The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 16, 1922, Image 1

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    N. TIME
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
1 J
VOL 8, no; 19
THE YEAR $1.50
School Notes
The school work-in the grade
rooms is averaging about normal,
sickness and muddy weather
have been some what a drawback
A new pupil, Dorothy McDon
ald entered the eighth grade
Monday. , J
Literary society will be held
next Friday afternoon February
17 at 2:00 P.M. Every body is
cordially welcome.
The student body had a valen
tine post office in the high school
room the afternoon of the 14th
which was well enjoyed.
A Local Institute will be held
at Maupin March 25. Mr. Church
ill will be here and we would like
for all our friends to come. He
will explain the County Unit plan
for school work.
There will be a program and
basket social given at the school
house Saturday night Feburary
25, the program contains two
' fifteen minute farces, . "Oh you
Teacher", and "Prbfessor- and
the Lunatic", and a thirty min
ute play "Foiled. By Heck".
This program is of a pure vaude
ville nature and we will assure
it to be enjoyed by every one.
There will be another high school
debate Friday morning February
17, the question is Resolved:
That wood is more useful to
mankind than iron, those on the
affirmative side are; Lorraine
- Stovall, Nile Tunison and Orland
Walter, on the negative, Erma
Morris, Stanley Houghton and
Clifford McCorkle. The debate
last week came out 1380 to 1332
in favor of the affirmative.
Alma Hall entered the hih
school freshman class Monday
February 13. '
The committee appointed to
arrange for the dinner at the
Local Institute March 25, request
a metenar of the ladies of
Wapinitia ,
Mrs, Carrie Weberg went to
The Dalles last Saturday. She
expects to visit her brothe,
Henry Peterson at Mosier before
returning home. Chester Rice
is acting as chore boy during
her absence. .j
Mr. Ollie Pacquet left last
Thursday for Lents to visit a
Mr. Banta made a tiip to
Maupin Tuesday to meet Clyde'
Flinn and family who were return
ing from The Dalles.
Julius Shipflin fell in his burn1
and sprained his leg.
Mrs. Smith and little daughter
returned from Maupin Friday.
Herbert and Oscar Hammer
went to Garfield Oregon to attend
the funeral of their step father
Mr. Davi3.
Lincoln Hartman has been con
fined to his bed sick.
An epidemic of sore throat has
struck here. Those sick at
present are Crystal Hartman, Art
Eubeck, the Arnet children and
the Parker family.
David Sharpe has been sawing
wood for Len Wilson this week.
The Salesmen are begining to
visit our little town again. Now
isn't, that a sure sign of spring?
Joe Graham left Wednesday
for Portland to attend a rangers
Mrs. L. M. Woodside left for
Woodburn Wednesday to be with
her father and mother who are
both ill with pneumonia.
Mrs. David Sharpe is suffering
with neuralgia.
The-Home Merchant
Mid pleasures and palaces though I may wend, I find
the home merchant a much-valued friend. :. . , The
mail-order'catalogue woos me in vain, for to pay without
seeing may bring me a pain. . .. . The home mer
chant credits till pay-day arrives, he knows all the
whims of his friends and their wives. His overalls wear
like the buck-skin of old, his buttons ain't brass, if he
tells you they're gold! Of every community he is a part,
and even the kids know the path to his heart. He boosts
for the chapel, the lodge and the school, "Community
uplift" i3 ever his rule. .4 . ; And even the football
and basketball teama, look kindly on him, in their
athletic dreams. . . . I'd rather have him at my
elbow each day, than to deal with a shark, many furlongs
away. . . . Let's make the thing mutual, and stand
by our friend, there's no place like home, for the money
we spend!
Smock News .
W. E. Woodcock and 1 B.
Driver of Wamic were business
visitors here the fore pait of this
week. N
Charlie Farlow went to Maupin
Monday to meet Uncle T6m Par
rish who came up from Oregon
City Sunday.
T. E. Woodcock was a Wamic
business visitor Saturday.
Ladelphia Farlow who has had
pneumonia is much improved at
this waiting.
Marion Duncan and J. E. Wood
c ;ck have been hauling liny jrom
the J." E. Kennedy ranch to the'r
homes here.
Tom Woodcock, Orin Fallow
and Marion Duncan were busiues
visitors in The Dalles Monday
and Tuesday of this week.
Maupin and surrounding vicinity
at Mrs. R E. Wilson's home on
March 3rd, 2:P. M.
I Robert Ellin wood and Sam
Brown were business visitors in
Maupin last Friday.
Around Maupin
Portland Painless Dentist, 305,
Second f t. The Dal!e3 Oregon,
All woi k guaranteed, W. T.
Slatten 1. . D. S. Proprietor-
Phone Main 4821.
G. L. Ihrpham and Mack
Hollaman aie speningafew days
in Maupin.
