It
is really the cheap paint that is
expensive. Don't allow surfaces to
rot it costs lets to paint them.
There is no real cost in painting
with the best paint. Depreciation
of an unpainted building far ex
ceeds the cost of paint.
Free Advice on Painting
ASK our agent for our
free advice. He will
show you a color card
which shows 32 shades
of this desirable paint.
We have a Fuller
Specification Depart
ment which will tell you
all about the most desir
able color schemes, color
harmony and those other
details you want to know.
Take advantage of Fuller House
Paints. Take steps to paint now. Don't
let weather appreciate your invest
W P. Fuller & Co.
Dept. J5, San Frisdam
Pioneer Manufacturers of Paints, Vernitlitt,
Enamel,, Stiins, tnd PIONEER
WHITE LEAD for 12 Years
Established 1849
Branches in IS cities in the Wast
Dealers Everywhere
Alio makers of Rubber-Ceraen Jloor
Paint, All-purpose Varnishes, Sillrenwhita
Enamel, Fifteen-for-Floors, Washable Wall
Finish, Auto Enamel, Barn and Roof Paint,
Porrh and Step Paint, and PIONEER
1 paints
House Pcainto
Phoenix Pur Point
Pur Prepared Point
M'f'd by W. P. Fuller & Co.
ftr all xttrtor Jobs of patntin? It It advUftblt ft abtala
th ervlcM of a Matter Painttr
"Purft Preou-ed" and "Phov That Mints trfl tiUDflrtaat ft
nix" are FuUer'i Specifications you, to it's important to to !
for houte painting. Get cither the right
nA unil hair a Um haai that inn. A sunt a'
uuc tin m7 iung ctviid luiiiicu
to ftt than,
and adareate art
the memo counon
below. Cut it out and put it
in your pocket
For all exterior Jobi of palntinf 1t la ad vita bit to obtain
the eervlcee of a Matter Painter
Save ThisCut this out out and paste it in your nots book as a memo
My house needs painting. Fuller'! Specification House Paints
are told by the following merchants;
Maupin Drug Store
Portland Painless
Seven Years in The Dalles
A 11 Prices Reduced
AH Work Guaranteed
W. T. SLATTEN, D. D. S., Proprietor
305 Second St., The Dalles, Ore.
Phone Main 4821
The Maupin State Bank has
purchased the 50 feet square of
ihe I. O. O. F. property facing
Deschutes avenue. Work will
commence next week moving
the hall to the rear of the lot.
Preparations will be made as
soon as possible for the erection
of a fire-proof Bank building on
the corner.
Henry H. Harpham was born
April 5th 1887 in Oklahoma, and
died March 21. 1922 He was
the son of George Lincoln and
Sadie Harpham. When he was
a child one and a half years of
age the family moved to
Oregon ' where they have re
sided since. Hank, as he was
most familiarily known, has
spent the past twenty years in
and around Wapinitia. On Jan
2nd 1912 he was married to Mis
Eva Grsves of Aurora Oregon.
He leaves to mourn their loss
his widow, four children, Thelma
Dorothy, Henry Jr.' and George
Lincoln, his mother father, three
siciti rs, Mrs Lou McCoy of Wap-
initiM. Mrs. Ray kaylor or Mau
pin. ivliss Nellie Harpham of The
Dalle;- and two brothers Jame3
and La verence of Wapinitia.
Funeral services were conducted
at the Vnpinitia church by Rev.
I. Punter at 11 oclock this
morning, ihe i. u. u v. hoage
will have charge at the Kelly
Cemetary where interment will
be made.
Around Maupin
Everbearing strawberry plants
$1.00 per hundred. A. A. Bon-
Job Crabtree and Oabtree
Bros, each bought a Case Trac
tor and plow of K. E. Wilson Co.
this week. .
J. H. Fitzpatrick, Harvey and
Mrs. McClain were over from
Tygh Valley last evening.
If you want potatoes see Butler
Buy you wife "today tTM'aytag
Multi-motor washer and cut the
drudgery out of wash-day. Busy
times ahead, she will have-
enough to do without the extra
work of wash-day. Terms if
desired. New aluminum model
now on sale. Shattuck Bros.,
Maupin, Oregon. .
L. D. Woodside was Saturday
afternoon named guardian for
Isham Horton West and Anna
Catherine West, heirs of John I.
West, who died at his home
near Wapinitia March 3, leaving
an estate valued at over $20,000,
in an order signed by Judge J.
T. Adkisson.
50 cts. Boxes of Linen Station
ary Reduced to 25cts. Maupin
Drug Store.
R. E. Wilson was a Dalles
business caller the first of the
Hard Federation wheat took
the first premium both at Pen
dleton and Portland as the very
best wheat. To distribute the
seed of this wheat I will give
one sack of Hard Federation
wheat for two sacks of other.
A- A. Bonney.
Portland Painless Dentist, 305,
Second St. The Dalles Oregon.
All work guaranteed, W. T.
