K!l!M!iBlgl RAMI'S ANI OFFERS A MARKET rVei I bit 1 11 FOR YOUR PRODUCE YOU CAN EASILY LEARN TO FLY and become a Pilot by taking th course of Instruction we offer. The cost but $200.00 used to be SM0 00 and takes but ten weeks. For information address. OREGON-WASHINGTON & IDAHO AIRPLANE CO. 214 Spalding Bldg., Portland, Ore. MEDUSA Waterproofed CEMENT will make bilos, Granaries, Basements, etc., Water proof, Rotproof, Ratproof and Fireproof. Medusa Waterproofed White Portland Cement ll the best for Ktucco Plaster on outside for Bunga lows Does not stain and dirt can be hosed off. Write for Literature. Sold by A. McMILLAN A CO., 120 Union Ave. N, Portland HEMSTITCHING AND PLEATING. Buttonholing Buttons Plaltinr Tucking- and Chalnstltchtaf All Mall Orders given careful and prompt attention Elite Shop, 384 Morrison St. - Portland, Oregon VAUDEVILLE PHOTO-PLAYS Complete Change Sun. and Thurl. Matinee Daily. Twice Nightly Saturday, Sunday, Holidays, Conttnuoul INFORMATION DEPARTMENT, ALASKA PLUMBING A HEATING CO. Plumbing Fixtures and Supplies. Pipe Fittings, lowest prices. 3t3 E. Morrison. BRAZING," WELDING A CUTTING Northwest Welding & Supply Co. 88 1st St CLEANING AND DYEING For reliable Cleaning and Dyeing service send parcels to us. We pay return postage. k'!2(B Information and prices given (WjOWy upon request. 9aifsr ENKE'S CITY DTE WORKS Established 1891) Portland CUT FLOWERS A FLORAL DF.SIGNS Clarke Bros., Florists. 887 Morrleon 8t DANCING EVERY NOON A EVENING Oriental Cafe. Chinese-American Kitchen Corner roadway and Wash. PORTLANP C500RS AND WINDOWS We can sell you Doors, Windows, Roof ing, Faint, Glass and Builders' Hardware direct. We are manufacturers. Write for prices before buying. Heacock Sash A Door Co., 212 First St., Portland. NORTONIA HOTEL You Will Feel Right at Home Hera SAFE AND CENTRAL REASONABLE RATES Excellent Cafe Special Weekly Kates Bus Meets All Trains 11th and Stark, Portland, Ore. BAB'S RESTAURANT A toed alace to Gat and Lire Well. Remarkable 40c luncheon at noon. Open 7 a. m. to 2 a. m 2 Stark 8t i L Cafeteria Sixth street oppoeite The Oregonian and Al der street apposite Meir & Frank's. The Best Eating place in the City. The Finest Coffee and Pastry a Specialty. PORTLAND HIDE & WOOL GO. hiDewooa.r. 108 UNION AVENUE NORTH. PORTLAND. OREGON. Write for Price and Shipping Tags . CASCARA BARK. Address Department B HIDES We are in the market for Hldea.( Write for Prices and Shipping: Tags, ners of Guaranteed "Columbia Oak" Harness Leather. WEBER TANNING CO. Established 1889. PORTLAND. OREGON JEWEL Restaurant 406 Wash. St. H. L. Day, Prop. Oysters, Steaks and Chops Our Specialty. Special Entree each day. Open 10 a. m. to 1 a. m. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS Commercial Iron Works, 7th fc Madison, HARD WOOD FLOORING Oak-Leaf Hardwood Floor Co., 131 X. !tn St N. Floors electrlo sanded. Davis Bros., American Shoemakers, ius 4tn Ht, DRlJGLESS PHYSICIAN Chronic diseases a specialty. Dr. W. N. Allen 830 ridner Builaiin. hORSES. MULES BOUGHT. SOLD U. 8. STABLiSS, Stia Union Ave. Draft norses euusnt ana sola. leARN MULTIGRAPHINQ The Callan School, only recofnlied scnool on the coast, Experienced opera tors always In demand. 406 Artisans Bldf. MACHINERY Send us your Inquiries for anything In iron or woodworking Machinery, ivotfini, Sawmill. Contractors' Eauioment. Loco motives, Boilers, Engines, Crushers, Kail, Caoie, Ueitlnr, eta. Burke Machinery Co., 628 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland, Or. MFGS. 0FTULCANI2ED ROOF PAINT New roofs and repairing done. Teung ana woods, lion K. carumers bu MONUMENTS E. 3d and Pine Sts. Otto Schumann Granite & Marble Works. MOTORCYCLES AND PARTS All makes. Easy terms EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. 