The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 23, 1922, Image 4

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The Maupin Times
Secure money through
your bankers from the War
Finance Corporation.
The War Finance relief should
be taken advantage of by farm
The banker can take the farm
ers notes for one year with the
privilege of renewing the note
for two more years, thus giv
ing the farmer three years to
pay. and this note can be turned
over to the War Finance Corpor
ation and in this way the bank
can iret its money back.
The tank can then use this
money to repay its loans or to
loan the money out again to other
Tht re is no reason why local
batiks through out the entire
country should not take advant
age of this financial relief which
would be a great help to the
farmer and it would likewise be
a big relief to the country banks
in thus helping them to "thaw
out" their frozen credits.
The War Finance Corporation
recognize farmers notes given on
-payment for agriculture imple
ments and falling within the re
loan and re-discount privilege.
Uncle 'Sam carries the loan,
instead of the local banks, until
agriculture matters take a turn
"Talk to your Banker"
It doesn't look very much like
we were going to have a "Plow
ing Season" Never the less we
are ready to supply your Plow
needs. The Oliver Plow has long been
vecotrnized as the "one best"
and we are trying to give you
the best service possible on extra
and parts.
- " "' ?
If you are in the market for a
tractor. We are now offering a
very attractive, proposition on a
Case, come in and let us explain
it to you. A: talk to. Case own
ers will convince you that they
are "satisfied customers." The
terms are very easy.
"I reckon," said Farmer
Corn tassel, "as how mebbe
barbed wire ought to be
counted as one of most useful
inventions of the age."
"For what reason?"
"When there's a lot of work
to be done barbed wire
makes it impossible for a
feller to sit on the fence and
look on.
If you are in the market for
barb wire, hog wire,' or poultry
wire, we believe we are in a
position to quote you a lower
pi ice than you can get elsewhere
Indies Please Head,
Mon-"r,1pfl9 Don't.
"Jim," she said, as he settled
fm- a nnmtovtadle smoke.
''ve got a lot of things 1 want
to tn'K to you a none. -
'.T-nm-l." said her husband.
"I'm olnrl in hear it Usually
you want to talk to me about a
lo,t ft things you haven't gov
The above joke called to my
attention the fact that when my
iarxner customers are gathered
mound "Fialev s big stove" the
uxpic of conversation usually
turns, to the different modern
conveniences that lighten his
work in the field, etc. but rarely
to modern conveniences that go
to lighten the work of the women
folks, in the home. There surely
is some little convenience you
would like and if you will put it
un to"him" that, purchase of
conveniences ought to be 50-50 1
believe he will listen to you. It
onlv be some little change
n. your home arrangement that
would require only a little wprK
ov it may be something that
"Wilson" has to. sell or some
thine he can set for you. 1
assure you in advance he will be
glad to help j oy, decide what it
nhall be.
Published every Thrusday at
Maupin, Oregon
Jcesiline K. Morrison, Publisher
Subscription: One year, $1.50; six
mouths, 75 cents; three month, 50
T.'ntpred as SCCOIld ClaSS Mail
matter September 2, 1914, at the
postomce at Maupin, uregou, un
der the Act of March 3, 1879.
A llttlo onn arrived on MondaV
to glrdden the hearts of Mr. and
Mrs. John Bowen. Mother and
baby-are doing fine and daddy is
stepping high.
Mr. and Mrs. Banta who have
been spending the winter on the
Clyde Flinn place, moved to
Maupin Monday. ;
M. and Mrs. Perie wick ano
little son went to The Dalles
Tussdav. They went to consult
a doctor in Mr. Evicks behalf
and also to visit relatives.
The schools united in giving a
good Lincoln-Washington pro
gram in the grammer school on
Gotlieb Teschner bad the flu
and now is enjoying? a siege of
Laurence and "Ruby Powell
have both been absent from
their schools this week because
of sickness.
fivanrlmft Weburff has been on
the sick list this week. She is
reported better at this time.
Tna Craham haa retnrnpd from
the Rangers meeting at Portlard
He was luckier tnan most 01 us
when We go abroad for he get
his picture in the paper.
The roadB here are next to im
passable. Folks can believe the
mud is really deep when Jamie
Abhott walks to town as he did
on Tuesday.
Johnie Sinclair made a trip to
Maupin to bring Dr. Elwood up
to see Mr. West who has pneu
v. A Havtman Vias nlar.ed an
order for a new International
Truck to be delivered about
April 1st.
Dad Hartman is gradually
gaining in health. He haB been
able to go to the store two or
three times lately where his
many friends are glad to greet
An old land mark ia being re
moved. Mr. Arnett having pur
r.Viaoerl the old Corum barn is
tearing it down and will use the
lumber in buildings on his home
stead near the , natural pasture.
When You Waste a Dollar
You not only lose the dollar but you lose
the interest on it for the rest of your life.