Slatten D, D. S. Proprietor-
Phone Main 4821:
Mr. and Mrs. Newt. Morris
returned Tuesday from Prineville
where they were called by the
serious illness of Mrs. Morris's
sister who passed away while
they were there.
B. L. Foreman was a Maupin
visitor Tuesday.
For quick sale-Dry wood at
II. 25. -David y. Sharpe.
A baby girl was born to Mrs.
Carl Pratt Sunday morning the
young lady's name is Cherre.
Butter Nut Bread Butler.s
I say it's fresh.
'" School Notes
These days are clean up days
for us. Every afternoon the
pupils go to work at the different
places they have been assigned
with a good free will.
The examinations are over
again and those averaging 90 or
above are: Mabel Cyr, Orland
Walter, Lorraine Stovall Stanley
Houghton. The class leaders are
Freshman Stanley Houghton
Sophmores Orland Walter.
Juniors Mabel Cyr.
Seniors -Lester Crofoot.
Those of the grammar grade
room who averaged 90 or above
are: Eighth Winifred Kaiser
Seventh Helen Weberg
Sixth Florence Philme'ee
Fifth Crystal. Stuart
Those averaging above 90 are:
Winifred Kaiser' Jean Wilson,
Helen Philmee, Olive Turner,
Orville Fraley, Crystal Stuart,
Melvin Jory, Estel Stovall, Lela
Weberg, Helen Weberg,. Mary
All are welcome at the Institu
te March 25 1922.
The practice work for the
Track Meet is progressing nicely
The record for the high jump is
5 ft. and the broad standing
jump 9ft.
9:30 Orchestra
Song by School-"Beautiful Ore
on Rose"
Piano Duet- Helen Weberg and
Jean Wilson
Song- Primary girls with Lelah
Weberg accompanist,
Piano Duet -Lelah and Helen
J. A. Churchill-Talk .
Orchestra Tygh Valley
Prin. Abrahamson The DalleB
Song By School America First
Solo-Tygh Valley
Song Primary Pupils ' ,
Piano Solo-Erma Mo'rris
Chorus of Mixed Voices
J. A. Churchill County Unit
... . Nopn . . .
Song Keep the Glow in Old
Piano Trio Erma Morris, Helen
Weberg, Jean Wilson
Violin Solo-J. II. P. Woodcock
Organization of Tract and Field
Quartet ugh Valley
Debate County Unit Plan
Orchestra Tygh Valley
Burr E. Tatro-The Dalles H. S.
Girla Sextet
A. Churchill-Round Table
Sid Wilson and family left
Tuesday for Ridgefield Wash, to
visit with Mrs. parents. From
there they will go to Pocateila
Idaho where Mr. Wilson has a
Dr. Gray returns Tues or Wed.
to Hotel Kelly. Painless Dentist.
For Sale
1 Cream seperator, New But
terfly. 2 Incubators. 120 egg
capacity. 1 160 chick Brooder.
Thoroughbred white Leghorn
hens. -Inquire Mrs W. O. Wilson
L. E. C C. E.
6-Volt Battery
Guaranteed for one year
We will save you money on
TIRES. It will pay you to come
and see us before investing in
Fischer's Garage
Chester Pechette returned
Friday from a week's stay in
The Dalles.
When in town take hgnie a
piece of fresh meat. It is so
nice for that Sunday dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Woodside
and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crabtree
were in Maupin yesterday.
Leave your watch repairing at
The Maupin Drug Store.
Chas. Crofoot and daughter
Velma were over from Wamic
Sunday. Mrs. E. C. Pratt and
little grandson Loyal accomained
them homet
Straw Hat dye all colors 25cts.
Maupin Drug Store.
Mrs. W. O. Wilson and Mrs,
H. V. Retherford were visiting
at the Van Laanen home Tuesday
Lewis, Delbert, and Loyd Mc
Coy were Maupin visitors Satur
day. Naomi Smith left Saturday
night for her home in Astoria.
Double Mesh Quaker Maid
Hair nets 2 for 25 cts. Maupin
Drug Store.
Look Whose Here
Friday, March 24
I. O. O. F. Hall Maupin, Ore.
Big Show Rip Van Winkle
Hard Time Dance after Show
Prize given to Hardest Time Couple
Music by Plyler's Orchestra
Admission to Show 40c
Dance Tickets $1.10
Supper at Andy's
Don't Forget the Date
March 24
Raiu or Shine
Spring is Here
Prepare for house cleaning
with a package of Peets
Washing Machine Soap
Laundries highly recom
mend this wonderful Soap
Butler's Have It
Western Grown
Garden Seeds
Our stock is complete
Early Seed Potatoes
plant them early
Golden Bantam and
Stowells Evergreen
sweet corn seed
1 1
When You Waste a Dollar
You not only lose the dollar but you lose
the interest on it for the rest of your life.
Put your money to work at four
per cent interest with the
Maupin State Bank
Time certificates issued for one dollar or more
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to Merit Approval