44-46 GRAND AVE. Page & Son Portland, Oregon Write us for prices and market conditions on Veal, Hogs, Poultry, Fruits, Potatoes, Onions, etc Forty Years in the Same Location. PERSONAL Marry If Lonely; most successful "Home Maker"; hundreds rich; confidential; reliable; years experience; descriptions free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Nan, Box 556, Oakland, California. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TINWARE Portland Tinware Mfg. Co., 47 First St. OVKINO S Cl.BAHINO ESTABLISH MINT Grand Avenue at Yamhill PORTLAND, ORE. EXPERT Dyeing & Cleaning EXCELLENT SERVICE By Parcel PosL Return Postage Paid. Write for Circulars and Prices. "At Your Beck and Call" RUBBEP STAMPS and MARKING DEVICES. Iht Offiee" B r H S QjAK STSeSTS WTUANB. O Your trouble and Piston trouble will end when we Install E. C. LONG NON-EXPANDING PISTONS For pleasure cars, trucks and tractors. GUARANTEED HANSLMA1R CRABB 1090 East Yamhill St., Portland OH The Dalles Fruit & Produce Comp'y Wholesale Dealers in FANCY FRUITS and FARM PRODUCK 161 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. CoroNA The Personal Writing Machine. Weight 6 lbs. Price $50.00, case Included J0V It n T-W yitli Vs- Tvtwrite Anywhere, OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., J4-A 6th St., Portland, Oregon. Write for folder. RAINIER HOTEL Rilti $1.00 md is. 12S N. 6th SL Psnliul, On Very Centrally Located. Convenient to all Depots, and one block from main Pustofnce STOCK THAT CROWS l.nest stock that can be raised at a price you will like to pay. Write or call. The Villa Nurseries RFD No. 1, Montavllla Sta.. Portland, Or Expert advice on any Income tax problems. Several years' actual experience In (jovern INCOME TAX nnnnl rsismnnt Bureaus Is offered r HlPuLt 171 0 those unable to visit our office. State your troubles briefly and send in with SI and we will give you hon est to goodness advice. It will pay you to get In touch with us now. E. J. Curtln, Room 608 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Our Motto Is to Please YOU. THE NEW AMERICAN HOTE 127 Light, Airy Rooms, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. 92 N. 3d. St., Cor. Flanders, Portland, Ore. ED. F. GODDARD, Mgr. Phine Bdy. 175 Fire Prool and Modern RITZ HOTEL P4RK AND MORRISON STS. Dep .t Morrison Cars direct to Hotel. Popular 1 , Center Shopping and Theater district. FRANK A. CLARK. Prop., formerly with Clyde Hotel. THERE'S ANOTHER DENT Dents and blemishes on youi car can be removed and we are the boys to de it Why? Because we specialize in that kind of work. We also repair radiators aud carry Liberty Radiator cores lu stock. All work guaranteed. J. E. DURHAM, the Fender Man 30 North 11th St. Portland, Ore. "A Moderate Priced Hotel of Merit" HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison St., at East Sixth, the Principal East Side Hotel. 6 minutes from Shoppinc District. Four blocks from 8. P. East Side Station. Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. mi 20 off until January, on all lt jSJ merchandise and glasses. V' Bring this ad. Clarke-Brower Optical Co. 112 ' Sixth St. Portland PIPE REPAIRING DiDITC Kepairea Dy experts, rlr M pipe shop, 272 Wash. DR. G. E. WATTS 212 Oreionian Building. PORTLAND, OREGON SPECIALIST Female and Rectal Troubles and GLAND TRANSPLANTATIONS Fire Proof and Modern NEW HOUSTON HOTEL C. S. Richardson, Manager Weekly Rates to Permanent Ouests Sixth and Everett Streets, Three Blocks from New Postoffice, Four Blocks fiom Union Depot, Portland, Ore. PILES FISTULA.F1SSURB, Itch ing and all other rectal conditions except Cancer permanently cured with out a Burglcal operation. My method of treatment saves the tissue instead of destroying it. lt Is pain less, requires no anes thetio and Is permanent. There is no confinement ... w rin Interference with business or social engagements. I guarantee a cure or will refund your fee. Call or write for bookleL Mention tnl paper when writing. DR. C. J. DEAN Second and Morrison Sts., Portland, Ora. BROOKE DRUG CO."