Our progressive, real estate
agent, H. L. Morris, reports the
sale of two lots (o Mr. Shattuck
and one to Mr. Butler, Mr.
Butler expects to erct a $2000
bungalow and ot course, Mr
Shattuck will build a modern
Special sale 15 ce t toilet
soap 3 for.25 Maupin prng. Store.
Frank Creager's truck v the
road drag a few trips over Des
chutes Avenue last Thin, -flay
afternoon and Friday. Keep ilia
work going.
fife jfi
nevada - rkfimStM
The local Rebekahs conferred
the Rebekah degree at their
meeting last night after which
they held a program. All report
an enjoyable time.
L. D. Kelly and F. C. Butler
were called to The Dalles Mon
day morning to serve on the
jury. Mr. Kelly was also drawn
foV the grand jury and is still in
The Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thomp
son, of Nehalum, Tillamook
county, are the, parents of a six.-and-one-half
pound daughter,
born this morning at the home
of Mrs. Thompson's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. David Morris, 818 Cal
houn street. The baby has been
named Roth. Mrs. Thompson
will be remembered in The
Dalles as Miss Mildred Morris,
The little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Parrish born in The
Dalles lat week, lived only a
few days.
Belvie Patison, an employe of
A M. Williams & Go's, store,
a ,u miss unena Dame were
maniedin Portland last night.
he bride is a graduate nurse of
ne juaues Hospital, iney will
spend the remainder of the
week in Portland. Wednesday's
The State Fire Insurance sur
veyor from the state board of
underwriters was in Maunih
today looking over the three
new cement buildings.
Mrs. John Tunison of Boite
daho arrived Tuesday from
Portland where she had to see
ler son R. E. who is very ill.
Ed Disbrow of Smock was an
overnight visitor of his sister,
Mrs. W. L. Morrison Wednesdav
R. W. McCorkle was called to
The Dalles Monday morning to
serve on the jury.
Snow storms Friday, Saturday
and Sunday, melting almost- as
fast as it fell.
B. F. Turner went to The Dal
les Friday to take civil service
postal eximatione.
R. E. Wilson has received a
ine of new spring hats.
Mrs. Carrie Weberg went to
rhe J)a!les Saturday.
''HE above picture is a photographic reprodjefjf."!; Im
Anseles Westlake Park chosen because it r"braces at a tUnu fo many
nf Ihe ideal features for pleaf.i're in Southern California, and if t: pioal of numbetles
scene? similar in character. Represertatives of the
Union Pacific System
will gladly furnish instructive and beaJtifully illustrated binklets giving complete
information about this glorious p!a ground of Ihe Wt Let ihem tell all about
hotel rates, railroad fares, through car service the farrw? Circle Tour through San
Francisco and Salt Lake City, or a part of the way by ocean tr.p. Vo journey of
tQua! interest m Amend
Farm Bargains y
520 A $13000 00., Equipped;
150 A fall wheat; look into this
if you are in the market. .
200 A $3600.00.
310 A $10,000.00; 160 A wheat;
40 A water good terms, on . .
800 A $55 per A.
There was a dance given at
Harry Anderson's place Satur
day night.
Wamic News
i (last wek)
Very cold weather followed the
fall of snow here the former part
of last week, Monday night being
the coldest, the temperature get
ting down to zero. Two more
cold nights followed with the
temperture very little higher. A
change in the weather., brought
a light south west wind which
has melted much of the enow.
Miss Clarice Zumwalt was 911
the sick list last week.
Carl Pratt of Maupin epent
Saturday with hia parents here.
Clay bourne Pahuateer writes
from Silve.rt.on where he is spend
ding the winter that he is en
gaged in plowing and that he is
eating early home grown vege
tables which have been in the
market since the first of the year ,
Mr. and Mrs. JoeChastain and
baby Nina and Liberty Chaatain
were Maupin visitors Saturday.
Mrs. Nina New and .children
Bob, Pay aud Charlotte Came up
from Tygh Saturday letnaining
over night with Mrs. Emma
Dr. El wood was called here
Saturday to attend Mrs. Effie
McCorkle who was threatened
(continued on pace 4)
is our motto
Day and Night
When anything is wrong with
your car drive in. All work
guaranteed -and pre-war prices
75c per hour
Experienced and Efficient
mechanics in charge
Fischer's Garage
Extra Ply Tires
I am now handling an extra
grade of automobile tire and
tubes. Dont deprive jour self
of the economy and safety gain
ed by the use of these excellent
tirea Mellinger extra Ply guaran
teed 8000 mile3, Mellinger cord
guaranteed 10,000 miles, Mellin
ger special 6000 miles.
Guaranteed by bond. W. H.
Mayfield- Wamic Oregon Sale
agent for Wasco County.
f 1,
1 11
Pay your bills by
And You Will Always Have a
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to Merit Approval