Put your money to work at four
per cent interest with the
Maupin State Bank
Time certificates issued for one dollar or more
Maupin State Bank
For Sale
One 8-horse disc harrow com
plete with tandem; used one
season; price $100, and 16 inch
2-bottom gang plow. C. B.
Dahl, Tygh Valley.
Extra Ply Tires
I am now handling an extra
crade of automobile tire and
tubes. Dont deprive your self
of the economy and safety gam
ed bv the use of these excellent
tires Mellinger extra Ply guaran
teed 8000 miles, Melhnger cord
guaranteed 10,000 miles, Mellin
eer SDecial 6000 miles.
Guaranteed by bond. W. H.
Mayfield. Wamic Oregon Sale
agent for Wasco County.
We Strive to Merit Approval
Every Thing for the Table
Your order is only completed to our
satisfaction when you are pleased.
James Chalmers
Horse Shoeing and
General Blacksmithing
Maupin. Ore.
I.O. O. F.
i,.Ium Nn. 201). Mauuin, Oietton
moots every yuUirday night in
I. O. O. F. hall. visiting mem
neiB always welcome.
B. F. Turner, Secretary
H. K. Kaiser, N. G.
Department ol the Interior
U. S. Und Office at The Dalles, Or-
ezon, February 4, iva. ,
To 6mar N. Rlggle of Maupn
Oregon, wnwsieei '
IOU are nerooy nuum-u wov
A lovarwl..r K Martin
who gives care of T. A. Hudson, The
Dalles, uregon. au -
address, did on January 29th, 1922.
file In Wis omce nm uui
rated abplication to contest and secure
the cancellation 0 your homestead
Entry No. uzioio, maun Apm 11, iv,
for 8W1-4NW1-4, NWl-4swI-4, section
1 aiiuci.4 nr1.4he1-4. section 2.
Township 6 south, Range 13 east.
Willamette meridian, arm uo iuwi
for his contest he alleges that said
M Hicrirloa hnn whollv fulled tO
establish residence, cultivate or im
prove said lana as required ay ibw u
that said land is in its natural wild
state without any Improvements upon
same whatsoever, oaiu mum w
establish residence was not due to the
entryman'a service In the Army or
Kavy of the United States or in any
branch tnereoi or in any war 111 rami
the United States is now or has been
VA .t.aifnra further notified
.I... tha paid oiipcrntinnn will be taken
as confessed, and your said entry will
be cancelled without further right to
be heard, either before this office or on
appeal, if you fail to file in this office
witnin 20 days trom ine ruuiun puo
Hcation of this notice as shown below
Attorney at Law
your answer, under oath, specifically ,
responding to these allegations of con
test, together with duo proof that you
have served a copy of your answer on
the said contestant cither in person or
by registered mail.
STou should slate in your answer the
name of tne postomce :o wnicn you ue-
sire iuture notices to db seni iu juu.
j. w. nonnony, negisver.
Dste of first publication Feb. 9, 1922.
.... i . . i m 1 nnii
" secona 10,
" "third ' " 23,1922. '
" "fourth " Mar. 2, 1922.
We give Warantee Deed and Abstract
Absolute Title
A few choice locations left
Get your lots Before the Raise
H. L. MORRIS,vAgt.
Folks now sick with the sore
throat epidemic are, Melba Sharp
the little son of John Delco's
the Goodenough children and
the Cantwells baby.
For Sale
One four year old Registerd
Aberdeen Angus Bull.
Bothwell Brothers.
: Cut this out and; bring or
mail it to us an,d we will send
you 1, bar of White Laundry
Name .
Address.. -
R. E. Wilson Co. Maupin Ore.
y lfQ ounnij
Wk NEVADA n --v Afei --O, ,4 J
.v 1 j v Air
& .T v 'A 'fj - 1. . . I
. . .. .... . L.- SIZkr.. irf llifi l'P1 liW
'Hh apove picture 15 1 pnuiujjiapnii. ic!iA4i - -.
. ... ii?...i.t,. A.n u.m imhr-M at a t;1.,'Kc .co man?
rtneeia " esua i-unh . - . - -- .
of flie ideal ffatum fot pleasure in Southern Cal9rm!. and ttpal of numbetless
scenes similar in character. Representatives of the
Union Pacific System
Eladtv furnish Instructn-s and btaUtifui! Jiwtrated booklets giving complete
formation about this glorious playground the We?t Let them tell all Stout
"hotel rates, railroad fares, through cat service the famous Circle Tour through ban
Francisco and Salt Lake City, or s part of the way by ocean trip No journey of
.0ual Interest in America, ,
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby's Drug store,
The Dalles, Ore
Phone Black lilt
To the users of Maupin Springs
Until further notice to the con
trary, you are requested to pay
unlit ufl ter rent to E. B. Dufur
at his office in Maupin, and upon
payment of the same, you will
eafh receive a propet receipt
therefor. Mrs. Dufur is author
ized to receive the money and
make and deliver the receipt, in
the event of my absence.