! hchth thin fimuNj hit uii k'. Miii. rmnbK druruists. Do you suffer from Asthma? If so, order a bottle Langdale's Astnma Remedy Sold under Money Back Guarantee C.unrantepa Nur&eru Stock w, have rnt lust what vou want Call or write tor prices. Kusseiivine nursery t,o. H. A. LEWIS, Prop. Montavllla Sta., Portland, Oregon PORTLAND SHOE REPAIRS, MAIL 'EM Model Shoe Repair, 272 Washington SL PRUNE TREESH PRUNE TREESI1I Before buying elsewhere see us. Columbia nursery uo., itvv union Ave., tr oruami. RAZOR BLADES RESHARPENED Single 30c; Double 35c. Razors Ground and Honed. Backlund & Son, 10 W. Park Safety Razor Man, 145 14 3d St., Portland' SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR We help the appearance of women. Twenty-two Inch switch or transforma tion, value 17. su, price sz.so. 400 to 412 Dekum Bldg. trunnl op WELDINQ Officially recognized by state and fed eral board as The place to learn welding all metals, commercial senooi or weia lng, 611 East Grant, Cor. 11th, Portland, TYPEWRITERS NEW OR RESUILT Rebuilt Typewriter Co., JOiOak Street uftfrinaRiAn Cattle a Specialty Dr. Chaa. M. Anderson, Kenton, Portland. Wedding Bouquets and Funeral Pieces Lubliner Florists, 841 Morrison St Welter System of 8uggestlve Therapy Dr. T. W. Ayers, 716 Lekum Tildg. LIFE SAVING MEDALS Medals as follows for heroic service In the saving of life have been awarded by the National court of honor, since its last meeting In May 1921. GOLD MEDALS. Henry Rate, Troop 7, Vlneland, N. Y.; Henry A. Bkelton, Troop 12, Wilmington, Del, SILVER MEDALS. George S. Al len, Troop 1, Bridgeport, Pa.; Joseph Buckley, Troop 2, AUston, Mass.; Loren C. Underwood, Troop 19, Denver, Colo.; Myles Turner, Troop 1, Lan caster, Ohio; Horace Vlner, Troop 15, Denver, Colo.; Charles E. Carter, Troop 1, Tutwlller, Miss.; Morris Carmedy, Troop 2, Palnesville, O.; Floyd Lamb, Troop 4, Westerly, R. I. ; Cyril Ashworth, Troop 5, Westerly, R. I.; Milburn L. Fay, Troop 2, Lincoln, 111. ; Edwin Brockmun, Troop 47, Brook lyn, N. Y.; Michael Larlck, Troop 1, Emporium, Pa.; F. Austin Culver, Troop 1, Princess Anne, Md.; Camp Bonds, Troop 1, Muskogee, Okla.; William Barrar, Troop 5, Charleston, W. Va.; John A. Wilson, Troop 0, Columbus, O. ; T. E. Tappan, Jr., Troop 1, Helena, Ark., Eugene Krenkle, Troop 1, Niagara, Wis.; Charles R. Green, Troop 1, Edna Mills, Calif.; Richard A. Dee, Troop 50, Hartford, Conn.; Paul Wolfert, Troop 12, Warren, O.; Glen A. Case, Troop 80, Des Moines, la. Percy A. Baker, Troop 1, Terry vllle, Conn.; Ferman Vlllamll, Troop 1, Florida, N. Y. ; Richard Wolven, Troop 1, Raritan, N. J.; William Kramar, Troop 1, Old Bridge, N. J. ; Thomas H. Robinson, Troop 4, Camden, N. J. BRONZE MEDALS. Ross Mace, Troop 2, Pe Ell, Wash.; Fred Lee- burger, Troop 63, Des Moines, la, Everett L. Cheney, Troop 1, Wilming ton, Vt.; Morgan Willey, Troop 45, Denver, Colo.; Leland S. Waggoner, Troop 69, Denver, Colo.; Clifford I, FIngland, Troop 65, Liverpool, N. Y, Kenneth W. Dayton, Troop 1, N. Har- persfleld, N. Y. ; Wright A. Edmonson, Jr., Troop 1, Marlboro, Mass. ; Herman Boehrlnger, Troop 106, Philadelphia Pa.; Merllne Gerard, Troop 29, Berkeley, Cal. ; William Palmer, Troop 5, Kewanee, 