The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 02, 1922, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 8, NO. 21
THE YEAR $1.50
watch rm
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Grandma Ryno has crossed the
Margaret M. Drake was bom
in New Providence New Jersey,
November 17, 1835 and died Feb
ruary 22, 1922 age 86 years 3
months and 5 days. In Septem
ber 1853 she was united in marri
age to Addis E. Ryno to which
union were born 9 children, 3 of
whom are gone on before. They
made their home in LaPort Co.
Indiana for 33 years in 1892 they
moved to Washington where they
lived until 1911 when they came
to Oregon, where on the 13 of
December 1914 Mr. Ryno answer
ed the summon to go hense and
has was laid to rest near Airlie
Bince which time grandma has
made her home with her daught
er Mrs- Thomas Moss. Grand
ma was a member of the Baptist
church. She leaves to mourn
their loss 3 sons, and 3 daughters
Mrs. Thomas Moss of Criterion,
Mrs. Mary Harts of North Yaki
ma Wash., Mrs. Carrie Garwood
of Pasadena California, and W.
P. Ryno of Vancouver Wash. A.
E. Ryno of Stillwater Okla., and
J. S. Ryno of Montana with a
host of friends and neighbors.
Funeral text Psalm 8:4.
There is a world above
Where parting is unknown;
A whole eternity of love
Formed for the good alone:
And faith beholds the dying here
Translated to that happier
Sphere. Montgomery
Rev. H. Alva Walter
Card of Thanks
We desire to thank all of those
who so kindly helped us in the
sickness and death of our dear
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moss
and family.
Smelt Smelt Smelt
Phone your orders to
We send 'em out fresh
every Morning
DR. GRAY of Portland
is now in Maupin, Oregon
for one week
and because it is impossible to secure an office over
town Dr. Gray has his office in the
Dr. Gray can extract and fill teeth WITHOUT PAIN
Dr. Gray specializes in Porcelain Fillings and Porcelain
and Gold Crown Bridgework.
This is an opportunity for having your dental work
attended to without the expense of a trip to the city
Dr. Gray is accompanied by Mrs. Gray who is a skilled
dental assistant.
Business justifying, Dr. Gray will make regular
trips to Maupin.
Dr. Gray carries papers from the Oregon State
Board of Dental Examiners.
All work Guaranteed. Prices Reasonable
School Notes
All of the high school students
have recovered from their illness
and have returned to school.
Examinations were held in the
high school room last Thursday
and Friday. Owing to the fact
that the members of the junior
and senior classes were out of
school on those days, their ex
aminations were held on Monday
and Tuesday.
Class leaders for the month are
Freshmen - Stanley Houghton.
Sophomores Jesse Waller.
Juniors-Mabel II. Cyr,
SeniorsLester Crofooi
Those averaging over 90 are:
Mabel Cyr, Jesse Walter hi d
Lorraine Stovall.
About a third of the pupils in
the primary room were absent
last week on account of illness.
Several have been absent in the
grammar grade room also. They
are all recovering however, and
most have returned the first of
this week.
Stop! Look! Listen! "Lets go
to the Basket Sscial" Saturday
night Marce 4, and help the
school out. The Sociol and enter
tainment is given under the
auspicies of the Student Body so
please come and let us show you
what we can do.
Also remember the Institute
to be given March 25.
L. E. C. C. E. Per Mabel Cyr
Smock News
George Duncan and Wilbur
Mulvaney were Maupin business
visitors Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Driver of
Wamic are SDendincr th& weeJt
with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wood
cock of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Mayfield
and children are visiting relatives
on the Flat this week.
Mr. Jame3 Woodcock came up
from Wamic Monday and is visit
ing at Tom Woodcocks here.
Hard Federation wheat took
the first premium both at Pen
dleton and Portland as the very
best wheat. To distribute the
seed of this wheat I will give
one sack of Hard Federation
wheat for two sacks of other.
A. A. Bonney.
E. A. Cyr is having the debris
moved from his lot.
Oregon Teacher Tells of the
110,000 Children in American
Orphanages "Over There"
The hope of the entire Near Eat
country, according to Mia Margaret
Reld, teacher In Jefferson High School
of Portland, who recently returned
from a term of service In the Near
East Relief orphanages In riimian
Armenia, li bound up In the 110,000.
orphans being fed, clothed, educated
and trained for farming and the In
duatrlal tradei.