Pnvmpnt. nf r.hfi water rents.
is the 15th day of each month,
and I will thank you to be prompt
in payment of the same.
E. B. Uutur, Attorney lor
Mrs. Arabell Staats.
Portland Painless Dentist, 305,
Second St. The Dalles Oregon,
All work guaranteed, W. T.
Slatten D, D. S. Proprietor
Phone Main 4821.
School Notes
On account of sickness in the
Qphnnl nnrl community it is
thought best not to have a public
gathered at this time. The bask
et Social which was advertised
for February 25 has been pospon
piI until March. 4
This Social is to be given lor
the purpose of raising money to
standardize the grade rooms.
After dnductinir the exoeiibes
of a stage and draperies which
wl 1 become property or tne
-.tmipnr Rodv the money will be
expended for much needed play
a jparatus books, necessary to
rinish quota required torstanoaro
0" grade room3. If any money
i left suitable pictures will be
furnished tor these rooms also.
That Hiffh School grades will
be published next week.
Tim class leader in the gram
mar grade room are as follows:
Jean Wilson and Winnilred
Kaiser tied for leadership in the
8th grade this month. 7th grade
Mary Martin, bth grade &ar!
("4v(n 2th Grade Lelah Weberir.
Those averaging -90 or above
are Sth Grade Winnilred Kaiser,
Jpn Wilson? und Helen Philmee.
7th Grade- Mary , Martin; Helen
Weberg; 5th Grade (Jrystal btuart
tstel stovall and Leian weperg.
Department of the Interior -IT.
S. Land Office at The Dalles. Ore
gon, February 7, 1922.
Notice is hereby given tnat
of Tygh Valley, Oregon, who on Dec.
1, 1916, made Homestead Mtry o
016787, and on April 7, 1920 made
Additional Homestead Entry No. 017782
for S1-2SE1-4, Section 24, nb1-4nw1-4.
neI-4, NEl-4sEl-4, Section 25, Town
nhin a S. R 1 E and NEl-4swl-4.
swl 43wl-4, bw1-4se1-4, Section 19,
NWl-4, NWl-4 NEl-4, Section 30,
Township 3 south, Range 14 east, Wil
lamette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make three year proof, to
establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before F. D. Stuart, United
States Commissioner at Maupin, Ore
gon, on tne 15th day of March, 19?2.
Claimant names as witnesses: C. C.
Cnnlnv Thninan Ashlev. William L.
Morrison, William neau, an 01 lygn
Valley, Oregon.
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
aigned Julia Christine Allen, has filed
her hnal account as tne Administratrix
of the estate of Wilbur John Allen,
and that the County Court has fixed
March 4, l'J22, in the County Court
Room of the county court house in
The Dalles, Wasco county, Oregon, at
the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon
for the time of hearing of objections
thereto, if any there be.
All persona interested In said estate
are hereby notified and required to
appear at said time and place and
then and there show cause, if any
there exists, why said final estate
sliould not closed.
Dated this 24th day of January, 1921.
Julia Christine Allen,
Dnn'r fnrorpf. tri Pendleton
Wnnlen Mills robes and blankets
at R. E. Wilson Co.
Legal Notice
To Whom it may Concern:
Lot nrices in Maupin are being
readjusted. We will bind, our
selves on any old prices.
H. L. Morris,
Sole and exclusive agent.
Public Land Sale 1.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, January 26, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that aa
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land office, under provisions
of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to the
application of feter t,. Conroy, berial
No. 021992, we will offer at public sale,
KTniisiA ia linroKw rrivon tliaf fK II rt flat.
signed Julia F. Endersby has been duly
appointed Administratrix of the eatate
of Valentine w. anaersoy, deceased,
and has qualified as such Administra
trix. All person having claim against
said estate are hereby notified and
required to present the same, duly
verified, to the under signed at the
omce or rrancu v. uauowsy in ine
Dalles. Oregon, within aix month from
the date of the firat publication of
this notice; first date of publication
being March 2, 1922.
Julia F. Endersby,
to Ihe highest bidder, but at not les
than J3.50 per acre, at iu ;JU 0 clocK A.
M., on the 28th day of March
next, at this office, the following tract
of land: swl-4 SEl-4, section 11, town-
i . i- 1 ie 1' l tir w
Snip o Bl'uin, xvang5 tu jaet, vt. iu.
Containing 40 Acres.
"This tract is ordered into the mar
ket on a showing that the greater
portion thereof is mountainous or too f
rough for cultivation." -
The sale will not be kept open, but
will be declared closed when those
present at the hour named have cesser
Bidding. The person making the high
est bid will be required to Immediately
pay to the Receiver the amount thereof
Any bersons claiming adversely the
above-described land are advised to file
their claims, or objections, on or
before the time designated for sale.
T. C. Queen, Receiver.
Special sale 15 cent toilet
soap 3 for 25 Maupin Drug Store