111. ; Charles Priest, Troop 1, East Long Meadow, Mass.; James McGeorge, Troop 43, Sea Cliff, N. Y, BOY SCOUTS PLAY SANTA CLAUS Last year Akron (O.) scouts collect ed and distributed 900 toys among the poor children of the city. This year they raised the number to 1,500. For weeks they canvassed the city for old toys, dolls, sleds, etc., which they painted, repaired and made to look is good as new to delight the hearts of the kiddles on Christmas morning, This kind of good turn is being quite generally practiced throughout th country. Other cities reporting sim ilar Santa Claus service on the part of scouts were Louisville, Ky.; On clnnatl, O., and Butte, Mont. The Cln cinnatt council got out an attractive poster In the name of "Santa Claui Co., Inc.," bespeaking the public co operation In handing over old toys to the boy scouts for repairing and re distribution under the auspices of the Associated Charitles. The Butte scouts established 1 regular toy hos pital at their headquarters, to which the papers gave considerable Dubllcltv. ENEMIES OF ENGLISH SPARROWS Pacifio Coast Seagulls Drive Them Away From Wharves and Docks. Seattle. The Pacific coast seagull conduclsun eternal warfare against the English sparrow, and because of - it keeps wharves aud docks free of the noise and litter so predominant around sparrows' households. Observers declare some older gulls act as sentinels and when a sparrow alights on a wharf roof several Im mediately "chase It away. On one occasion recently a lone sparrow flew seaward followed by half a dozen gulls, who kept the tiny bird so hotly pursued it fell Into the water exhausted. Wharf operators are grateful to the gulls for this bit of police work, as English sparrows once Inhabiting the rafters and overhead work Inside the docks would produce an amazing amount of litter to fall Into freight and express shipments. A large amount of grain Is wasted every day on docks which would attract and feed myriads of sparrows but for the watchful eye of the seagulls. It Is believed the gulls show the an tagonistic spirit toward the smaller birds because they fear competition In the salvaging from the sea of their dally food. ....... STATE NEWS IN BRIEF. Bend. Livestock shipments com posed of 900 head of lambs end 612 head of cattle were sent out from cen tral Oregon Saturday evening over the Oregon Trunk for the Portland market. Twenty-two cars were used. Salem. A disease known as nema tode or eel worm Is attacking straw berry plants and clover In the western part of Lane, Douglas and Coos coun ties, according to reports received by Charles Park of Salem, president of the Oregon state horticultural board. St. Helens. After being closed down for eight months, the camp of the Milton Creek Logging company re sumed operation Monday. Track men have been making repairs to the log ging track and mechanics have the donkey engines and rigging In read! ness. Eugene. Out of the 1382 dairy cattle tested for tuberculosis In Lane county by Dr. G. B. Trubey, federal inspector, since January 13, only 11 have reacted to the test, according to a report made recently by Dr. Tru bey at the office of the county agricul tural agent. Salem. Five Salem business men, four of whom are charged with selling cream and milk containing less than the required amount of butterfat, and the fifth of having for sale mlsbrand ed goods, have been arrested by L. S. Leach, deputy state dairy and food commissioner. St Helens. Lumber shipments from St. Helens for the week ending Saturday have been the lightest for some time. The steamer Celllo load ed 950,000 feet for San Pedro and sailed Tuesday night and the Japanese steamer Holland