Th continuous van which have
wapt this unfortunate country since
1914, h gays, have left it devaetated
and its people helpless, starving and In
d'ipalr before tha staggering task of
"They are plodding on as best they
esn," says Miss Reld, "but ara cen
ts !rg all their hopes for the future
o the Armenian and Syrian races up
on 110,000 children In the American
orphanages who are receiving careful
American training. Outside the orph
anages there is practically no school
ing or training to be had. Every ef
fort mutt he directed towards the dif
ficult objective of mere physical sur
vival. Many 12 year old children can
neither r?ad nor write. This is be
cause war has swept that country ever
alnce 1914. These boya and girls are
from well-educated, families, and real
izing how handicapped they are, they
come to the orphanages and offer to
give up part of their food if they can
be given schooling. From the desti
tute familiee enme mothers In rags
and tatters, thin and hollow-eyed from
hunger, offering to make any eaertflee
It we will only establish schools for
their children. In all the orph
anages the children are being taught
to read, write and fisure In their own
language'. The older and brighter chil
dren receive Instruction in geography,
history and English. Because bread la
needed so much more than education,
we cannot afford a sufficient number
of teachers to teach personally all the
children, so pur few teachers give their
extra time to the bright pupils, who
are able, in a short time, to sr- as
teachers- for the others. These chil
dren are marvelouely industrious.
Practically all the work of my orph
anage was carried on by the children,
who did all the cleaning, sewing, conk
ing and laundry work, also helping in
the hospital work and clinical treat-,
ments. They realise that every penny of I
American money must go for their sup
port and to help other children keep
alive, so the boys of our orphanage,
when they wanted a swimming pool,
dug the hole themselves and then went
without supper twice a week for many
weeks In order to buy the cement and
the labor of the workmen to finish It.
"When the little refugee children
come into our orphanages they are
always In a most pitiable condition
dirty, covered with vermin, clad only
In filthy rags, and many of them af
flicted with scabies, trachoma and oth
er diseases resulting from starvation,
exposure and lack of care. The first
task is to clean the child thoroughly,
shave Its head, and treat the eyes and
cables sores. Next comes a system
of careful feeding, lest the food prove
fatal to the famished and emaciated
little bodies. In about two weeks the
little waifs are able to run about, but
It takes a year or more to make them
over Into normal, wholesome children.
Their Joy Ind happiness in the para
dise of an American orphanage is, the
thing that makes It possible for an
American worker to endure the sights
that must be seen on the outside of the
orphanage walls every day. But happy
aa they are, these little ones never
seem to forget the awful things they
have been through. We had ona little
boy named John, four years old, who
for weeks after being admitted, would
steal the ahoee of the other boys, their
books,- food from the kitchen, every
thing. Thtt was because the only wtv
he had of keeping alive all his life,
had been by stealing. Another boy of
eli year would sit by the door, for
days after he came, with hit hands out
begging for food, despite the fact that
ha was receiving threa meals a day.
It hard to make him understand
that he still did not have to beg for
food. A four-year-old boy who bad
pent the previous winter begging In
a ruined village and sleeping at night
among the sheep, had a perfect horror
ef being tent away from the orphan
age. One day he recognized two women
rlsitort who came from the ruined vil
lage where ha had begged wheit scarce
ly more than a baby, and he ran to
me sobbing and In terror, pleading
with me not to let them take him away.
The boy who ran my errands a 12
years old, as Armenian. He had teen
hit entire family killed before hit eyet
In a Turkish massacre. Hiding among
the ruins, he escaped massaere, but
next day waa found by tome Arabt,
who took him Into tht desert and made
Mm their alar far twa sstta. Tfcc
Wails of Starving Children As
sail the Ears of Relief
Workers at Erivan.
The tragic progression of famine
condition In Armenia Is strikingly
shown in the personal reports brought
back by State Director J. J. Hand
taker of the Near Kaet Relief when he
visited that section lent August, and
In the letters that have been received
at Intervals since.
I "When I was there in the late sum
mer," said Mr. Handsaker, "The con
I ditions were truly appalling,- despite
the fact that the orphanages were fill
ed to their utmost capacity and every
thing possible was being done. I my
self selected a little naked girl with
nineteen others from among hundreds
I of starving children to fill the only
, possible vacancies in the orphansgs at
Erivan at that time. Hrwevsr, the
weather was warm, and the refugees
could manage in some way to keep
alive. Reports from Erivan (n late
September told of the coming of the
cold weather, and how the reserves
were drawn upon for the opening of
additional soup-kitchens. Starving
men women and children from all see
tions were flocking desperately tc the
Near East Relief station! In the hope
of getting work, food and clothing.
Two months later, tinder date of Nov.
29, we have news of the frightful situ
ation that followed. This news came
to Dr. Either Lovejoy, of Portland,
Oregon, who is national chairman of
the American Women's Hospitals,
from Dr. Mabel Elliott, In charge of
the American Women's Hospitals in
the Near East section. This organ
ization la co-operating with the Near
East Relief, and is handling the med
ical work of the latter at Erivan. Be
low Is an excerpt from Dr. Mabel
Elliott's letter to Dr. Lovejoy:
"I cannot begin to tell you, doctor,
of the mieery here In spite of the dhor
moui amount of work being done.
Since I have been here S52 is the low
est number of cases we have had in
our hospital! at any ona time, and
yet they are dying on all corners of
the city. Last Sunday ws went out
on horseback to lee how thing were
beyond the town; we pawed a dead
horse by the side of the road, and
three wretched human beings were
sitting beside it, .taking the flesh oft
with their hends. It was a most re
pulsive sight.
"All day long you can hear the
groans and walls of little children out-
side our building In hopes we can and
will pick them up, If the sun shtns
for a little while they quiet down, and
then when It rains they begin again.
One day the rain turned into snow
and it was awful to listen to them.
The note of terror that came into the
general wail was distinctly perceptible,
although my rooi was upstairs and
the window was closed. They well
know what a single night out in the
snow would mean to them. We are
picking them up as fast as possible.
"You can see by my report how
many more patients we have than beds,
and the same holds good In the orph
anages. There Is no use crowding the.n
in so that they will all die."
no was rencuea oy me English and
brought to our orphanage.
"The personal history of each llttif
orphan It a tragedy In Itself and no
one but those In close touch with these
little ones can know their deep graft
tude and reverence for anything Amer
lean. This gratitude and reverence it
universal throughout all that land of
lorrow, where the helping hand of
America, through the Near East Re
lief, ha saved hundreds of thousand!
from death by starvation and today
offers the only hope for the survival
and rehabilitation of these tragically
atrleken races."
S. H, GoodenouRh ia a Maupin
visitor today.
A, E. Fine's family are all
down sick with the flu.
Claude Wilson's family is on
the sick list this week,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Beckwith
are making preparations to have
their house completed. When
finished it will be equiped with
all the modern conveniences.
Ed. Thomas was .in Maupin
Tuesday. ,
The Oak Grove fchool will
give an entertainment and box
social Saturday, 8 p. m., Mar, 4,
Get your supply of woolen
blankets at Wilson's.
Wanted at once a few more
hogs or cattle to make up car
load to ship March 11. Albert
Hill, Wamic.
Around Maupin
Get 23 bars of white soap for
a dollar at Butler'a.
Miss Lottie Coon of Portland is
visiting friends in Maupin.
John Martin and family of
Dufur are visiting at the home
of Percy Martin.
Don't forget the Pendleton
Woolen Mills robes flnrl hlnnlrat
at R. E. Wilson Co.
J. M. Conklin, president of the
local bank has returned to
Maunin aftPi'Hiwndinu the winter
in California.
Dr. Gray a dentin! of Portland
arrived in Maupin Tuesday and
has established an office at Hotel
Marion Duncan of Smock was
in Mauuin Saturday to meet Mrs
Irma Munier who came from the
Agency on the night train.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tegarden
are the parents of a daughter
born Febuvary 19 Mra. Tegarden
will be remembered here as Itova
R. E. Wilson Co- are moving
the machinery and parts from
the former store location to the
new store.
Delbert McCoy and A. R. Wil
cox were in Maupin Tuesday,
the former making final proof
on his homestead.
is our
Day and Night
When anything is wrong with
your car drive in. All work
guaranteed and pre-war prices
75c per hour
Experienced and Efficient;
mechanics in charge
Fischer's Garage
When You Waste a Dollar
You not only lose the dollar but you lose
the interest on it for (he rest of your life.
Put your money to woik at four
per cent interest with the
Maupin State Bank
Tima certificates issued for ope dollar or more
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to
Post Office at Home
The Maupin post-office now
has a neat permanent location in
the Kaiser concrete building.
Postmaster B. F. Turner was
the only applicant for the office at
the recent examination and
successfully passed. He is pre
siding in his new office with a
saw and hammer with good spirit
and air of improvement which
will soon envolve the offiice into
a creditable representation of
Uncle Sam's freight reciptacle.
Portland Painless Deiitist, 305,
Second St. The Dalles Oregon,
All work guaranteed, W. T
Slatten D. D; S. Proprietor
Phone Main 4821.
Buy you wife today a Maytag
Multi-motor washer and cut the
drudgery out of wash-day. BuBy
times ahead, she will have
enough to do . without the extra
work of wash-day. Terms if
desired. New aluminum model
now on salc-Shattnck Bros.,
Maupin, Oregon
Frank McCoy of Wapinitia
was a Maupin visitor Monday.
Bob. Davidson, Frestus Martin
and Earl and Harrison Young
were in from the Flat Monday.
Everbearing strawberry plants.
$1.00 per hundred. A. A. Bon
ney. motto
Merit Approval