Maru took on 1,200, 000 feet for the orient. Medford. Rural telephone users In Sams valley were severely shocked and telephones were burned out Fri day, when a Gold Hill truck driver backed Into an electric wire, causing a connection on the telephone line which charged the phones as far as the Gold Hill switchboard. Salem. Plans for a cold storage plant in Salem at a cost of approxi mately 75,000 were announced here Saturday by Louis Lachmund and H. A. Talbot of Salem -and C. A. McLaugh lin of Independence, The plant will be served by both the Oregon Electrlo and Southern Pacific railroads. Salem. The recent cold weather has caused but little damage to logan berry vines in the Willamette valley, according to the reports of experts who have investigated the berry-grow ing districts of this section. Broc coli has suffered to some extent, as has late-sown grain in the lowlands. Salem. There were three fatalities In Oregon due to industrial accidents during the week ending February 2, according to a report filed by the state Industrial accident commission here. The victims were C. F. Monear, whistle boy, Silverton; L. H. Young, logger, Eugene, and W. W. Osborne, carpenter, Oregon City. Gaston. At a meeting of the local members of the Oregon Dairymen's league It was voted unanImously-to form a local organization and take over the Gaston cheese factory at the price it cost the league to build. The meeting was called by the trustees as a step in the process of liquidat ing the league organization. Bend. Beef blood baits containing tasteless strychnine have been placed In the country tributary to Bend, Red mond, Sisters, Deschutes and Tumalo, In the campaign against the coyote be ing waged by D. L. Jamison, county agent. Coyotes have Increased rap idly in Deschutes county in the last year, and have caused considerable Iobs to sheepmen. Heppner. Local ice men were hast ening the Ice harvest Saturday be cause of the warm weather, . which threatened to break the longest winter of record here. Stockmen have been feeding continuously since about No vember 15 and snow has covered the ground most of the time since that date. The cold has not been severe and stock is wintering well, with plenty of hay yet on hand for sev eral weeks' feeding. t$m$ ti & ;lfefe!DOUIBLE treat ' k 'mmt "Peppermint VOSi V Jacke over Pep. J 10 for 5c Sugar jacket just "melts in your mouth," then you get the delec table gum center. And with Wrigley's three standbys also affording friendly aid to teeth, throat, breath, ap petite and digestion. Soothing, thirst-quenching. Making the next cigar taste better. - - vxfrv 1 n r sis. 6 Seaside. Plans are being launched to have a large sanitarium, with every modern convenience, erected at Sea side. While it is a well-recognized fact that Seaside Is one of the health lest places In the United States and that government-statistics show Infant mortality to be the very lowest here, yet the fact Is not so well known that many remarkable cures have been ef fected on persons afflicted with dis eases of long standing. is needed In every department of house keeping. Equslly good for towels, table linen, sheets and pillow esses. Groan Testing Atmospheric Pollution. Automatlo records of atmospheric pollution are kept in England by means of an air filter which at the end of every fifteen minutes draws a known volume of air through a piece of f(ne blotting paper. The darkness of the circle of deposit left on the paper indicates the amount of sus pended matter in the air. Foreign Customs. In Sweden a physician cannot sue for his fee, while in Belgium a so licitor is in a similar position. By Chinese law, not only the doctor, but also the priest, the fortune-teller and clairvoyant are without legal remedy. All these debts are, however, looked upon as "debts of honor," and pay ment is rarely evaded. The Uninformed. At the height of the Derby fever In London two men were arguing on a literary subject on the top of an omni bus: "Well," said one, "John puts Bleak House' first and 'Martin Chuz- zlewit' second." A hoarse voice inter rupted from the seat behind. "Gentle men," lt said, "I don't know your pal John, but you're beln' had. There's no such horses runnln'." A Lady of Distinction. Is recognized by the delicate fascinat ing Influence of the perfume she uses, A bath with Cutlcura Soup and hoi water to thoroughly cleanse the pores, followed by a dusting with Cutlcura Talcum Powder usually menns a clear, sweet, healthy skin. Adv. Course of Hudson River. The Hudson river rises In the hills to the west of Lake Champlaln and after a southerly course of about 200 miles falls Into the Atlantic ocean below, the city of New York. It is navigable as far as Troy, 166 miles above New York, and Is connected by canals with Lakes Champlaln and Erie. When the Blind "See." Persons who have been stricken blind after once having enjoyed the sense of sight invariably "see" in their dreams, and it would seem that they see very vividly, for they say that they "see" things in their dreams that their eyes have never behold. The Ready Answer, A schoolboy answering the question, "What was the Sherman act?" re plied, "Marching through Georgia." Cause of Rainbow. The rainbow Is caused by the rays of the sun passing through drops of water and being separated by these drops into the primary colors. A sim ilar effect can be obtained by placing a triangular piece of glass before the eyes In the sunlight. Pests Able to Travel Far. Investigations have shown that cer tain kinds of malaria-bearing mosqui toes can fly over four miles. Unkind Classification. Rosamund always Insists on running the games, so one day Jeannette got tired of it, and came upstairs, mad as could be, threw down her hat, and said: "I just am not going to play with her any more, for she never will let me be the mother. She always makes me be the papa or the dog." Changing Fashions In Hats. During the last 300 years there have been more changes in hat fashions than In any other part of men's attire. The Butterfly. Ah, the butterfly 1 Even when chased, lt never has the air of being In a hurry. "Japanese Lyrics." Vulcanizing Discovered In 1834. The discovery of the process of vul canizing rubber, for which a patent was granted, was in 1834. , Smoking Is American Habit. Many efforts have been made to show that the use of tobacco was known to the ancient Greeks and Egyptians, but they never have been successful. The belief is generally ac cepted that the American aborigines were the first to make use of the weed and that Columbus was the first man to chronicle its use. Cuticura Talcum is Fragrant and .Very Healthful Sampl free of Cutlcura Laboratories. Dept. X, Maiden, Mats. 2fic everywhere. JfllJIDINR R",s- ReirNbes, Seethes, JlLrPyii Heals-Keep your Eyes ? ' 1 Strong and Healthy.'! WfilAa" theyTire, Smart, Itch, on VfilirvfctftC Burn-if Sore Irritated, IUUK LTLj Inflamed or Granulated, se Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult t all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book MurlDC Eye Hemedy Company. Cblcsee. U. S. Are You fidTSir7r le the Blsiest, most perfectly equipped BuslnetM Training School In the North west. Fit yourself for m hlfhar position with more money. Permanent sosltlene assured our Graduate. Write t6r eataJoe; Fourta and TamhUt, Porttasd. P. N. U. No. 6, 1922